MySpace Shocker! A News Story Featuring Good Parenting

An Illinois mother showed a world full of slacker parents how it’s done when she discovered her teen daughters MySpace page was full references to her stonerdom. Let’s just say she’s a “tough love” kind of gal:

ZION — A revelation on a MySpace page resulted in an April 8 arrest of a 17-year-old on charges of unlawful possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

The teen’s mother said she was alerted to her daughter’s marijuana use when she read the daughter’s MySpace page that was left open on her computer. The mother told police she read a conversation between her daughter and a friend that included statements of smoking “weed” and possessing “weed,” a police report stated.

The next day, the mother told police, she found her daughter’s digital camera in the family’s living room. The camera had a stored video clip of a friend of the daughter’s apparently smoking marijuana with a pipe.

The mother found the pot and the pipe in her daughter’s sweatshirt the next day, and brought it to Zion police headquarters.

Awesome. That’s how parenting is supposed to look. Tough, fair and forward looking. The kid got charged with possession, and her friends bailed on her (of course) claiming they only “simulated” smoking pot with her. After taking the rap alone you think she’ll realize what kind of people you end up surrounded with when you’re a stoner?

And who says pot doesn’t affect your decision making skills? She left her pot reference covered MySpace open where her mom could see it and filmed herself getting high. Sounds to me like she either wanted to be caught or she was seriously “burned” as we used to say decades ago. Either way her mother was there to pick up the mess, good job mom!

h/t MyCrimeSpace

Massive Riot in Nyack, New York

Nyack is a popular day trip destination for New Yorkers and the upper crust of New Jersey. The town sitting proudly on the Hudson boasts a plethora of fine restaurants, antique shops and books stores that lend it a kind of charm few north eastern cities are able to manage.

Indeed Nyack was always envisioned by planners and worthies to be the “New Orleans of The Hudson” and wandering along its quiet streets lined with colonial style homes that would pass for mansions anywhere else one can easily see the resemblance.

For those of us that have been to Nyack in the last few years it is also obvious that Nyack is rich, very liberal and filled with the fadishness that is the marriage of the two. A charming town filled with spoiled, bored teens who spend their time in the local super mall “slumming” and delving deeply into the thug sub-culture whose watered down version can be found in specialty shops. The spread of a violence worshiping “hood” mentality among the idle rich is a time bomb in our midsts.

Added to this is the local business penchant to hire illegals, a situation which attracts gangs that prey on those workers like MS-13, and you have a recipe for Nyack’s destruction. From WCBS:

NYACK, N.Y. (CBS/AP) ― Police say two people have been injured and five people arrested after dozens fought in the streets of the Rockland County village of Nyack.

Orangetown police say fights among 40 to 50 people broke out Wednesday afternoon.

It took police officers from seven departments to finally break up the fights, which continued across Nyack for an hour.

Police say some involved in the fight were armed with knives, bats and an ax.

They say one man was stabbed and hit with a claw hammer; a second person was hit in the head with a hammer.

Both victims were treated and released from a hospital.

Police say they have arrested five people, including one of the injured, on charges including disorderly conduct, menacing, trespassing and possession of marijuana.

Look at that, pot was involved. Shocking.

What’s more shocking is that 40-50 people armed with bats knives and at least one ax fought on the streets of a town where houses can go for over a million dollars, and only five were arrested. Police from seven departments arrived to break it up and were only able to arrest five, one of whom was injured.

The report is also interesting in that the rioters are described as “men” implying that these were all adults brawling on the streets. Young adults no doubt but adults nonetheless.

An hour of societal break down that couldn’t be contained by the local authorities in one of the ritziest places on Earth. No word on the cause yet but I’m sure it was something trivial. I sometimes laugh at the survivalists who insist there will be food riots in America, then a story like this comes along and scares me.

Teen Gets 30-40 *WEEKS* for Vicious Rape of 2-Year-Old

Less than a year for the most heinous crime imaginable. Way to thumb your nose at the “Red State” morality Washington:

WATERVILLE — A 15-year-old East Wenatchee boy has been sentenced to 30 to 40 weeks in state juvenile detention for the Oct. 1, 2007, rape of a 2-year-old East Wenatchee girl.

Brandon Parker pleaded guilty to first-degree child rape and was sentenced April 9 in Douglas County Juvenile Court. Parker was given credit for 42 days served. He also was sentenced to 24 months of community supervision.

What the hell is going on in Washington state? He raped a 2-year-old, he’s going to rape again. A stiffer punishment may have at least given him pause, but a slap on the wrist for what is a demonstration of inhuman evil will only embolden this serial rapist in the making.

h/t Lizard in the Dreamin’ Demon forums.

Pot Smoking Degenerates Kill Toddler By Denying Him Liquid For a Week

They said it was to punish the boy, who they were babysitting, for wetting the bed:

MERIDEN, Conn. – Two family friends accused of depriving a toddler of fluid for a week as punishment for bed-wetting appeared in court Wednesday to face charges in his death.

Police said 23-month-old Amari Jackson died of dehydration while Sharon Patterson and her brother Robert Patterson were caring for him in February.

Investigators said glasses around the house were laced with hot sauce to keep the boy from drinking.

According to an arrest warrant affidavit, Robert Patterson told police that the boy cried for his mother when he began staying with him and his sister, but “towards the end of his stay Amari was crying for something to drink.”

Amari was pronounced dead at to Yale-New Haven Hospital, where medical records indicate that he “appeared wasted” and had “sunken eyes.”

The mother trusted these monsters because she was a friend of the family. The best part, they asked her if they could babysit because the mother, Sara Hicks, was sick:

Amari’s mother, Sara Hicks, said she has been friends with Sharon Patterson’s daughter since they were 8. She said Sharon Patterson offered to care for her son for about a week because she was sick with a fever and caring for her 8-month-old daughter.

Hicks said she cannot make sense of her son’s death but was pleased police had charged the Pattersons.

This evil woman offered to care for the boy than killed him in a fit of pique. Disgusting. She even has the nerve to claim she didn’t know depriving a toddler of liquids would hurt him!

What kind of person claims to be so out of touch with reality that she doesn’t know she was killing a crying little boy?

Sharon Patterson told police she had been drinking and smoking marijuana the day before Amari died, according to an arrest warrant affidavit. She also told them she had previously lost custody of four children because of drug addiction. Attorneys said in court Wednesday that she has mental health issues.

I don’t doubt she has mental health issues, although there is no cure for sociopathy. Oddly sociopaths are frequently dependent on drugs or alcohol for the emotional stimulation their stunted psyches cannot produce by experiencing reality.

I do doubt that she smoked pot just the one time that week. I doubt a sober person could have come up with such a reckless and depraved punishment for a toddler.

Sharon Patterson smoked pot while a toddler died in her care. I’m sure there will be people who claim that pot played no part in little Amari’s death but we know better. Drug use is never victimless for long.

h/t Crime Scene KC

L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca Says Latino Gangs Kill Blacks “Just Because of Their Race”

Lee Baca is angering the politically correct establishment by telling the truth about Latino gangs targeting non-gang affiliated Black Americans for death in a hate crime spree that White “liberals” refuse to address. From My Fox LA:

LA County Sheriff Lee Baca, on April 4th, told a largely African-American audience in Compton that when Latino gangs are at war with black gangs over drugs and turf they are sometimes satisfied to kill any young black living in their rival’s territory in order to flex their criminal muscle. In other words, Baca asserted innocents are being targeted for death by gangs just because of their race. Sounds like a hate-crime to most of us.

Fox 11 News obtained a videotape of the remarks Baca made to the National Association for Equal Justice in America; those remarks, taped by Lonzo Williams, a cable TV talk-show host, were included in a Fox 11 story that aired Friday (April 10) as part of our continuing coverage of the murder of Jamiel Shaw, a promising LA High School football player, allegedly killed by an 18th Street gang member on March 2.

Shaw lived in a neighborhood identified as the turf of the Black P-Stones (BPS), an African-American gang that has had a long, deadly feud with the predominantly Latino 18th Street gang. But Shaw was not a member of BPS, and the evening he was murdered Shaw was not wearing attire that might have caused him to be mistakenly identified as a gang member. Immigration and police officials say Shaw’s accused murderer, Pedro Espinoza, 19, is an illegal alien who has been an 18th Street gang member since he was 12 years old.

Here is exactly what Baca told the African-American audience in Compton: “I don’t say it’s all but there is a percent of these Latino kids killing blacks because of a race-related motivation. That is my opinion.”

Pretty explosive stuff. And then Baca went a step further, claiming his deputies had overheard jailed Latino gang bosses (so-called “shot-callers”) telling their followers on the outside that, in a feud with a black gang, it was okay to kill any blacks to make their point. “We’ve heard when the person out there can’t find African-American gang member to shoot, the shot-caller says: ‘Then shoot any African-American you see.’” (Jamiel Shaw’s father was in the audience that day and Baca looked him straight in the eye when he made these remarks; but the sheriff did NOT specifically say if he believed Shaw’s murder was racially-motivated).

Baca’s observations put him at odds with LAPD chief Bill Bratton.

In recent days Bratton has taken a lot of heat from African-Americans over the Shaw murder. They say he has buried his head in the sand and refused to acknowledge hate-crimes against them committed by Latino gang members. Wave newspaper editor Betty Pleasant recently blasted the chief on this issue at a community meeting; afterward the chief sounded a little contrite, acknowledging he needed to be more sensitive to the perceptions of the black community – while apparently still refusing to acknowledge that there was much evidence to support their claims.

In February 2007, Fox 11 News did a story about a series of black-on-Latino, Latino-on-black murders along Central Avenue in the LAPD’s Newton Division. The killings had to do with a war between an African-American gang, the Rollin’ 30’s (and their Rollin’ 20’s allies), and the East Side Treces, a Latino gang. Some of those killed were recognized gang members but others were innocents – NOT killed by stray bullets but essentially executed. The brutal murder of three young Latinos, including a 10-year-old, on 49rd Street on June 30, 2006 was a landmark event in this savagery. (Almost a year later several Rollin’ 30’s members were arrested for these murders).

What was the point of blacks murdering these young Latinos? Had the interracial gang warfare reached such a debased point of tribalism that killing anyone of the rival race was okay? That was the question we asked….

Bratton’s reply to Fox 11’s questions started out at one end of the spectrum and, over time, moved toward the other end. On Feb. 7, 2007, Bratton told me the following about the Central Avenue killings: “There are several incidents that we feel in that area were the direct result of targeting because of race (my emphasis). There’s been speculation about other incidents – and that has not been the case, proven to be the case.”

Read the rest to see how Bratton shifts the blame from his coddling of illegal immigrant filled gangs to reporters covering the story. The comments are also golden.

I’ve posted on this issue several times before and like Baca have gotten nothing but grief from apologists who claim I’m unfairly attacking Latino gangs. Unfortunately it’ll take more than Baca to make the authorities wake up to the pogrom liberalism has unleashed on the Black community.

Support Jamiel’s law now!

h/t Immigration Watchdog