Child Virus Fears Spread in China, ChiComs Punish Doctors for “Mishandling Virus”

In Max Brooks’ World War Z the plague that causes zombies to overrun the world begins in China. The Communists attempted to cover up the plague, hiding the truth until it was too late.

The reports of a virus killing children in the P.R.C. and the governments ruthless crackdown on doctors who can’t cure the children reminded me a bit of the book when I read these articles. The first is a Reuters report:

BEIJING (Reuters) – Fears of a virus that has killed at least 26 children in China gripped parents in Beijing on Tuesday amid a spreading outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease.

The health scare prompted the Foreign Ministry to seek to assure the country it was doing its best to contain the outbreak.

“The Chinese government is paying great attention to the virus and related departments are taking effective measures to stop it from spreading,” ministry spokesman Qin Gang told a news conference.

Hand, foot and mouth is a common illness in children and infants caused by a family of viruses called enteroviruses and outbreaks regularly occur in China.

But the current outbreak has led to fatalities mostly when linked with enterovirus 71 (EV71), which can cause a severe form of the disease that can lead to high fever, paralysis and viral meningitis.

Some 11,905 cases of hand, foot and mouth have been reported in China this year, the official Xinhua news agency said. EV71 has caused 26 deaths, largely in Fuyang, a city in China’s eastern province of Anhui. At least two deaths were in the southern province of Guangdong.

All of the deaths in Fuyang were of children under six years old and most were under two.


China, which initially covered up the SARS epidemic in 2003, has denied a cover-up this time round and ordered authorities to aggressively tackle hand, foot and mouth.

An editorial in Monday’s China Daily blamed the crisis in Fuyang on a “delayed reaction” by the local government.

The Chinese government is blaming the doctors that treated many of the victims for their deaths in a move transparently designed to make those deaths look as if they were avoidable. From

Ten doctors and officials in China have been punished for mishandling a virus that has killed 26 children, state media reported as the number of infected youngsters rose to nearly 12,000.

The punishments have been meted out in the eastern Anhui province, where the bulk of the deaths have occurred and local officials have been accused of being too slow to report the disease, Xinhua news agency said late on Monday.

The virus is called enterovirus 71, or EV71, which leads to hand, foot and mouth disease.

EV71 is highly contagious and spreads through direct contact with the mucus, saliva or faeces of an infected person. Young children are most susceptible because of weaker immune systems.

As of Monday, it had infected 11,905 children nationwide, killing 26 of them, Xinhua reported, citing government figures.

The outbreak caused the Ministry of Health to declare a national alert over the weekend and establish a task force to liaise with local officials on control efforts.

In Anhui, one village doctor was fined 4,080 yuan (583 dollars) for illegally injecting 17 children with immune globulin, falsely claiming it would cure them, according to Xinhua.

The doctor, Wang Dongjun, charged 80 yuan for each injection, while five local county officials have been reprimanded for not distributing information about the virus.

Their failure to tell the people in Lichen village about the nature of the virus allowed Wang to “profiteer” from the disease, Xinhua reported, without saying what happened to the mistreated patients.


Sections of China’s state-run media have been highly critical of how authorities in Fuyang handled the outbreak, because children first started falling ill in March but the problem was not made public until last week.

That’s rich. China’s state run media is saying there was a cover up.

So if the government is willing to admit to nearly 12,000 people infected with this killer virus just before the Olympics, how many more do you think are really infected?

But Pot Doesn’t Hurt Anyone! (Unless You’re Dating Christopher Gardner Beaman)

I just posted an article that claims marijuana use can lead to violent behavior and mental illness. In it I point to recent research that links habitual pot smoking to all manner of mental health issues:

A study published in the British Medical Journal found those using cannabis before the age of 15 are four times as likely to develop psychotic illness by 26. A Lancet study in 2007 estimated that 14 per cent of 15- to 34-year-olds affected by schizophrenia are ill because of heavy cannabis use. And recent analysis of 35 major studies concluded that cannabis use increased the risk of psychotic illness later in life by approximately 40 per cent and by up to 200 per cent among heavy users.

Many experts in mental health say they now have more than enough evidence to understand that cannabis is not the safe drug of popular myth.

‘We have been campaigning for many years about the links between cannabis and psychiatric illness, and highlighting evidence that the drug may not only precipitate psychotic breakdown but cause long-term mental damage,‘ says Marjorie Wallace, chief executive of the mental health charity Sane.

The article was specifically about England, but as if in answer to the post I found this piece at Psycho for Love about the case of Christopher Gardner Beaman, a rich kid whose behavior is so extreme and violent that his daddy’s lawyers couldn’t get him out of jail time:

A violent spoiled rich kid from Massachusetts was sentenced to one year in jail for beating his girlfriend. 24-year-old Christopher Gardner Beaman punched his girlfriend in the stomach so hard that it lacerated her liver, put her into the hospital, and confined her to a wheelchair for a short period.

It seems that Beaman has a history of violence. He allegedly pushed his own mother down a flight of stairs. Mom supports her son by the way. Way to be an enabler mom. He broke a girl’s arm in the eighth grade. He assaulted a therapist. He also has an arrest record as long as my arm and I have pretty long arms.

When his then girlfriend asked him to take her to the hospital he just dropped her off at her place and gave her two Tylenol.

His lawyers tried to claim that he has “intermittent explosive disorder” or as I like to call it made up woman beater disease. Apparently he thought the charges against him were no big deal because in February he requested that his ankle monitor be removed because it hurt when he played Frisbee.

Did you get all that? Pushes mom down steps, breaks girl’s arm in 8th grade and now he lacerated the liver of his girlfriend in a vicious attack. Then he thought he could get his ankle monitor removed so he could play Frisbee.

And what exactly is “intermittent explosive disorder” anyway? A quick Google of the term leaves one with the distinct impression that it’s the medicalization of people who are bullies. But is it related to drug use?

According to Beaman’s lawyers you bet your ass it is:

Beaman’s attorney, Charles H. Riley III, said his client was diagnosed by Dr. Michael J. Ostacher of Massachusetts General Hospital with intermittent explosive disorder, depression and marijuana dependence, which is in remission.

Clinicians at Bridgewater State Hospital, where Beaman underwent a 40-day evaluation after the attack, concluded he does not have intermittent explosive disorder, but instead diagnosed him with an anti-social personality disorder, Riley said.

Huh. Go figure I guess doctors that examined him say he’s just a cretin who gets high too much. That’s why he almost killed his old lady, and his own mother. Beaman had a long history of doing what many pot smokers tend to do, minimize their criminality and blame others for their problems.

More importantly, Beaman had a history of recreational pot use that coincided with his escalating violence and criminality. The Judge in this case recognized Beaman for what he was:

In siding with the prosecution’s recommendation for jail time, Judge Maurice R. Flynn referenced Beaman’s long criminal record in two states and tendency to minimize his role in violent outbursts.

Flynn said Beaman broke a girl’s arm on a bus in the eighth grade, attacked a therapist in Colorado and has a history of assaulting his younger brothers. His criminal record in Colorado includes three pages of arrests for assault, larceny, forgery, theft, marijuana possession, probation violations and contempt of court, according to Colorado Bureau of Investigation records.

In February, Beaman asked the court to have his GPS monitoring bracelet removed because it “hurts my ankle” during Frisbee games, according to an affidavit.

“To think it’s not important that you put someone in a wheelchair for a week tells me something,” said Flynn. “I am left with a grave offense. I can’t minimize the gravity of the offense. I am also left with a young man who has behaved similarly in the past.”

It’s almost like this spoiled brat lives in a permanent fog where only his emotions and desires matter. It’s almost as if there’s something in his life that separates him from reality and the consequences of his actions. Hmmm.

There are some funny pictures of Beaman’s stunned reaction to being sentenced. It looks like it just dawned on him he won’t be smoking pot for a while.

h/t Trench

Chavez Lackey Evo Morales Set to Turn Loose Private Militia on Autonomous Santa Cruz

The communist leader of Bolivia has been rebuked by the people of Santa Cruz whose wealth and possessions he intends to confiscate and redistribute to his fellow tribesmen. This racist policy was challenged by the people of Santa Cruz who voted to become autonomous rather than become slaves to Morales hate cult.

In response, Morales’ “Red Poncho” militia had tried to stop the voting process, and are threatening violence. Riots have broken out and foreign governments are warning tourists to stay indoors.

The people of Santa Cruz are celebrating now, but I hope they’re armed because soon they’ll be fighting for their lives against Evo Morales’ private army. Even AlJazeera are spooked by these guys:


Congratulations Santa Cruz. Be careful out there.

Victimless Crime File: “Skunk” Weed Blamed for English Youth Ultra-Violence

From an article called Hippie Dream, Modern Nightmare:

They are not hard to find. Every few days brings a fresh tale of feral youths meting out random acts of violence with unfathomable intensity. Apart from the shocking brutality, the speed with which a seemingly trivial argument or confrontation can assume murderous proportions, the stories have a common theme: the perpetrators of the violence, often in their very young teens, were high on ‘skunk’ at the time.

The teenagers who killed Garry Newlove, the 47-year-old father of three in Cheshire? The attack came after they had binged on alcohol and skunk.

Last month three youths were found guilty of kicking to death Mark Witherall, 47, after he found them burgling his house in Whitstable, Kent. The three were intoxicated by a ferocious cocktail of alcopops and cannabis. The judge said the three had ‘acted as hyenas’.

And last week the mother of Sophie Lancaster, the 20-year-old goth murdered by two binge-drinking teenagers, claimed the rise of skunk was now one of the biggest causes of problems among young people. ‘It’s so much stronger now than normal cannabis and young people are smoking it from 9am and thinking it’s OK,’ said Sylvia Lancaster. ‘I have worked with young people over a number of years and I believe that one of the biggest issues facing us is skunk.’

Suddenly, skunk – a high-strength herbal strain of cannabis – is showing the darker side of a drug that was once considered to be relatively benign. Concerns about its links with mental illness and its ability to act as a ‘gateway drug’, leading users into addiction, have prompted a sea change in popular opinion about cannabis.

Uh oh. Sounds like smoking pot isn’t so harmless. I’ve blogged about the surreal brutality of the Sophie Lancaster murder before but a glimpse through an English paper’s website will show you that gangs of teens stomping women to death is hardly uncommon in the United Kingdom these days.

While it’s fair to say that the crime culture there is a product of the dehumanizing welfare state, multiculturalism and Fabian social policies the fact is that drug use in England is tied to violent crime in the most undeniable way.

Getting high may seem harmless in a country where civil order is still maintained but in England were decades of neo-Marxist social engineering has destroyed the fabric of society we can see the effects of recreational pot smoking on those whose upbringing has already created in them a distorted sense of personal and moral boundaries. As the article says, think Clockwork Orange:

But now the hippie dream of peace and love has turned into the nightmare of A Clockwork Orange, in which drug-fueled youths go on a violent rampage.

‘The caricature of cannabis has for years equated it with herbal tea and hippies,’ says Ben Lynam, of the UK Drug Policy Commission. ‘Some people still believe that, but they are now very much among the minority.’

Prime Minister Gordon Brown is not one of that minority. This week he is expected to reject the opinion of the government’s own Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD), and signal that cannabis should be reclassified from a class C to a class B drug, a spectacular U-turn from just two years ago and the first time ministers have ignored their experts since 1971.

It means those caught in possession of cannabis could face prison sentences of up to five years, compared with two now. But the change, for the majority of users, is likely to be cosmetic. The police have signaled that they will still continue a policy of ‘confiscate and warn’, although persistent offenders will face tougher penalties which experts believe will see more ending up in prison. Last year police warnings on cannabis rose 20 per cent to 120,000, suggesting the new approach is proving popular with officers on the streets, as it frees them from the bureaucracy associated with making arrests.

Sounds like good policing. Gangs of drug fueled violence junkies turned loose on a country where cops couldn’t be bothered making arrests. Good stuff.

Oh. But pot dealers are still just good natured hippies who aren’t hurting anyone right? And those guys who grow their own are O.K. right?

Cannabis is now a big black-market business in Britain. While heroin is imported from the east, cocaine from South America and ecstasy from the Netherlands, much of the cannabis crop is homegrown. Sir Stephen Lander, the head of the Serious and Organized Crime Agency warned earlier this year that large-scale cannabis factories – producing high-strength strains of the drug and run by Vietnamese and Chinese criminals – are appearing across the country.

Charities working with immigrant communities claim that in many cases the factories rely on smuggled child labour to maintain the plants. What was a cottage industry has become an industrialized cultivation. Growers now use state-of-the art hydroponic systems to ensure bumper crops.

‘There are wide areas of the country where this is being grown commercially,’ Lander said. ‘It’s not as though people are growing it in a couple of pots on their window sills.’

Hey, c’mon. What’s a little child slavery if it gets you your weed? Right?

And it’s not like the same thing happens here, is it? Besides, there’s no evidence that pot causes violence so this is all just a scare tactic by we squares. Or is it:

A study published in the British Medical Journal found those using cannabis before the age of 15 are four times as likely to develop psychotic illness by 26. A Lancet study in 2007 estimated that 14 per cent of 15- to 34-year-olds affected by schizophrenia are ill because of heavy cannabis use. And recent analysis of 35 major studies concluded that cannabis use increased the risk of psychotic illness later in life by approximately 40 per cent and by up to 200 per cent among heavy users.

Many experts in mental health say they now have more than enough evidence to understand that cannabis is not the safe drug of popular myth.

‘We have been campaigning for many years about the links between cannabis and psychiatric illness, and highlighting evidence that the drug may not only precipitate psychotic breakdown but cause long-term mental damage,‘ says Marjorie Wallace, chief executive of the mental health charity Sane.

‘The front-line experience of organizations such as ours is that use of the drug can cause harm, not only to young people but to their families, making the outcomes worse for those with mental illness and robbing young people of their motivation and future.’

Read the rest and share it with your friends who claim pot smoking is a victimless crime.

Yet More Black Blood on White Liberals Hands!


At a routine traffic stop Officer Rodney Johnson was gunned down by an illegal alien who had already been deported from the country once. Juan Leonardo Quintero was deported in 2004 for Indecency with a child. He returned and was stopped by Johnson for speeding and was arrested for having no license.

Johnson missed the 9mm tucked in the waistband of Quintero’s pants during his pat down and while the unsuspecting police officer sat in the front seat of his cruiser Quintero shot the married father of five four times in the head.

Quintero has admitted to the murder, and perhaps inspired by the White liberals who claim that any person concerned with the security implications of of unchecked illegal immigration is a bigot, Quintero has stated to the authorities that officer Rodney Johnson was a racist:

As some members of Johnson’s family wept in the courtroom, Quintero said in the 17-minute videotape that he was arrested because of race and that he should have just received a ticket for speeding.

Johnson had stopped Quintero for speeding and arrested him for not having a driver’s license.

Quintero really believes that a person driving around without a license should get a ticket and not be arrested. That’s the sort of nonsense that “immigrant rights” groups fill people’s heads with. But more importantly after killing this Black man in cold blood he has the nerve to accuse the victim of his crime of being a racist in front of the man’s grieving family.

Where would he get the idea that killing a Black man and then besmirching his reputation was acceptable I wonder? You think that he’s playing the race card to gain sympathy with a certain type of “White liberal?” A group that has attacked Black folks as racists in the past in ways almost as disgusting as Quintero’s outrage?

Juan Leonardo Quintero should not have been here. He was a child molester running loose in our streets and now another Black man has paid the price for the special treatment White liberals’ new favorite minority receives. It’s open season on any of us with even a drop of Black blood in us and the White liberals and libertarians who want open borders don’t care how the Black community is affected.

The Chron has a video of Quintero’s confession. Check out the on line memorial to Officer Johnson and pay your respects.

h/t Moonbattery