Less Than Six Percent of Reported Rapes in Britain Result in Convictions

While American Feminists are otherwise occupied, a report was released detailing Britain’s disgusting treatment of rapists, child molesters and other assorted degenerates who deserve death but are coddled by the English “justice” system which treats hardened criminals as if they’re victims. From WaPo:

LONDON — After Linda Davies reported to police that her 15-year-old daughter had been raped, it took three months — plus two dozen phone calls and a threat of legal action — before police questioned the suspect, a 28-year-old neighbor.

“I gave police his name, address, mobile phone number, car registration — everything but his passport,” said Davies, 44, a strong-minded mother of two daughters. “I was basically begging them. He lived five minutes away from us.”

The suspect was finally arrested but acquitted at a trial in which the judge told the jury that he was “in a way a man of good character” because his previous criminal convictions, for possession of stolen goods and marijuana, did not involve violence.

Davies was furious at the judge, who also instructed the jurors to ignore the victim’s young age, and at police, who lost cellphone records that contradicted the defendant’s account.

“This has shattered us,” Davies said. “We felt like the whole system was against us.”

Davies said she was stunned to learn that her daughter’s case was the rule, not the exception. According to government statistics, only 5.7 percent of rapes officially recorded by police in England and Wales end in a conviction.

“What are they saying?” Davies asked. “That 95 percent of women that come forward are telling lies?”

In Britain, a nation whose justice system has been used as a model around the globe, government officials and women’s rights activists agree that rape goes largely unpunished.

Solicitor General Vera Baird, who oversees criminal prosecutions in England, estimated that 10 to 20 percent of rapes are brought to authorities’ attention. According to government figures, 14,000 cases a year are reported and 19 out of 20 defendants walk free.

Re-read that last part to get the full effect. Only one or two out of every ten rapes is being reported and even less than six percent end in convictions. Horrible. But it gets worse:

A 2005 report commissioned by the police found a “culture of skepticism” in the justice system when it came to rape cases, and recommended shifting the focus from seeking reasons not to believe the accuser to gathering evidence to support the charge.

Lisa Longstaff, spokeswoman for the London-based group Women Against Rape, said rape cases are “not a priority” for busy police and prosecutors and, as a result, “so few rapists get locked up that those who do feel unlucky rather than guilty.”
This Story

Even some cases that do end in a guilty verdict stir outrage. Last year, a judge sentenced a 24-year-old man to two years in prison for having sex with a 10-year-old after concluding that the girl had “dressed provocatively.”

Patricia Scotland, England’s first female attorney general since the job was created in the 15th century, appealed that sentence. It was increased to four years.

That’s not the first time I’ve seen a story in which a pre-teen was said by an English judge to be “asking for it.” I assume our American Feminists will be rallying to support these girls any day now. Meanwhile the article hints at the problem being in part Britain’s insistence on multiculturalism as opposed to assimilation as a societal goal, leading to a sizable portion of British subjects clinging to primitive beliefs about women’s sexuality:

Kerim Fuad, a barrister who has defended more than 100 men accused of rape, including the defendant in the Davies case, said most of the time the defendant and the accuser know each other and the jury must decide whom to believe.

A woman always has a right to say no, he said, but when she goes into a man’s bedroom late at night after they have both been drinking, juries may have a hard time voting to send a man to prison.

Fuad declined to speak about specific cases, but he said he has been surprised by some “not guilty” verdicts. He said jurors have been shown compelling evidence — such as blood at the scene or internal injury to the woman — and still not returned a guilty verdict.

It is illegal in Britain to interview jurors — even after a verdict. But public opinion polls show that a sizable proportion — a quarter to a third — of Britons say a rape victim is responsible for the attack if she is drunk or wearing “sexy” clothes.

“As many as one in two young men believe there are some circumstances when it’s okay to force a woman to have sex,” said Conservative Party leader David Cameron, citing studies.

In my mind,” he said, “this is an example of moral collapse.”

Ya’ Think?

The article claims we in the U.S. have only a 13% conviction rate, which crime bloggers will note seem low since every day there are literally hundreds of stories of some pervert getting sent to the joint. This DOJ crime sheet on juvenile rapes has different numbers, though still embarrassingly low. It also shows that child rapist are more likely to be arrested than someone who rapes an adult.

The problem in England, and here in many states, is the acceptance of society at large of criminals mitigating their crimes. The current trend toward medicalizing sexual sadism and claiming it’s a treatable condition is having the same effect here as it does in England. Of course unlike England our crime rate is down so we are not confronted with news of a violent assault every time we turn on the TV. Continued “liberal” policies toward crime will no doubt change that.

Britain ‘More Dangerous Than Iraq’ Claims English Veteran

A British Paratrooper who served in Iraq has told the press he believes the night time streets of England are more dangerous than the war torn country. The man, who was assaulted with a iron bar in a vicious and random assault was just one of many victims of ultra-violent crime in the past few days:

The 27-year-old hero spoke out as the country was rocked by yet another 24 hours of vicious attacks. The horror toll in the last few days includes:

FIFTEEN knife thugs slashing at customers as two drug gangs battled in a family pub in Bickley, Kent — leaving two men fighting for life and the bar looking “like an abattoir”.

A PUB landlord being stabbed by three thieves in nearby Sidcup. Harry Potter actor Rob Knox, 18, was killed trying to protect his brother from a yob in the town on Saturday.

A MARRIED man aged 31 being stabbed to death by a baying mob who smashed his car and hauled him out in Bradford, West Yorks.

THREE boys aged 12, 13, and 15 being quizzed over the killing of Amar Aslam, 17, in Dewsbury, West Yorks — including one alleged to have taken a picture as Amar lay dying.

FATHER-of-two Alan Riddock, 41, being stabbed to death when he challenged vandals at a pub in Bedminster, Bristol.

So much for civilized England! The assault on the veteran was stunningly violent and terrifying in it’s seeming randomness:

The battered para — who had to leave the Army last year after seven years of service when he injured his back in a jump — was attacked in Bradford. He was struck ten times on the body and face, leaving him with a suspected fractured skull and terrible facial injuries.

The man, who does not want to be identified for fear he could be targeted again, had just finished a shift as a part-time security guard at 3am.

As he smoked a cigarette outside a pizza shop, his attacker struck for no reason, snarling that he would “put him out of his misery”.

The victim said: “At least in Iraq you know who the enemy is. Over here it can be anyone. I genuinely believe that when you go out at night over here its more dangerous than Iraq.”

Emphasis The Sun. I grew up in a very bad neighborhood with a lot of random, drug fueled violence and this attack would be extreme by East Orange standards. Britain is circling the drain, and it’s only a matter of time before U.N. Peacekeepers are in London abusing English children on our dime. A country that loses control of its streets to this extent is a failed state by any definition.

Good News! Al-Qaeda Posting Videos Calling for Nuke Attacks on Western Targets

To be fair they’re also calling for chemical attacks. I wouldn’t want to imply they had terrorist tunnel vision. From AdnKronos:

Dubai, 27 May (AKI ) – By Hamza Boccolini – A new video called “Nuclear Terrorism” has been posted on the worldwide web calling for jihadists to use nuclear or chemical weapons to strike the west.

A simple jihadi propaganda video or a dangerous message to a sleeper cell in the west? That is the question raised by the video and no-one has yet claimed responsibility for it.

“Strike civilians in the west without mercy using weapons of mass destruction” is one of the calls made in the 39-minute video.

The question now being asked is whether the video is presenting a coded message or signalling an imminent terrorist attack.

Before the video was posted on the Arab internet forum Ekhlas a banner headline appeared on the website that said: “Pray, pray, Allah is great. America is destroyed by a fatal jihadist nuclear strike.”

Clicking on the banner gives the viewer access to a documentary which shows diverse images – from al-Qaeda speeches to western documentaries and other Islamist videos.

The objective appears to be to incite followers of al-Qaeda to use weapons of mass destruction to strike the west, but there may be more to it.

The video opens with two verses of the Koran that emphasise “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”. It then says “Fight them until there is no more persecution and Allah is the only object of worship. (Ed Note: Take That Libertarians!) If they desist, there will be no hostility, except against those who are dishonest.”

“Attack those who attack you. Fear Allah and know that Allah is with those who fear Him.”

The documentary, filmed in Arabic, begins with images of a documentary distributed in November 2004 by the Italian news network, Rai News 24 entitled, The Hidden Massacre, in which US soldiers allegedly used chemical weapons against Iraqis in the city of Falluja.

It also includes the voice of an Arab jihadist who appears to be giving a lesson to a group of people on the need to conduct attacks against the US and Europe.

“This is called terrorism, but we cannot stop aggression against our countries if we do not use these arms, as Russia and the US did when they were conducting their arms race. If you have them, we must also have them.”

Then a voice off camera invites mujahadeen or Muslim fighters to learn how to obtain these weapons of mass destruction and shows a document on the “rules for using weapons of mass destruction against the unbelievers” written by Saudi scholar Naser Bin Hamed al-Fahd.

The document dated 21 May 2003 was written by one of the Saudi ulema or religious leaders close to the Salafite movement and to movements opposed to the Saudi royal family that support al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden.

Notice that Al-Qaeda has incorporated leftist propaganda films into their call for action. The Hidden Massacre is a documentary where two Italian “journalists” claim to provide proof of American war crimes in Iraq. Their proof is mostly people making unverifiable or easily disproved claims. It should be noted that the pair made a follow-up documentary in which they claim America was experimenting with super secret laser weapons that could burn people from miles away and decapitate whole busloads of Jihadis. Yes it’s called Star Wars in Iraq.

I wonder if Truthout and Democracy Now! and all the other leftist hacks who promoted the film will take their share of the credit when a chemical or nuke attack happens in America or Europe?

Radioactive material is being stolen at an alarming rate worldwide. I’ve blogged about a few of those cases which occurred in such diverse locales as Colorado, Minnesota, Russia and Canada. England has been losing materials in their hospital system, which due to doctor shortages is heavily populated with foreign born workers from countries where Islamism is flourishing.

Add to that a porous southern (and northern) border where Muslims have been caught pretending to be Mexican laborers to get in the country and an attack on American soil pretty much seems like a done deal, as government experts have already stated publicly.

h/t N.T.A.

English Elites Finally Realize British Civilization is Crumbling

The high profile death of up-and-coming actor Robert Knox forced the British media to admit that England is in fact a much more violent country than America. The grandmother of the murdered actor sums up the problem in England best:

Any idiot can have a baby but bringing them up well is tough,’ she said.

‘It’s hard work for parents. It’s 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There is no rest. You have to put your life on hold.

‘But the trouble is, people today want an easy life. There are babies being born to people-who are children themselves.

‘These parents challenge the teachers, challenge the police. It’s always someone else’s responsibility.’


Mrs Knox added: ‘Society in Britain today is spiralling out of control. Knife crime is not an innercity-problem, it’s everywhere. It’s a problem for all of us, all of society.

‘We must start tackling this issue head on now to prevent anyone else suffering like my family and I.

People need to be taught respect. It shouldn’t be up to schools to instill respect. It must start with the parents at home before that.

She’s right of course, but how do you teach personal responsibility to generation upon generation of people who were born into a society where it is considered a human right for the government (with the money they take from taxpayers) to care for them like a second set of parents? In many cases the government is the primary parent for households, providing for the needs of several generations of emotionally stunted ne’er-do-wells who’ve never had to work a day in their life.

In a country that eschews assimilation to such a degree that they in essence allow Muslims to keep child sex slaves, where they allow Muslims to wrest control of the streets from the police, how do you make a serious case for demanding those parents teach their children to respect English law?

You don’t. It’s all over for England and all that’s left for her is a decades long slide into anarchy and ultimately revolution. If demographics is destiny as Mark Steyn argues, than the coming revolution in England will be an Islamic one.

Perhaps sensing the English decent into barbarism TimesOnline analyst Richard Ford penned this hopeful piece trying to spur the society years of politically correct buffoonery and Fabian Socialism has destroyed into some sort of action. Typical of the modern Brit, he starts out by minimizing the problem:

Hardly a day passed over the Bank Holiday without a violent incident involving young people. No wonder there is concern about youth crime. Five key pieces of legislation and an estimated £2.9 billion have been spent on trying to curb youth crime.

It is worth remembering that it is only a small number who are involved in serious crime. And the clustering of many fatal knife attacks in London has fuelled disproportionate media coverage.

Alf Hitchcock, deputy assistant commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, said: “Statistically, knife crime remains a rare event. However, there are two trends that have been observed over the last few years: the severity of injuries has become more serious, and the age of offenders and victims has decreased from mid-teens to early twenties, to early to mid-teens.”

They go on to report figures that contradict their “rare event” hypothesis:

There has also been been an overall surge in offences of violence against the person committed by 10 to 17 year-olds. While overall offending by youngsters has remained broadly stable since 2002, out of about 300,000 offences committed by young people, 56,200 were violent attacks on others – up from 40,000 four years ago.

As others have pointed out to the author in the comments, his own statistics would put violent knife attacks by 10-17 year-olds at around 154 a day. One every 9 minutes or so. And that is only reported attacks by 10-17 year-olds. The crime rate would be dramatically higher if you included all age groups and were able to figure out a way to determine a rough estimate for how many attacks go unreported.

It also doesn’t include stomping deaths, like poor Sophie Lancaster.

With that in mind, his appeal to his countrymen is almost laughable:

Overcoming violent youth crime will require more than simply places in youth jails. It will require intervention with families and schools because often these youngsters have never been given boundaries, never been taught how to behave and have never had a role model to explain things to them. The work does not fit in with the politicans’ usual timeframe of the next general election, but everyone working in youth justice recognises there is no quick fix

If only parents would teach their children personal responsibility, respect for law and the difference between right and wrong.

Of course then those parents wouldn’t be English would they? They’d be Republicans.

Just who does Ford think are raising these thugs? Just what sort of boundaries does English society foster? Those parents had their chance, as did the rest of the English who allowed a glad-handing nanny state to disarm them, criminalize self-defense and then let liberal crime policies produce criminals who fear nothing.

Now there is an uproar by the very people who helped make modern Britain what it is today. Now academics, a leftist media and all the people who were happy to promote neo-Marxist values as a replacement for traditional British culture want to turn back the clock and make a generation of people raised in a state of permanent semi-revolution put down their arms and accept their proper place.

It isn’t going to happen. England is awash in blood and soon the rivers of it will become an ocean. There is no going back for England, they must now deal with their new reality and the reality is that criminals literally rule the streets.

U.N. Peace Keepers Gang Rape 13-Year-Old, Leave Her for Dead in Field

Just one of a long list of atrocities committed by United Nations Blue Helmets in Africa and other developing countries. From the oddly titled BBC report Peacekeepers ‘abusing children’:

Children as young as six are being sexually abused by peacekeepers and aid workers, says a leading UK charity.

Children in post-conflict areas are being abused by the very people drafted into such zones to help look after them, says Save the Children.

After research in Ivory Coast, southern Sudan and Haiti, the charity said an international watchdog should be created to deal with the issue.

The UN has said it welcomes the report, which it will study closely.

Save the Children said the most shocking aspect of child sex abuse is that most of it goes unreported and unpunished, with children too scared to speak out.

A 13-year-old girl described to the BBC how 10 UN peacekeepers gang-raped her in a field near her Ivory Coast home, and left her bleeding, trembling and vomiting on the ground.

No action has been taken against the soldiers

The report doesn’t say what country the Ivory Coast peacekeeping forces are from, but it’s safe to say that had they been Americans the BBC would have gleefully reported it. I like the way the BBC puts “abusing children” in quotes. It doesn’t seem like the headline is designed to cast doubt on the victims stories at all. Something tells me there are no BBC articles about Abu Ghraib where the word abuse is anywhere near a quotation mark.

Isn’t it time to pull out of the U.N.?

h/t Gateway Pundit