Muslims Bully English Officials into Canceling St. George Day Parade

I’ll paraphrase one commenter on this Daily Mail story by saying the English authorities are all but ceding control of the streets to the angry mobs of unemployed hooligans their massive welfare state produces:

A St George’s Day parade through an inner-city area hit by race riots has been canceled following police advice.

Community groups had planned to stage the multi-cultural event in Bradford and 1,500 schoolchildren were due to take part.

Many of the youngsters had already made flags of St George to carry on the parade on April 23, which was designed to boost community cohesion.

But last week police and council chiefs told the organisers that the event could not go ahead as planned for ‘health and safety’ reasons. At a meeting, police demanded a shorter route which avoided two streets at the centre of the race riots in 2001.

As a result, organisers have decided to call off the event, which was due to attract more than 10,000 people.

Bradford City councillor Quasim Khan said: “We were told by the police at the meeting that the original route had not been risk assessed and if we wanted a march to go ahead on that date, St George’s Day, we would have to accept a smaller, different route.

“The police officers were getting quite animated, saying things like ‘look, this just isn’t going to happen’.” Police and council officials said they did not have sufficient warning of the event.

However, community leaders planning the parade said the event was blighted because of fears it could stoke up violence. They claimed a police inspector had actually begun the plans for the parade nine months ago.

The Rev Tony Tooby, chairman of governors at St Philips primary school, which was due to take part, said: “We wanted the route to include where some of the riots had taken place to educate our young people.

“The police and council just kept telling us that the reason for their objection was ‘health and safety’. They proposed another route which was ridiculously short. The march would have been over before it began.

“Unfortunately, there’s a fear that someone may have used it to cause violence.

“The day seems to have been taken away from us because of fears of thugs. “The council and police say something could go ahead on July 1, but it won’t be a St George’s Day celebration.’

The police are afraid that a parade that celebrates the cultural heritage of England will cause a race riot. If that doesn’t tell them they’re in trouble nothing will.

The parade was to be an inclusive event meant to heal the wounds caused by riots in 2001, riots which started when neo-Nazis and Muslims clashed. The police, in airing their fears of Muslim anger, are both equating St. George Day with White Nationalism and promoting the view of Muslims as unwilling and unable to assimilate into British culture.

There are Muslims who want this to be the case, who want to isolate British Muslims so as to recruit them into Islamist groups. The police have played right into their hands.

Gates of Vienna reacts. Gateway Pundit fleshes the story out with more links.

Victimless Crime File: Matthew George Locks Wife in Dog Cage, Shoots at Her

Matthew George has been described as having a history of drug abuse. That helps explain why the newlywed’s idea of marriage life was just a little different. Here’s an AP report:


Someone’s posted this video where the reports muted and only the interviews are audible. There’s some interesting information here though, including the little tidbit many reports leave out of George tattooing “Arabic symbols” on his wife’s left wrist:


19 Action News has some more info, including the fact that George is now was in the hospital after overdosing on sleeping pills. Mahalo has a page on the incident and The Lunatic Daily also covered this strange story.

Matt Blunt: “Hey, Let’s Kill Child Rapists!”

Meh. What is essentially boilerplate on the right that everyone knows will never happen:

CLAYTON — Emphasizing that the most heinous crimes deserve the harshest penalty, Gov. Matt Blunt said today that child rapists should be eligible for the death penalty under Missouri law.

The governor, speaking at an afternoon news conference outside the St. Louis County courthouse, urged the Missouri General Assembly to pass legislation that would add the sentence of death to forcible rape and forcible sodomy cases when the victim is younger than 12 years old.

“We’re talking about the most horrendous crimes one can imagine and it deserves the harshest penalty possible,” Blunt said. “It is the punishment that fits the crime.”

Aside from first-degree murder, Blunt said, violent sex crimes committed against children “are the worst crimes that can be committed.” Victims are innocent and defenseless, the governor said, and are permanently physically and emotionally scarred.

Child rapists should be eligible for the death penalty “both as a matter of justice and deterrence,” Blunt said.

Agreed, but with the very bogus Repressed Memory Syndrome, which is gaining ground with child advocates having the death penalty on the table makes me, and most people, uneasy. Studies show therapists can implant false memories and the Satanic Panic of the 90s should show us how easily the country can get whipped up into a frenzy where justice is ultimately denied.

The McMartin pre-school case shows how easy it is for spurious claims to put innocent people in prison when we ignore the rules of evidence and common sense. Imagine if the death penalty had been on the table then.

Don’t get me wrong. Child rapists deserve to die but unlike murder, where there is a definite crime we can see, there are too many situations where a person can be convicted on what is basically spectral evidence. Until we stamp out the Myth of Repressed Memory we can ill afford to put the ultimate punishment on the table during some of the trials.

If Blunt could create a law that differentiates between perverts caught red handed and some poor bastard whose step daughter ended up at the wrong therapist and “realized” she was molested after weeks of hypnosis, “trance” work and journaling I think the law could be passed, but there’s no way to really do that in the political climate of today.

Blunt will never get this passed, but he can lay the ground work for a more sensible law where serial sex offenders (pedophiles and rapists both) are eligible for the death penalty. There are cases where a person has committed so many crimes that not only is his guilt beyond all doubt, but so is his recidivism. In that case the death penalty would be both justice and a deterrence.

h/t Crime Scene KC

Amber Alert for Three Children Whose Mother was Murdered


The three children above are 11-year-old Fernando, 7-year-old Karla and 6-year-old Oscar Casanova. They are believed at this point to have been abducted by the father of two of the children (although all share his last name) Benito O. Casanova. Benito Casanova may have been involved in the death of the children’s mother, Sophia Garcia.

Benito Casanova is 32, 6 foot 1 and around 230 lbs and is described as White Hispanic. He drives a silver or gray Dodge Dakota with an Illinois license plate number 86196HB. He may be heading to Mexico where he has family, but he also has family in California.

Anyone with information is asked to report tips to 312-746-8282 or call 911 and tell the operator you have information on an Amber alert.

Fox News has a bare bones report, ABC7 has video. The Chicago Tribune has a more detailed version of the crime.

h/t Dreamin Demon

Food Shortages Hitting America!

Time to start hoarding food, and some ammunition? From The New York Sun:

Major retailers in New York, in areas of New England, and on the West Coast are limiting purchases of flour, rice, and cooking oil as demand outstrips supply. There are also anecdotal reports that some consumers are hoarding grain stocks.

At a Costco Warehouse in Mountain View, Calif., yesterday, shoppers grew frustrated and occasionally uttered expletives as they searched in vain for the large sacks of rice they usually buy.

“Where’s the rice?” an engineer from Palo Alto, Calif., Yajun Liu, said. “You should be able to buy something like rice. This is ridiculous.”

The bustling store in the heart of Silicon Valley usually sells four or five varieties of rice to a clientele largely of Asian immigrants, but only about half a pallet of Indian-grown Basmati rice was left in stock. A 20-pound bag was selling for $15.99.

The story goes on to detail the grumbling of people who don’t realize their support for “green” this or that (especially Ethanol) has led the world to the brink of starvation. There is much complaining about the current trend of of big box stores limiting purchases of rice and other staples. Then the survivalists chime in:

The curbs and shortages are being tracked with concern by survivalists who view the phenomenon as a harbinger of more serious trouble to come.

“It’s sporadic. It’s not every store, but it’s becoming more commonplace,” the editor of, James Rawles, said. “The number of reports I’ve been getting from readers who have seen signs posted with limits has increased almost exponentially, I’d say in the last three to five weeks.”

Spiking food prices have led to riots in recent weeks in Haiti, Indonesia, and several African nations. India recently banned export of all but the highest quality rice, and Vietnam blocked the signing of new contract for foreign rice sales.

“I’m surprised the Bush administration hasn’t slapped export controls on wheat,” Mr. Rawles said. “The Asian countries are here buying every kind of wheat.”

Mr. Rawles said it is hard to know how much of the shortages are due to lagging supply and how much is caused by consumers hedging against future price hikes or a total lack of product.

“There have been so many stories about worldwide shortages that it encourages people to stock up. What most people don’t realize is that supply chains have changed, so inventories are very short,” Mr. Rawles, a former Army intelligence officer, said. “Even if people increased their purchasing by 20%, all the store shelves would be wiped out.”

Panic inducing stuff. Speakng as a crazed survivalist myself (with the fallow blog to prove it) I say Rawles, a man who uses radical leftist websites to “prove” America’s on the verge of collapse, isn’t over stating this one. Food shortages are real and even one season of corn crop lost here to trendy eco-nonsense has serious repercussions for the rest of the world.

I’m a free marketer but in this case Bush should be looking into some export caps, because the food shortages world wide will have a cascading effect as countries buy out our stock of food, causing more shortages and ultimately more chaos. If you’re going shopping stock up on long lasting foods you’ll be able to break out 4-8 months from now when shortages drive prices up beyond the ability of many to afford.

Me? I like my canned chicken breast, baked beans and canned fruit. But you’ll want a bigger variety, especially if you have kids. Beans are a good source of protein and most canned vegetables have a long enough shelf life to make storing them when they’re on sale easy.

Don’t panic, but be prepared.

Cross Posted at American Survival Blog.