Degenerate Truther German Talis Speaks

The soulless monster who attacked a girl in a wheelchair has a video being posted by other degenerates where he tells a rambling, paranoid story in which he claims to have been attacked by the father of his victim, and the victim was being used as a weapon! He also claims this is a set up orchestrated by the Secret Service in conjunction with the victims family and the NYPD.

You know, because he’s such an important person he’s on “their” radar. That German Talis of WeAreChange is this close to blowing the illuminati/mason/Busco conspiracy wide open.
Watch and be disgusted:


Outrageous! And what’s worse his story contradicts the video they themselves put up, which I posted in my earlier report:


You’ll notice when the brawl breaks out (Around 2:40) none of the things he claims to have happened has happened. There’s no room for the father to push his daughter into “Gary” as they’re all huddled together. His story is a LIE.

Ironic that a “truther’ is scrambling to cover up his own crimes. It’d be funny if he wasn’t a dangerous psychopath who will attack another woman again, let’s hope the next time he gets more than a penny-ante 3rd degree Assault beef.

Update: One of the brave We Are Change scumbags posted the Lovetro’s personal information on a Digg comment. The family has already had to disconnect their phone as deviant truthers have been threatening them. Screw Loose Change has more as well as video of another We Are Change scumbags fighting other truthers at Ground Zero. Seems like they aren’t a peaceful group after all.


The funny part of all this is that the most damning evidence against truthers is so often provided by them. Do they think we’re stupid or are they crazy. I’m going for a little of both.

Do Not Travel To Mexico

Violence against Americans in Mexico is exploding and tourism is down as a result. For those of you who think Americans are over reacting check out this horror story from a local newscast, and more importantly the Mexican official at the end of the story brushing off the brutalization and sexual assault of American tourists a if it’s not a big deal:


If you’re looking for a safe place to vacation why not come to the lovely Greenville S.C. area? Good restaurants, nice hotels and a crime rate so low the local cops sit around all day wishing for a speeder.

American Privateers Fire on Iranian Boats


Had I known you could still receive what amounted to a Letter of Marque I wouldn’t be sitting in front of a computer now, I’d be on a Carrack in the Persian gulf striking the Red Jack like fellow transplant to South Carolina Christopher Moody.

Anyone want to buy a blog, I’ve got provisions to lay in.

From Reuters:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A cargo ship hired by the U.S. military fired warning shots at boats suspected to be Iranian, the U.S. Navy said on Friday, underscoring tension in the Gulf as the Pentagon sharpened its warnings to Tehran.

According to American defense officials, the Westward Venture cargo ship chartered by the U.S. Defense Department was traveling in international waters when two unidentified small boats approached on Thursday.

After the boats failed to respond to radio queries and a warning flare, the cargo ship’s onboard security team fired “a few bursts” of machine gun and rifle warning shots, according to Cmdr. Lydia Robertson, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Navy’s Bahrain-based Fifth Fleet.

“The small boats left the area a short time later,” she said by telephone. “They were able to avoid a serious incident by following the procedures that we use.”

The news helped push oil prices up more than $3 to $119.50 a barrel — within striking distance of the record $119.90 hit earlier this week — as traders worried escalating tensions in the region could eventually disrupt crude shipments.

Well if oil prices are going to spike let’s put our privateers to work! Just in case you think this is an isolated incident:

In March, another U.S. military-chartered ship preparing to cross the Suez Canal fired warning shots at a small boat, killing an Egyptian on board.

American privateers don’t mess around, and seem to be able to do the job the English navy can no longer do, that is defend themselves on the high seas.

Hot Air has a more timid examination. Figures those land lubbers would go all soft and not raise a toast to the bloody handed sea dogs who sent those Iranian Mahdi-lovers packing. They’re working off a BBC report but I won’t link to a hack outfit like them who make up news.

KPTM has more.

I say to the crew of The Westward Venture well done lads, well done indeed.

h/t Drudge

Update: Yes Jawa readers I know these are not technically Privateers, they’re federal employees. What I didn’t know was that the Internet was full of tiresome killjoys. Leave your corrections in the comments and stop emailing me.

Mark Strickler: Jobless Cretin Beats Old Lady’s Baby to Death

The price you pay for letting 22-year-old Mark Strickler live in your house is a high one if you’re a kind hearted single mother who expects nothing more from her house guests than some light babysitting:

NEW CASTLE — New Castle police charged 23-year-old Mark Strickler in connection with the death of a toddler on Wednesday.

They said Strickler beat his girlfriend’s 18-month-old son inside his house so badly that it put him in a coma.

The boy was on life support for 11 days, but died Tuesday night.

New Castle Police Chief Tom Sansone said there were injuries all over the baby’s body, including the face and chest.

Officials said the mother left for work at 2 o’clock and 45 minutes later Strickler called 911.

Sansone said the baby was found unresponsive with injuries throughout the body.

It only took 45 minutes for Strickler to inflict grave injuries on a baby. Something tells me that the mother didn’t pay attention to some warning signs. He must have begun beating that kid as soon as the mother left.

He must have been angry that the kid was keeping him from his busy life. Oh, wait, he’s unemployed. I wonder what he used to do all day? I wonder if it smelled pungent and altered his mood?

Lilo weighs in on this one too, and she ain’t happy. Also on Lilo’s s%$# list: Fat Kids. It needed to be said, but you’re braver than me Lilo.

h/t News of Doom

Update: Dreamin’ Demon has more detail on the killing:

Strickler told police that Michael was sleeping in his bedroom when his mother left for work. After Michael woke up, Strickler said he decided to give the toddler a bath. During the bath, the phone rang and Strickler left Michael alone “for a few seconds”. Strickler insisted he got back, and baby Michael was under the water, not breathing.

Michael Peterson was in the tub all right, but he wasn’t wet. The assistant fire chief who responded to the scene found baby Michael in the bathtub naked and dry, covered with bruises. Michael was bruised on the right side of his face from the forehead to the chin, the left wrist, trunk, abdomen, back and genital area and scrapes were seen on the right shoulder. The genital bruising was severe, the frie chief said, and it looked like a door had been slammed on Michael’s fingers. The fire chief called in police and transported the baby to the hospital.

Little Michael never woke up. After eleven days ina coma – the last week on a ventilator – Michael Peters died on Tuesday. Doctors diagnosed him with a traumatic brain injury and non-accidental trauma. Simply put, Mark Strickler beat that baby to death.

Take that Strickler defenders! Looks like things aren’t shaping up to well for the “innocent” man who tried to stage a bathtub accident to deflect blame. Tell me again how he’s not involved in the death of that poor little boy.

Victimless Crime File: British Stoners Stomp Veteran to Death for Beer and Pot Money

“Surely it was only the alcohol that caused this,” many of the hippies will cry out secure in their belief pot doesn’t make you do anything criminal.

From The Sun Online:

A FORMER soldier was battered to death by four jobless hoodies — for £5.

Tragic Stephen Green, 55, who served nine years in the Army, was ambushed in an underpass as he cycled home from his factory job at midnight.

His attackers beat him with a stick, kicked him and stamped on his head in an attack of “unimaginable violence”.

They ran off laughing with his rucksack containing only £5.65 — which they then DISCARDED.

A court heard the gang struck because they were desperate for a “raise” — a slang term for robbery to raise cash for drinking and drug-taking.

Bachelor Mr Green, an ex-corporal and former UN peacekeeper, was found unconscious in Dunstable, Beds, and died in hospital nine days later from a blood clot on the brain.

One of the teenage robbers was heard boasting after the horrific attack last May: “Did you see his face? Did you see the way I was battering him?”

Yesterday Nicholas Garland, 18, Shane Liddy, 19, Richard McNamara, 19, and Darryll Bennett, 18, all of Luton, Beds, were convicted of murder at the town’s crown court. They could all be sentenced to life next month.

Gee. I wonder if it was pot they were looking to score. Most people addicted to the harder stuff forgo the beer and get right to snorting, but these deviants were planning on partying with alcohol and “drugs” which makes me think it was the supposedly harmless weed they were looking to enhance their night of drinking with.

I suppose it’s possible that these criminals are coke/heroin addicts who like a nice lager and are willing to have less coke if they can get a pint of Guinness, but I’m going to go with my gut and say the ganja was involved. Anyone who’s ever “partied” as a kid will probably back me up on this.

So another life lost to stoners whose constant smoking dulls their ability to feel empathy, compassion or shame. Tell me again how legalizing drugs would have stopped this crime from happening?