Four California Prison Inmates Convicted of Plotting Terrorist Attacks

Three were American citizens, one a Pakistani. The leader, Levar Hanley Washington, is a Muslim convert who was allowed to form a Muslim group in prison that preached, among other things, the necessity of Muslims to murder Jews, Americans and “infidels.” He was sentenced to 22 years in prison.

His co-defendants will be sentenced later.  N.T.A. reports that the Pakistani defendant, Hammad Samana is a legal U.S. resident.

Religion of peace? What are the chances that four members of a “tiny minority of extremists” would end up in the same prison?

26 MS-13 Members Busted in North Carolina

The gang members were arrested as part of a joint operation between American and El Salvadorian authorities who tracked members’ activities in part through watching the leader of MS-13 who directs gang operations from a jail cell in the Latin American nation. It hasn’t occurred to anyone to actually stop the man from leading the gang, I guess.

From BreitBart:

US officials on Tuesday cracked-down on the violent MS-13 gang, arresting 26 people for a range of crimes committed in three US states and the Central American nation of El Salvador.

“Early this morning, federal, state, and local law enforcement officials here in North Carolina began executing arrest warrants against 26 alleged members of the gang La Mara Salvatrucha, also known as MS-13,” US Attorney General Michael Mukasey said.

The defendants face a variety of charges stemming from crimes committed between 2003 and June 2008 including four murders, narcotics distribution, robberies, illegal firearms possession, extortion, assault, intimidating witnesses and obstruction of justice, the Department of Justice said in a statement.

The arrests followed the unsealing of a 55-count indictment from a federal grand jury in Charlotte, he said.

A gang leader directed many of the activities from his prison cell in El Salvador, where he received money wired by gang members, the statement said.

“Criminal gangs such as MS-13 increasingly recognize no borders, which means that international cooperation is more important today than it ever was before,” Mukasey said, thanking the government of El Salvador for its role in the bust.

The report goes on to mention that almost all the gang members were here illegally and two had been deported once already and re-entered the country illegally. Not that anyone would think a little thing like them not belonging here would matter, certainly not to the four murder victims.

Arizona Couple Starves Toddler Nearly to Death

Bad Breeders posted this bizarre story from Arizona where a 2-year-old was found by authorities to be so malnourished he only weighed 12 pounds. 31-year-old Edmundo Munoz, little Santiago Smoot’s biological father, gained custody of the boy from the birth mother for unspecified reasons. When he and his girlfriend Morgan Lege took over caring for the then five-month-old Santiago, the boy had been healthy and normal.

Munoz admitted withholding food from the boy because he claimed the boy would over eat until he would vomit. Worse, he admitted to hiding food in the hospital, because he thought the hospital was feeding him too much. Trench thinks this is some weird cult thing, I say the bastard was trying to torture the child to death for kicks.

KPHO has a video report embedded in the story page which reveals, among other things, that Munoz and Lege weren’t skipping any meals themselves. Maybe they’ll find out how it feels to be have food withheld from them when they’re getting punked out in prison.

Reward for Information about Kara Kopetsky Raised to $30,000


I’ve blogged about Kara Kopetsky before and Fox Kansas City is reporting that the reward for information about this missing teen is now $30,000. If you have any information please contact the Belton Police Department at 816-331-1500 or the Tips Hotline at 816-474-TIPS (474-8477).

Help this family find their daughter.

For more information visit There is also a MySpace set up to help find her.

How to Talk to a Obama Supporter

Someone emailed me this and I thought it was amusing enough to post. Having some Obamists in my own family I find this YouTube channel to be extremely helpful in talking to people I can’t otherwise avoid. As a Bi-racial person the following video sums up my problems with Obama and his religious preferences:


Awesome. The ironic part of all this is that a Black man has to tell White people how to defend themselves from false charges of racism which are more likely to be leveled by racist White people. The same people who attack non-Whites people on a regular basis. Way to run a “post-racial” campaign Barack!