Chi-Com Agents in Queens Attack American Citizens!


Beginning May 17, a series of organized attacks and hate crimes by hundreds of agitated pro-communist Chinese in Flushing, New York targeted volunteer workers for The Epoch Times newspapers and Quitting CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Service Center, as well as hundreds of Falun Gong practitioners. The attacks injured several practitioners, including a 70-year- old retired engineer and a lady who has two sons serving in the U.S. military in Iraq.

The pro-communist mobs have assembled each day in Flushing to physically assault and threaten Falun Gong practitioners with death. Falun Gong practitioners have been pelted with bottles, eggs, and stones, and have been spit on. The situation continues, extending on Sunday May 25th to Manhattan’s Chinatown, where Falun Gong practitioners had a peaceful parade. Hundred of pro-communists hurled water bottles and pieces of pastry, even at the small children and elderly people in the parade.

The WOIPFG (World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong) has obtained a recorded phone conversation with the consul general of China in New York, Mr. Peng Keyu, in which he boasts of his behind-the-scenes role in the recent violent incidents in Flushing, New York.

Yet the New York situation is only the tip of the iceberg. The CCP has a broad reach in its export of its ideology, terrorism, and influence to the U.S. Similar crowd incidents also happened last month in Los Angeles and Japan, and in April during the Olympic Torch Relay in San Francisco and Korea. Through decades of dealings, a huge network of pro-communist political alliances, Chinese student organizations, local businesses, social clubs, and administrative divisions has been established under the control of the Chinese Embassy and Consulates in the United States. The network can be effectively utilized in favor of the communist regime whenever it needs to. It is clearly in evidence in the Flushing attacks.

U.S. citizens have deep concerns about the CCP’s influence and infiltration in the United States. Thursday’s forum will raise the awareness of the on-going crimes and deceptive tactics of CCP in Flushing and elsewhere, the implications for human rights, and national security.

Isn’t it time we started treating the Chinese Communists like the enemies of freedom  and America they are? They poison us, threaten us and now send their Comintern goons living here to sully our streets with an orgy of violence.

There’s more on this story at The Epoch Times.

Muslims Attack Gay Model at Amsterdam Fashion Show, American Left Silent

On April 30th a fashion show in Amsterdam which was supposed to raise awareness for gay rights was disrupted by a group of ten Muslim youths who pulled openly gay model Marc DuPree down from the catwalk and brutally assaulted him. When another model attempted to intervene that person was also assaulted. The organizer of the event, Jennifer Delano, has gone on record saying she would never organize another fashion show there and that Amsterdam was “no longer a tolerant city.”

As Gay Patriot, who found this story, points out there has been no mention of this story in the MSM or the American gay media. It’s been over a month and none of the people who supposedly cover news important to gays wrote a word about this blatant display of gay bashing.

Gay patriot has translations of two Dutch articles, the first of which is sensational enough that you’d think the cable news channels would be all over a story like this:

Amsterdam – On Queen’s Day [national holiday, birthday of the late Queen Juliana of the Netherlands], in a side street of Rembrandt Square, a gay fashion show was severely disrupted. The model was dragged down from the catwalk by ten young guys.

The homosexual model Mike du Pree was dragged down from the catwalk by ten young guys. When he wanted to defend himself he got hit several times. A bystander stood up for the victim and a fight evolved. The show was organized precisely to promote tolerance towards homosexuals.

Before things got out of hand, the atmosphere was already tense. The public made comments about the outfits and a couple of models were insulted. The attack on Du Pree was the worst moment. ‘Mike got dragged down by his arm”, says the organizer Jennifer Delano. ‘They pinched him, he defended himself and then the guys of immigrant background started to hit him”. According to her it was a group of ten young guys of Muslim background. The fight didn’t last long, but the police was too late.

Delano doesn’t know yet whether she will organize a fashion show for tolerance ever again. ‘I first need to recover from what happened’, the initiator says. According to her ‘Amsterdam is no longer a tolerant city’. She will officially report the incident to the police and she considers to take legal action against the perpetrators. They are still free to roam.

May 1, 2008. Gay Krant [Gay Newspaper]

A fashion show that devolves into a mini-riot? Where the victim of a vicious gang assault is a gay man? This is news gold, yet the left leaning American media and the netroots are virtually silent. I wonder why?

And one would think that the Gay Pride movement would be up in arms over the very public attack of a gay man by a group of homophobes. But I guess Gay Pride really means never having to take a strong stand against the people who want you dead.

As “right winger” I’m often called a homophobe even though I support the rights of gays to get married in civil unions, think all Americans should be treated equally and believe hatred of gays is as un-American as Communism. And this will be one of the few blogs where you read about this story.

I think my gay friends should remember that next time some lefty blog implies “The Right” hates gays. At least we on the right want justice for the ones brutalized by gangs, even if it’s a gang made up of people from the “oppressed” classes.

Can your lefty “friends” say the same?

h/t Gateway Pundit

Illegal Alien ID Thief Says Cops Should be Busting “Real Criminals”

Yes, he really said that:

A suspected identity thief accused of racking up hundreds of thousands of dollars in illegal charges says police should be out there busting “real criminals” instead of family men like himself, court records show.

Adan Betancio Guerrero, 36, of Mesa is accused of stealing a Social Security number and using it to purchase two homes and two vehicles.

Court records show Betancio ran up $787,000 in loans and even tried getting a job using the victim’s personal information.

Authorities started looking into the case after a credit union doing a loan on a $33,000 truck noticed that they already had a customer with the same Social Security number.

They contacted the customer, a 24-year-old woman, and learned her identity had been stolen.

Betancio also told police he is an illegal immigrant.

Yes, why should a man who used another person’s identity to rack up almost one million dollars in loans he has no intention of paying be arrested?

What, doesn’t that 24-year-old woman have an extra $787,000 laying around? We Americans are rich right?

He’s just a family man stealing the Identities Americans won’t. Shouldn’t we cut him a break?

h/t N.T.A.

The Case of the Granny Groping Tranny!



OCALA, Fla. — A man who police said presented himself as a woman is accused of grabbing the breasts of a 73-year-old woman and inappropriately touching other elderly women at a Central Florida church.

Robin Forbes, 58, faces one count of lewd and lascivious molestation of an elderly person.

According to Ocala police, Forbes placed his hand on the woman’s breast and squeezed it three times during choir practice at First United Methodist Church.

The victim told the choir director about the incident, and Forbes was not permitted to continuing practicing with the choir, Ocala police said.

At least two other women, ages 69 and 75, told police that Forbes hugged them from behind and placed his arm around their rib cage area.

In the initial complaint, Forbes was described as a woman, but it was determined that Forbes is a man who presents himself as a female, police said.

I’m at a loss.

Something tells me that if Robin Forbes ever writes an autobiography, the chapters on his formative years will be intense.

Texas Gang That Forced Teens into Prostitution Gets Slap on the Wrist

Way to go Texas! This is the kind of sentencing that will make the people think twice before enslaving runaways:

FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) — Three teenagers accused of forcing girls as young as 12 into prostitution have reached plea agreements and been sentenced to a juvenile detention center.

The boys — two are 17 and one is 16 — will be released no later than their 19th birthdays, according to the plea agreement.

They each pleaded guilty Thursday to one count of compelling prostitution. In exchange, prosecutors dropped other charges, including human trafficking. Charges against others allegedly involved in the ring are pending in adult court.

Police said they discovered the ring in August after a woman was caught offering men sex with a 14-year-old girl for $50. The teenagers were arrested in January after they had taken the girl to a convenience store to have sex with the owner, a regular customer of the ring, police said.

The teens, suspected members of the Varrio Central gang, were accused of befriending runaways and other girls with unstable homes and taking them to regular customers or finding new ones by trolling apartment complexes.

If the girls refused to have sex for money, the gang members beat and sexually assaulted them and threatened their families, police said.

One girl’s mother said she was disappointed the teens would not spend more time in state custody. Her daughter is in counseling and is afraid of them, she told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

“These girls have to live with what happened for the rest of their lives,” said the mother, who was not named to conceal the identity of her daughter. “These boys aren’t going to serve much time. I don’t think that after a year and half, they’ll be ready to get back into society.”

Oh, they’ll be ready. Ready to rape and torture more little girls. These scum should have been tried as adults, and no doubt they will be a few years from now.

Only then it’ll be after they kill a little girl they’ve raped and tormented.

Here’s an older article that names the little bastards involved, and shows how disgusting their parents are. Check out this bad parenting:

Blanca Saravia said she headed to court Tuesday hoping a judge would let her daughter out of jail, which didn’t happen.

“It’s not fair,” she said. “My daughter arrested, it’s completely not fair.”

Police call Saravia’s 15-year-old daughter the “enforcer” of a violent teen prostitution ring. She and two other teens were arrested on Monday.

Investigators said the teens are part of the Varrio Central gang, who allegedly beat and gang-raped runaway teenage girls until they agreed to become prostitutes. They also allegedly sold the girls for sex at a Fort Worth apartment complex for $60.

Saravia said she admits her daughter has run into trouble and also has some emotional problems, but said the police arrested the wrong girl.

Her, no, she did absolutely nothing, nothing,” Saravia said. “If she did, the school or I would know.”

She probably did know about her daughter torturing people and like any degenerate skank who raises a female rapist just didn’t care.

They gang-raped little girls until they agreed to become hookers and this woman thinks it’s unfair that her daughter, who helped her friends rape people, got remanded? Really?

Deport them all! I don’t care if they were born in New Jersey these people are like the family from The Hills Have Eyes and should be loaded on the first bus out of America. Or would that be too much punishment for the big hearted Judges from Texas?

It’s just too bad there’s no room in those hearts for the victims.