Dirty Hippy Steals Beer for Underage Drug Orgy!

Hippies haven’t changed since since Charles Manson’s drug addled flower child sex cult went on a murder spree decades ago. They are selfish, self-righteous miscreants who demand that society provide for their every need while repaying us with condescending diatribes about how the American system that allows them to live lamprey-like on the backs of hard working folks is oppressive. All hippies, as Greg Gutfeld has pointed out quite admirably, are fascists who secretly want to kill you. Worse than that is that they believe themselves entitled to instant gratification of their emotionally stunted desires while decrying your few harmless pleasures like a steak dinner or light bulbs not filled with toxic mercury.

And what do hippies want the most? It isn’t just to get high all day, it’s for you to get them high all day. They sit on park benches or slump on the corners of every major city with their hand out ready to receive the hard earned money in your pocket. The same money that you earn “selling out” and “being a Nazi” has too much blood on it for them to ever call up their rich parents and get a job in the mailroom, but once they run out of beer/pot/heroin then they suddenly think they’re somehow entitled to share in your “luck.”

At heart every hippy is a petulant, drug addicted child trapped in a grown-up’s body. Tree sitting potential suicide “Dumpster Muffin” proves that. Like with a spoiled 5-year-old, telling a hippy they can’t have something, like your money or your daughter, inevitably leads to tantrums so shocking that most adults are left dumbfounded. Take this police blotter item from The Chattanoogan.com for example:

At Mr. Zip on Frazier Avenue, clerks said they declined to sell beer to a skinny white male, about 25 years old. He had a California ID, but it was expired.

Clerks said the man returned the next day, walked to the beer cooler, and helped himself to two six-packs. He walked out without paying.

They said they saw him walking down the street with a white couple.

A clerk said the suspect “smells” and the couple with him “look like dirty Hippies.”

You can imagine the hippy screaming at the top of his lungs about how “fascist” it is for a store clerk to have expected him to renew his license. Or take a bath.

And why didn’t his two friends come in to use their I.D. anyway? Is it because they were underage? Would it surprise you to find out that this 25-year-old man-child would be hanging around a couple of kids?

What kind of 25-year-old wants to give kids beer anyway? The kind that plans on date raping them of course. Just as this unemployed parasite feels entitled to beer regardless of the fact that the clerk could get himself in trouble selling it to him, he no doubt feels entitled to the teen girl he’s lurking about. And if her boyfriend objects he’ll get stabbed to death and the malodorous beer thief will write something pithy like “Die BushCo” with the kid’s blood on a wall. After he rapes the girl of course.

That’s what hippies are; don’t let their “peace and love” bullshit fool you. They are violent, selfish, classless bastards who would gladly spit on your grave, or your son’s, if some of their friends thought it’d be funny. Rob Zombie’s The Devil’s Rejects is frankly the most accurate portrayal of what hippies aspire to that’s ever been filmed, and the above three dirty hippies will eventually be on a drunken killing spree that will make Zombie’s exploitation film look like a remake of The Little Mermaid.

h/t Crime Scene KC

Arizona Democrat Mark DeSimone is a Wife Beating Communist

He’s in good company. I assume he’s a communist because of his voting record; as for the wife beating this news report speaks for itself:

Democrat State Rep. Mark DeSimone was arrested outside his home after police found evidence that his wife had been assaulted.

Phoenix police say they arrested an Arizona legislator on suspicion of domestic violence late Thursday.

Sgt. Joel Tranter says dispatchers received a 911 call from Democratic Rep. Mark DeSimone’s west Phoenix home just before midnight.

Arriving officers found DeSimone in front of the house. Tranter says after speaking to his wife, they learned there had been a verbal argument that escalated into a physical altercation.

Tranter says DeSimone’s wife was struck at least once and had cuts to the inside of her mouth. Officers developed probable cause to make a domestic violence arrest.

Tranter says police policy is to always make an arrest and book the suspect into jail in such cases.

The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office says the 45-year-old was still in jail as noon Friday. DeSimone’s legislative office staff didn’t know if he had a lawyer.

When will the Obama-Clinton rift heal?

In a sane America DeSimone would be forced to resign from his post.

The Nuge Blasts the Dissenting Supremes on DC Gun Ban Ruling


Hard rocking hunter Ted Nugent released a statement blasting the dissenters on the Supreme Court for putting their ideology before the Constitution. Direct from the Mitch Schneider Organization here’s the Nuge’s words of wisdom in their entirety:

It is glaringly obvious that a critical lesson in history 101 is due in America, for it appears that not only does a lunatic fringe of anti-freedom Americans dismiss our founding fathers’ clear declaration of independence and succinct enumeration of our God-given individual rights, but some Americans have the arrogance and audacity to question whether the right to self-defense is indeed one of these individual rights. Dear God in heaven, who could be this soulless? How about 4 out of the 9 so called “Supreme” justices of the land. God help us all.

Who could be so asinine as to believe that a free man has no such right to keep and bear arms for self-defense? What kind of low-life scoundrel would know that courageous heroes of the U.S. Military would volunteer over and over again to sacrifice and die for such self-evident truths, then turn around and spit on their graves by discounting the very freedoms that these brave men and women have died to protect?

Will these supreme legal scholars also affirm an individual right to choose the religion of our individual choice? Do they authorize our individual freedom of speech? Can you imagine? Them is fighting words my friends, and the line drawn in the sand has never been more outrageous.

Recent USA Today and Gallup polls showed a whopping 73% of good Americans know damn well that we are all created equal, and that we each have an individual right to protect our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. What kind of jackass doesn’t know this? Allow the guitar player to translate for the soul-dead among us.

Keep-this means the gun is mine and you can’t have it. This does not mean I will register it with a government agency. The government works for “we the people,” not the other way around, regardless of what Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein or Barack Hussein Obama or 4 supreme justices may try to tell you.

Bear-this means I’ve got it right here, on me, either in my grasp or damn near. This does not mean locked away in a safe, trigger-locked or stored at the local sporting club.

Shall not be infringed-this of course is another way of saying Don’t tread on me, for we will not be your willing crime victims, subjects, servants or slaves, so don’t even think about it.

When the evil King’s gangsters came to collect unfair taxes from Americans, we tossed their tea into the drink. When they came to disarm us into helplessness against their old world tyrannical ways, we met them at Concord Bridge and shot them dead till they quit treading on us. Any questions children? I didn’t think so.

Corrupt men cannot be trusted, hence the right of “the people” to choose the individual church of our choice, to speak our individual ideas and beliefs, to have individual freedom from unwarranted searches and seizures, and ultimately, to exercise our individual right to keep and bear arms so that evildoers cannot do unto us that which we would not do unto them. Get it? I would love to meet the human being who would argue these points with us. We would be looking at a fascist, and of course fascists, by all historical and empirical evidence, must be eliminated.

If you value the American Way, if you believe in the words and spirit of the US Constitution and our sacred Bill of Rights, if you know in your heart that you have the right, the duty, the spiritual obligation to protect yourself and your loved ones from evil in all of its forms, then you had best contact each and every one of your elected officials right away and let them know that you know exactly what the Second Amendment says and stands for. Remind them about the “shall not be infringed” clause.

It will not be the fault of the rotten anti-Americans out there who don’t believe in individual rights that rape and pillage our Constitution, it will be the fault of those who know better but failed to speak up. Now is the time to fortify America, and we better inform the Supreme Court just who truly is the “Supreme” Court of America-We the people. Individual people with individual, God given rights. The real America. Live free or die.

The only thing to add is thank you Ted for putting most Americans’ thoughts into words.

Johnathon Johnson: Disgusting Pervert Exposed by Absolute Zero

The folks at Absolute Zero are diligent gatherers of intelligence on the online child predator movement. They post their findings on Wikisposure and it isn’t uncommon for their data gathering to lead to an arrest.

Such was the case with disgusting pervert Johnathon Johnson, A.K.A. Jizzony who was arrested by authorities after the AZ crew alerted them to this dangerous degenerate’s online confessions of raping children and allowing his friends to rape children. Several news programs ran reports on this vile predator whose tearful interviews are stark evidence of his soullessness and perfidy:


Minimization and obfuscation, the hallmarks of the unrepentant child rapist. The bleeped out portion of the above video is the reporter asking how introducing a 10-year-old boy to anal sex is making them happy. Johnson’s response that they seemed happy at the time is an obvious and blatant lie.

Here’s a more disturbing video where Johnson breaks down crying while claiming he thought all his victims “loved’ him:


He didn’t much love his daughter though. He allowed a pedophile to threaten her with death when she caught him downloading child porn at Johnson’s house. That’s right, Johnson invited pedophiles to his house even though he’s a father. His ex-wife isn’t happy:


His fellow traveler Jonathan Dunne has his own Wikisposure page as well. He, like Johnson, is a monster.

The Johnathon Johnson case proves that you can make a difference. The authorities rely on good citizens to report crimes and provide them with information that will lead to arrests. If you see something wrong on the Internet tell someone; the AZ crew can’t do it alone.

Muslim Terrorists Caught on New Mexico Border

It took a while but I was able to break the government’s super secret code they used when they released this report to the media:

ALBUQUERQUE (KRQE) – FBI agents on Wednesday busted 10 people they termed “special interest illegal aliens” for allegedly trying to use fraudulent documents to get New Mexico drivers licenses.

A Motor Vehicle Division employee alerted police several weeks ago about what the employee believed to be a fraudulent attempt to get a license, according to an FBI news release.


While the FBI isn’t saying which countries the 10 came from, the news release said “certain countries are associated with special national security concerns,” and that using the term “special interest alien” depends on which a given person is from.

According to the news release, investigators are still working on the investigation, and believe that dozens of “special interest illegal aliens” may have obtained New Mexico licensees using fraudulent documents.

Surprise! The people helping these mysterious “special interest aliens” were themselves illegal aliens. Just doing the jobs Americans won’t I guess. One of the ten arrested is said to be from Kazakhstan, a former Soviet Republic which is almost 50% Muslim.

Isn’t it a good thing you guys have a cryptologic genius like me to translate that hard to penetrate government jargon?

h/t Jihad Watch