Were Mexican Soldiers Involved in Phoenix Home Invasion?

Early reports are that at least one of three men who murdered a man at a Phoenix grow house is an active duty member of the Mexican military who crossed the border with police issue tactical equipment with the intent of committing home invasions. Via KFYI we have police documents that show the three were highly trained in entry tactics and were well armed with military style weapons and armor.

Another document shows that Phoenix police are panicked by the bust, which included the suspects’ attempt to ambush responding officers. The fear is that the militarized cartels are sending their merc forces across the border as they secure Old Mexico and opening up a new front in their own drug war.

Daniel Garcia-Saenz, 24; Manual Garcia-Trejom, 25; and Rodolfo Madrigal Lopez, 19 were all apprehended at the scene, where police are reporting that almost 100 rounds were fired, killing Andrew Williams. Police believe there are three additional suspects still on the loose.

Newer reports say the men aren’t active members of the military but no one has explained where they received their tactical training. See-dubya blogging for Michelle Malkin reminded us that the Mexican Army has violated the border several times.

Fox News is also on this one.

Update: Via N.T.A. we have an interview from the J.D. Hayworth radio program with Phoenix Law Enforcement Association President Mark Spencer. Spencer is saying the home invaders are either active duty or former military and ticks off the reasons why he believes this is so:

Listen to the J.D. Hayworth interview.

Victory for the Second Amendment!


Yeah. I’m late on this one but I was out buying more guns. It’s a great ruling considering their last one was a disgusting advocation of minimizing child rape. The Supreme Court upheld what everyone already knew, we Americans have the right to own a gun to defend ourselves from criminals and other bad actors. Guns like assault rifles:


Or handguns:


And all Americans enjoy this right. Americans like this one:


Or this one:


The best part of the ruling is the lamentation on the left by people who seem to think owning guns causes crime, despite the fact that the cities with the most restrictive gun laws have the highest rates of crime. Better is this DU thread where the whole concept of being allowed to defend yourself is questioned. The second best part is posting bikini photos for traffic.

Thanks SCOTUS for the good ruling. Now how about you go back to the child rape thing…

20 People Murdered in 36 Hours in Mexican Border Town

Ready for that fence, yet?

CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico (AP) – Police say 20 people have been killed in less than three days in this crime-ridden border city’s latest wave of violence.

State police spokesman Cesar Ramirez says a father and son who were killed at their home while sleeping were among the victims. A third victim was a man whose body was cut up in pieces and dumped in an empty lot.

Ramirez says that this year alone more than 500 people have been killed in Ciudad Juarez, across the border from El Paso, Texas. The city is home to the powerful Juarez drug cartel and has been among the hardest-hit cities in an explosion of violence across Mexico.

Arm yourselves El Paso.

Stay Classy Rep. James Fagan

Many Democrats and trial lawyers are opposed to Jessica’s Law because it would give “draconian” sentences to child rapists. They often try to put their objections into more palatable sound bites which sometimes works but often fails and ends up sounding like they support the rights of convicted child rapists over the rights of the children they victimize.

If James H. Fagan comes across sounding like that, it’s apparently because that’s exactly what he believes. But don’t take my word for it, listen to it straight from the horse’s mouth:


Catch that? According to Fagan it’d be better for children if child rapists faced lenient sentences they’d be willing to plea to because then the kids wouldn’t be forced into the position of being “traumatized” by lawyers like Fagan who would have to fight tooth and claw to keep the people who rape children from facing “draconian” penalties.

In other words, it’ll be child advocates’ faults when Fagan calls a 9-year-old rape victim a slut on the stand, because if we’d have “less draconian” (read reasonable) sentences the kid would never be in court to begin with. Makes sense, right?

I’ll do you one better Rep. Fagan, let’s not prosecute child rapists at all! That way the victims will be protected from the trauma of a court case. Moron.

The most disturbing part of this story is that Fagan lists several children’s organizations on his bio as groups he’s affiliated with, including The Southeastern New England Area Boys’ Clubs of America, Taunton Little League, and the Taunton Boys & Girls Club where he’s on the board of directors. Makes you think doesn’t it?

How does Rep. Fagan defend such asinine comments? He doesn’t. He has not commented on the story at this time. Mark Lundsford did have some choice words for Fagan though:

The father of a slain Florida girl pushing for mandatory prison time for child rapists in the Bay State is blasting a Taunton lawmaker who said he’d torment young victims on the witness stand to defend his perv clients.

“Why doesn’t he figure out a way to defend that child and put these kind of people away instead of trying to figure ways for defense attorneys to get around Jessica’s Law?” Mark Lunsford fumed, slamming recent remarks by Rep. James Fagan. “These are very serious crimes that nobody wants to take serious. What about the rights of these children?”

Lunsford, whose daughter Jessica was raped and murdered in Florida by a repeat sex offender, will be in Massachusetts tomorrow to push lawmakers to pass Jessica’s Law, which would require a 20-year sentence for rape of a child under 12. The House passed a watered-down version of the bill last week but Lunsford and other victims’ rights activists will be pushing the Senate to include mandatory prison time in the final law.

20 years for raping a child under 12-years-old hardly seems draconian to me. Maybe Fagan misunderstands Jessica’s Law? Is that why he doesn’t support it?

Why not ask him? His district office number is 508-824-7000 and his State House phone number is 617-722-2040. Or email him at Rep.JamesFagan@hou.state.ma.us. Be sure to write “Really?” in the header or a simple “Stay classy” if you already know what his answer will be when you ask him why he won’t help the protect the children of Massachusetts.

Hot Air has more and a comment thread that you’ll want to see. This story has also got the Freepers’ heads spinning.