Another Hate Crime in NYC!

Liberalism on parade!

Four teenagers have been arrested on hate crime charges for throwing rocks at a school bus full of Jewish toddlers in a Brooklyn neighborhood with a volatile racial history, the police said on Friday.

The police said that three girls and one boy yelled epithets as they broke windows on the bus in Crown Heights last month. The children in the bus were not hurt. The teenagers arrested are black; each is 14.

The case is part of a string of events that have recently stirred tensions among black and Jewish residents in Crown Heights. Others episodes have included an assault on a black college student and an attack on an Orthodox Jewish teenager.

In 1991, clashes erupted in Crown Heights after a Jewish driver hit and killed a 7-year-old black boy. In the ensuing chaos, a 29-year-old Hasidic scholar was fatally stabbed.

NYC is having some serious problems with hate crimes. Liberals claim to promote tolerance and open mindedness but here we see in the most liberal city in the north eastern United State what happens when identity politics and “social justice” replace community and patriotism.

h/t Atlas Shrugs.

Ean Farrow and Thomas Ray Indicted for Murder of Marine

The two evil bastards that shot a marine in front of his girlfriend for fun have been indicted on aggravated murder charges and thankfully face the death penalty. From the A.P. (The checks in the mail guys):

Ean Farrow, 19, and Thomas Ray III, 20, of Cleveland, were indicted by a Cuyahoga County grand jury on charges of aggravated murder, murder, kidnapping, felonious assault and aggravated robbery in the Jan. 5 shooting of Lance Cpl. Robert Crutchfield.

The 21-year-old Crutchfield was crippled by a gunshot while waiting for a bus in Cleveland and died of a related infection on May 18.

“It’s sickening and appalling that this Marine, who put his life on the line fighting for our country, comes home only to face a deadlier enemy on our streets — a couple of thugs who have no regard for human life,” prosecutor Bill Mason said.

Prosecutor Bill Mason’s office has received dozens of emails asking for him to pursue the death penalty. These two definitely deserve it:

Police tied the suspects to Crutchfield’s shooting while investigating a robbery on the following morning across the street from the scene of the attack.

Crutchfield, warned by commanders that he could be a robbery target as a Marine on leave with a pocketful of money, was carrying only $8, his military identification and a bank card.

“They took it, turned his pockets inside out, took what he had and told him since he was a Marine and didn’t have any money he didn’t deserve to live,” his aunt, Albert Holt, told The Associated Press last month. “They put the gun to his neck and shot him.”

Let’s hope these two get the death penalty. Then we’ll organize a field trip to dance on their graves. Maybe the infamous Cat Dance!

Not Safe for Work! Really:


Who’s with me?

Help Stop Aaron Nichols from Getting Away with Raping Children


My buddy Lilo told me about this horrible story from Tipton county in Indiana where a man convicted of molesting an 11-year-old and a 5-year-old has been given a plea deal where he’ll serve NO jail time for his horrible crimes. What’s worse is that there are rumors of the pervert getting special treatment from authorities because his father, Bill Nichols, is the county coroner and his uncle, Brad Nichols, is a county councilman.

Brad Nichols is a Republican, so considering our party’s hard-line law-and-order stance I would think he’d have been more vocal about such a travesty of justice even if the criminal involved was his nephew. He can be contacted here if you have any questions regarding why his nephew is getting special treatment.

Hamilton County Deputy Prosecutor Stephanie Smith claims that the light sentence was “an appropriate resolution that will save the children the trauma of testifying in a trial,” even though the victims’ families objected to what was clearly a sweetheart deal. From The Kokomo Tribune:

The plea bargain agreed upon by Smith and Nichols’ attorney, Jim Crum, would result in Nichols pleading guilty to child molest as a C felony filed in Tipton County and two C felony child molest charges in Hamilton County.

The Tipton County charges allege Nichols fondled a boy who was 7 or 8 between April 1, 2003, to Nov. 30, 2003. The two Hamilton County charges allege he fondled or touched an 11-year-old boy on two occasion between May 1, 2002, and May 31, 2002.

The plea, if granted by Proffitt, would have Nichols serve six years all suspended with four years of probation on all three charges with the Tipton County and Hamilton County offenses to run consecutive for a total of eight years probation and no jail time. Nichols also would be required to register as a sex offender for 10 years.

Proffitt will make her decision on the plea at an Aug. 13 hearing.

Now that’s a sweat heart deal! But wait, there’s more:

Smith and Proffitt took over the case after Tipton County Prosecutor Jay Rich and Tipton Circuit Court Judge Tom Lett recused themselves due to perceived conflicts of interest.

Both men have worked with Nichols’ father, Bob Nichols, the Tipton County coroner, and his uncle, Brad Nichols, a county councilman.

If convicted of the original charges, Aaron Nichols could serve from six to 20 years for each B felony and two to eight years for each C felony.

I’m sure prosecuting your boss’ friends isn’t a conflict of interest either. Like I said Lilo is all over this one including in a post on Perverted Primates. The grapevine at Primates is ripe and juicy. Here’s a little tidbit she manged to pull out from a newspaper comment section:

The truth is that one brave child TOLD on him for forcing him to take his penis in his mouth and had for a long time in ’04. At this time CPS became involved and Aaron told his Dad, the Tipton Co. Coroner, that he had molested many other children as well and his father, Bob Nichols, told him to keep his mouth shut about the other victims! For two more years Bob sat back and allowed Aaron to carry on and be around little kids all the time in their homeschool group, Boy Scouts, church, 4-H, etc…. After the child told on him in ’04 he entered counciling and eventually the counselor told him he had to disclose all his victims and when he finally did, the counselor told him he had 48 hrs to turn himself in, or he would.

I know it’s just a rumor, but it jibes well with this little tidbit I found on the Topix forum about Nichols. Apparently a guy named Timothy Moore got a 4 year sentence for a Class C felony child molest charge from the same judge. He had the same Prosecutor and the same defense attorney. He got a very different sentence and Prosecutor Stephanie Smith wasn’t shy about putting his young victim on the stand.

Bonnie’s Blog of Crime has a letter published by a friend of the victims’ families that was in the court and witnessed Prosecutor Smith in action. It’s a must read and will get your blood boiling. Smith apparently thinks jail time would “undo” Nichols’ progress in counseling. At least that’s what she screamed at a father of one of his victims!

The sentencing doesn’t happen until August 13th so Lilo is spearheading the drive to get the judge in the case to reject the plea. Please take some time out to contact the judge and ask her to dispense true justice:

Judith S. Proffitt Judge
One Hamilton County Square #337
Noblesville, IN 46060
Phone: 317-776-9635
Administrator: 317-776-8589

Prosecutor Smith can be contacted also. Be prepared to be yelled at by a woman who thinks she’s much better than you:

Prosecutor’s Office:
Hamilton County Deputy Prosecutor Stephanie Smith
Phone: 317-776-8595,
Fax: 317-776-8469
Address: One Hamilton County Square Suite 134 Noblesville, IN 46060-2230

Let’s help Nichols’ victims get the justice they deserve.

Brits Shocked to Learn Terror Suspects Will Jump Bail!

Labor Party ministers were quoted as saying “Well, I never!” when confronted with the news that a suspected Islamist Terrorist had skipped out on his bail … after being allowed to attend a mosque. Who would have seen that coming?

From The Telegraph:

A terrorist suspect on bail for charges linked to an alleged major suicide plot involving mass casualties has gone on the run, Scotland Yard has disclosed

The 23-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is understood to have fled during Friday prayers and left a suicide note at his home.

Under strict bail conditions, he was due to report to police at 7am on Friday. It was reported on Friday night that he escaped while at prayers in a mosque near his home, which he was allowed to attend as part of the conditions. His family are said to have contacted police after they found the note.

Scotland Yard has launched a massive manhunt, amid fears for the man’s welfare. Detectives are playing down the suggestion the note implied he was on a suicide mission to target others.

The suspect was due to stand trial later this year charged with conspiracy to commit murder and conspiracy to commit explosions, amongst other alleged offences.

He was given strict bail conditions, which amount to being under house arrest, and would have had his passport confiscated. The exact details of the conditions are unknown because the application was made in secret at court.

Police sources said they are “furious” that another terror suspect has gone on the run after being granted bail.

They have also faced problems with suspects slipping their control orders and at least three others are being hunted by police having absconded in the past year.

Zeeshan Siddiqui, a former London Underground worker linked to the leader of the July 7 bomb plot, has been missing since September last year.

A radical Muslim who might want to commit suicide? What could go wrong?

Via Weasel Zippers, who tell us at least three other terrorists have given the Brits the slip after getting bail.

Shocker! The E.U. Parliament’s a Scam to Soak Up Taxpayer Money (Plus Diablo III!)

You get the boilerplate special for Sunday morning because I’m still partially catatonic after hearing the news that Diablo III is a go. While I replay a game from almost ten years ago and slap up a couple of quick, I mean special interest websites you get recycled Hot Air content.

Stick with it until the end to see the leftist’s idea of equality and freedom:


Yeah, the President of the E.U broke the E.U.’s own laws to throw out the reporters. It’s almost like equality in the European Union is a euphemism for a return to feudalism.

Instapundit dug this one out. “But screw the E.U. Rob!” you’re screaming into the monitor right now, “What was that you said about Diablo III?”

Check this out:


Druids rule!