You Stay Classy Pat Brown

Like you I hate the “Stay Classy” meme that is so overused on the Internet, yet as a blogger I know that finding the appropriate response to some of the depths people often sink to on the web is no easy task. There are some things so vulgar and tasteless that unless I was going to film a Vlog of me shaking my head in disbelief or looking totally disgusted the “You Stay Classy” phrase is the only response that can convey the disdain I have for the offenders.

Which brings me to freelance Criminal Profiler and author of Killing for Sport: Inside the Minds of Serial Killers Pat Brown.

Somewhere on the Internet, I forget on which blog, I once defended Brown. The author of a post was complaining that Brown was a dilettante in the world of criminal profiling. I’m unsure of the exact nature of his complaints but he pretty much claimed she was a liar, a fraud and didn’t deserve any respect. I defended Brown, though I was in no way a fan, because at that time I didn’t see what her lack of formal profiling training had to do with her worth as a professional.

But I didn’t know then that aside from formal training in criminal profiling Brown also lacked compassion, common sense and most importantly class, as evidenced by this post where Brown claims that Victoria Lindsay, the girl who was assaulted by 8 teens who video taped the beating and posted it on youtube, deserved what she got:

I am going to be really politically incorrect today. I have been reading up on all the sympathy oozing everywhere on the Internet and in the media for the 16-year-old Victoria Lindsay, the girl who got her butt kicked by six of her friends. Yes, those girls were mean and nasty and deserved to get a jail term. But, for some reason – well, for a pretty good reason – I just don’t feel that sorry for Victoria.

Why? First of all, these were her friends – not strangers and not some bullies from school she had tried her best to avoid. Friends – as in these are the girls I hang out with and live with. Water seeks its own level and I wonder that Victoria – were another girl being targeted – wouldn’t have gone along with the group melee and thrown some punches herself.

Secondly, why were all these girls so ticked off at Victoria? It is said she talked smack on MySpace, saying some really vicious stuff and saying she was going to fight them. So, she flamed these girls publicly, possibly embarrassing them and humiliating them. Then she said she would fight them. Seems like they brought the fight to her and she turned out to be all bark and no bite; she didn’t even throw one punch. She wimped out, took the beating, and begged them to let her go. She wasn’t as tough as she tried to pretend to be.

But, regardless of her behaviors, because Victoria ended up the unhappy loser of this girl bashing, she is being made out to be a totally innocent lamb. I am guessing the trash talk she put on MySpace was just the tip of the iceberg for this girl’s past behaviors. Apparently, she isn’t living at home and her father states in an interview that she has had her share of problems. She clearly admits to her friends during the assault that she had been drunk (during one of the times the girls found whatever she did offensive) and said she had grown up since then.

Hey, this girl is barely sixteen. She has a problem with drinking and she isn’t living with her parents. Apparently, Victoria’s parents want to blame MySpace instead of their lack of parenting that surely contributed to Victoria ending up as a punching bag.

Say what? By Pat Brown’s logic if you’re date raped you’re partially responsible because you were friends with the guy who did it, and thus probably a rapist yourself. By Brown’s logic any victim of a crime that knows the perpetrator is partially to blame for their victimization.

Worse is Brown’s insistence that Victoria Lindsay’s “flaming” of one of these girls is enough to take away Lindsay’s victim status. She’s saying that being bad-mouthed on the Internet is a mitigating circumstance, that talking trash about a person makes you less a victim if they physically assault you later. It’s a vile and childish thesis that would be reprehensible enough if one of the perpetrators voiced it, for Pat Brown, who assumes the mantle of champion for crime victims, a voice for the voiceless, it becomes contemptible.

I’d better lock my doors because the title of this post might bring the wrath of a bat-wielding Brown down on me like the judgment of the gods! Of course I would have gotten what I deserved in Brown’s estimation.

The glee with which Brown dwells on Victoria Lindsay’s brutalization and troubled home life makes her seem less like a professional criminologist and more like a spiteful, catty harpy who sees the young girl through the eyes of someone who has yet unresolved issues with girls she went to high school with. It is the delight of a petty and unkind woman who can’t bring herself to sympathize with a teenage girl who was victimized and humiliated on camera because she doesn’t approve of the scant specifics we happen to know about her life.

It is here that she proves herself a charlatan, a cheap and transparent player on a stage too big for a person so small. The crime-fighting Brown cannot bring herself to even pretend on her free blog that she is disturbed by the violent degradation of a young girl caught on camera, even if that’s what a criminal profiler is supposed to say. If she can’t rise above her vindictive immaturity, her indecent resentment of the girl, long enough to understand why the rest of us would sympathize with Victoria Lindsay than I find Brown’s ability to “profile” anyone highly suspect.

Like a petulant child, Brown demands that we accept her expertise in analyzing the psyche of complex and troubled individuals, yet cannot even look into her simple, jealous, unkind heart and see that her condemnation of Victoria Lindsay is less a product of the teen’s behavior and more the product of Brown’s disagreeable nature.

Pat Brown is a woman who claims, in essence, to be able to understand sociopaths. If she were more reflective she’d see some irony there.

I shouldn’t have defended Brown then, I regret it. I should have taken the time to read all her writings and I would have seen the evidence plainly of what kind of person she is. She’s nothing more than a crime groupie, a self-important armchair criminologist who is as full of venom and contempt for the victims of crime as the criminals themselves. Had she not fancied herself a profiler I’d have no doubt she’d be mailing letters to Manson now, or posting anti-Semitic rants on Dailykos.

As long as she got to express her contempt for someone, she’d be happy. And isn’t that what much of her career is based on? Contempt for the police? Isn’t Pat brown claiming the cops can’t do their job right without her?

Stay classy Pat Brown.

Yet Another Snuff Film Uploaded to YouTube

Trench found this on Sky News. This time a 17-year-old Russian uploaded a grisly video of a massacre, including images of terrified men having their throats slit. My money’s on it being from Chechnya, where Jihadists still roam free. Islamists are known for their love of snuff films, which would explain why the heavily Islamized YouTube community let the film stay up for days without flagging it.

From Sky:

Thousands of people have been able to watch a sickening video showing the massacre of young Russian men before it was eventually deleted from YouTube.

The horrific footage shows the terrified men lying beside a road having their throats slit in turn.

It was posted on Sunday, May 18. Three days later it was still there and had been viewed more than 8,300 times.

YouTube promises that videos flagged by users as inappropriate will be removed from the site.

The film clip was removed within two hours of Sky News Online contacting YouTube on Wednesday.

One sickened Sky News Online user, Robert Read, said: “This video was horrific to me, a 33-year-old man, so just think what affect this would have on someone like a child!”

The 10-minute video was apparently posted by a 17-year-old Russian.

The description which accompanied it said: “This is a little part of the full horror!”

Mr Read said: “While the video title and description was in what looked to be Russian or a similar script that is no excuse for YouTube to allow such videos on to a public website.

“If YouTube cannot discriminate against foreign language entries like they can with English text… then maybe they should review their policies. Ideally, every video should be checked by a moderator.”

YouTube says its own community of users police their site.

Yes, they police the site by banning Conservatives and uploading snuff films. The whole community policing concept falls apart if the community is made up of Jihadists, child pornographers and anti-American kooks.

As Trench points out in his post, YouTube’s parent company Google has no trouble moderating content for the Communist Chinese, so why can’t they keep snuff films and child porn of YouTube?

Maybe they just don’t want to?

Former Teacher Exposes Racist Agenda of Tucson Chicano Studies Proponents

John Ward is a former teacher in the Tucson Unified School District who agreed to teach a course in the Raza/Chicano Studies Department. His experience is disturbing and should trouble Americans of all political stripes:

From Tuscon Citizen:

As a former teacher in Tucson Unified School District’s hotly debated ethnic studies department, I submit my perspective for the public’s consideration.

During the 2002-2003 school year, I taught a U.S. history course with a Mexican-American perspective. The course was part of the Raza/Chicano studies department.

Within one week of the course beginning, I was told that I was a “teacher of record,” meaning that I was expected only to assign grades. The Raza studies department staff would teach the class.

I was assigned to be a “teacher of record” because some members of the Raza studies staff lacked teaching certificates. It was a convenient way of circumventing the rules.

I stated that I expected to do more than assign grades. I expected to be involved in teaching the class. The department was less than enthusiastic but agreed.

Immediately it was clear that the class was not a U.S. history course, which the state of Arizona requires for graduation. The class was similar to a sociology course one expects to see at a university.

Where history was missing from the course, it was filled by controversial and biased curriculum.

The basic theme of the curriculum was that Mexican-Americans were and continue to be victims of a racist American society driven by the interests of middle and upper-class whites.

In this narrative, whites are able to maintain their influence only if minorities are held down. Thus, social, political and economic events in America must be understood through this lens.

This biased and sole paradigm justified teaching that our community police officers are an extension of the white power structure and that they are the strongmen used “to keep minorities in their ghettos.

It justified telling the class that there are fewer Mexican-Americans in Tucson Magnet High School’s advanced placement courses because their “white teachers” do not believe they are capable and do not want them to get ahead.

It justified teaching that the Southwestern United States was taken from Mexicans because of the insatiable greed of the Yankee who acquired his values from the corrupted ethos of Western civilization.

It was taught that the Southwest is “Atzlan,” the ancient homeland of the Aztecs, and still rightfully belongs to their descendants – to all people of indigenous Mexican heritage.

As an educator, I refused to be complicit in a curriculum that engendered racial hostility, irresponsibly demeaned America’s civil institutions, undermined our public servants, discounted any virtues in Western civilization and taught disdain for American sovereignty.

When I raised these concerns, I was told that I was a “racist,” despite being Hispanic. Acknowledging my heritage, the Raza studies staff also informed me that I was a vendido, the Spanish term for “sellout.

The culmination of my challenge to the department’s curriculum was my removal from that particular class. The Raza studies department and its district-level allies pressured the Tucson High administration to silence my concerns through reassignment to another class during that one period.

The Raza studies department used the “racist” card, which is probably the most worn-out and desperate maneuver used to silence competing perspectives.

It is fundamentally anti-intellectual because it immediately stops debate by threatening to destroy the reputation of those who would provide counter arguments.

Unfortunately, I am not the only one to have been intimidated by the Raza studies department in this way.

The diplomatic and flattering language that the department and its proponents use to describe the Raza studies program is an attempt to avoid public scrutiny. When necessary, the department invokes terms such as “witch hunt” and “McCarthyism” to diminish the validity of whatever public scrutiny it does get.

The proponents of this program may conceal its reality to the public. But as a former teacher in the program, I am witness to its ugly underbelly.

Scary stuff. There’s worse however in the comments, where if one poster is to be believed Raza studies proponents stoke racist hatred against African-Americans:

3. Comment by Frenchy L. (frenchylarue) — May 21,2008 @ 4:37AM

I asked Raza Studies to come to my school to mediate some tensions between Hispanic and African-American students. Instead, they segregated the groups and the person who met with the Hispanic students went into a rant about how the students’ land — Tucson — was taken from them and that they should stand up to authority and assert their rights and show their pride. It was not a mediation session. It was a racist presentation and it was a disaster. (Raza’s presenter was also very big in TEA.)

I am proudly liberal and support good, reflective cultural studies, but what I’ve seen of Raza/Cultural Studies at TUSD seems misdirected and, frankly, very stupid.

The Raza program seems to be a combination of Neo-Marxism and Hispanic Nationalism. Both strains of thought teach violence is an acceptable way to achieve their goals. That a group is teaching this in the schools to children should alarm everyone.

Serial Bomb Hoaxers Targeting Oregon Recruiting Centers

Via N.T.A.:

A fake bomb that was investigated Monday by law enforcement was the fifth in a string of fake bombs left at military recruitment centers, the FBI said.

A package that was designed to look like a bomb, which was left in front of an Army-Navy recruitment center with German words printed on it, was the fourth reported case of similar packages planted, FBI agents said.

Previous packages had “Die Weisse Rose” written on them, which is German for “The White Rose” a name of a historic anti-Hitler group that operated during World War II, FBI agents said.

Each of the five hoax bombs was left in front of some type of military recruitment center over the last year with most bearing the phrase “Die Weisse Rose,” FBI agents said.

Right now just an irritation, but the group could be waiting for police to acclimate to see White Rose hoaxes so they could slip a real bomb past them. This story is definitely developing.

Victimless Crime Files:Kevin Dummett and Kellin Hahn Leave Son Behind While Fleeing Home Invasion

During a home invasion of their house, the two fled the residence when armed assailant shot one of their dogs. They left their 8-year-old son behind to fend for himself.

Yes, really:

An 8-year-old boy slept in his room Tuesday morning while gunmen forced their way into his house, shot and killed a family dog and sent his parents fleeing to the street.

Kevin Dummett, 35, and Kellin Hahn, 26, were the targets of two attempted robberies at their home Tuesday — both carried out by the same two men, the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office said.

The men approached Dummett in his driveway and tried to rob him at 12:15 a.m. He didn’t call 911. When the gunmen returned at 6 a.m. and broke in through the back door, the family pit bull charged them and was immediately shot.

Hahn and Dummett fled the home, leaving their son asleep in his bedroom, the sheriff’s office said.

We couldn’t get to him,” Dummett told WPEC Channel 12. He said the boy didn’t wake up until deputies arrived to rescue him, after the gunmen fled without taking anything.

“He’s absolutely fine. He’s a trouper.”

Another family dog in the house survived.

Neighbors along Gun Club Road in suburban West Palm Beach thought they lived on a quiet street until gunshots, a search helicopter and a dozen patrol cars woke them.

Dummett told investigators that the invaders apparently wanted drugs or money.

In the last few years, Dummett’s arrest history includes charges of burglary, battery, marijuana possession and driving with a suspended license.

By law, the state Department of Children and Families cannot comment on whether the parents could lose custody of their son after leaving him behind. But whenever the DCF hears about something of this magnitude, spokeswoman Laura Tingo said, the agency works with law enforcement to ensure that all children in the home are safe.

Dummett told the television reporter he didn’t report the first robbery because he didn’t think he could describe the men well enough to help law enforcement catch them.

Jackie Morrow, who has lived across the street for a year, said she thought she heard gunshots a few weeks ago and will continue to be cautious. “I’ll be very vigilant from now on,” she said.

So the real story here is that Dummett, a downward spiralling pot-head, was the target of two guys he either owed money to or who thought he had drugs and money in the house, meaning he’s a dealer. They also came back hours after their original attempt on Dummett, giving him ample time to get his family to a motel for safety, which he couldn’t be bothered doing. Either way another” victimless” drug crime.

Victimless except for the dog who died, who was the only being in the house that tried to do the right thing. And of course the little boy who is just now learning that he can’t count on his parents when the chips are down and he really needs them.

But other than that no one was hurt by their drug user lifestyle. Right?