CNET: Snuff Films, Jihadi Training Videos Protected by The First Amendment

I wasn’t going to post about this story but my mild comment was considered a violation of CNET’s terms of service. I’ll post that comment at the end but first the story.

YouTube has a long history of providing degenerates with quasi-legal or in some cases illegal spank material. Child exploitation is de rigeur on YouTube and Jihadists often post snuff films on the site. More to the point YouTube provides a forum for Islamists to not just state their views, but recruit, train and engage their followers. Joe Lieberman sent this letter to YouTube management:

May 19, 2008

Dr. Eric Schmidt
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
Google, Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043

Dear Dr. Schmidt:

YouTube is being used to share videos produced by al-Qaeda and other Islamist terrorist groups. The purpose of this letter is to request that Google implement its own policy against this offensive material, remove these videos from YouTube, and prevent them from reappearing.

Today, Islamist terrorist organizations rely extensively on the Internet to attract supporters and advance their cause. The framework for much of this Internet campaign is described in a bipartisan staff report released last week by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (“Committee”), which I am privileged to chair, titled Violent Islamist Extremism, the Internet, and the Homegrown Terrorist Threat. The report explains, in part, how al-Qaeda created and manages a multi-tiered online media operation that produces content intended to enlist followers in countries all over the world, including the United States. Central to this media campaign is the branding of content with an icon or logo to guarantee authenticity that the content was produced by al-Qaeda or allied organizations like al-Qaeda in Iraq, Ansar al-Islam (a.k.a Ansar al-Sunnah) or al-Qaeda in the Land of the Islamic Maghreb. All of these groups have been designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) by the Department of State.

Searches on YouTube return dozens of videos branded with an icon or logo identifying the videos as the work of one of these Islamist terrorist organizations. A great majority of these videos document horrific attacks on American soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan. Others provide weapons training, speeches by al-Qaeda leadership, and general material intended to radicalize potential recruits.

In other words, Islamist terrorist organizations use YouTube to disseminate their propaganda, enlist followers, and provide weapons training – activities that are all essential to terrorist activity. According to testimony received by our Committee, the online content produced by al-Qaeda and other Islamist terrorist organizations can play a significant role in the process of radicalization, the end point of which is the planning and execution of a terrorist attack. YouTube also, unwittingly, permits Islamist terrorist groups to maintain an active, pervasive, and amplified voice, despite military setbacks or successful operations by the law enforcement and intelligence communities.

YouTube posts “community guidelines” for users to follow, but it does not appear that the company is enforcing these guidelines to the extent they would apply to this content. For example, the community guidelines state that “[g]raphic or gratuitous violence is not allowed. If your video shows someone getting hurt, attacked, or humiliated, don’t post it.” Many of the videos produced by one of the production arms of al-Qaeda show attacks on U.S. forces in which American soldiers are injured and, in some cases, killed. Nevertheless, those videos remain available for viewing on YouTube. At the same time, the guidelines do not prohibit the posting of content that can be readily identified as produced by al-Qaeda or another FTO.

I ask you, therefore, to immediately remove content produced by Islamist terrorist organizations from YouTube. This should be a straightforward task since so many of the Islamist terrorist organizations brand their material with logos or icons identifying their provenance. In addition, please explain what changes Google plans to make to the YouTube community guidelines to address violent extremist material and how Google plans to enforce those guidelines to prevent the content from reappearing.

Protecting our citizens from terrorist attacks is a top priority for our government. The private sector can help us do that. By taking action to curtail the use of YouTube to disseminate the goals and methods of those who wish to kill innocent civilians, Google will make a singularly important contribution to this important national effort.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this critical matter and I look forward to your response.


Joseph I. Lieberman (ID-CT)
Chairman, Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs

In other words, YouTube is allowing Al-Qaeda and their fellow travelers break the terms of service YouTube already has. Lieberman wants YouTube to ban people posting snuff films and hate speech, some things YouTube supposedly does now.

Google’s answer to this is to tell Lieberman to suck it. I’m paraphrasing of course, but fellatious Google groupie Charles Cooper has the company’s statement on his CNET piece that strongly implies Lieberman is lying about the availability of offensive material on YouTube:

Senator Lieberman’s staff identified numerous videos that they believed violated YouTube’s Community Guidelines. In response to his concerns, we examined and ended up removing a number of videos from the site, primarily because they depicted gratuitous violence, advocated violence, or used hate speech. Most of the videos, which did not contain violent or hate speech content, were not removed because they do not violate our Community Guidelines.

Of course we all believe there are hundreds of Jihadist videos which do not advocate violence and hate.

Videos containing hate speech are routinely left up if they’re popular and draw enough of eyes to YouTube’s ads. Frank Weltner of Jew Watch has a YouTube channel that has been flagged dozens of times (several times by me) yet he remains unbanned. The anti-Semitic channel called Synagog of Satan has been up since June of 2007. They’re videos breaking the YouTube terms of service but are still up.

I point these two out to show the rank hypocrisy of YouTube when they claim that to be on top of hate speech. Only a person who has never used the site or is completely in the tank could fall for such vapid nonsense. Enter Charles Cooper, who has this to say about Lieberman’s letter:

When I learned that Lieberman wanted Google to pull what he described as “terrorist content” from YouTube, my first thought was that his PR director obviously was incapacitated. But no, this was a team effort in scare-mongering.

Scare mongering. Strong stuff. Then he uses YouTube’s “nuanced” statement claiming that there is no hate speech on the ‘tube to further castigate Lieberman:

That important distinction was glossed over in Lieberman’s official communications with the company. Of course, Google’s refusal to play ball may get it featured as a candidate for Bill O’Reilly’s Talking Point segment, but management’s entirely right to stick by its principles. Lieberman’s gone hunting with a blunderbuss, lumping violent and hateful content together with unpopular points of view. In this instance, Google did no evil.

I know we’re about to get into the thick of the political silly season, but no less than a veteran U.S. Senator should take a look at the United States Constitution now and then. It’s one heck of a document. Really.

If Cooper took a look at the Constitution he’d see that it in fact doesn’t apply to foreign terrorists. But that aside Cooper could have looked at YouTube for 20 minutes and seen that their official statement was essentially false. The Jawa Report included a link to this Jihadi snuff film in their post on this story. I found several within five or so minutes of searching. Most of which had the logo Lieberman discusses.

The Jawa Report also gives Cooper a quick lesson in Constitutional law:

Seems to me like Charles Copper of CNET and Eric Schmidt of Google need to read International Emergency Economic Powers Act as well as executive orders 12947 and 13224. All of which are quite constitutional.

See when a US company hosts videos (or other propaganda) created by specially designated terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah and al-Qaeda with the goal of aiding their war against the United States, that is unlawful.

Maybe Cooper should stop checking Wikipedia for his facts on the Constitution and check an actual law book.

Now what about this comment considered too hot for CNET? Boilerplate I assure you, just a response to some geek’s claim that Lieberman should be ashamed of himself. It seemed tame to me but judge for yourself:

So videos of beheadings, stoning, soldiers being shot by snipers etc, is free speech? I thought they were snuff films.

Let me test my understanding of the theories of Hunter and Whoreallycares, the author et al. If I go out and film myself and my crew stomping a couple of Ron Paul supporters to death, add some catchy music and upload it to YouTube, you guys would allow it to stay up because of “free speech?”

The Bill of Rights doesn’t give you the right to film yourself killing people. And YouTube is not legally allowed to profit from snuff films, but they are.

I mean, so the video of that girl getting jumped by that gang is protected by free speech? What about a rape? Child rape? All those things are protected by the First Amendment?

Maybe the Americans who should be ashamed are the ones who won’t bother to learn about the sort of videos being objected to before making their pretentious pronouncements of “patriotism.” YouTube has exploited snuff films and allowed child porn blogs to advertise through their channels for years, all for advertising dollars. As an American that should offend you.

By the way, the Bill of Rights, as Ron Paul and the Libertarians are fond of reminding people, only applies to Americans, not Al-Qaeda operatives from other countries.

But the above violates their terms of service. I thought they were defenders of The First Amendment, but I guess only if you’re an Islamist posting videos of how to make pipe bombs.


John and Carol Race Think Autism is License to Run Wild

John and Carol Race have five children and want to raise them to be Catholic. They attend Mass every Sunday with the family in tow, including their Autistic son Adam who is 13. He’s also over six feet tall, weighs in at around 225 and is sexually aggressive, violent and incontinent.

The Church has attempted to find an accommodation wherein the family’s spiritual needs are met while the other parishioners are protected from Adam, who is often out of control, but the family remains obstinate in the desire to inflict needless danger and chaos on the rest of the community, so the Diocese of St. Cloud did what must be done:

Standing more than six feet tall and weighing more than 225 pounds, 13-year-old Adam Race cuts an imposing figure for his age.

Adam is also severely autistic, and his meltdowns during mass at the Catholic church in Bertha, Minn., have prompted a public battle between the parish priest and Adam’s parents.

The Rev. Daniel Walz, disturbed by what he said is Adam’s dangerous behavior, filed court papers to bar him from the Church of St. Joseph with a temporary restraining order against his parents. The Races are ignoring the order, which they see as discriminatory, and getting support from advocates for the disabled.

The battle started last summer, according to Adam’s mother, Carol Race, when Walz came to the family house along with a church trustee and “made kind of a federal case out of the situation with my son.”

The church counters that it “explored and offered many options for accommodations that would assist the family while protecting the safety of parishioners. The family refused those offers of accommodation.”

As you’d expect from parent of the year material they put the blame on the people complaining, not their “nuanced” approach to parenting:

The Races and their five children typically sat in either the church’s cry room or in the back pew to avoid disrupting other parishioners since they began attending in 1996, according to Carol Race.

No one had complained to them about Adam until the priest’s visit last June, she said.

“He said that we did not discipline our son. He said that our son was physically out of control and a danger to everyone at church,” she said. “I can’t discipline him out of his autism, and I think that’s what our priest is expecting.”

The family continued attending mass, she said, trying to calm Adam and leaving during the closing hymn to avoid interacting with other parishioners on the way out.


The family continued taking him along, however. Then, last week, Carol and her husband, John, were slapped with the restraining order. The following Sunday — Mother’s Day — the family brought Adam to church anyway. Carol said a police officer cited her this week and she is scheduled to appear in court Monday.

A call to the parish office was not returned Friday. A statement released by the Diocese of St. Cloud said the church filed the petition “as a last resort out of a growing concern for the safety of parishioners and other community members due to disruptive and violent behavior on the part of that child.”

I’m no expert on Autism but not disciplining a 225 pound kid who likes to raise a little hell just doesn’t seem like an option, especially in an environment where people can get hurt. But I guess that means I’m being bigoted against the Autistic because I don’t think Autism is an excuse for this:

Walz, the church’s pastor for three years, said in an affidavit that as Adam has grown, the situation has worsened, and the boy has been “extremely disruptive and dangerous” since last summer.

Walz alleges that Adam struck a child during mass and has nearly knocked elderly people over when he abruptly bolts from church. He also spits and sometimes urinates in church and fights efforts to restrain him, Walz wrote.

The pastor wrote that Adam’s parents often sit on him during mass to restrain him, and sometimes bind his hands and feet, pulling a rope under the pew so his father can control the line from behind.

Walz wrote that Adam once pulled an adolescent girl — an exchange student staying with the family — on top of him, grabbing her thighs and buttocks. And, at Easter, Walz alleged, Adam ran from the church, got into the family van and started it, then got into someone else’s car, started it and revved up the engine.

“There were people directly in front of the car who could have been injured or killed if he had put the car in gear” Walz wrote.

Not surprisingly Adam’s mother remembers things differently. Oddly, even though she’s basically accusing the Church of lying about her precious angel she’s hell-bent on remaining in a Church that is supposedly persecuting her.

Like I said I’m no expert on Autism but I am well versed in dangerous behavior. Despite Carol’s minimization of his outbursts Adam Race is clearly dangerous, and unless you accept the preposterous notion that the Church is lying about the severity of his actions there’s no reasonable person who can claim that it is incumbent upon a community to endanger themselves to accommodate the Race family.

Autistic advocacy groups are taking up Adam’s cause, but I hope for every-ones sake, including Adams, the order is enforced and Adam gets the help he needs. The alternative is to wait until he’s hurt or killed someone.

h/t Crime Scene KC

But Pot Doesn’t Hurt Anyone! It Does Make You A Really Bad Parent However…


Just ask Kodie Callaway who was busted with his dad for growing and selling pot in a school zone. In the house they ran their drug business from they also arrested Dad’s old lady, who was on probation, had warrants out for her arrest and was caught with meth. I guess there’s some new competition for Father of the Year.

Fox12 Oregon:

CLACKAMAS, Ore. — Three people were arrested and about 40 pot plants were seized when a search warrant was served, police said.

Officers said they raided a house in Clackamas at about 5:30 a.m. Wednesday and arrested three people: a woman, a father and his son.

Clackamas County sheriff’s deputies received information from a teenage informant who said marijuana was being distributed from a home at 13080 SE Almond Court, in Clackamas, and that both father and son were actively involved in the crime, police said.

Larry Callaway, 42, and his son Kodie Callaway, 18, who both live at the house where the search warrant was served, were arrested and charged with possession and distribution of a controlled substance within 1,000 feet of a school, police said.

Larry Callaway was also charged with manufacturing of a controlled substance, police said.

Also arrested in the raid was Andrea Jo Lugar, 28, of Portland, who had a prior warrant out for her arrest, police said.

She was also charged with probation violation, frequenting a place where drugs are sold, possession of methamphetamine and manufacturing of a controlled substance, police said.

At least one of the Callaways’ marijuana customers is 15 years old, police said.

Wow. That’s good parenting. Nothing says pot heads are harmless like finding one in his 40s dealing pot to kids as young as 15 in conjunction with his 18-year-old son who pops has living in a house with his meth addict “girlfriend” who is wanted by the law. Legalize it!

And is there anything that says “long term user” like naming your son Cody but spelling it K-O-D-I-E? It’s barely phonetically correct! By the gods this poor kid never stood a chance.

Fernando Diaz, Jr Opened Fire on L.A. Church Festival

Because he was mad at his wife apparently. The man who wounded several people at a Los Angeles Church festival has been identified as 33-year-old Fernando Diaz, Jr. whose wife was setting up a booth when the attack occurred. She was the apparent target and great father that he is Fernando brought along his kid to witness the bloodbath he had planned, which no doubt included murdering his child and killing himself after he finished off his wife. Thanks to some brave by-standers Fernando was stopped before he could kill anyone.

From Fox:

LOS ANGELES — Police identified the gunman responsible for shooting three people at a Los Angeles church festival as 33-year-old Fernando Diaz, Jr., FOX News confirmed on Sunday.

Diaz opened fire at the St. John Baptist de la Salle Roman Catholic parish shortly before 11 a.m. Saturday, wounding three people, before bystanders jumped in to restrain him.

The man’s 30-year-old wife, who was setting up a game booth at the time of the shooting, was the intended target, authorities told Fox’s Casey Stegall. She was injured and remains hospitalized in stable condition.

Police say Diaz now faces three counts of attempted murder.

Police say Diaz has a child who attends the church school and had an ongoing dispute with the mother. Police Capt. Steven Ruiz described the shooting Saturday as “an isolated incident, a domestic-violence dispute.”

Two other people were hurt, including a 45-year-old man who was shot in the chest and another man, 47, who was hit in the leg. Both men have been upgraded to stable condition.

Diaz showed up at the church with his child and a duffle bag shortly before the festival was to begin, investigators said. He then pulled a .22-caliber rifle from his bag and opened fire, witnesses told FOX News.

When Diaz stopped to reload his gun, bystanders tackled him to the ground and subdued him until police arrived on the scene.

“I just ran as fast as I could and tackled him,” said Charles Sternberg, who witnessed the shooting. “I put him on his back. Other parents came and we held him down until the LAPD arrived.

“They managed to overtake him and held him down,” Ruiz said. “I’m told that he was in the process of possibly reloading.”

It’s nice to see a story where the criminal is stopped in his tracks by quick thinking citizens. If more people acted when necessary criminals would think twice before pulling outrageous stunts like this. Let’s hope Diaz spends a long enough time in jail that his wife and child can move on and put that P.O.S. behind them.

Good News! New York Pulls National Guard Troops from Nuke Plants


What could go wrong?

OSWEGO, N.Y. – National Guard troops that have stood guard at four upstate New York nuclear power plants since shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks are being withdrawn this summer.

Eric Durr, a spokesman for the state Division of Military and Naval Affairs, tells WSTM-TV in Syracuse that there wasn’t any money included in the state budget for keeping the troops at nuclear plants near Oswego and Ginna, which is near Rochester.

A spokeswoman for Constellation Energy, which operates the two nuclear plants at Nine Mile Point in Scriba, says it was notified that the troops will be withdrawn from there this summer.

Plenty of money for handouts and middle class entitlements, but none to ensure the state won’t be converted into mile upon mile of radioactive slag. I’m glad I moved.

Bye-bye New York, I hope having an awesome Halloween parade was worth it.