Organization that Sends Europeans and Arabs to Africa to Rape Children Wants to Investigate America’s Racism

Sorry for the long title but such surreal hypocrisy only comes along once in a life time. From Reuters:

GENEVA (Reuters) – A special U.N. human rights investigator will visit the United States this month to probe racism, an issue that has forced its way into the race to secure the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination.

The United Nations said Doudou Diene would meet federal and local officials, as well as lawmakers and judicial authorities during the May 19-June 6 visit.

“The special rapporteur will…gather first-hand information on issues related to racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance,” a U.N. statement said on Friday.

His three-week visit, at U.S. government invitation, will cover eight cities — Washington D.C., New York, Chicago, Omaha, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Miami and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Race has become a central issue in the U.S. election cycle because Sen. Barack Obama, the frontrunner in the battle for the Democratic nomination battle, stands to become the country’s first African American president.

His campaign has increased turnout among black voters but has also turned off some white voters in a country with a history of slavery and racial segregation.

Diene, a Senegalese lawyer who has served in the independent post since 2002, will report his findings to the U.N. Human Rights Council next year.

Hey you know who else has a history of slavery and racial segregation? Every U.N. member state.

Arab Muslim states practice slavery of Black Africans now. Slavery wasn’t criminalized in Chad until 2003, where was the U.N. on that one? The Arabized northern peoples of Sudan regularly enslave the Black African animists and Christians of the south. This seems racist to me, or at least discriminatory. But the Sudanese practice of enslaving non-Muslims has suffered little criticism by the U.N. and it’s racist members.

The United Nations is complicit in the sexual slavery of children in Africa as it turned loose its filthy “peacekeeper” forces on that continent with implicit permission to rape and enslave.

The United Nations missions in Africa are marred by a history of rape and pedophilia. U.N. blue helmets who are caught exploiting refugees or forcibly raping women and little girls are usually transported out of the country and lightly punished:

Pamela Shifman, a UNICEF expert on sexual exploitation of children, said abuses are pervasive among U.N. peacekeepers deployed in countries that have been afflicted by grinding poverty and years of conflict. But, she said, “It is not inevitable. That’s a really important message — that we can address impunity. We can address accountability.”


Still, two Pakistani police were removed from Haiti last month after a local woman accused them of raping her at a banana farm outside Gonaives, U.N. officials said. A U.N. investigation dismissed the rape charge but expelled the Pakistanis for hiring a prostitute.

In September a Brazilian peacekeeper was accused of raping a minor in Port-au-Prince, Martin said. The United Nations concluded there was insufficient evidence to prosecute the peacekeeper, she said.

Sexual abuse scandals have shadowed the United Nations since the early 1990s, when U.N. peacekeepers in Cambodia were charged with sexually abusing girls. At the time, the U.N.’s top official in Cambodia, Yasushi Akashi, played down the gravity of the allegations, saying, “Boys will be boys.”

Human rights investigators and journalists documented widespread abuses in 2001 in Kosovo and Bosnia, where U.N. police operated brothels and trafficked women from Eastern Europe to engage in prostitution.

A U.N. spokesman in Kosovo, Neeraj Singh, said a series of reforms had curtailed such abuses. But Singh confirmed that a Pakistani staff member in the office of the High Commissioner for Refugees, Rashid Doon Khan, was arrested in Kosovo on Jan. 28 by an international prosecutor in Kosovo pending a pretrial investigation that “relates to sexual and narcotics-related charges involving minors.

“Boys will be boys” is their response. And every rape victim was a prostitute. Odd when you realize that a hooker’s livelihood depends on discretion and regulars. Why would all these prostitutes make up stories of rapes by blue helmets? Maybe this needs a little more investigation.

And do we see a pattern here of certain groups, Black Africans and non-Muslim westerners, being targeted for sexual abuse? It’s almost as if the United Nations is full of people with some sort of animus toward those groups.

Even the BBC has lambasted the U.N. for its rape spree. And I’ll repeat that almost all the victims of the rapes, except for the Kosovo women targeted by Muslim peace keepers, are Black. All are African or Eastern European. This is clearly driven by racial animus, by the dehumanization of these groups by racist cultures.

But America needs to be investigated. America needs the U.N. to come in and set us straight on race relations. Right.

In almost every other U.N. member state a Bi-racial man born in the 70s, like myself, would have been murdered. He certainly would not have achieved success, not have lived a good life like I have. But those countries that still commit ethnic cleansing, like Darfur, Vietnam and Laos and Cuba are free to murder, rape and maim with U.N. approval.

Isn’t it time we stop paying the U.N. to act as if we’re Nazi Germany? If the U.N. doesn’t like America, maybe they should leave.

Lazy Friday Link Round-Up

I’m about to cook up lunch and watch a Firefly marathon on Sci-fi, so it’s link round up time. Now lazier than ever!

Lost in Lima, Ohio waxes poetic on a little town called Effingham.

Margaret Hoover doesn’t mind being called “sweetie.”

G.S.G.F. on Democracies and Hot chicks.

Breaking News: Osama bin Ladin hates Jews.

Heartbreaking video from Vice Tube. I didn’t have enough info to blog this story so I’ll leave it alone until I do some research.

Also from Trench there’s new video of the Victoria Lindsay beating. It proves the teen girls involved are animals who need to be in jail.

North Korea has your hook-up. If you like speed that is.

Horartio Blackwood makes b-movies, rapes teenagers.

And check this video out via Crime Scene KC:


Interpol Announces Congressman James McGovern Worked for Narco-Terror Group F.A.R.C.


The Massachusetts Democrat has been working diligently to sever American ties with Columbia where F.A.R.C. has led a violent Marxist insurgency for decades. McGovern’s work to undermine the wildly popular President Uribe is a criminal act that should be prosecuted and now Interpol has certified that evidence found in a F.A.R.C. laptop implicating him in dealing with the group for political gain is true it is time the Department of Justice arrested this traitor and sent a strong message to people who would side with the enemies of freedom and prosperity.

From The Wall Street Journal:

Mr. McGovern’s press office says the Congressman is merely working at the behest of families whose relatives are held as FARC kidnap hostages. However, his go-between’s letters reveal more than routine intervention. The intervenor with the FARC is James C. Jones, who the Congressman’s office says is a “development expert and a former consultant to the United Nations.” Accounts of Mr. Jones’s exchanges with the FARC appeared in Colombia’s Semana magazine on March 15. This Mr. Jones should not be confused with the former Congressman and ambassador to Mexico of the same name from Oklahoma.

“Receive my warm greetings, as always, from Washington,” Mr. Jones began in a letter to the rebels last fall. “The big news is that I spoke for several hours with the Democratic Congressman James McGovern. In the meeting we had the opportunity to exchange some ideas that will be, I believe, of interest to the FARC-EP [popular army].”

Mr. Jones added that “a fundamental problem is that the FARC does not have, strategically, a spokesman that can communicate directly with persons of influence in my country like Mr. McGovern.” Semana reports that in the documents Mr. Jones “rules himself out as the spokesman but offers himself as a ‘bridge’ of communication between the FARC and the congressman.” Semana says when it spoke with Mr. Jones, he verified the letter and explained that “he made the offer because the guerrillas need interlocutors if they want to achieve peace and that it is a mistake to isolate them.”

But communications among FARC rebels suggest the goal was to isolate Colombia’s government. A letter that Reyes wrote to top FARC commander Manuel Marulanda on October 26 reads: “According to [Jones’s] viewpoint, [President Álvaro] Uribe is increasingly discredited in the U.S. . . He believes that the safe haven [for the rebels] in the counties can be had for reasons mentioned. Congressional Democrats have invited him to Washington to talk about the Colombian crisis in which the principal theme is the swap.”

Semana reports that Mr. Jones made some proposals to the FARC, including a Caracas meeting with representatives of Venezuela, Colombia, the FARC, other South American countries, U.S. Congressmen and the Catholic Church. “It would be almost impossible for Uribe to reject such a meeting,” Mr. Jones wrote, “without burning himself a lot, nationally and internationally. If he persists in being against it, I have understood that there are ways to pressure him from my country [the U.S.].”

In a letter to Semana, Mr. Jones said his words were taken out of context. He says he is not in favor of the “violent methods of the guerrilla” or “the military solutions” of the government. He had only a professional relationship with the FARC and had to address them as he did because he had to build trust. Mr. McGovern’s office says it knew what Mr. Jones was doing and engaged with him because “we need to find an interlocutor who could discuss these things including the safe haven” for the guerrillas.

We think the documents reveal something else entirely: Some Democrats oppose the Colombia trade deal because they sympathize more with FARC’s terrorists than with a U.S. antiterror ally.

What would J.F.K. say is he knew his party was dealing with Marxist insurgents? I’d say he was rolling over in his grave now but he already is given his brother’s treasonous relationship with the Soviet Union which was aimed at undermining the presidential campaign of Jimmy Carter of all people.

What is it about violent Marxists who rape, steal and kill that tugs at the modern leftist’s heart? Immature hero worship or the secret desire of White liberals to kill large numbers of people because they feel otherwise powerless? We may never know, but why don’t we start looking for answers with Jim McGovern? Here are his Washington office numbers:

Phone: (202) 225-6101
Fax: (202) 225-5759

Vcrisis has a post up about the Interpol report as does The Real Cuba.

Gateway Pundit has been following the F.A.R.C/Democrat connection for weeks, so a big tip of the hat goes to him.

Red Menace! “Crazy Rasberry” Ants Endanger Texas Infrastructure


No one knows where they came from and exterminators are having a hard time dealing with them. They nest in electronic equipment and are endangering the infrastructure of Texas. They are the “Crazy Rasberry” Ants their unchecked march across our southern states is a severe threat to our country:

DALLAS (AP) — In what sounds like a really low-budget horror film, voracious swarming ants that apparently arrived in Texas aboard a cargo ship are invading homes and yards across the Houston area, shorting out electrical boxes and messing up computers.

The hairy, reddish-brown creatures are known as “crazy rasberry ants” — crazy, because they wander erratically instead of marching in regimented lines, and “rasberry” after Tom Rasberry, an exterminator who did battle against them early on.

“They’re itty-bitty things about the size of fleas, and they’re just running everywhere,” said Patsy Morphew of Pearland, who is constantly sweeping them off her patio and scooping them out of her pool by the cupful. “There’s just thousands and thousands of them. If you’ve seen a car racing, that’s how they are. They’re going fast, fast, fast. They’re crazy.”

The ants — formally known as “paratrenicha species near pubens” — have spread to five Houston-area counties since they were first spotted in Texas in 2002.

The newly recognized species is believed to have arrived in a cargo shipment through the port of Houston. Scientists are not sure exactly where the ants came from, but their cousins, commonly called crazy ants, are found in the Southeast and the Caribbean.

“At this point, it would be nearly impossible to eradicate the ant because it is so widely dispersed,” said Roger Gold, a Texas A&M University entomologist.

The good news? They eat fire ants, the stinging red terrors of Texas summers.

But the ants also like to suck the sweet juices from plants, feed on such beneficial insects as ladybugs, and eat the hatchlings of a small, endangered type of grouse known as the Attwater prairie chicken.

They also bite humans, though not with a stinger like fire ants.

They also seem to be attracted to computers, leading to shorts and malfunctions as the tiny red devils clog the equipment with their nests. They’ve already caused malfunctions in in dozens of home electronics and at least one water meter as well as a sewage treatment pump. Even more troubling they have been spotted at both the Johnson Space Center and Hobby Airport.

They are also almost impossible to kill:

Exterminators say calls from frustrated homeowners and businesses are increasing because the ants — which are starting to emerge by the billions with the onset of the warm, humid season — appear to be resistant to over-the-counter ant killers.

“The population built up so high that typical ant controls simply did no good,” said Jason Meyers, an A&M doctoral student who is writing his dissertation on the one-eighth-inch-long ant.

It’s not enough just to kill the queen. Experts say each colony has multiple queens that have to be taken out.

At the same time, the ants aren’t taking the bait usually left out in traps, according to exterminators, who want the Environmental Protection Agency to loosen restrictions on the use of more powerful pesticides.

And when you do kill these ants, the survivors turn it to their advantage: They pile up the dead, sometimes using them as a bridge to cross safely over surfaces treated with pesticide.

It is reported that they’re emerging from nests in the billions as the warmer weather stirs up activity in the colony.

The Chron has a brief history of Texans struggle with these pernicious invaders:

First spotted in 2002 in Pasadena by Tom Rasberry, the exterminator for whom the rice-grain-sized insects are named, the ants now have spread through much of the greater Houston area. May through September is their peak period — a time when billions of the critters with a reluctance to sting and a habit of chewing up electrical wiring may infest a single acre. Homeowners daily sweep up dust bins of their dead and maimed.

“They’re just running wild. You know how racehorses run down the track? They go both ways. They have nowhere to go, just running crazy wild,” complained Patsy Morphew of Pearland. “They crawl through the eaves of the house and go into the bathroom. You know what it’s like to sit down on the commode with crazy ants running everywhere?”

Morphew said she and her husband, Kenneth, have called exterminators to their home on three occasions. “It seems to help for two or three months,” she said, but the ants always return. Each morning the Morphews sweep up cups of the ants from their patio and dredge still more from their pool.

Jason Meyers, a Texas A&M University entomology doctoral candidate who has studied the ants, said no one is certain where they came from. What is known, though, is that their range rapidly is expanding. Two poisons — Termidor and Top Choice — are available to exterminators, but unless a sufficient “buffer zone” is established around an infested property, additional ants simply will crawl over the bodies of their fallen comrades.

Rasberry said he treated a half-acre plot with insecticide, returning months later to find the area covered thickly with two inches of dead ants. Living insects teemed on the top layer of insect corpses.

Meyers said an untreated acre of grassland in the Houston area might contain billions of the insects, which create multi-queen nests in damp areas beneath rocks and debris.

There’s also a video report. The ants rarely bite humans but the fear is that they will quickly alter the ecosystem and exterminate beneficial birds, insects and even crops.

How did they get here?Accident or bio-terrorism? This recent case of a person attempting to introduce invasive Giant beetles into Philadelphia via the mail makes the sudden appearance of this as yet unidentified species of ant suspicious. From Fox:

PHILADELPHIA — Customs agents seized more than two dozen giant beetles — some the size of a child’s hand — from an overseas package after postal workers heard the insects making scratching noises.

The large bugs arrived last week from Taiwan at a post office in Mohnton, about 50 miles (80 kilometers) northwest of Philadelphia, in a box whose contents were labeled as toys, gifts and jellies, officials said Wednesday.

But the postmaster suspected the package contained live organisms and notified authorities, according to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency. The package was sent to Philadelphia, where it was X-rayed and then opened.

“The specimens were some of the largest of their kind, and some of the largest I’ve ever seen, averaging five to six inches in diameter,” John Plummer, an agency agriculture specialist, said in a statement Wednesday. “They are highly destructive insect pests that can cause extensive damage to fruit and vegetable crops, trees, shrubs and turf grasses.”

In all, authorities found 26 Hercules, rhinoceros and Goliath beetles. It is illegal to ship live beetles into the United States without a permit from the Department of Agriculture.

Seven of the beetles were in containers labeled by gender, which means they could have been intended for breeding, customs agency spokesman Steve Sapp said Wednesday.

I suppose it is possible that there’s some innocent reason a person might be trying to secretly breed destructive invasive species, some of which are as big as a child’s hand, in the suburbs of a major city. But isn’t it likely that someone is trying to cause the kind of chaos and financial ruin the people of Houston are looking at if they can’t get a handle on this problem in Philadelphia?

Here’s a map of their spread. Extrapolate the four year period into a couple of decades and you’ll see why this is panic inducing. That and this line from Texas A&M’s Urban Entomology website:

Another species of Paratrechina, fulva, has caused great pestilence in rural and urban areas of Colombia. In many cases, they displaced all other ant species. Small livestock (e.g. chickens) may die of asphyxia. Larger animals, such as cattle, are attacked around eyes, nasal fossae and hooves. They have also dried grasslands due to their association with homopterans.


Chavez Looking for Pretext for War in Latin America

Hugo Chavez, the hidden hand behind Marxist narco-terror group F.A.R.C. has released a statement warning of possible war in Latin America if Columbia allows the U.S. launch drug operations there. From Fox News:

CARACAS, Venezuela — President Hugo Chavez on Wednesday warned Colombia not to allow a U.S. military base on its border with Venezuela, saying he would consider such an act an “aggression.”

Chavez said he would not permit Colombia’s U.S.-backed government to establish an American military base in La Guajira, a region spanning northeastern Colombia and northwestern Venezuela.

The Venezuelan leader said if Colombia allows the base, his government will revive a decades-old territorial conflict and stake a claim to the entire region.

“We will not allow the Colombian government to give La Guajira to the empire,” Chavez said, referring to the U.S. during a speech to a packed auditorium of uniformed soldiers. “Colombia is launching a threat of war at us.”

He said Washington’s top diplomat in Bogota, U.S. Ambassador William Brownfield, recently suggested that a U.S. military base in Ecuador could be moved to La Guajira.

Chavez urged his Colombian counterpart, Alvaro Uribe, to “think it over well” before making such a decision because Venezuela will do “whatever it takes” to ensure that a U.S. military base is not built on the peninsula in the Caribbean Sea.

Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa — a close Chavez ally — has repeatedly said that he will not renew a 10-year lease on the base in the Pacific port of Manta when it expires next year.

Manta is the United States’ only military base in South America. Surveillance flights the U.S. runs from there are responsible for about 60 percent of drug interdiction in the eastern Pacific.

Diplomatic relations between Caracas and Bogota have been rocky for months. They worsened last week when Colombia unveiled documents allegedly showing that Chavez sought to arm and finance Colombian rebels. Chavez denies the claim.

Colombian officials say they found the documents in laptops recovered after a March 1 cross-border raid in Ecuador that killed rebel leader Raul Reyes and 24 other people.

International police agency Interpol is analyzing the documents and plans to present its findings on Thursday in Bogota.

“The Colombian government will surely announce tomorrow that the documents retrieved from Raul Reyes’ computer are authentic and, therefore, Chavez supports terrorism,” Chavez said.

No doubt Chavez’s saber rattling is meant to distract the world from his criminality, but will he be willing to go all the way and start a war in Latin America?

Hot Air has a report that shows just how irrational Chavez and his puppet government in Ecuador is being on this issue:

Currently we have an agreement with Ecuador that runs out in November 2009 that allows us to use Eloy Alfaro Air Base to stage drug-interdiction flights throughout the region. We have as many as 475 military personnel stationed at the bas, and the base primarily looks for drug-runners in boats coming out of Colombia. In 2007, the Manta base caught 200 such transports in approximately 1200 missions.

The US does not want to end this program and surrender to the cartels, but Manta simply won’t be available. Ecuador’s Rafael Correa has refused to negotiate an extension, not surprisingly given his ties to Chavez, but it will be akin to cutting off his nose to spite his face. The US base pumps almost $7 million into the local economy and spent over $70 million refurbishing Eloy Alfaro Air Base. Correa offered a deal: he’d extend the lease if we allowed an Ecuadorian military base in Miami. Bush passed on that offer.

Correa want the U.S., and our millions of dollars, out of the country no doubt as part of a larger scheme by Chavez to build a new soviet bloc. Bush isn’t going to let that happen and he won’t leave Columbia high and dry (though the Democrats most certainly will) so he’s got to tie up these loose ends quick. I think he’ll rush a deal through to station American troops in Columbia, and that will be all the pretext Chavez needs to start try military action.