Degenerate Californians Stood and Watched Sergio Casian Aguiar Kick his Infant Son to Death

I argued yesterday in the comments to the Dreamin’ Demon post on the Aguiar murder that at least the people tried to help the baby, assuming the witnesses had actually tried.

I was wrong, according to this S.F. Gate article the witnesses did nothing to stop this monster from murdering the child.

Let’s start with the first “man” on the scene, a heroic volunteer firefighter. When he and his old lady saw Sergio killing the baby he swung into action:

McKain, of Crows Landing, said she drove past Sergio Aguiar’s pickup Saturday night on West Bradbury Road and, at first, thought he was “kicking garbage or something.”

But she said her boyfriend, Dan Robinson, told her to back up and put her headlights on Aguiar.

“Sure enough, he was kicking a baby around,” McKain said.

She said the child was unconscious, his clothes falling off, and looked liked a “rag doll.” Robinson, a volunteer fire chief in Crows Landing, showed Aguiar his badge and ordered him to stop, but Aguiar calmly said something like, “It’s just trash,” McKain said.

Aguiar also said, “Look how they make toys now,” McKain said, and at one point asked Robinson for a knife.

When Robinson went into the pickup to turn on the hazard lights, Aguiar stopped kicking the boy, helped him find the flashers, then went back to his attack, McKain said. She said there was blood in the truck’s cab.

What?!?! Shouldn’t Robinson have tried to, I don’t know, physically intervene? He was killing a baby right in front of his eyes! Killing a baby!

What sort of man, of any age, can sit by and watch that? Robinson is worse than a coward.

But wait, it gets worse. You see, it’s not like Robinson was alone. There was a whole crowd of people standing around:

McKain said her son, her son’s wife and her son’s friend were also there, as were a woman and a man who pulled up in separate cars. She estimated that she saw Aguiar kick or stomp his son at least 100 times, but she said no one tried to stop him because he appeared to be dangerous. One fear was that “maybe he had something in his pocket,” she said.

Oh. In other words, cowardice. There were more than enough people there to subdue Aguiar but they would rather have a baby beaten to death than risk injury to themselves. How disgusting is that?

Then the degenerates have the unmitigated gall to make themselves out as victims! For example there’s Lisa Mota, who is a typical example of the self-absorbed attention vampire who uses the tragedy of others to demand the massive amount of pity she needs from others to fill the void in her being where a soul should be:

Another witness, 23-year-old Lisa Mota, said Aguiar “wasn’t acting like a crazy person, running around or screaming. He said, ‘I’ve just got to get the demons out of him.’ He was very calm.’ ”

Mota said she went to a counselor Monday to talk about what she saw but wasn’t ready to talk about it publicly.

“Even having witnessed it, I still can’t believe it happened,” she said. “I don’t think it’s ever going to leave my mind. For someone like me who is about to start a family, it’s a fear that there’s people out there like that – that even have the thought to kill a child.”

What should disturb a young mother more is the idea that there are people out there without the will or moral certitude to protect a child. There were at least three men there, and since women are able to do anything men can do we have a group of people who could have easily overwhelmed Aguiar, but didn’t because they, in their own way, are just as evil.

Evil isn’t just abhorrent acts, it is the absence of doing good. Evil is the loss of knowledge of what is right, honor, integrity, self-sacrifice. When we as a society lose these ideals we allow evil to replace them. It is evil to watch a baby be murdered; it was evil when the Aztecs watched their priests do it on the blood soaked steps of the Temple of the Sun and it was evil on a dark California road when a crowd gathered to witness another child sacrifice.

It is equally evil for those who should be shamed by those actions to go on with their lives as if they were victims, it dishonors the memory of that poor child and elevates the craven impulse of the coward until it seems acceptable. These people who watched should be publicly shamed, and perhaps made to tend the grave of the child they did nothing to save.

Update: Julian points out in the comments that other reports claim two of the men wrestled the man but could not stop him, making those witnesses unmanly at best, but brave and deserving of our respect. My opinion of Mota and the people who watched and didn’t help has not changed.

Update: People you’ll See in Hell has a good post on Aguiar, thanks Dylan’s Mommy!

Update: Michelle Malkin isn’t happy about this story. She reminds us that incidents like this are the end result of us abandoning the ideal of a culture of self-defense.

Three Ohio Jihadis Convicted on Terrorism Charges

Mohammad Amawi, Marwan El-Hindi, and Wassim Mazloum were convicted of a variety of charges, including plotting to attack troops in Iraq, by a federal jury in Toledo, Ohio. The case is interesting because The NEFA Foundation has released one of the expert reports used to convict the men which gives details of the evidence against them but more importantly has a succinct operational history of Al-Qaeda. It’s a must read.

Along with Jihad Incorporated by Steve Emerson and Future Jihad by Walid Phares this report by Evan F. Kohlmann belongs in the library of any serious counter Jihadist.

But Pot Doesn’t Hurt Anyone! However Pot Smokers Kill Babies and Break a Lot of Laws

It’s a subtle distinction my friends, and one that is best illustrated by pot smoking miscreant Yasheika Battle who’s having a hard time keeping out of trouble even though she’s being investigated for the death of her infant son.

The son who died after she was arrested on the maternity ward for smoking pot just two days after giving birth to him. She was smoking pot in the maternity ward.

Unsurprisingly, she’s in trouble with the law again and her little son is dead:

NORWALK – A city woman whose baby died almost three months after she was charged with smoking marijuana in her maternity room was arrested on a probation violation charge yesterday.

Yasheika Battle, 29, of 45 Ely Ave. and 20 Oak St., Norwalk, was arrested when she arrived at state Superior Court in Norwalk.

Her infant son, Justin Ali, died May 8. The baby; his father, Zamil Ali, and Battle were sleeping in the same bed that night.

The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner has not determined what caused the 11-week-old baby’s death.

Although Battle and Ali were investigated, no charges have been filed.

During Battle’s arraignment yesterday, the probation department’s recommendation of a $10,000 bond was reduced to a written promise to appear in court.

Battle was convicted Nov. 1, 2006, of second-degree criminal damage of property, according to an arrest warrant affidavit. She was then given a one-year prison sentence, suspended after six months served and followed by three years of probation.

On Feb. 14, she was arrested on the possession of a controlled substance charge.

Battle was found by a Norwalk Hospital nursing supervisor standing in a hallway in her hospital gown and socks dripping wet, the affidavit states; she appeared disoriented.

When the nurse went into her bathroom to turn off the running shower, she spotted a pack of matches on the sink and a “brown tobacco-like butt in the toilet,” the affidavit said.

The real crime here is that Connecticut Child Services allowed this train wreck to keep her child after being arrested time after time for getting high and acting stupid. By the gods, this woman is almost 30 and she’s getting high in a maternity ward. What activity could scream unfit parent louder and clearer than that?

Justin Ali is dead not because pot is illegal, but because pot smokers are bad parents. I know that people will argue the point that legalization will lower crime, but Justin would have died whether pot was legal or not and that’s the kind of crime legalization could never lower.

h/t Trench

Police Dispense Justice to Man who Stomped Baby to Death

Witnesses who called police were unable to stop a berserk man from beating a baby to death on a dark country road. When police arrived the man would not stop his brutal assault so the police did what they had to do:

TURLOCK, Calif. — Police killed a 27-year-old man as he kicked, punched and stomped a toddler to death despite other people’s attempts to stop him on a dark, country road, authorities said.

Investigators on Sunday were trying to establish the relationship between the suspect and the child they say he killed Saturday night. The Stanislaus County coroner said the boy appeared to be between 1 and 2 years old based on his size, according to county sheriff’s deputy Royjindar Singh.

“It’s been a long night of wondering, ‘Why?’ — not only for the officers and the passers-by who stopped and tried to help out, but for anyone. Why would somebody do this?” Singh said.

Singh said the coroner does not plan to confirm the identities of the suspect and victim until Monday. Because his injuries were so severe, the child will have to be identified through a blood or DNA test, he said.

The suspect had a child’s car seat in the back of his four-door pickup truck. The truck caught the attention of an elderly couple at 10:13 p.m. Saturday because it was stopped in the two-lane road facing the wrong direction, Singh said.

As they got closer, the couple saw the man brutally beating the toddler behind his truck and throwing the child on the ground, according to Singh. Two or three other cars stopped, an unusual number to be passing through the remote area surrounded by a dairy, a cow pasture, a cornfield and a farmhouse, he said.

“What we got from witnesses is he was punching, slapping, kicking, stomping, shaking,” Singh said. “They tried to intervene and get involved, but their efforts really didn’t have an effect. The suspect was engaged in what he was doing. He just pushed them off and went back to it.”

A sheriff’s helicopter responding to emergency calls from the area landed in a cow pasture at 10:19 p.m. carrying a Modesto police officer who shot the man to death after he refused an order to stop beating the child, Singh said.

Paramedics tried to resuscitate the toddler, who was not breathing when they arrived. The boy was taken to a local hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

It’s just too bad none of the witnesses had guns themselves, or perhaps then the baby would have lived.

Dreamin’ Demon has interesting discussion on this one, including a comment by yours truly with some very unfortunate spelling errors.

Elizabeth Gayle Feller is the Neighbor from Hell



ISLE OF PALMS — Police have accused a 50th Avenue woman of breaking into her next-door neighbors’ house in April and smearing her own blood on the walls after the neighbors wouldn’t let her use their swimming pool, police said.

Elizabeth Gayle Feller, 23, is charged with two counts of first-degree burglary. Her blood matched the DNA profile, an affidavit said. Police learned that she had a disagreement with the neighbors about the use of the pool, police Lt. Ray Wright said.

Someone broke into the home April 7, threw items about and smeared blood on cabinets, doors, bed linens, furniture and walls, an affidavit said. The word “PIGS” and an obscene word were written in blood on the walls.

Another home on 50th Avenue was burglarized April 26. Similarly, items were thrown about, a mirror was broken and the burglar carved words into the walls with the broken shards, an affidavit said.

Gee, you think drugs were involved?

I guess we’ll start calling this a “reverse Manson” since she (thankfully) didn’t use someone else’s blood to write “Pigs” on the walls. But let’s be honest, if this is true it’s only a matter of time before she does.

Why does Feller think she has the right to use someone else’s pool anyway? Getting upset because someone won’t let you hang around their house is childish enough, add the whole blood sport factor and you’re looking at a girl with some serious misconceptions about life.

So what’s the call here? Is Feller a psycho Emo kid or the spoiled child of rich self-involved hippy parents who didn’t want to “stifle her creativity’ by setting proper boundaries? I’m betting a little of both, with some chronic drug use thrown in.

She must have been high to pull a caper like this:

According to an affidavit released by the City of Isle of Palms, a person broke into a residence on the Isle of Palms April 7. A suspect executed “malicious injury to property,” as the report states, with furniture and items strewn about the entire residence, cuttings and carvings embedded in wooden cabinets and blood smeared on cabinets, doors, bed linens, furniture and walls.

The affidavit says the word “PIGS” and another obscene word were written in blood on the interior walls. A set of culinary knives was taken from the property, according to the report. The approximate value of damage to the property is $7,000, said Wright.

The affidavit states that the blood-drop trail led police to the suspect’s Isle of Palms home where they observed multiple lacerations on her left hand. According to the affidavit, a search warrant was obtained for DNA comparison of the blood samples.

Three weeks later on April 26, another home on 50th Avenue was burglarized. Again furniture was turned over and the kitchen cabinet door had been vandalized in the same way as before with the cuts and carvings, an affidavit said.

Imagine coming home to find some weirdo had wrote messages to you in blood, and smeared it in your bed. Nightmarish!

Now imagine if a trail of blood spots led to the assailant, who turns out to be the mousy little freak always trying to get in your pool and basically turned her hand into hamburger just to make a point. I’d never be able to sleep again.

Let’s hope that Feller gets some drug treatment while she’s in jail and a whole lot of therapy.

h/t Trench