Former CBI Agent James Crippin Arrested, Bomb Making Material Found at His Home

54-year old James Crippin worked for the Colorado Bureau of Investigation from 1988 until 2002. In that time Crippin was a model citizen, except for one traffic violation in 2001, according to KRDO reports. The former C.B.I. agent was running a website called Forensic Products and Services which sells drug residue testing kits and explosive residue detection kits to law enforcement and security professionals.

Now the former agent is under arrest, and a search of his home is said to have turned up bomb making materials. From KRDO:

PUEBLO – A former Colorado Bureau of Investigation agent was arrested Wednesday afternoon and taken to the Pueblo County Detention Center. He later posted his $35,000 bond. The arrest is the result of a lengthy investigation involving authorities from local, state, and federal levels.

The investigation also led to the evacuation of a Pueblo neighborhood after authorities executed a search warrant at his home at 1007 Candytuft Boulevard on Wednesday. Authorities would not immediately disclose what was in the home that posed a danger to the area, but the Pueblo Bomb Squad and Hazmat crews were called in and were at the home for hours. Police would only say a number of chemicals were found inside.

What was James Crippin up to? We may never know, but Crippin is out on $35,000 bond now, and his website is still active. KRDO has a video report that includes background on Crippin.

h/t N.T.A.

England’s Slimiest Judge Makes New Disgusting Ruling

Remember the British judge who gave a rapist a measly two year sentence because he claimed the 11-year-old victim was asking for it? Well he’s outdone himself recently with a ruling so outrageous that maybe even American feminists will take notice. Though I doubt it.

Now Judge Julian Hall has ruled that a 35-year-old illegal immigrant who molested a 12-year-old girl will not face deportation after his jail term, because he’s not dangerous.

Yes, Really:

A JUDGE sparked outrage yesterday by ruling that an illegal immigrant who sexually abused a young girl for three years was “not dangerous” – and free to stay in Britain.

Pervert Nurul Islam will cost taxpayers more than £200,000 after being jailed for 5½ years.

Indian-born Islam, 35, of Oxford, began preying on the victim when she was 12.

He admitted ten counts of sex acts on a child.

But Judge Julian Hall told him at Oxford Crown Court: “I do not make a recommendation for deportation and I do not find you are dangerous.

“This is not a man who is going to go out on to the street looking to cause harm.”

Unless you consider a 35-year-old man having sex with 12-year-olds harm, which Judge hall clearly does not. Its starting to look like Hall has some, shall we say old fashioned views about men and women. Old fashioned in that he thinks it’s acceptable for men to rape and pillage their way through life.

The next time some hippy starts telling you how great England is compared to America, you remember Judge Julien Hall.

Born Bad: Audrey Eve Cahow

Audrey Eve Cahow had a long history of violence, often against the much older men she married. She assaulted and threatened numerous people with knives over the years and was a habitual drug user and a drunk. Despite that she was always treated with kid’s gloves by the justice system, receiving just three years probation for stabbing her 63-year-old husband in 1987. She was around 30 at the time.

For the next 21 years Audrey continued marrying, and stabbing, much older men. She also broke into a hospital in 1999 and chased a nurse around the building with a 16-inch butcher knife. But even that was not enough for the criminal justice system to take this dangerous woman’s propensity of violence seriously.

In 2004 she threaten to kill a neighbor and chased the woman with a knife. She was sentenced to 10 days in jail.

It should be no surprise that Audrey, now 51, is now a murderess:

DENVER — A 51-year-old woman was in jail Friday for investigation of first-degree murder after her arrest in connection with the fatal stabbing of a man in East Denver.

Audrey Eve Cahow was arrested Thursday afternoon at 2535 E. Asbury Avenue after police arrived to investigate a report of a stabbing.

Police found the body of an adult male, with multiple stab wounds in the home.

The victim was her most recent husband Anthony Martinez, 61, who got some good licks in himself considering she ended up in the intensive care unit. But why was Cahow allowed to continue a 20 plus year rampage with virtually no punishment? Why wasn’t the public protected from this maniac?

Dr. Helen says it’s an example of misandry but I’m not so sure that it isn’t more an example of the fallacy of rehabilitative justice than state enshrined bigotry against men. Rehabilitation, as anyone who has gotten sober will tell you, only works when one wants to be rehabilitated. Without the threat of severe punishment, and living in a society that coddles perpetual children like Cahow, she had no reason to want to change her life. Probation and mandated treatment didn’t change Cahow’s behaviour, it only made her angrier, more brazen and ultimately more dangerous.

The state cannot rehabilitate criminals. It is only the criminals themselves that have the power to change; we have no power to change them. The state should be in the business of punishing criminality not “helping” criminals, which in this case ended up costing Anthony Martinez his life.

Lee Baca: “In L.A. Race Kills”

Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca, who many critics tend to forget is Latino himself, wrote a scintillating opinion piece in the L.A. Times taking to task the willful liberal ignorance of the escalating racist violence between Latinos and Blacks in California:

Conversations about race are fraught with emotion, confusion and controversy. But that doesn’t mean we should avoid or sidestep the issue.

As a Latino raised in East Los Angeles, and as the elected sheriff of Los Angeles County for the last decade, I have seen many sides of the race issue. I have lived it, in fact.

So let me be very clear about one thing: We have a serious interracial violence problem in this county involving blacks and Latinos.

Some people deny it. They say that race is not a factor in L.A.’s gang crisis; the problem, they say, is not one of blacks versus Latinos and Latinos versus blacks but merely one of gang members killing other gang members (and yes, they acknowledge, sometimes the gangs are race-based).

But they’re wrong. The truth is that, in many cases, race is at the heart of the problem. Latino gang members shoot blacks not because they’re members of a rival gang but because of their skin color. Likewise, black gang members shoot Latinos because they are brown.


Furthermore, we have evidence linking inmates who are known as “shot callers” directly to street shootings based entirely on race. These shot callers at Pitchess and elsewhere are affiliated with gangs, to be sure, and in many cases they may give the order to kill a particular person or a member of a particular gang. But if that person or gang cannot be found, the shot caller will often order the gunman to find someone — anyone — who is black or brown and shoot them instead. Gang affiliation does not matter. Only the color of the victim’s skin matters.

I would even take this a step further and suggest that some of L.A.’s so-called gangs are really no more than loose-knit bands of blacks or Latinos roaming the streets looking for people of the other color to shoot. Our gang investigators have learned this through interviews in Compton and elsewhere throughout the county. L.A.’s gang wars have long been complicated by drugs, territory issues or money. Now, it can also be over color.

I’ve long argued that same point, and have been largely ignored by the “Afrosphere” and Black bloggers who want to believe that White liberalism has their best interest at heart. Sorry my “brothers” (and sisters) but as Baca’s piece points out, White liberals are glad to bury their heads in the sand while Latino gangs shoot random Black folk.

And clearly the Black community allowing their response to this to be handled by low-life gang-bangers only makes the problem worse. Where are the Black leaders? Where are the protests? Where are Rev Wright and Farakhan on this one?

Maybe you should return to your Republican roots.

Denver Police Stocking Up on Crowd Control Devices

Looks like they’re expecting trouble:

Denver police are stocking up on guns that fire a pepper spray-like substance instead of bullets – a less-lethal weapon used to disperse crowds – in advance of the Democratic National Convention.

The department recently ordered 88 Mark IV launchers and projectiles at a cost “in the low six figures,” the company that makes the weapons stated in a news release Monday.

The request was for delivery in advance of the DNC, according to Louisville- based Security With Advanced Technology Inc.

The convention, scheduled for Aug. 25 to 28 at the Pepsi Center, is expected to draw thousands of protesters to sites throughout Denver.

The city received a $50 million federal grant for security. A senior adviser to Mayor John Hickenlooper has said the city plans to spend up to half that amount on equipment, with the rest going to pay officers.

The moonbats planning to riot are spreading rumors designed to cause panic in the protest, thus ensuring that some sort of violence occurs:

Some organizers of protest groups believe police are buying extended-range Tasers and weapons that incapacitate people with high-intensity sound.

That’s great. Most of these protesters will be high and the organizers are claiming that they should watch out for “invisible rays” that will incapacitate them. What could go wrong?

Police may not be the only people stocking up for a clash in the midwest:

GENESEE TOWNSHIP, Mich. – Authorities say more than 50 guns have been stolen from a Flint-area firearms dealer.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives says surveillance cameras show at least four suspects breaking into Bullock’s Guns N More Inc. in Genesee County’s Genesee Township early Thursday and stealing the weapons.

The gun thefts happened in Democratic stronghold Michigan, which will no doubt be sending a large contingent to both the DNC convention and Recreate ’68. I’m not claiming to know there’s a definite connection, I’m just asking questions as truthers are apt to say.

Is it possible the far-left is radical enough to move from brick throwing to armed struggle?