Tanker Full of Diesel Fuel Hijacked in Houston, Texas

Here’s a scary report from The Chron concerning the recent armed hijacking of a big rig loaded with Diesel in Huston:

A hijacker made off with a tanker truck just as the driver was topping off the load of diesel fuel, authorities said Tuesday.

The driver was pulling away from a fueling station along Texas 225 about 3 a.m. Monday when a man, possibly armed with a pistol, jumped into the cab, authorities said.

He told the driver to head toward the South Loop and the Gulf Freeway and later switched seats before ordering the driver out of the vehicle, Houston police said.

Other than to confirm the basic details of the case, Houston Police Department officials declined to comment, citing their ongoing investigation.

A trucking industry security expert said actual armed hijackings are rare. Most 18-wheel thefts occur after the truck’s ignition is hot-wired or because the driver left the keys in the cab, said Jim Sutton, director of Washington, D.C.-based Highway Watch, part of the American Trucking Associations.

“It happens, but it is unusual,” Sutton said.

The truck — minus the fuel — will probably be found within the next few days, Sutton said.

“These people were after a commodity,” he said. “It’s probably a lot more profitable for the risk than pulling a bank robbery.”

How much fuel the driver was carrying was unknown. On Tuesday, the average price for a gallon of diesel in Houston was $4.125.

If the truck isn’t found, Sutton said it will probably be cannibalized for parts.

Whoever took the truck probably has some behind the wheel experience with 18-wheelers, Sutton said.

“It takes some skill driving those big tanker trucks,” he said. “If a non-trucker stole (it), there’s a very good chance they would have had an accident within a very short distance.

The locals are operating on the theory that someone wanted to sell the fuel, but with the case a few years ago of the Muslim convert run truck school that ended up being shut down by the F.B.I. this sort of information cannot help but lead one to wonder if there is some more nefarious purpose for this tanker, like ramming it and its flammable cargo into some vulnerable target.

h/t N.T.A.

Degenerate Pot Smoker Robs Church Poor Box While Attending A.A.


Most people hit rock bottom before going to Alcoholics Anonymous but 20 year old Matthew Corwin does things his way:

A Long Island man attending an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at a church swiped $40 from the parish poor box to buy marijuana, police said.

“He just needed the money. He was using it for drugs,” Suffolk Police Lt. James Gruenfelder said. “It’s pretty desperate to be stealing from the poor box.

“He probably would have had better luck had he asked for assistance from the clergy.”

Cops arrested Matthew Corwin, 20, after recognizing him from surveillance video of two heists at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in West Islip, police said.

He pleaded not guilty yesterday to two counts of petty larceny and two counts of fourth-degree criminal mischief at his arraignment in Suffolk County 1st District Court in Central Islip.

Corwin was released without bail.

A source close to the case said Corwin was attending AA meetings at the Hunter Ave. church. He would carry the freestanding poor box into the church rest room, then kick it open, the source said.

He stole money in January and again on Saturday, police said. Each time, the unemployed Corwin swiped $20, cops said.

Gruenfelder noted the impracticality of the crime.

“It’s not going to change your life to get $40,” he said, “but taking $40 can sure change your life.”

And they say weed isn’t habit forming. I guess it’s just normal behavior for a guy to sneak out of his A.A. meeting, steal a poor box and buy some pot.

But c’mon, at least he wasn’t drinking…

This Will End Well: Brown Berets Recruiting Soldiers for “Aztlan”

Resurgent Chicano Nationalist/Marxist group the Brown Berets have announced a recruiting drive for “soldiers” to help them fight in Aztlan.

Aztlan would of course be Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. From the racist, anti-semitic Aztlan.net:

Los Angeles, Alta California – May 1, 2008 – (ACN) “The Brown Berets de Aztlan have undertaken an active campaign to recruit more soldiers and form new chapters throughout Aztlan,” said Chairman David Rico yesterday. “We will be having a series of presentations throughout the Southwest starting in San Diego on May 8, 2008,” he added.

David Rico is one of the original founders of the Brown Berets in California and was one of the Brown Beret soldiers that seized and took over land in Barrio Logan in San Diego that later became, the now world famous, “Chicano Park”.

In the first presentation in San Diego, David Rico and other Brown Berets will be speaking on what it takes to be a Brown Beret de Aztlan, what the organization believes in and on future plans. They will also be answering questions.

The first presentation is scheduled for May 8, 2008 from 6:30-9:00 p.m. at the Centro Cultural de La Raza located in Balboa Park at 2125 Park Blvd, San Diego.

After the recruitment campaign, the Brown Berets de Aztlan will be organizing caravans to the state of Arizona where our community is presently under siege by racists and other anti-immigrant elements.

The Brown Berets are a group of racist thugs who have claimed in the past to have shot down a police helicopter. Riding a wave of 60s style political activism they’ve been actively recruiting via MySpace and insinuating themselves and their anti-American rhetoric into the hard left. I have long suspected they were involved in the Columbia Minute Man riot.

The phrasing of their new recruiting drive is cause for concern. They aren’t looking for activists or supporters, but “soldiers.” Perhaps they think now is a good time to start a more, shall we say robust, campaign to “reclaim” Aztlan? Their caravans to Arizona will no doubt be a warm up for violence to come.

With the planed riots of Recreate ’68 and the A.N.S.W.E.R. led R.N.C. protests coming up soon I’m betting a radical/criminal organization like the Brown Berets will be attempting to position themselves to take full advantage of the chaos leftist groups hope will ensue in the coming months.

A Case for the Existence of Evil: The Buddy Smith Rape Gang

When you speak of Evil these days, true Evil not just something disagreeable, many Americans will smirk and brush away the idea that Evil exists as anything more than a backward, ideological fervor found in the most despised sections of society. Especially in the academic world the belief in the existence of Evil is considered no different than admitting to being a “neo-con warmonger” and brings a reaction worse than when people discover to their unmitigated horror that you’re a Republican.

But even voting for Bush doesn’t invite attacks on your intelligence and often your very sanity like announcing your conviction that there are people and things in this world that are simply Evil. Thus when you speak of rapists and child molesters the prevailing wisdom among such liberal enclaves is that the perpetrators were themselves victims, of other abusers or society, or that they are “mentally ill” and therefore treatable. Murderers are victims of cultural imperialism and thieves are the product of class disparity and no person choses to hurt others simply because they like to.

It’s a convenient fantasy this world of victims, and a notion so comforting in its own way it is hard to disabuse people of. For many people criminality is somehow curable, perhaps with a pill or therapy or wealth redistribution, and those people sleep better at night than those of us who know the truth, who have looked horrified into the night of the human soul and saw what looked back at us.

The story of Buddy E. Smith is one of those examples of undeniable Evil. Mom of 4 over at the Dreamin’ Demon forums dug up this ghastly tale but after reading it you’ll see why it’s hard to thank her for the tip, though like me you’ll acknowledge that this is a story most people will need to hear. You just won’t want to.

Be warned, this is not an easy story to read:

NEW BEDFORD — Advocates for the developmentally disabled say law enforcement authorities could have done more to prevent the repeated gang rapes of a mentally handicapped man.

Suspect Buddy E. Smith, 22, of Fall River, as well as an uncle of Mr. Smith and several friends who are still at large, stalked, kidnapped and raped the mentally retarded man more than a dozen times from 2004 to 2007, prosecutors say. Mr. Smith and his friends also engaged in a campaign of threats and intimidation to keep the Tiverton, R.I., man from reporting the crimes, prosecutors said.


Tuesday, a Superior Court judge temporarily detained Mr. Smith until a bail revocation hearing May 21. He had been free on $1,000(Editor Note: WTF!?!) bail since June 2006, when he was indicted on charges of rape, indecent assault and battery on a retarded person and witness intimidation. He is scheduled to stand trial on those charges July 21.

Mr. Smith’s uncle, William Senay, 52, of Fall River, also was arrested in connection with the alleged sexual assaults. Mr. Senay is charged with rape and indecent assault and battery on a retarded person, and also is scheduled to go to trial July 21.

None of the other alleged co-conspirators have been identified or arrested.

The alleged abuse reportedly began shortly after the victim met Mr. Smith through a Fall River friend of the victim in spring 2004. Later that year, Mr. Smith allegedly took the victim to a church parking lot in Fall River, where he and several other young men sexually assaulted him.

The gang rapes continued throughout 2005, according to the victim’s relatives, who said they began noticing changes in his behavior.

On Jan. 6, 2006, Mr. Smith allegedly went to the victim’s house in Tiverton, R.I. The victim’s mother answered the door and became suspicious. After speaking with the victim, the family went to the Police Department the following day.

The victim also was taken to Charlton Memorial Hospital in Fall River, where a social worker there assessed him as having been raped, relatives said.

The alleged sexual assaults were accompanied by repeated instances of stalking and harassment, prosecutors said.

Throughout the summer of 2006, the victim’s family said, Mr. Smith and his friends staked out their home and often drove by the house in different vehicles. The family alleges the suspects told the victim they would kill him and his mother if he did not leave the house.

The stalking continued through 2007, as Mr. Smith and friends allegedly followed the victim and contacted him using a disabled girl’s cell phone, the victim’s relatives said.

The alleged stalking continued unabated until last month, prosecutors said.

Prosecutors allege that on March 20, Mr. Smith traveled to a remote residence on the Connecticut-Rhode Island border where the victim, now 25, had been staying. A witness later told police in Foster, R.I., she saw Mr. Smith peering into the window.

Foster police have since obtained an arrest warrant for Mr. Smith, prosecutors said.

The alleged stalking on March 20 occurred three months after the last sexual assault is said to have taken place, prosecutors said.

Mr. Smith is suspected of stalking the victim at a library in Middletown, R.I., in December. Later that day, Mr. Smith allegedly lured the victim from his home and gang raped him with his friends, prosecutors said.

The developmentally disabled man had been moved several times because Mr. Smith and his friends had been stalking him, prosecutors said. Mr. Smith had been ordered by the court to stay away from the victim.

If this story is true (and having come of age during the Satanic Panic I often take wild tales of sexual abuse with a grain of salt) what possible explanation could you come up with to explain this atrocity? Were it simply Smith and his uncle William Sanay one could make an honest attempt to explain this away as a family of abusers with Smith as victim then later accomplice to Sanay. But what about all those friends of Smith who gang raped the retarded man?

There are credible witnesses to Smith and his friends stalking the victim, terrorizing him and his family. Without the concept of Evil, how do you explain Buddy Smith and his rape cult? How do you explain a group of men, and boys in some cases since Smith would have been 16 when the rapes started, spending three years of their life stalking, terrorizing and raping a mentally retarded man?

What this group is accused of doing is Evil. It cannot be described in any other terms and there is no trendy sociological theory that can explain away the monstrousness of these crimes. There is only the philosophical and perhaps metaphysical observation that this group of people gave themselves over to Evil.

And of course Evil flourishes when we refuse to confront it. From the same article:

“This is the worst alleged case of sustained abuse of a person with mental retardation in New England since the Raynham ‘House of Horrors’ was exposed more than 10 years ago,” said Colleen Lutkevich, executive director of the Massachusetts Coalition of Families and Advocates for the Retarded.

COFAR officials have been working with the victim’s relatives since they reached out to the organization last summer. The group has been monitoring the ongoing court proceedings against Mr. Smith, and has been critical of how law enforcement initially handled the case.

COFAR officials claim the Fall River Police Department refused to take a report when the victim’s family approached them in January 2006 because the victim was developmentally disabled.

A spokesman for Fall River police could not be reached for comment Tuesday evening.

COFAR officials also say former Bristol County District Attorney Paul F. Walsh Jr. demanded the victim’s family pay for a forensic psychiatrist to examine the victim on two occasions on the subject of consent and to determine his degree of mental retardation.

Contacted by telephone Tuesday, Mr. Walsh said he did not remember the specific case, but said it was not his office’s practice to demand victims’ families pay for their own expert psychiatric witnesses.

“I can’t remember ever requiring a family to get expert witnesses for us,” Mr. Walsh said. “People are frequently frustrated with delays in the court system. I hope the family’s frustrations are alleviated when the case pans out in court.”

Disgusting. The police facilitated the ongoing suffering of this victim, likely because few of them could accept the idea that such Evil exists. The victim paid for that pretension.

h/t Dreamin’ Demon

Update: Dreamin’ Demon has a blog post up about the story and now have a picture of Buddy Smith and his MySpace.

Russia Moving Troops to Georgia’s Border!

Not our Georgia, the European one. From MSNBC:

BRUSSELS, Belgium – Georgia is “very close” to a war with Russia, a Georgian minister said on Tuesday, citing Moscow’s decision to send extra troops to the breakaway Georgian region of Abkhazia.

“We literally have to avert war,” Georgian State Minister for Issues of Reintegration Temur Iakobashvili told a news briefing during a trip to Brussels.

Asked how close to such a war the situation was, he replied: “Very close, because we know Russians very well.

“We know what the signals are when you see propaganda waged against Georgia. We see Russian troops entering our territories on the basis of false information,” he said.

Russia has said the troop build-up is needed to counter what it says are Georgian plans for an attack on breakaway Abkhazia and has accused Tbilisi of trying to suck the West into a war — both of which are allegations that ex-Soviet Georgia rejects.

An extra Russian contingent began arriving in Abkhazia last week. Moscow has not said how many would be added but said the total would remain within the 3,000 limit allowed under a United Nations-brokered ceasefire agreement signed in 1994. Diplomats expect the reinforcement to be of the order of 1,200.

Georgia, a vital energy transit route in the Caucasus, has angered Russia by seeking membership of NATO.

Georgia’s hoping the E.U. will help them “reduce tensions” with Russia, but I’m betting the E.U. will leave Georgia out for the wolves, or the bear in this case.

Publius Pundit debunks Russia’s claims of “peacekeeping” in a great post that puts Putin’s actions in context:

Do you dare to imagine Russia’s reaction if NATO tanks and troops crossed the Russian border and took up a similar “peacekeeping” role in Chechnya? It’s simply inexplicable how Russians can demand that the world stay out of Chechnya and yet feel itself free to inject Russian forces into Georgia whenever it sees fit. A powder keg is brewing in Georgia and the Western governments are about to light the fuse. If they don’t immediately send a message loud and clear to Russia that it must respect Georgian borders, there will be an explosion.

Putin has two goals in Georgia: First, to destabilize it internally so that it does not qualify for NATO membership. Second, to nibble away at Georgia’s frontiers until Georgia is forced to respond militarily, then to invade and re-annex Georgia as a part of Russia, just as it was in Soviet times. After that, Ukraine will be the next target as Putin, a proud KGB spy, systematically seeks to recreate the USSR.

La Russophobe has plenty of reading for those of you wanting to catch up with Putin and his campaign to turn Russia into the U.S.S.R. 2.0.

G.S.G.F. has a great post about Russia’s deepening military ties with Iran which helps put Russia’s general aggression in Europe in a clearer light. Russia seems to be building up its superpower credentials again, and a quick and one-sided war against a former Soviet Bloc country would give Putin’s New Russia a nice boost.

Which reminds me, I’ve been concentrating on crime so much I haven’t been able to link to some of my favorite political blogs. Maybe I’ll start a World News Wednesday or something.

Hot Air has the news of Bush’s continuing blindness on this issue.