Mother Attempts to Blackmail Her Son’s Molester


Donna Mitchel’s 14-year-old son was in a sexual relationship with the 73-year-old John Beaty, a former Principal at Matinsville Illinois High School. The reports aren’t clear the boy was coerced, forcibly raped or just a confused young man taken advantage by a disgusting pervert. No matter the case the reaction of the parent should be the same, go to the authorities. That’s what the average parent would do anyway.

Donna Mitchel is not the average parent:

TERRE HAUTE, IND. (WTHI) – A woman accused of bribery turned herself in. Donna Mitchell is accused of asking a former principal and teacher for money after she found out he had sex with her son.

Donna turned herself in to Terre Haute Police Monday afternoon in the Vigo County Courthouse. Police say Donna’s 14-year-old son had a sexual relationship with John Beaty, 73, of Martinsville, Illinois.

Beaty is a former principal and teacher at Martinsville High School. Police say Mitchell told Beaty she wouldn’t tell police about his relationship with her son as long as he gave her $300,000.

News 10 asked Mitchell why she’d requested the money.

“I didn’t,” she replied.

The victim’s grandmother, Linda Roberts said she was there when Mitchell confronted Beaty. She said that her daughter’s conversation with the former principal did not really involve money.

Family members say Mitchell only looked to get a confession out of Beaty. Roberts told police she should be the one going to jail.

“I’m the one that told her to let him think his money could buy him out of it. That’s the only reason why she let him think he could buy his way out of it,” Roberts said.

Oh. I get it she was trying to trick him. That’s rational, just as it’s rational for Donna and family to meet with Beaty after hearing he had sex with her son rather than meet with detectives.

Something tells Mitchel and company think we’re stupid enough to believe such nonsense, and that her son is better of in state custody.

There’s video of the report here.

h/t Cambi

Brigitte Bardot Condemned as Racist for Insulting Hateful Death Cult


Bardot is some sort of rabid animal rights activist, which puts her at odds with Muslim slaughter practices and some of their rituals. Here in America we meat eaters and hunters bear the slings and arrows of the misguided anti-Natural order activists because of our deep abiding respect for the principle of free speech.

But we’re for the most part not Saudi-influenced radical Muslims who can’t bear criticism from women without calling for riots in the streets. France, due to their inability to control the growing Islamist insurgency, has no patience for the freedom of a woman to speak her conscience:

PARIS – Brigitte Bardot was convicted Tuesday of provoking discrimination and racial hatred for writing that Muslims are destroying France.

A Paris court also handed down a $23,325 fine against the former screen siren and animal rights campaigner. The court also ordered Bardot to pay $1,555 in damages to MRAP.

Bardot’s lawyer, Francois-Xavier Kelidjian, said he would talk to her about the possibility of an appeal.

A leading French anti-racism group known as MRAP filed a lawsuit last year over a letter she sent to then-Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy. The remarks were published in her foundation’s quarterly journal.

In the December 2006 letter to Sarkozy, now the president, Bardot said France is “tired of being led by the nose by this population that is destroying us, destroying our country by imposing its acts.”

Bardot, 73, was referring to the Muslim feast of Aid el-Kebir, celebrated by slaughtering sheep.

French anti-racism laws prevent inciting hatred and discrimination on racial or religious or racial grounds. Bardot had been convicted four times previously for inciting racial hatred.

“She is tired of this type of proceedings,” he said. “She has the impression that people want to silence her. She will not be silenced in her defense of animal rights.”

“Racial or religious or racial grounds.” Journalism school’s not what it used to be I assume. But why should Bardot’s heartfelt beliefs be respected less than Muslims’ heartfelt beliefs? If there is “racial” discrimination here it is against a European non-Muslim who is being told she isn’t free to speak her mind.

But of course there is no racism here, unless you believe Islam is a race. There is a concerted effort to take away the rights of a woman to speak out because of the craven fear many Europeans harbor of the violent Muslim radicals they allow to fester in their midst.


Whose side are you on? Whose rights will you defend? The right of a legend to blurt out her animal rights nonsense, or the rights of members of a hateful death cult to silence anyone they think offends them. I happen to think Muslims have the right to follow their ritual practices, including slaughtering sheep on Eid. I would fight for their right to do that.

But I also personally think that Islam is hateful. I think it’s a death cult. I should have the right to say that.

Police Were Warned About Crazed Stoner David Delich Months Before Shooting Spree!


David Delich was making threats against people on MySpace and even wrote a blog entry on the site, dated February 22 of this year, which said he planned to ambush and kill police officers! Unbelievably the authorities ignored reports of his escalating behavior even while he was arming himself for his shooting spree.

From AZStar:

The MySpace messages ranged from bizarre to downright scary.

On Dec. 1, 2007, David “Nick” Delich, contacted former classmate and prom date Erin Schrader for the first time since he graduated from Sabino High School in 2001.

Delich, using the screen name “Bogoljub,” told Schrader that he was finally in a place where he could “capitalize on all his hard work” and put people in their place.

In the next, Delich said he was going to re-create the Holocaust and Schrader should “paint a target” on her forehead.

A few days later, “I have a surprise for you and your family, but I have to give it to you in person. It will be awesome.”

The last message, dated Feb. 27, 2008, was addressed to “Hey Phony” and asked, “Ready to spontaneously combust?”

Alarmed, Schrader got in touch with some of her old friends who knew Delich.
It turns out that at least six of them had received similar messages.

Like Schrader, they had tried to block Delich’s messages, only to have him send more messages under a different screen name.

It got to the point, Schrader said, that she looked over her shoulder wherever she walked, locked her bedroom door at night and told everyone she knew to give police Delich’s name if anything ever happened to her. She also said she called police after the last e-mail to report Delich.

So when she heard that three local law-enforcement officers had been shot — one fatally — and that Delich, 25, was a suspect, Schrader got mad.

“I was mad the police hadn’t taken me more seriously,” Schrader said. “I can’t say this could’ve been prevented, but it (my report) should’ve been so much more of an eye-opener.”

In fact, if police had checked out Delich’s MySpace accounts, they would have seen a blog written on Feb. 22, Schrader said. The blog says, “Soon, I plan to kill many police officers.”

The unpunctuated and uncapitalized message discusses what he calls trumped-up charges, a plan to shoot “them,” and getting shot instead.

“that was the plan, wasn’t it? backfire time. well see who gets shot and killed. and that is a threat to you pigs. every one. Ill see you, when your all alone. and itll be me and you. and then well see how it goes down. oh. were gonna see. boy are we.”

The police didn’t take the reports seriously though, even as Delich became increasingly hostile and started racking up arrests. Many of his friends also didn’t take his threats seriously:

Delich was always a little odd, a handful of his former classmates said Monday.

He told Schrader and Freibert that he was a prophet, put on Earth for a reason.

Schrader remembers that Delich would often change religions and try to persuade his friends to convert as well. He also had ideas and theories that were strange but that they simply brushed off.

Stepbrothers Shane Corrie and Jesse Wood, both 25, met Delich in their freshman year at Sabino.

They said Delich was a “pretty normal” teenager, albeit quiet and reserved. He wasn’t involved in any clubs or sports but was generally accepted by his peers. He “experimented” with drugs such as marijuana, mushrooms, cocaine, LSD and Ecstasy, they said.

According to online court records, Delich has been arrested six times since 2002 on misdemeanor charges, including accusations of liquor-law violation, marijuana possession and disorderly conduct. Five of the charges were dismissed. He was placed on probation last July after pleading guilty to criminal trespass in Ajo Justice Court.

Around his senior year, Delich began isolating himself and became more unstable, Corrie and Wood said.

“He started to get gradually crazier and crazier, and started saying some crazy stuff later on,” Corrie said.

He would say he was a descendant of Jesus and had a hole in his neck that marked him as having direct lineage to Jesus. He also would tell people that he could make the wind move and then take them outside and say, “Can you feel that?”

After high school, he didn’t work or go to college, they said.

“He never did anything except sit around and think weird, crazy thoughts,” Corrie said.

Neither Corrie nor Wood had seen Delich in the past few years, but they kept in touch with him through e-mails and MySpace, they said.

The brothers learned of Delich’s love of guns, resentment toward girls and hatred of authority from his e-mails and his “Bogoljub” MySpace account.

So Delich was a crazed stoner who sat around getting high and convincing himself that the elaborate fantasy world he wanted to live in was real and telling people he was a god. He was arrested numerous times and never received a significant punishment, or treatment.  And his parents gave him money to buy guns and drugs I assume since he didn’t work. Sounds like a lot of people dropped the Ball on this one.

We may never know if anyone could have prevented this tragedy, but we do know that Delich announced his intentions on the Internet, and we should have taken him at his word.

Michelle Auville Teaches First Grade, Hangs Around Crack Heads


A Virginia teacher busted for possession of a crack pipe has a novel defense. She claims the pipe belongs to one of the people she was driving around with in the early morning hours and she never touched it. That’s right Michelle Auville’s defense is that she was just hanging around watching people smoke crack, not using it herself.

Something tells me she’s not seeing the larger picture on this one:

he Culpeper County Public School teacher arrested Saturday morning on a felony drug charge said Tuesday that the smoking device with crack cocaine residue found on the ground near the vehicle during a traffic stop wasn’t hers.

Michele Lynne Auville, 35, of the 600 block of Southview Court, was a passenger in a car being pursued by police on Madison Road, according to the Culpeper County Sheriff’s Office.

Auville, who was arrested and charged with possessing a controlled substance, taught first-grade at Emerald Hill Elementary School for nine years until she resigned on Monday.

She said the drug paraphernalia found at the scene belonged to a third individual riding in the back seat. That’s why she’s banking on DNA tests and fingerprint analysis to prove her innocence.

“I knew that I hadn’t touched that pipe,” she said Tuesday afternoon at her apartment about a mile south of town.

CCSO spokesman Sgt. Jim Fox said deputies discovered the drug paraphernalia in the vicinity of where Auville exited the vehicle.

“An investigation led to charging her with possessing a controlled substance,” Fox said.

Auville, who began working for the Culpeper County Public School System in 1999, was arrested on scene for possession of a controlled substance.

She was released on bail, according to the Virginia Judicial System Web site.

Auville said her main concern is the school system and its image.

“I’m not worried about myself,” she said. “I just feel bad for the school and I feel bad for my students.”

“All I want to say is ‘I’m sorry’ and in the end the truth will come out.”

CCPS spokeswoman Marla McKenna confirmed Auville’s resignation.

“The school is sending a letter home to parents informing them of the situation and explaining how the remaining days will be managed,” McKenna said.

Kristen Brewer, a student teacher in another class, will oversee Auville’s students until school ends June 10. Auville’s annual salary was $46,000.

Actually her main concern should be for her safety, which is endangered by her crack using, sorry I mean crack watching, lifestyle. But that’s the kind of logic one would expect from a product of today’s teacher diploma mills where critical thinking and expertise in a subject has been replaced with feel good curriculum so dumbed down that a woman who doesn’t know that you shouldn’t hang around crack addicts can coast her way into being in charge of your children’s social and intellectual development.

Thanks teacher’s unions! While her first graders may not read as well as the next kid, at least they’ll know who to go to when they need to score a little rock.

But Pot Doesn’t Hurt Anyone! Unless You’re At The Zoo

It shocked no one I’m sure to find that the teen who was mauled to death by a tiger at the San Francisco Zoo was high. It’s horrible that this young man’s life was cut short due in large part to a culture of acceptance of drug use. This kid got high, and he either teased the tiger or climbed the retaining fence or did something silly and paid the ultimate price.

But pot isn’t to blame at all, right?

SAN FRANCISCO — The San Francisco Medical Examiner says a teenager who was killed by an escaped zoo tiger six months ago had marijuana and alcohol in his system.

The toxicology report was released Monday. It is included with an autopsy that concluded 17-year-old Carlos Sousa Jr. was killed by “blunt force injuries of the head and neck.”

Sousa’s two friends also were seriously injured when a 250-pound Siberian tiger escaped its enclosure at San Francisco Zoo on Christmas Day.

Michael Cardoza, a lawyer for the Sousa family, says it’s irrelevant whether the teen was drinking or smoking pot before he was mauled. The family is suing the city.

The wall surrounding the tiger’s enclosure was found to be 4 feet lower than recommended

Yeah. Irrelevant. Thousands of other people walked by the enclosure and weren’t mauled, but the fact that three kids who were high managed to get themselves mauled has nothing to do with drug use.

The parents should be suing the scum who sold the pot to those kids in the first place.