Allen Andrade Deserves to Die


I was reminded when I came home from my trip to check in on the brutal murder of Angie Zapata when I found that at some point “Wow” left this comment on my original post:

I can’t believe how many people are saying that Zapata seems to have no partial fault in the resulting death. I don’t have to worry about telling someone my genetic (XY/XX) status. I would think that someone who had started out live as one and was turned into the other, would say,”oh btw, i was ‘X’ and now i am ‘Y’.” I think it would show something about that someone.
Things people should say upfront;
I am divorced
I am an ex con
I have (insert STD)
I was once a (genitalia description)
So the (bio)man gets the shock of his life. And no one seem to be saying. just maybe (non bio) woman should have said something sooner. instead we get, “it is a macho thing. (bio) males are dumb and can’t resolve shocks without violence.” just WOW

Really? What “Wow” is implying is that Zapata bought this on him/herself which is ludicrous and sinister apologia for people who think violence against gays, women or some combination of the two is acceptable. His idea that the murderer was a shocked lover is in direct opposition of the facts of the case as they stand. As I said in the original post, Zapata’s killer had sex with her, then killed her to cover up his own peculiar predilections:

Allen Ray Andrade, 31, was arrested in Thornton on Tuesday and faces second-degree murder and aggravated motor vehicle theft charges.

In an arrest affidavit obtained by 9NEWS, Andrade admits to police to killing Angie Zapata, 20, who was living as a woman but born as Justin Zapata.

Zapata was found beaten to death in a Greeley apartment in the 2000 block of 4th Street on July 17. Authorities say Zapata had suffered fatal wounds to her head and face.

The affidavit says Andrade met Zapata on a social networking site, MocoSpace, and the two arranged to meet July 15.

Zapata picked Andrade up in Thornton where he lived and the pair returned to Zapata’s Greeley apartment together. Andrade told police Zapata performed a sexual act on him.

The following day, the affidavit explains, Andrade started to look at photos in the apartment and questioned Zapata’s sex. That night, Andrade questioned Zapata directly, according to the affidavit, and Andrade says Zapata responded, “I’m all woman.”

At which point he say he grabbed Zapata’s crotch, found a penis and then beat the 20-year-old to death.You know, because after spending the night with Zapata he had yet to notice that Zapata was a man living as a woman. Right. Of course. That’s totally possible.

Or maybe Andrade developed a taste for the lady boys on one of the many bids he did in prison:

Andrade has a lengthy record that includes attempt to commit first-degree criminal trespass, attempt to commit theft from a person, possession of a contraband, attempted escape and attempt to commit theft by receiving. He served time for each of the convictions.

Make no mistake, Andrade knew Zapata was a male to female transgender the whole time and planned on killing her after sex, just as he likely assaulted and beat his rape victims in prison. The hate crime charge many groups want to slap on Andrade plays right into his defense lawyers hands by claiming this was the reaction of a homophobe and not the cold blooded planned murder of Zapata by a sexually sadistic killer.

Allan Andrade trolled MoCoSpace for victims, he found a person who I say he knew was a male-to-female transsexual and decided to victimize Zapata because he knew Zapata would be submissive to him. He knew he could dominate Zapata and as the last ultimate act of domination he killed the 20-year-old and stole her car.

Zapata’s living situation is inconsequential to this crime. Andrade would have found some other victim had he not found Angie Zapata and he would have done the same thing. Allen Andrade will kill again if given the chance and like the rabid dog he is he should be put down.

Allen Andrade deserves to die, not because Angie Zapata was transgendered and certainly not because various groups are using Zapata’s death to “shed light” on the plight of transsexuals, but because Zapata deserves justice and justice can only be delivered through the death of Allen Andrade.

I’m Back from Connecticut!

Just woke up after napping a little after me and the Mrs. came back to South Carolina from New England. Any nostalgia I had for the area is now officially gone.

More on that later because for the weekend I’ll be putting up a post about being abused by an Obama supporter who just so happened to be the distant relative we went up to help recover from elective surgery.

It’s a long story. Anyway while I was gone I was attempting to keep up with things on my Asus Eee which the Mrs. tricked out for mobile blogging, but the house I was staying at had intermittent Wi-Fi and the person we were visiting was a needy parasite. So if you’ve sent me an email and I haven’t got back to you I’m not ignoring you.  Resend it if I don’t respond because I’m way behind on my correspondence and your message is probably buried in the hundreds of emails in my account.

Red Alerts Kills Christians!

Were I on R.J. Eskow’s radar I’m sure I would have made his list of people who really killed the Unitarians which was compiled mostly of people he either disagreed with or disliked.

It’s a dishonest and wicked ploy to score cheap political points on the backs of murdered people. Wicked because it uses the deaths of his supposed fellow travelers to attack people who have little to do with the situation, dishonest because it ignores the radical atheism of Jim Adkisson, the murderer in question:

Karen Massey, who lived two houses from Adkisson’s home, told the Knoxville News Sentinel of a lengthy conversation she had with Adkisson a couple years ago after she told him her daughter had just graduated from Johnson Bible College. She said she ended up having to explain to him that she was a Christian.

“He almost turned angry,” she told the newspaper. “He seemed to get angry at that. He said that everything in the Bible contradicts itself if you read it.”

Massey said Adkisson talked frequently about his parents, who “made him go to church all his life … He acted like he was forced to do that.”

In those few paragraphs Adkisson sounds more like the gals from Pandagon then the random list of people whose main crime is in some way gaining the animosity R.J. Eskow:

Who really killed those Unitarians? Was it the preachers who spread hatred and intolerance? The politicians who court and flatter them instead of condemning their hate speech? The media machine that attacks liberals, calls them “traitors” and suggests you speak to them “with a baseball bat”? The economic system that batters people like Jim Adkisson until they snap, then tells them their real enemies are gays and liberals and secular humanists?

If you ask me, it was all of the above.

You killed them, Pat Robertson. You killed them, Pastor Hagee. You killed them, Ann Coulter. You killed them, Dick Morris and Sean Hannity and the rest of you at Fox News.

Conspicuously absent from Eskow’s list is Richard Dawkins or the cottage industry of anti-religiosity that teaches people to hate the religious. But those people are of the left, jut as the Unitarian Universalists so they cannot possibly be responsible.

It is here that, were this crime not so horrible, I’d be half tempted to compile a list of people liberal Christians killed. It would be here that I’d put forward that Liberalism is the effeminate, secularized bastardization of true religion and Liberal Christianity is little more than a half-hearted attempt to convince the world that Liberals care as much about the spiritual world as they do about how much money I happen to have in my pocket or if my donut has trans-fats.

Perhaps it would be inappropriate at a time like this to say that liberal Christianity is a disease eating away Western Civilization. The pompous desire “fix” criminals rather than punish them is simply the liberal version of turn the other cheek. The moral weakness liberal Christianity puts forward as so desirable is a rank perversion of the Christian doctrine of humility.

It is this nonsense and much more that leads to death after death, outrage after outrage. Eskow claims there is a long list of people who were responsible for the tragedy beside the shooter, but what about the long list of victims claimed by the ethical bankruptcy spread by liberal Christians and their “anything goes’ morality.

R.J. Eskow and his ilk are responsible for the Tate-Lablaca murders, the Lunsford murder, and countless atrocities by giving license to degenerates to run wild in our streets. Liberal Christianity preaches weakness and effeminacy which encourages Islamic Imperialism, and has led to the deaths of millions as Muslim fundamentalists spread their bleak vision of hell on earth unchallenged.

Perhaps it’d be inappropriate to recommend people like R.J. Eskow read Alan de Benoist’s On being Pagan and see how his own liberal Christian views end up being a metaphorical “Kick me” sign on his back. But I think were I to say all that it wouldn’t approach the level of bad taste and childishness of Eskow’s attempt to shift the blame for Adkisson’s murder spree from the shoulders of a man who hated not only gays and liberals but also Christians in generals to those same Christians who could have just as easily been the victims.

And of course the rest of us right wingers who Eskow secretly wishes were the real victims.

h/t Hot Air

Muslim Man Attending Mosque Conference Goes on Crime Spree in Tennessee

It began of course with the attempted rape of a Christian woman and escalated from there:

An Atlanta man who allegedly stole a truck in Shelbyville Wednesday is in critical condition in a Chattanooga hospital after allegedly attempting to sexually assault a woman, run down a deputy and flee from police at high speed through Franklin County.

According to a report by Shelbyville police officer Josh Leverette, Francisco Carrillo told authorities that Abbas Hussein, who was in town “for a camp” at an East Depot Street location described by Leverette as “possibly a Somalian mosque,” reached into Carrillo’s right front pocket and took his car keys.

Carrillo told police he believed Hussein may have been headed toward Murfreesboro to possibly board a bus for Atlanta, since he asked for a ride to the bus station earlier in the day, the report said.

Instead, Hussein allegedly took the 1996 Ford Explorer and headed south, where he allegedly entered Center Grove Baptist Church between Estill Springs and Tullahoma about 9 p.m. and allegedly attempted to rape a woman in the building.

A report by Franklin County Deputy Charles Stines stated that Hussein entered the church asking for water, but the woman present asked him to leave when she became suspicious of the man.

Hussein then allegedly tried to convince the woman to perform a sex act and when she refused to do so, offered her $10 for the act, with the woman telling Hussein “she was a Christian and married and that he needed to leave.”

The report states that Hussein grabbed the woman’s hand and twisted it, but she began to kick him and he let her go. She then entered the office of the church with the man behind her, according to police records, with Hussein allegedly grabbing her purse, but the woman “forcibly removed it from his hands.”

Following a struggle, the woman was able to shut the door, placing her feet on a cabinet to brace herself against the door to prevent the man from getting into the church office. The woman then called 9-1-1 to report the incident, at which time Hussein left the building.

Read the Rest. Religion of Peace indeed.

h/t R.O.P.

Brits Shocked to Find Fundamentalist Muslims Believe in Islamic Fundamentalism

The end result of multiculturalism that was foreseen by everyone except the multiculturalists. From The Telegraph:

The survey found that extreme Islamist ideology has a profound influence on a significant minority of Muslims on campuses across the country.

The findings will concern police chiefs, the security services and ministers, who are struggling with radicalisation among Muslim communities.

The YouGov poll was conducted for the Right-wing think tank, the Centre for Social Cohesion, at 12 universities, including Imperial College and Kings College London. It also found:

* 40 per cent support the introduction of sharia into British law for Muslims

* a third back the notion of a worldwide Islamic caliphate (state) based on sharia law

* 40 per feel it is unacceptable for Muslim men and women to mix freely

* 24 per cent do not think men and women are equal in the eyes of Allah

* a quarter have little or no respect for homosexuals.

Although 53 per cent said that killing in the name of religion was never justified, compared with 94 per cent of non-Muslims, 32 per cent said that it was. Of these, 4 per cent said killing could be justified to “promote or preserve” religion, while 28 per cent said it was acceptable if that religion were under attack.

I wonder who the 6% of non-Muslims who said religious killing was justified were? Ancient Aztecs?

While the numbers actually aren’t in the majority four in every ten Muslims believing in a caliphate doesn’t bode well for England.

Doesn’t this poll prove that English values should be taught in schools and assimilation should be the goal of education of immigrants?

But more importantly, exactly when are the English going to stop being shocked by the fact that allowing Muslims to preach Islamic superiority will radicalize Muslim youth?

h/t Hot AirÂ