Patriotic Pin-Up Gina Elise on Fox Los Angeles


Patriot Gina Elise is still fighting the good fight helping veterans with the profits from her classic cheesecake calendar. She was recently interviewed by Fox 11 in L.A. which is as good an excuse as any to put up some tasteful link bait, er I mean cheesecake:


Support her Pin-Ups for Vets project. Buy a calendar and help hospitalized veterans and you’ll see pictures like this:


And if you love classic Pin-Ups check out Bunny Yeager’s Pin-Up Girls of the 50s.

County Commissioner Bill James on North Carolina Democrats Enabling Crime

When I moved to South Carolina I took an interest in the crime rates of the surrounding environs. I quickly learned that Charlotte, North Carolina was a modern version of the semi-Lawless East Orange, NJ I grew up in in the 70s and 80s. A place where criminals fear nothing and rapes, robberies and murders in broad daylight are commonplace.

Crime in Charlotte, NC is a blog I read at least weekly and they have a copy of an email Mecklenburg County Commissioner Bill James wrote to a family explaining why justice for their murdered daughter was being delayed. James is an old fashioned politician who shoots straight and doesn’t sugarcoat the truth and his letter explains exactly why Charlotte is more dangerous than even NYC:

It is a sad day in America and Charlotte when your daughter and family can’t receive justice and closure over this tragedy from Charlotte’s officials.

The County Commission here in Charlotte had an opportunity to leave $3 million in a reserve for crime fighting identified by the County Manager as a result of local public pressure of the escalating crime problem. It was already IN the budget and the Manager had already recommended it for funding. A Task Force was set up to evaluate how best to allocate the money. All the Democrats had to do was nothing, just leave the money alone so that the process could work. They were unable to resist grabbing the money (or most of it) for their friends.

We were to use that money to hire additional assistant DA’s and move cases through the court system faster. Right now, each Assist. DA has roughly 250 cases to manage. You can imagine the lack of justice that exists in Charlotte right now. Criminals have an open season to murder, rape, rob and assault with abandon. Charlotte is as lawless as some old west town in 1870. Money for public defenders is three times the money for the DA’s office that prosecutes the crooks.

The Democrats (sad but true) gutted this $3 million crime fighting reserve for the District Attorney’s office like they were filleting a fish, taking the money and moving it into social programs for those that are their buddies. In Charlotte it is who you know that counts.

Read the rest. More hope and change from the left, and with commanding majorities in the House and Senate, and a a good chance at putting a doctrinaire liberal in the White house, the rest of the country will start looking just like Charlotte.

Victimless Crime File: Robert Cisero Smashes Daughter’s Ankle with Hammer to Get Pain Pills


The pills were for himself of course. His daughter suffered without them:

MEDFORD, Ore. — A 46-year-old Medford man is in jail, accused of striking his teenage daughter’s ankle with a hammer so he could use the pain pills she would receive.

Authorities say Robert Cisero drove his daughter to the Providence Hospital parking lot where he struck her in the ankle with a hammer.

He then told hospital doctors the bruises on his daughter’s ankle were from a skating accident. About a month later, the daughter told someone else what actually happened and that person contacted police.

Medford Police Detective Sergeant Mike Budreau says Cisero is addicted to pain medication — and has been for some time. Budreau says Cisero has a criminal history stretching back to the early 1990s.

But people taking drugs aren’t criminals right? They at best need help, but we should just legalize drugs and be done with it, right?

Bull. Drug addicts commit horrendous crimes when they run out of money, and they ALL run out of money. Drug education must teach kids that this is the real face of the drug culture.

The Mail Tribune has more details:

Cisero, who lives in the 500 block of Pennsylvania Avenue, was indicted Tuesday in Jackson County Circuit Court on charges of first-degree criminal mistreatment and fourth-degree assault. The mistreatment charge, a felony, stems from Cisero causing harm to someone in his care, Budreau said.

“Even if the girl originally agreed to go along with the plan, Cisero is still her father and is ultimately responsible for her well-being,” Budreau said.

Cisero has a criminal history stretching back to the early 1990s. He has had several restraining orders placed against him, as well as convictions on felony weapons, theft, forgery and drug charges, court records show.

On Tuesday, the court barred Cisero from contact with his daughter or any minor, records show.

“We are seeing an increasing problem with addiction to prescription pain medication,” Budreau said. “It’s much like any other drug when it comes to the damage it causes.”

Cisero hurt his daughter so he could get high. He belongs in jail, then Hell.

h/t Crime Scene KC

Cartel Boss Arrested in San Diego

Ready for that fence, yet?

A 24-year-old man who was wanted on suspicion of running an organized crime ring in Baja California is being held in San Diego pending extradition to Mexico.

FBI agents from San Diego and Riverside arrested José Manuel Garibay Félix on Friday morning at a Department of Motor Vehicles office in Riverside County.

Garibay Félix had been living in Riverside with a sister.

Mexican authorities said Garibay Félix, who was born near Yuma, Ariz., frequently crossed between the United States and Mexico.

“It is a very important arrest,” said Agustín Pérez, a spokesman for the Baja California Public Safety Secretariat. “He is a very violent person.”

The Los Garibay organization used to be closely affiliated with the Arellano-Félix drug cartel, Pérez said. It now works for the Sinaloa drug cartel, he said.

Mexican authorities have requested Garibay Félix’s extradition on kidnapping and murder charges, Pérez said.

An 11-page complaint on file in U.S. District Court says Garibay Félix and his relatives ran the organization out of the Los Garibay Ranch in the Mexicali Valley of Baja California.

At the ranch, they grew, packaged and shipped marijuana, the complaint says. They also made and sold methamphetamine.

The organization kidnapped and killed a police officer from the Public Prosecutor’s Office, according to the complaint.

The Sinaloa Cartel is the criminal organization that is pretty much defeating the Mexican government militarily these days, and will soon be the de facto government of large swaths of the country if Calderon can’t push them back. The fact that one of their underbosses is crossing into America means they’re organized enough here to make a big wig comfortable. The unprecedented power of the Cartels is a good argument for not only a fence but for the government to start putting more troops-on the border and maybe even helping the Federales with combat operations.

The alternative is to share a border with a country controlled by a criminal empire with access to military arms.

Chavez Working with Hezbollah to Prepare Terrorists for Asymmetrical Warfare with United States

Fausta translated an article detailing the Chavez government’s program to build a Latin American Hezbollah wing controlled by the radical Socialist PSUV. The goal is to produce a group with the ability to wage an asymmetrical campaign against the U.S. and perhaps Columbia similar to Hezbollah’s campaign against Israel. To that end Chavez is sending Venezuelans to Southern Lebanon to train with Hezbollah.

From Fausta’s translation Patricia Poleo:

Tarek el Ayssami, Venezuela’s vice-Minister of the Interior, along with others affiliated with Hezbollah, such as Lebanon-born Gahzi Nasserddine currently the Business Liaison at the Venezuelan embassy in Damascus, along with [his brother by surname] Ghasan Atef Salameh Nasserddine (a) Abu Ali, are in charge of recruiting young Venezuelan Arabs affiliated to the PSUV [Chavez’s own Venezuelan Socialist Party], to be sent to South Lebanon for combat training in Hezbollah camps.

The purpose of the training is for preparing the youths for asymmetrical war against the United States.

Once back in Venezuela, the youths are welcomed by two members of the Islamic Center of Venezuela, who were previously involved in illegally bringing Hezbollah Lebanese through the area of Margarita with fake passports. During February 2002, one of these men brought a group of Hezbollah members who came from Brazil, from Margarita, and then sheltered at the Islamic Center in El Paraiso.

Once the Venezuelas return from their training in Lebanon they meet with radical youths from the PSUV affiliated with UNEFA [the university run by the Armed Forces] and the Unversidad Bolivariana de Venezuela [Venezuelan Bolivarian University].

These groups and individuals are closely affiliated with the Hezbollah Organization in Venezuela, along with al-Qaeda Iraqis currently living in Venezuela. They are also related to the Palestinian Democratic Front, headed by Salid Ahmed Rahman, whose “official” office is located in Caracas’s Central Park.

Read the rest of the report, which also accuses Chavez of harboring Al-Qaeda. This is not the first time we’ve heard about a Chavez/Hezbollah connection. I wonder how the Chavez worshiping left in this country will react when a Chavez funded Hezbollah is launching Katyusha rockets into San Diego and Tuscon?

I’m sure they’ll cheer.