Pat Buchanan: Hitler Was Right to Invade Poland (And the Jews Have it Coming)

Anti-Semitic parasite Pat Buchanan, who deflects criticism of his racist crankery by hiding behind his lack luster service to Ronald Reagan, has embarrassed the Conservative movement … again:

Addressing the Knesset on the 60th anniversary of Israel’s birth, Bush said those who say we should negotiate with Iran or Hamas are like the fools who said we should negotiate with Adolf Hitler.

“As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared, ‘Lord, if only I could have talked to Hitler, all of this might have been avoided.’ We have an obligation to call this what it is — the false comfort of appeasement. …”

Again, Bush has made a hash of history.

Appeasement is the name given to what Neville Chamberlain did at Munich in September 1938. Rather than fight Germany in another great war — to keep 3.5 million Germans under a Czech rule they despised — he agreed to their peaceful transfer to German rule. With these Germans went the lands their ancestors had lived upon for centuries, German Bohemia, or the Sudetenland.

Chamberlain’s negotiated deal with Hitler averted a European war — at the expense of the Czech nation. That was appeasement.

German tanks, however, did not roll into Poland until a year later, Sept. 1, 1939. Why did the tanks roll? Because Poland refused to negotiate over Danzig, a Baltic port of 350,000 that was 95 percent German and had been taken from Germany at the Paris peace conference of 1919, in violation of Wilson’s 14 Points and his principle of self-determination.

Hitler had not wanted war with Poland. He had wanted an alliance with Poland in his anti-Comintern pact against Joseph Stalin.

But the Poles refused to negotiate. Why? Because they were a proud, defiant, heroic people and because Neville Chamberlain had insanely given an unsolicited war guarantee to Poland. If Hitler invaded, Chamberlain told the Poles, Britain would declare war on Germany.

From March to August 1939, Hitler tried to negotiate Danzig. But the Poles, confident in their British war guarantee, refused. So, Hitler cut his deal with Stalin, and the two invaded and divided Poland.

The cost of the war that came of a refusal to negotiate Danzig was millions of Polish dead, the Katyn massacre, Treblinka, Sobibor, Auschwitz, the annihilation of the Home Army in the Warsaw uprising of 1944, and 50 years of Nazi and Stalinist occupation, barbarism and terror.

In that same speech to the Knesset, Bush dismissed the idea we could ever successfully negotiate with Hamas, Hezbollah or Iran:

“Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them that they have been wrong all along. We have heard this foolish delusion before.”

O.K. so let me get this straight. Hitler was, in essence, right to invade Poland in conjunction with Stalin? Really?

The bloodshed and barbarity of the Communist and National Socialist rulers of Poland is ultimately the fault of the Polish who refused to knuckle under and let the “German” parts of Poland be returned to Germany?

This is a strange thesis from the author of State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America. Strange because by his logic Mexico has legitimate claim to areas America purchased from Mexico after the Mexican war. By Pat’s estimation we should be negotiating with the Mexican government to return Texas and New Mexico before a war breaks out.

But Pat’s not really the kind of person who’d want the government to allow “Aztlan” forces to butcher Americans in their homes. His new analysis is aimed squarely at one target, his favorite target. Jews.

After all Pat’s breathless Townhall buffoonery is a response to President Bush’s speech at the Knesset. This is what set Buchanan, a “right wing populist” who is known to be “soft on Hitler” and to criticize Israel’s military and being “un-Christian,” into a frenzy of historical revisionism. Buchanan’s main point is that Israel, while being picked apart by rocket fire and terror blasts, is ultimately setting themselves for another holocaust that they themselves will be responsible for.

To Buchanan Israel is Poland, Hamas and Fatah are the Nazis and the Communists, and this time we can make the “right” (no pun intended) decision to watch as Israel is destroyed, its people enslaved and murdered. When Bush implies the American people would do more than watch our allies die horribly Buchanan cannot help but expose himself for what he is.

Pat Buchanan isn’t a Conservative, he’s a racist, an anti-Semite and an anti-American crank who hates diversity, change and American power. He longs for the old days when Whites ran the world (but took no responsibility for it), Mexicans stayed on their side of the Rio Grande and killing Jews was no big deal.

Isn’t it time for him take his Reform Party ball and hook up with David Duke? And he can take Ron Paul with him. I think I can speak for the majority of Republicans when I say Pat Buchanan isn’t welcome in our tent anymore. No one who defends Hitler is.

Gateway Pundit says shame on Townhall for publishing this tripe. One Jerusalem has more.

Victimless Crime File: “Pot Pirates” Terrorized Innocent By-Standers

Stories like this are why I rarely go hiking without some sort of protection. From The Lindsay Post:

A dozen armed men who were stealing marijuana from a grow operation north of Minden are responsible for taking six innocent passersby hostage last October, according to police.

At a press conference on Tuesday, Det. Insp. Ken Leppert from the OPP criminal investigations branch described the events that led to the arrest of 45 people and 173 charges being laid in connection to the Minden-area incident.

“The six civilians were taken hostage and forcibly confined and accosted at gunpoint and … in one instance they were shot at and pistol whipped, dragged along the ground and injured significantly as a result of the attack on them. After the culprits left the area the victims made their way out of the area along the hydro line north of Minden,” Leppert said.

“October 5, 2007 the profits were enormous and these six innocent civilians experienced first hand unimaginable fear and terror,” said OPP Chief Supt. Ken Smith.

The dozen men, masked and dressed in camouflage, escaped by car from Minden, although Smith confirmed that an aircraft was used at some point. He would not give further information on the plane.

According to police, the dozen men were on an ATV trail north of town stealing 1,800 pounds of marijuana from someone else’s grow operation. They were happened upon by a variety of people – some in the forest for work, some for pleasure, some hunting – and took them hostage. They later released their hostages after stealing their identification and cell phones and fled.

Police have not yet found the owners of the grow op.

Since that time, the OPP has been making arrests in the case and in another case on June 13, 2007 when a man was shot and his car stolen along Highway 401 near Belleville.

“What was observed in the hostage taking in October of 2007 was indicative of one part of their criminal enterprise,” Smith said.

“These criminals were amongst the most dangerous type of criminal because they would stop at nothing to steal from others. The greater the profit the more they were willing to do to get it.”

The investigation was dubbed ‘Project Pirate’ by police. Leppert said that a total of 2,200 pounds of marijuana valued at $8 million was seized along with various handguns, nearly $50,000 in cash, seven high-end vehicles, 159 grams of cocaine and more than 2,000 ecstasy pills. Police also confiscated handcuffs, an expandable baton, body armour, camouflage clothing, and electronic devices, including GPSs.

Drug labs in the woods, and now the people that prey upon them, are increasingly a concern for we rugged outdoors types who tend to do a little wandering in the far away places. Stumbling upon someone’s grow operation, or worse their meth lab, will almost always lead to violence. Hikers and others who prance about unarmed should be aware that crimes like this can happen to anyone. If your state allows you to carry a firearm where you like hiking I’d do so; if not try to at least have bear repellent and a good knife.

And never go to the woods without a cell phone, a first aid kit and most importantly without telling somebody where you are.

Robert Von der Ohe Likes European Style Economic Planning, 13-Year-Old Girls


Not that I’m saying the two are necessarily related. Robert Van der Ohe is a professor of Economics at Rockford College who once had this to say about a proposal to cut the gas tax in Illinois:

Rockford College Economic Professor Dr. Bob Von der Ohe tells 13 News, “If we really want to conserve, we do what the Europeans have done, which is simply raise the price of gasoline with taxation. That will set a floor that the gasoline prices will not fall below that particular level. That would provide significant incentives for consumers to move to the more fuel efficient cars.”

I wonder what sort of incentives he would have us provide for people to not molest children:


A prominent professor of economics and business ethics at Rockford College is facing a felony count of aggravated sexual abuse, police confirmed Monday.

Robert Von der Ohe, 67, was arrested and charged Wednesday. He turned himself in after the warrant was issued, posted 10 percent of his $50,000 bail and was released from jail the same day.

According to Winnebago County Court documents, the first report on the case was taken Feb. 24. Rockford Deputy Police Chief Greg Lindmark said the alleged incident — which he described as “inappropriate touching” of a 13-year-old girl — occurred early this year. Lindmark also said the investigation is ongoing.

Von der Ohe was unavailable for comment Monday. His attorney, Frank Martinez, said he hadn’t seen any of the evidence in the case yet.

“He’s going to stand on his presumption of innocence, and we intend to proceed accordingly,” Martinez said.

Von der Ohe is an expert on the local and national economy and has appeared often as a source in local media outlets, including the Register Star. He also consults in the United States and internationally, and is often called upon to speak at seminars.

The college issued a short statement on the matter Monday, saying Von der Ohe made the school aware of his arrest and the nature of the charges.

“At this point, this is the only information we have regarding this situation,” the statement said. “This is obviously a serious matter. The college intends to monitor the situation and will act appropriately, consistent with its legal obligations to Professor Von der Ohe, the college’s students, and the rest of the college community.”

It’s nice that the college and the courts in Illinois can be so civil.

If the charges are true Van der Ohe wants to redistribute income, tax Americans into becoming more like himself and thinks child molestation is no big deal. I guess he’s with the Green Party.

Lizard found this story and posted it in The Dreamin’ Demon forums. I wish I had a crack stuuff like that damn Morbid.

Mariah Carey Has a Cult That Will Kill You if You Hate Her Music


I’m buying a double lock because for the record, I think Mariah Carey’s thugged out caterwauling is just a little more tolerable than watching Sean Penn “act.” From NBC-2:

NORTH NAPLES: A man blaring a Mariah Carey song from his car stereo was arrested Saturday night after throwing a bottle at someone who didn’t share his taste in music, according to deputies.

Zachary Alan Schreiber, 21, of 5750 Painted Leaf Lane in Golden Gate, was stopped at the light at Pine Ridge and Airport-Pulling roads around 10:30 p.m.

His music drew the attention of Mariah-hater William Greenman, 22, who called Schreiber a derogatory name for listening to the newlywed singer’s music.

Profanities flew back and forth between Schreiber and Greenman, who was a passenger in the other vehicle, as the cars traveled west on Pine Ridge, deputies say.

When they again stopped at the Goodlette-Frank intersection, the war of words escalated. Deputies say the avid Mariah fan then hurled a beer bottle at Greenman.

Greenman ducked, but deputies say the bottle hit the car’s driver, 21-year-old Christine Bec, in the side of the head.

Schreiber is charged with shooting a missile into a vehicle and criminal mischief.

He bounced a bottle off a woman’s head because someone thought a man blasting Mariah Carey was a little unseemly? Sounds reasonable.

While I don’t condone hassling people for liking what they like I think the escalation to violence in defense of Mariah wasting her talent on songs like Touch my Body is a little scary. I mean vocal talents by the way.

Be careful when you criticize Mariah Carey. They are everywhere.

But here at Red Alerts there’s only one Carey we’ll come to the defense of:


h/t Crime Scene KC

Twin Cities Muslim Charter School Gives Up on the Whole “Religion of Peace” Thing

Officials from the Tarik ibn Zayad Academy attacked two reporters who were following up on the schools trouble with the board of education. It seems the publicly funded school is run by people who aren’t big on the whole Separation of Church and State concept and are using tax payer money to run a Saudi style Madrassa.

Once the public found out and the blogs were involved the school was slapped on the wrist by the local officials and told to straighten up and fly right. At TIZA that must mean something completely different than it does where I’m from:

In an attempt to report about the new findings from the Department of Education, 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS went to TiZA. While on school grounds, our crew was attacked by school officials. Our photographer was injured while wrestling with the two men over the camera.

Our photographer was examined by paramedics and suffered minor injuries.

Something tells me that the the school officials haven’t taken the media’s insistence that Islam is a religion of peace to heart. KSTP has video of the attack so you can see how outrageous it is. And Yes, the officials attacked the reporters in front of dozens of children. The Strib has a report on what has put the school officials in such a bad mood.

h/t Michelle Malkin