Shocker! Medical Marijuana is a Scam!

I did not see this coming:

UKIAH, Calif. — There is probably no marijuana-friendlier place in the country than here in Mendocino County, where plants can grow more than 15 feet high, medical marijuana clubs adopt stretches of highway, and the sticky, sweet aroma of cannabis fills this city’s streets during the autumn harvest.

Lately, however, residents of Mendocino County, like those in other parts of California, are wondering if the state’s embrace of marijuana for medicinal purposes has gone too far.

Medical marijuana was legalized under state law by California voters in 1996, and since then 11 other states have followed, even though federal law still bans the sale of any marijuana. But some frustrated residents and law enforcement officials say the California law has increasingly and unintentionally provided legal cover for large-scale marijuana growers — and the problems such big-money operations can attract.

“It’s a clear shield for commercial operations,” said Mike Sweeney, 60, a supporter of both medical marijuana and a local ballot measure on June 3 that called for new limits on the drug in Mendocino. “And we don’t want those here.”

The outcome of the ballot measure is not known, as votes are still being counted, but such community push-back is increasingly common across the state, even in the most liberal communities. In recent years, dozens of local governments have banned or restricted cannabis clubs, more formally known as dispensaries, that provide medical marijuana, in the face of public safety issues involved in its sale and cultivation, including crime and environmental damage.

“If folks had to get their dope, sorry, they would just have to get it somewhere else,” said Sheriff Mark Pazin of Merced County, east of San Francisco, one of the many jurisdictions to impose new restrictions.

Under the 1996 law, known as Proposition 215, patients need a prescription to acquire medicinal marijuana, but the law gave little guidance as to how people were to acquire it. That gave rise to some patients with marijuana prescriptions growing their own in limited quantities, the opening of clubs to make it available and growers going large scale to keep those outlets supplied.

In turn, that led to the kind of worries that have bubbled up in Arcata, home of Humboldt State University, where town elders say roughly one in five homes are “indoor grows,” with rooms or even entire structures converted into marijuana greenhouses.

That shift in cultivation, caused in part by record-breaking seizures by drug agents of plants grown outdoors, has been blamed for a housing shortage for Humboldt students, residential fires and the powerful — and distracting — smell of the plant in some neighborhoods during harvest.

Really? Who would have thought that people would use the Medical Marijuana exemptions to set up drug operations?

Read the rest, which includes a video that interviews both a degenerate who claims his bad knees force him to grow  $70, 000 worth of pot a year, and some guy who never grew up lisping his way through a story in which he “scammed” his doctor into giving him a Marijuana prescription by claiming his “Acid Reflux” was keeping him from sleeping.

By “Acid Reflux” I assume he means the crippling loneliness that anyone over 30 who still smokes pot and affects a lisp must feel.

h/t Trench

Arsonists Torch Texas Governor’s Mansion!

Luckily no one was hurt and the Governor was in Sweden so this isn’t thought to be a assassination attempt. Just horrific vandalism:

AUSTIN — An early morning fire at the Governor’s Mansion today was intentionally set, a state fire investigator said.

State Fire Marshal Paul Maldonado declined to discuss further details but said there was no indication the fire was intended as a direct threat to Gov. Rick Perry.

No one was in the building, which has been closed several months for renovation, when the fire broke out. The governor has been living in a rented house in suburban Austin since last fall.

He and his wife, Anita, are in Stockholm, Sweden, finishing up a weeklong, trade-related trip to Europe.

The fire, discovered by security officers about 1:45 a.m., was under control by 6:30 a.m., but there were still hot spots in the building. Flames broke through a portion of the roof about 9:30 a.m. but were quickly extinguished.

The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms was assisting the state Fire Marshal’s office in the investigation. Maldonado indicated security cameras posted around the building were helpful to investigators.

But officials declined to discuss more details, including how an arsonist might have gone undetected by Department of Public Safety troopers assigned to secure the building and its grounds.

Damage to the 152-year-old historic structure is “extraordinary, bordering on catastrophic,” including a partially collapsed roof, said Perry spokesman Robert Black.

Millions of dollars worth of antique furnishings, portraits and other heirlooms had been removed from the mansion and placed in storage before renovation began. But Black said it was impossible to calculate the historic value of the building itself.

He said officials hoped the first floor could be structurally salvaged, but there was more uncertainty about saving the second floor.

Ironically, one of the purposes of the renovation project was to install a sprinkler system in the building, which had none. Before work began, the mansion had a fire alarm system on the first floor but none on the second floor, where the governor and his family lived.

Fox is also reporting. There are no suspects yet, but can you guess who was just in Austin rallying their troops?

I’m betting when they catch the arsonist, he’ll be screaming anti-G.O.P. nonsense while they drag him from his mother’s trailer.

Woman Raped and Beaten by Three Illegal Aliens Who Police Had Arrested Once Already

A vicious and disgusting crime that was 100% preventable. I hope she sues the police and then the open borders lobby for the pain and suffering she endured:

Two Greenwood men and a juvenile boy are accused of raping and beating a woman they did not know in a car after abducting her from an apartment complex parking lot, police said.

The rape by someone other than an acquaintance was the first in the county in the past five years, Johnson County Prosecutor Lance Hamner said.

The three, who are all illegal immigrants, charged are:

# Luis-Felipe Gomez Coronel, 19, 895 Parliament Place, Apt. 719

# Roberto Rodriguez-Martinez, 22, 1199 Scarborough Lane, Apt. 821

# Alvaro A. Perez, 17, 895 Parliament Place, Apt. 719

The Daily Journal typically does not print the names of juveniles unless they are charged with crimes that would be felonies if committed by an adult. A suspect who is older than 16 and charged with rape is considered an adult, Hamner said.

All three are charged with rape, criminal confinement and sexual battery, which are Class B, C and D felonies, respectively.

Coronel and Rodriguez-Martinez also were charged with attempted criminal deviate conduct, a Class B Felony.

Rodriguez-Martinez and Perez also were charged with criminal deviate conduct, a Class B Felony.

If convicted on all charges, each person would face up to 30 years in prison, Hamner said.

On Saturday, the 26-year-old woman and her boyfriend were walking through the Westminster Apartment complex parking lot near U.S. 31 and County Line Road around 3 a.m. when one of the men called her over to a car.

Martinez grabbed the woman by her hair and put her in the car and sped away, according to the prosecutor’s report. The three each touched her inappropriately, held her down and raped and beat her, according to the report.

They also tried to force her to perform other sex acts.

She said she did not know the men.

“This was a classic stranger rape case, which is particularly disturbing because it’s not the type of crime we have historically seen in Johnson County. In fact, it’s very rare,” Hamner said.

The woman did not know where they were driving but said at one point the men stopped and then stopped again near a field and tried to kick her out.

She had injuries all over her body, including arms, legs, face, chest and back. The three also had injuries and scratches on their bodies from the woman fighting back.

The two men and juveniles later took the woman back to the apartment complex, and her boyfriend found the three men in their green Subaru Legacy on Scarborough Lane near the complex.

When the boyfriend saw the three, they ran away, and the boyfriend flagged someone down to call the police.

Police found two of them after they fled to a video store south of U.S. 31 and County Line Road and the other after he fled to a fabric store north of the intersection.

The boyfriend drove around the area for about one to two hours looking for the three and his girlfriend after she was abducted, according to the report.

The horror of that night will be etched on that couple forever. But the worst part of the story is this:

Greenwood Police Department officials arrested the men almost a week ago, but Police Chief Joe Pitcher wouldn’t release any details about the crime or suspects.

These three animals should have been deported. If they were this atrocity would never have happened.

The savagery of the attack, and its brazen nature, should also worry Americans. I argued in a post called Pax Americana that without exporting American values abroad, specifically values concerning the treatment of women and children, we expose our citizens to extreme risks when allowing unfettered immigration from countries where misogyny is the norm. Many countries in Latin America, where child rapist Daniel Ortega was elected president of Nicaragua despite it being well known he raped his step-daughter for years, allow men to treat women in barbaric ways very similar to the above incident and consider it normal.

From Author Dr. Deborah Schurman-Kauflin’s essay Importing Violence: The Danger of Immigration from Violent Cultures:

The fact is that South American male attitudes toward females are often archaic and misogynistic. Thus it is not surprising that the U.S. is seeing more attacks against women and little girls committed by these immigrants. In August 2005, illegal immigrant Jose Ramirez from El Salvador was charged with the violent attack of a 15 year old girl who refused to respond when he whistled at her (Roh, 2005). Perhaps such primitive behavior stems from the homeland culture. El Salvador and Guatemala have had a string of unsolved brutal murders where young females have been abducted and cut apart. Authorities have found body parts, including heads scattered around. In one instance, two female heads were deposited right in front of a local police station, blood still oozing from the severed heads (Miles, 2003). Gangs are suspected in these crimes as it is often part of their initiation to kill.

A serial rapist from Honduras was recently convicted in New Jersey. Ricardo Cepates is an illegal immigrant who was convicted on 26 counts of kidnapping, rape, and robbery. Another illegal immigrant, who should have been deported in 2000, savagely stabbed Carly Snyder to death. Fredil Rodriquez hailed from Honduras and apparently brought his hatred of women with him (Hirsch, June 15, 2005).

Perhaps the most grotesque and gruesome crime is the rape and murder of a nun by yet another migrant worker from South America. It is amazing that this story received so little attention when imaginary crimes against illegal immigrants are portrayed on television shows in order to gain sympathy for these criminals (i.e. a T.V. show airing an episode where a Minutemen volunteer hurts an illegal immigrant). Thirty three year old Maximiliano Esparza raped and sodomized two nuns and used their rosary beads to control them during the attack. The Sisters were beaten, raped, sodomized, and finally, Esparza used her own rosary beads to strangle Sister Helen Lynn Chaska to death. Esparza had needed lodging and checked into the Klamath Falls Gospel Mission in Oregon. This Spanish speaking migrant had spent his evening getting drunk at a local strip club and encountered the nuns as they were walking and saying prayers. Of note, Esparza had a history of criminal behavior and had served a three year sentence in a California prison. He had been deported one time, and shockingly, U.S. Border Patrol let him go after detaining him a few months prior to the rape/murder. It doesn’t get more vile and disgusting than this.


The carnage has continued year after year. Walter Alexander Sorto was an illegal alien and Salvadorian national. Maybe he was one of those wonderful people who break our immigration laws to fill jobs at wages no U.S. citizen can afford to take. Or perhaps, he was not. Like so many others, 25 year old Sorto is a sex killer. In 2003, he snatched, raped, and slaughtered two women in Houston. Most disturbing is the fact that he had been known to police for his prior offenses which included robbery. He was on probation for his robbery when he butchered the women (Hayes, 2004).

If you are not yet disgusted, you will be. Not only are criminal immigrants coming from cultures that are misogynistic, but they are changing U.S. culture in response to their sickness. Many illegal aliens join violent gangs which take over neighborhoods and terrorize innocent citizens. These gangs are highly organized with tentacles spread through several countries. The mantra of the deadly MS13 gang is: blood in, blood out. And the chilling effects of the illegal aliens participation in these gangs are very far reaching. For example, on December 19, 2002, Victor Cruz, Jose Hernandez, Armando Juvenal, and Carlos Rodriguez were involved with the drawn out gang rape of an unsuspecting 42 year old New York woman. These illegal aliens were well known to police for their prior crimes of assault, attempted robbery, drug offenses, and illegal gun possession. No deportation followed their lesser offenses because of the sanctuary policy.

Case after case of rape by illegal aliens who were known to be violent criminals by the police who did nothing to deport them. In the above essay the perpetrators imported a hatred for women and lack of respect for the law that should be unacceptable for our streets. But the authorities do accept this sort of criminality again and again.

If we aren’t going to export our values, or at the very least demand immigrants here assimilate into American culture, than criminals need to be deported. The alternative is for young couples to be victimized by sub-humans who think nothing of kidnapping a woman and violently raping her.

Mexican “Bathtub Cheese” Spreading Tuberculosis in California

Bathtub cheese is exactly what it sounds like, and as dangerous to eat as anything grown in the place people clean themselves:

A rare form of tuberculosis caused by illegal, unpasteurized dairy products, including the popular queso fresco cheese, is rising among Hispanic immigrants in Southern California and raising fears about a resurgence of a strain all but eradicated in the U.S.

Cases of the Mycobacterium bovis strain of TB have increased in San Diego county, particularly among children who drink or eat dairy foods made from the milk of infected cattle, a study in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases shows.

But the germ can infect anyone who eats contaminated fresh cheeses sold by street vendors, smuggled across the Mexican border or produced by families who try to make a living selling so-called “bathtub cheese” made in home tubs and backyard troughs.

Scientists at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine are warning that improved screening, treatment and public education are necessary to prevent the spread of the disease that now accounts for about 10 percent of all new cases of TB in that border region — and, perhaps, others.

“M. bovis TB is a disease of antiquity,” said Timothy Rodwell, a researcher who led the study published by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “It is important that it not be allowed to re-emerge as a cause of TB in this country.”

Unlike typical TB, caused by the M. tuberculosis strain, the bovine variety isn’t easily spread through human-to-human contact. It settles less often in the lungs, making it less likely to be transmitted through breathing and coughing, Rodwell said.

However, the M. bovis bug is resistant to front-line drug therapy and adults who contract it are more than twice as likely as those with traditional TB to die before treatment is complete.

Researchers studied nearly 3,300 culture-confirmed cases of TB in San Diego county between 1994 and 2005, the study showed. Some 265 of the cases were identified as the bovine TB. Though the number of cases remained small, they increased by nearly 65 percent over time, rising from 17 cases a year to 28 cases a year.

We really are becoming a third world country aren’t we? What’s next? Leprosy?

Too late.

h/t Queer Conservative

An Interview with Jamiel Shaw’s Parents

We support Jamiel’s Law here at Red Alerts, which would mean that illegal aliens picked up for violent felonies or who were members of gangs would be deported. This video has Jamiel’s parents talking about his brutal and senseless murder by a illegal gang-banger. It also has them talking about the shameful attempts of L.A. officials to paint Jamiel as a gang member. It’s done by Full Disclosure which, in the interest of full disclosure, are to the right of me and I’m to the right Bill O’Reilly.

Watch and then sign the petition to get Jamiel’s law on the ballot:
