British Parents Force Their Children to Fight in Bloodsport!


Why can’t we Americans be more like the “civilized” English:

A blonde-haired girl with her hands strapped into boxing gloves sobs at the side of the ring.

In another image her twin brother takes a direct hit to the face from a sparring partner.

Miah and Kian Flanagan are just five years old.

But already they are seasoned fighters, taking part in an alarmingly fast-growing ‘sport’ that pits children against other children in the terrifying public arena of the boxing ring.

The opponents – some of them barely old enough to be at school – kick and punch in chilling scenes, while parents shout impassioned advice from the sidelines.

Incredibly parental ‘advice’ includes encouragement to “come on Princess, go forward, kick ’em, kick ’em.”

Welcome to the world of child Thai boxing, one of the fastest growing martial arts in the UK with now over 500 registered clubs teaching this sport.

Children as young as four or five are becoming the latest recruits to organized fighting, where some people’s attitude is: “If you’re good enough to fight, you’re old enough”.

The chilling snapshot into a pastime that is legal is laid bare on a Cutting Edge documentary to be shown on Channel 4 later this week.

In the strictly governed world of conventional boxing youngsters must be at least 11 to compete.

But in MuayThai boxing there is no such limit. There is also no requirement for protective headgear, despite regular blows to the skull.

Parents have to sign a disclaimer before a fight, relieving promoters of any blame should their children be injured as they compete – sometimes in front of paying adult audiences.

Oh. My. God.

It’s like Lovecraft wrote these people. I’m sure the parents in the above story all have The Innsmouth Look. What the hell is going on over there?

Maybe this story can shed some light on matters.

After we secure the southern border I say we stop all immigration from England. I mean, c’mon. I can’t even think of what to write about this. Could you?

Rachel Marsden Video (Plus Bonus Bikini Pics)

Not bikini pics of Marsden you understand, just a little something for the 12 people a day who get to Red Alerts by searching the terms “bikini” “Rachel Marsden” and “Video” or variations of that theme.

First up is video of the lovely and talented pundit who lives a rock star kind of life. Marsden’s returned to her blog after a brief hiatus and is promising to do a regular vlog while taking in the scenery of former Red Alerts stronghold New York City. In this one she’s down by the south street seaport talking politics and showing us all how Nicolas Sarkozy is supposed to be pronounced:


Nice. Now that Michelle Malkin thinks doing a daily Vent is beneath her Marsden can swoop in and become vlog queen of the rightosphere. Keep ’em coming Rachel!

But what about those bikini pics I promised? All right, how about these photos of Hellfireblogs favorite web model Tara Bush:

Kind of a bikini


Patriotically promoting traffic safety:


And the pic that drives the traffic:


Read more about the web’s most interesting entrepreneur in this revealing interview. I know the person who conducted it!

So, is it time to shelve Tila Tequila as Red Alerts favorite capitalist?

Pax Americana: Why Promoting American Values Abroad Will Make Us Safer at Home


Jose Dolores Montoya Sanchez has been in the country illegally for at least ten years. He raped a 15 year old girl and is in custody now. You ready for that fence, yet?

GUADALUPE, Ariz. — An illegal immigrant has been arrested on suspicion of raping and kidnapping a 15-year-old girl at her Guadalupe home, Maricopa County sheriff’s deputies said.

The MCSO Special Victims Unit arrested Jose Dolores Montoya Sanchez, 24.

Sanchez was booked into the Maricopa County jail late Wednesday on one count of sexual assault, one count of kidnapping and two counts sexual abuse.

Sheriff’s deputies said they began investigating the case when the victim disclosed that Sanchez sexually assaulted her at a Guadalupe home.

The 15-year-old was immediately taken to a local hospital for medical treatment, MCSO said. A forensic evaluation confirmed an assault, according to sheriff’s investigators.

Sheriff’s deputies said Sanchez has been in the country illegally for the past 10 years.

“This suspect sexually assaulted a young innocent girl and this is yet another example of a violent crime committed by an illegal alien in Maricopa County,” Sheriff Joe Arpaio said. “The deputies working in Guadalupe did a professional and thorough investigation.”

But is a fence really the only answer here? I can’t help but think about the essay by Dr. Deborah Shurman-Kauflin, author of Vulture: Profiling Sadistic Serial Killers, entitled Importing Violence: The Danger of Immigration from Violent Cultures. The essay is a must read and is the most powerful argument for promoting assimilation at home and promoting American values abroad that I’ve ever read:

Over the past several years, the U.S. has seen a large influx of immigrants, both legal and illegal, from countries whose values are opposed to the rights guaranteed by the U.S. constitution. Specifically, there are large numbers of immigrants coming from countries that are misogynistic. These societies accord women little to no rights, and the idea of violence committed by men against women and children is not unusual.


If you are not yet disgusted, you will be. Not only are criminal immigrants coming from cultures that are misogynistic, but they are changing U.S. culture in response to their sickness. Many illegal aliens join violent gangs which take over neighborhoods and terrorize innocent citizens. These gangs are highly organized with tentacles spread through several countries. The mantra of the deadly MS13 gang is: blood in, blood out. And the chilling effects of the illegal aliens participation in these gangs are very far reaching. For example, on December 19, 2002, Victor Cruz, Jose Hernandez, Armando Juvenal, and Carlos Rodriguez were involved with the drawn out gang rape of an unsuspecting 42 year old New York woman. These illegal aliens were well known to police for their prior crimes of assault, attempted robbery, drug offenses, and illegal gun possession. No deportation followed their lesser offenses because of the sanctuary policy.

However, woman-hating cultures are not confined to South America. The Middle East is full of misogynists, and for reasons that many consider sinister, they are migrating to democratic countries. Why migrate to a country whose norms and beliefs are completely opposed to their lifestyle? The reason is that they hope to change these democratic societies. Instead of adopting and assimilating into countries they choose to migrate, they often cluster together in neighborhoods and bring their hate filled belief systems with them. When examining the lives of Muslims all over the world, it is plain that women do not fair well in Islam. In fact, here is a simple quote from volume 1, book 6, number 301:

Once Allah’s Apostle went out to the Musalla (to offer the prayer) o ‘Id-al-Adha or Al-Fitr prayer. Then he passed by the women and said, “O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women).” They asked, “Why is it so, O Allah’s Apostle ?” He replied, “You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you.” The women asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?” He said, “Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?” They replied in the affirmative. He said, “This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn’t it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?” The women replied in the affirmative. He said, “This is the deficiency in her religion.

In other countries to which Muslims have immigrated, there have been atrocious violent crimes committed against women. Germany is seeing the “smiley.” Don’t know what a smiley is? A smiley is a cut from the side of the mouth to the ear. It is supposed to serve as a warning to Muslim girls to make them wear a veil. For those who don’t, the smiley is the punishment of the day.

Clearly building a fence is a nice rallying cry but doesn’t deal with the underlying factors to this sort of criminality. American values are good, and compared to many countries in Latin America and the Middle East America is heaven for women. The left in this country has absolutely convinced Americans that “cultural imperialism” is bad when in fact the exportation of the ideals of Liberty, Equality and Ownership is the only path to the liberation of millions of people from tyranny, torture and death.

Dr. Shurman-Kauflin’s essay points out that many Latin American countries don’t have a culture that values the idea of private property ownership, specifically the right of a woman to own her own body. Marxism’s deep inroads into Latin America has produced several generations of people who don’t recognize the idea of private ownership as valid, whether that ownership be of a grocery store or your own body.

Daniel Ortega, a hero among leftists, raped his own step daughter for years starting when she was 13. He later was elected President of Nicaragua even though his crimes were well known. This should serve to warn Americans of the danger of not providing our closest neighbors with a competing ideology to minimize the destructive influence of Communism.

The non-“imperialist” approach to foreign relations has it’s own blow back, if I may borrow Ron Paul’s favorite phrase. Allowing Communism, Islamism or who knows what other sort of “ism” to take hold in a country we’ll allow immigration from is foolish in the extreme.

The idea of Pax Americana is met with derision by the more “enlightened” left in this country but had Jose Dolores Montoya Sanchez been exposed early to the idea that rape was wrong, that women were equal to men and not objects available for sexual pleasure, who can say for sure if he’d still have decided to viciously attack a child.

Maybe exporting American values doesn’t destroy cultures as much as it saves lives. After all, does anyone really believe Montoya-Sanchez hasn’t done this before, or that when released and deported he won’t do it again?

A border fence may or may not have stopped this particular rape, but a fence will not fix the underlying causes of sexual violence in these countries on our border. Our safety and security cannot be guaranteed by a fence alone, but by a muscular foreign policy and robust cultural outreach that will help change these countries from monster factories into modern republics.

Texas Polygamy Cult Report Was a Hoax!


Evidence is emerging that the original report to Texas authorities in which a teen named “Sarah” begged for help escaping an abusive arranged marriage was made by a woman named Rozita Swinton who has a history of making false reports while pretending to be a young girl. From Deseret News:

Police in Colorado Springs have arrested a woman for investigation of making a false report to authorities that may be connected to the Fundamentalist LDS Church’s raid on the YFZ Ranch in Texas.

The woman allegedly has a history of making calls while pretending to be a young girl.

Rozita Swinton, 33, was arrested on a warrant charging her with false reporting to authorities, a misdemeanor, the Colorado Springs Police Department confirmed in a brief statement issued late Thursday. Swinton was arrested at her home on Wednesday in connection with an incident that occurred in Colorado Springs in February, police said.

“The Texas Rangers were in Colorado Springs (Wednesday) as part of their investigation involving the compound in Texas. They left and have not filed any charges on Rozita Swinton as of this time,” Colorado Springs police said.

Colorado Springs police refused to release any other details, saying that the affidavit for the arrest warrant is sealed.

The El Paso County Jail said Swinton posted $20,000 bail and was released.

It is unclear how Swinton is connected to the phone call that sparked the raid on the FLDS Church’s Yearning for Zion Ranch two weeks ago.


A source close to the situation said the woman first contacted anti-polygamy activist Flora Jessop after the raid began, claiming to need help. That call was being investigated by Arizona child welfare authorities.

“She really did have us convinced,” said Joni Holm, who has sheltered children who have left the FLDS Church. She also spoke to the woman.

“I was positive. She sounded like a little girl. I thought she was real,” she told the Deseret News.

Jessop spoke to the woman pretending to be the teenage girl in numerous phone calls, but when her story started having holes in it, she went to Texas authorities with recordings of the calls. Jessop was unavailable for comment Thursday night.

The woman was reportedly obsessed with the FLDS Church, activists told the Deseret News, and had a history of making similar false calls to authorities in the Colorado Springs area.

Flora Jessop is an activist who works against polygamy, though she plays fast and loose with the difference between Warren Jeffs’ splinter sect, of which she was a victim, and the mainstream LDS church. I’ve always felt Jessop’s story contained a whiff of the S.R.A. and it seems to me that many disaffected members of this abusive sex cult seem to carry with them the poisonous doctrines of conspiratorial evil that Jeffs encouraged.

Just as the F.L.D.S. preaches the total corruption of all those unlike themselves, Jessop and those like her believe in the total corruption of every F.L.D.S. member and anyone who is even superficially similar to them.

Thus Flora attends anti-Mormon conferences where she makes presentations that imply the mainstream Mormon church is the same as Jeffs’ group, and that there’s a vast conspiracy of powerful people who protect them. In other words, she’s allowed her abuse at the hands of mad men to turn her into Alex Jones in drag.

But Rozita Swinton’s allegations were so beyond the pale that even a woman willing to believe almost anything about abuse in the F.L.D.S. was suspicious and turned the information over to the police.

There were many who said this case stank from the start. Bill O’Reilly and Tammy Bruce both said as much on their respective shows, and blogs like Jawa Report cried foul from the start. It should have raised alarm bells for the media that the police had these people under investigation for years, and suddenly after one anonymous phone call they jumped into the lives of these people with a Janet Reno era disregard for professionalism and the safety of the children they claim to want to help.

Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t quite another Waco, not only because there was no violence but because the Branch Davidians, including David Koresh, were known to be people who would surrender themselves to authorities on several occasions. Warren Jeffs was on the lam for a short time aided by the degenerates that make up his flock. For that reason a swift raid on the compound probably sounded like a good idea.

But like Waco, the government acted too fast and without just cause. Luckily no one’s died this time, but any future efforts to stop sex abusers in that community are going to be hampered by this disaster.

And just how did Rozita Swinton become “obsessed” with this cult anyway? The answer leads us back to Flora Jessop who’s something of a media darling with her sensational and often salacious stories.

Rozita Swinton is a deeply troubled woman who was influenced by a zealot named Flora Jessop, a person who has allowed herself to be damaged by her abusive childhood long after she has escaped from the clutches of her abusers.

A former drug addict who ended up working as a stripper to pay the bills because the depraved sex cult that raised her was more interested in brainwashing her than preparing her for adulthood, Flora Jessop radiates hatred for the F.L.D.S. and has dedicated her life to destroying them. She has attracted like minded individuals to her cause, many of whom are troubled in one way or another. Rozita Swinton is one of these.

It is at the expense of the children she wants to protect that she may well realize that combating this sex cult doesn’t require forming a hate cult. In fact, it plays into the alienation that a cult like the F.L.D.S. uses to control those within. This entire episode will not help any of those children, but will make it harder for them to trust outsiders in the future and escape to a better life.

Update: One of the most sinister charges of abuse, that the temple used to worship had a bed in it where children were molested (a charge eerily similar to the rape room in the Satanic temples according to Michelle Remembers) has likely a hoax:

Earlier in the day, a defense witness testified that it is uncommon for a polygamist sect to force girls as young as 13 into marriage, as the state alleged.

Religious scholar John Walsh also addressed a particularly damning piece of evidence: At least one bed found inside a temple that was allegedly used to consummate such marriages immediately after the ceremony.

“Historically, the only use of a bed in a temple is for temple worship itself,” said Walsh, who said he has studied the FLDS practices for 18 years. “The worship lasts a couple of hours, so all the temples will have a place where someone can lie down.”

But, he said, “To my knowledge, there has never been any sexual activity in a Mormon temple.”

Walsh said he also studies the mainstream Mormon church, which renounced polygamy a century ago and has no ties to the FLDS. He said without the polygamy aspect, the FLDS would resemble the Baptist or Catholic religions.

Well, except for the funny clothing. I think the F.L.D.S. church has a more Amish feel to it.

Despite the case falling apart Judge Barbara Walther ruled the children will stay in custody while the state investigates the abuse charges further. Is this a Witchhunt or does the state know something they can’t prove yet?

Update: Dreamin’ Demon has a little on Swinton’s long history of false reporting:

In June 2005, Swinton was arrested in Castle Rock, Colorado after she called an adoption agency posing a teenaged pregnant girl. Swinton told the agency and police that she was young, pregnant, alone and thinking of killing herself after leaving the baby at a fire station. There was no baby. There was no teenager. There was only Rozita Swinton, who had no explanation for what she’d done. Police charged her with filing a false police report, and she is on probation for that case.

In February of this year, a swarm of Colorado Springs police officers went out looking for a thirteen-year-old who said she was locked in a basement. Nope – it was Rozita Swinton again. That case is still pending.

As I stated before, Swinton is a troubled woman, and this time her madness will lead to defense lawyers saving many of the cultists from justice.

Friday Afternoon Link Round Up

I’m still pulling together sources for a follow up post on the gang fight/riot in Nyack but it looks like all hell’s broken loose today:

SEIU goons attacked a dinner party full of nurses injuring several. One was a retired woman who was thrown to the ground by these union thugs and had her head split open. Gateway Pundit says it’s just more hope and change from Obama supporters. He has video as well.

There was a 5.2 magnitude earthquake in the heartland. It was followed by a 4.6 magnitude aftershock. U.S.G.S. has details.

The New York Times continues to nose dive posting record losses. Also circling the drain-Citigroup. They’ll be cutting 9000 jobs after posting a 5.1 billion dollar first quarter loss.

An Oklahoma sheriff used his position to force women to be his sex slaves. He’s been sheriff since 1994 and no one knows how many victims he might have had.

The U.N. can’t keep food supplied to refugees in Darfur because of “hijackings (read incompetence), look for them to beg a deployment out of America in the next couple of months.

Las Vegas Ricin maker Roger Bergendorff has been arrested and charged after recovering from accidentally exposing himself to the deadly toxin. Yeah, he was planning on using it to poison “unspecified” enemies. But he’s not a terrorist according to authorities.

Also on the nothing to see here front,a car was found in New Mexico with an I.E.D. inside it and about a grand in Iraqi dinars. Don’t worry, the cops say it has nothing to do with terrorism. Really.