Robert Williams Proves Evil Exists in Human Form


And it must be punished. There are few examples in American crime cases that illuminate the depravity of the criminal mind more clearly than William’s 19 hour rape and torture session that ended with him tying the victim, whom he spent hours trying to blind by pouring bleach in her face, to the bed he tortured her on and setting it on fire.

Miraculously, she survived her ordeal and was able to confront her attacker in court:

A female college graduate student who endured a 19-hour ordeal of rape and torture from a former convict in her flat has faced her attacker in court.

The woman, a 24-year-old student at Columbia University in New York, held her gaze steady as she pointed to 31-year old Robert Williams when asked to identify her assailant.

The witness described at least seven instances of rape, sodomy and forced oral sex over the 19 hours her assailant was in her flat in Manhattan.

Mr Williams tried to force her to blind herself with a butcher’s knife and, when she would not, repeatedly threw bleach in her face, the witness said. He also forced her to ingest massive doses of painkillers, causing her liver failure.

“I was burning all over,” said the woman. “He threw the rest of the bleach into my face, but I was able to close my eyes in time. I was breathing it in. My lungs were burning.”

“I was trying to pretend that I couldn’t see so he wouldn’t pour more bleach in my face. I was nearly hysterical. I was shaking and crying,” said the witness.

He later poured boiling water over her twice and sliced her eyelids, she said. It was after the second scalding, she said, that she asked her attacker to kill her, but he refused.

“No, you’re not good enough for that,” he reportedly said.

He ordered her to stab out her eyes and she nodded.

“I was in so much pain I decided to aim for my neck, and if I died it would be so much quicker than how he was going to do it,” the woman testified. She said she fell toward the knife he had propped up in a pile of clothes, but she missed.

This enraged her attacker, she said, who began to hit her with a heavy object. He then repeatedly beat “my face, my eye sockets, with the blunt end of the knife,” she said. She started screaming but then blacked out

When she came to, she found herself tied to the futon bed of her fifth-floor flat but her assailant had left. Then she smelt smoke and tried to use the fire he had apparently started to burn off her bonds.

In the end she loosed herself from the futon and ran out of the flat, finding a middle-aged couple in the reception who took her to the building superintendent.

Robert Williams deserves to die, but instead faces only life in prison, where he’ll no doubt torture his fellow prisoners the same way. His brave victim spent weeks in three different hospitals, including burn units.

Williams himself is a long time violent felon, whose first murder was a juvenile. He did eight years in the 90s for attempted murder. He was picked up on burglary charges a week later and cops recognized him.

How could a person do such a thing? It’s easy to blame mental illness but the fact is he took pains to hide his crime; he wasn’t out of control. Williams is evil. He liked what he did, he probably did it before and if given the chance he’d do it again. The only way we can ensure that this sub-human doesn’t victimize another person is to end his life.

Beware The Chicken Bomber

A small town in Connecticut is the scene of a crime most foul:

SIMSBURY – Police are investigating a most unusal bomb scare – a bomb stuffed in a roaster.

A motorist on Powder Forest Drive Friday morning noticed what looked like a whole chicken – the kind bought at grocery stores for roasting – with a pipe bomb stuffed inside, police said.

When they arrived on the scene around 9 a.m. officers found the roaster had an improvised explosive device where the fowl’s innards should have been.

They closed the road for part of the morning as the Hartford Police Department’s bomb squad was called to detonate the device, police said.

In its recent history, Simsbury and local residents have had their problems with hungry black bears, roaming coyotes and escapee emus. Now town folks can add store-bought chicken, stuffed with a bomb, to the list of odd animal incidents.

With the chicken and bomb taken care of, police are left to investigate who’s responsible for the strange incident.

Police Capt. Matthew Catania would not describe the bomb, but said it was “capable of causing harm to a person.”

A chicken bomber!?! Well done Connecticut! This is crime blogging gold! Red Alerts has an exclusive mock up of what Simsbury police believe the bomber looks like:


If you see this guy, call the cops. And do not approach him, especially if he’s carrying a chicken.

California Judge Gives Rapist Suspended Sentence

Lawrence Keith Wright slipped a drug in a young woman’s drink at a party that left her helpless but aware of the vicious assault he then perpetrated on her person. For that vile act judge Sandra McLean gave the miscreant nine short years. Then to ensure that his victim would feel completely violated she suspended the sentence:

OROVILLE — A judge Thursday handed down a nine-year suspended prison sentence to a Chico rapist.

Butte County Superior Court Judge Sandra McLean said the only reason Lawrence Keith Wright, 31, was being placed on probation, was that it’s his first criminal conviction and will require him to undergo sexual offender treatment.

In an emotional statement to the court before sentence was pronounced, the 20-year-old victim wept as she recounted how Wright had carried her into a bedroom and twice sexually assaulted her, after giving the intoxicated woman a pinkish colored drink during a party at a friend’s Chico home last August.

“You stole something that was only mine to give,” the brown-haired woman sobbed. Though Wright had contended through his attorney that the sex was consensual, last month he pleaded no contest to felony charges of rape by use of drugs and sexual battery.

Both the probation officer and prosecutor had recommended imprisonment.

The victim told Chico police she had gone with a friend to a party, where she consumed alcohol. She said she started feeling sick and went into the bathroom, after downing the pink colored drink Wright had given her.

At his sentencing Thursday, the young woman told Wright: “I remember everything; I remember you raping me and not being able to do anything about it.”


McLean sentenced Wright to the mid-term of six years in prison on the rape charge, plus three years for sexual battery, but ordered both terms stayed pending successful completion of five years of probation. The judge, who also ordered 200 hours of community serve (sic) plus undetermined amount of restitution tot he victim, warned Wright that any violation of his probation, including failure to complete sexual offender treatment counseling, would result in the nine-year prison sentence being imposed.

Probation and community service. That’ll teach him. Why shouldn’t a man in his early 30s be given a second chance? It’s not like by 31 a person has the ability to take responsibility for his actions, right?

Here’s a 31-year-old man at a party with a 20-year-old girl, there’s something wrong with this story already. What kind of person in their 30s wants to be around drunk 20-year-olds? Beside date rapists that is?

The Judge here is acting like she caught a teen joy riding. This is a man in his 30s who drugged and raped a young girl. He’s dangerous, he’s evil and he’s unlikely to change his ways.

Sex offender treatment doesn’t work, as Lilo has already shown. Punishment, at least, provides the victim with a sense of compensatory justice and while the rapist sits in prison other women would be safe. I guess that’s not an issue for judge McLean. A letter to the Oroville Mercury-Register from Clark Drown sums up what’s wrong with Wright’s sentence quite nicely:

Lawrence Wright’s sentencing for rape by Judge Sandra McLean is an insult to the judicial system. Using lack of priors and required treatment as reason for the lenient sentence, McLean disregarded recommendations of the Butte County District Attorney’s Office, Probation Department and the victim in this case, who asked for the maximum prison sentence. She has been further violated — once by Wright, and now by McLean.

This case reflects a new trend in rape cases, and is a purposeful, sophisticated crime, using a “date rape drug” with a paralyzing agent, leaving the victim fully conscious and aware but paralyzed, unable to fight the against the assault, and forever imprinting the victim with memories of violence and invasiveness. Every rape is a tragic event. Wright’s nonacceptance of responsibility (no contest plea) to gain probation should not be allowed in this case. A prison sentence includes a required 90-day psych evaluation at the California Medical Facility in Vacaville, which both he and society would benefit from.

Wright’s sentence is an insult to the victim, the justice system and those who work within it. Rape is rarely a one-time occurrence.

My opinion is based on a 30-year career in sworn and non-sworn law enforcement, with convictions of sexual offenders of all types.

McLean should face serious review at election time and this case should be appealed to the State Appellate Court.

Wright must certainly be laughing all the way to the therapist’s office.

— Clark Drown, Chico

Hear, hear! Let’s hope the voters remember this case when this judge is up for re-election.

Incendiary Devices Planted Near Tennessee Dam

Officials don’t think the Old Hickory Dam was a target or in danger, but several “sophisticated devices” planted on federal property is something everyone takes very seriously:

Investigators in Hendersonville are trying to find out who left suspicious devices not far from Old Hickory Dam.

Captain Robert Galoppi of the Hendersonville police department says three devices were found. He says two had been detonated and one had not.

The devices were found at the archery range after park hours by an officer on routine patrol.

The area is nearly surrounded by lake waters and it is a short distance from Old Hickory Lake.

The devices are are considered explosive incendiary devices, somewhat different from a bomb.

Old Hickory Dam is a federally-run facility and the archery range is federal property.

Authorities do not believe the dam was a target, but they are taking the situation very seriously.

Captain Galoppi said, “Any explosive device or incendiary device that’s built in the state of Tennessee is now a felony, even if it’s a hoax device. It’s still a felony. The added twist to this is it is on a federal reservation.”

h/t N.T.A.

Texas Man Caught With Explosives Near Marina Fuel Tanks

Since the Austin bomb squad was called out this must have happened near Austin. Add this to the fire at the Governor’s mansion and it looks like those Texas Democrats really rallied the troops. From KWTX:

(June 7, 2008)- An early morning high-speed chase Saturday from Bell County to Travis County led to the discovery of a number of explosive devices, ammunition, a large rifle and a handgun in the car of a Morgan’s Point man.

At about 1:45 a.m., Morgan’s Point Police came across a suspicious vehicle near the fuel tanks at the Morgan’s Point Marina.

A man inside the red late-model Ford Mustang was ducking down and officers say he was reaching under the seat.

As a safety procedure, officers started to back away from the vehicle before the driver took off in the car.

A chase ensued through neighborhoods in Temple, through State Highway 317 into Belton, then onto Southbound I-35 through Williamson County and Travis County.

Belton Police, State Troopers and Williamson County and Travis County deputies all assisted in the chase.

The chase finally ended south of Austin when the suspect crashed his vehicle.

When officers approached the man, the suspect shot himself in the face, police said.

He was immediately taken to a nearby hospital for surgery.

The Austin Bomb Squad was called to the scene after explosives, ammunition and weapons were found in the vehicle.

Officials dismantled the devices.

Fort Hood’s Explosive Ordinance Detachment Team was dispatched to the man’s residence at 16 Hawthorne Court in Morgan’s Point at about 6:15 a.m.

Nearly 60 homes were evacuated in the area including those of several medically challenged and elderly residents.

The United States Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms dispatched a field agent, a bomb tech and a bomb-detecting dog to the scene.

The Morgan’s Point Fire Department and Scott & White EMS were also sent to the scene along with a prosecutor from the Bell County District Attorney’s Office.

At about 10:30 a.m., a warrant was served and evidence was gathered from the man’s residence.

All neighbors evacuated were allowed to return to their homes at about 12:30 p.m., Saturday.

The suspect, a 48-year-old male whose name is not being released at this time, is reportedly still in surgery.

A 48-year-old male? Isn’t that part of the profile of the average DailyKos blogger? And isn’t it odd that this guy and the Governor’s mansion fire both happened right after the Texas democrats held their convention?

As the left is fond of saying, I‘m just asking questions!

h/t N.T.A.