Politics of Hope: Barack Obama Supporter Posts Hateful Screed on Anti-American Website

Just looking for links for another story when I found a comment on this story at a Communist/Islamist website called War in Iraq. They have a history of posting crazy nonsense, including articles by the conspiracy mongering con artist who makes a living off the now debunked Satanic Panic Cathy O’Brien which claim George Bush, Ronald Reagan, Hilary Clinton and basically every famous person within 100 miles of her sexually abused her and her daughter as part of a C.I.A. mind control program.

Her articles are published in the “Historical analysis and Facts” section.

That’s just to give you a taste of the kinds of people who frequent the site, and of course I don’t claim that the following comment can be attributed to all Obama supporters, but it is interesting that he is appealing to a demographic that most people would have written off as die-hard Ron Paul supporters.:

Why Americans are ‘bitter’
by Econ on 14.04.2008 [16:11 ]
The connection between the collapse of the US economy and the costly Iraq war is one the US jew controlled media have been desperately trying to hide from the functional illiterates in America.

The rise in oil prices is one devastating result of the failed US jew war in Iraq.

The Iraq war has long been economically self-defeating for the US, but the chorus of dual warmongering jews who control the US media, the politicians in DC through AIPAC, israel-firsters and the usual jew apologists in America keep are the onescalling for US troops to remain in Iraq.

Barack Obama was one of the first public officials to make the connection on the $12-$20 billion a month the US is spending there when the money is needed at home.

The same argument can said for foreign aid to that shithole.

Why is American borrowing money and running up huge deficits and must fund that shithole for billions each year when the money is needed at home.

Foreign aid hasn’t become an issue yet, but it is soon to become one in the US election.

The right person just have to ask the right question.
This is one reason why the people selected to ask questions at Presidential debates are carefully selected to prevent such questions from being asked.

This is why the jews have started a smear campaign in a futile attempt to get a more pro-jew candidate elected like Hillary who will be easier to blackmail and extort for aid to israel.

The jews are desperately trying to find some ‘wedge’ issue to divide and conquer and promote ethnic hate in the hopes that the true cause of the US ecomomic anxiety is not exposed, and a pro-agenda can be advanced.

The reason Americans are bitter is that their jobs are gone and irrelevant issues such as gun control, abortion and immigration are used to mask the economic problems.

Rev. Wright was an issue that backfired for the jews. The goal there was to link Wright to Farrakan in the usual guilty by association method in the hopes that Americans would respond in the usual knee-jerk reaction to pro-jew propaganda.

Wright is a decorated US military veteran who served his country, that can hardly be said of most jews in the US.

The latest wedge issue seems to be the nuanced use of the words
‘bitter’ and ‘cling’ in a recent Obama speech.

It is so transparent HOW the jews are using an irrelevant issue with the futile hope that HIllary, the more pro-jew candidate, will get the nomination.

It is hillarious to watch and Hillary and the jews become even more hysterical.

Americans are laughing at the ignorant jews as it is getting harder and harder to manipulate the American electorate with the usual pro-jew shenanigans.

The people in Pennslyvania are wondering how the jew governor has all the time in the world to appear every 2 minutes on cable tv to promote Hillary when he should be doing something to help the unemployed in that state and fight crime.

It is no wonder that rural Americans are ‘bitter’ when they watch the massive foreign aid money that is given to prop up the jewish shithole in Palestine.

Instead of spending resources on rural Americans after their jobs were outsourced, more attention is paid to the survival of jews that the vast majority of Americans don’t care about.

The usual jew smear tactics just aren’t working this time around because of the internet.

Once the jew smear is started, Americans go to the internet to get a balanced view of the issue, the one-sided pro-jew bias is now evaporating.

Yowza. By no means indicative of all Obama supporters (I hope) but isn’t it interesting how Obama appeals to people one would think were disinterested in “post-partisanship” and Hope.

The above commenter manages to incorporate Obama’s elitism with a backward bigotry to produce an endorsement of a candidate so obscene I think it surpasses the Rape loving Racists for Paul website in sheer repulsiveness.

The question is why is a person this hateful attracted to Obama at all? I’d suggest that until Obama divests himself of the more radical of his associations, his core of support will increasingly include people like the bigot above.

Spoiled Rich Kid Makes $50 an Hour Running Panhandling Con

Damn the Bush economy which leaves people struggling to live paycheck to paycheck. Struggling so hard that an affluent White girl can make a living putting on an old jacket and begging those struggling workers for money by a freeway overpass.

And by “make a living” I mean clean up to the tune of $50 bucks an hour because the average donation to her is about $2.50. In my day a panhandler with a particularly poignant hard luck story was lucky to get a couple of quarters from somebody. With a recession looming and Bushco/Capitalism/The Jews driving America into the poor house, these people must be generous indeed to part with the hard earned money they virtually have to pry from the greedy grasping fingers of their evil corporate overlords.

It’s like they don’t know they’re poor:


Watch it again for it to sink in. The average American driving around can afford to just throw money at some kid with a sob story. Big money.

In the 90s if some young lady wanted to not work for whatever reason but needed cash it was off to the strip club with her, and frankly the ones who were, shall we say more Rubin-esque, weren’t pulling down $50 bucks an hour.

Tell me again how Americans can”t afford health insurance, can’t pay their mortgages and can barely put food on the table. Americans, even in the face of the declining dollar and rising prices, can basically piss their money away on any sad sack who makes a living depending on the kindness of strangers.

The worst part about the story, however, is that this girl’s perfidy will make people leery to give to folks that really need it. Although it is rarely a good idea to give money to street people, as many are drug addicted and it might be your cash that buys them the fix that kills them, there are many people who need help and Americans should always be willing to help their fellows by volunteering, supporting charity and donating to soup kitchens.

h/t Neatorama

Pipe Bomb Blast in San Diego

I saw this piece earlier on The National Terror Alert Response Center but didn’t see more developing so here’s the bare bones from Sign on San Diego:

A pipe bomb exploded at a Federal Express building in Webster early this morning. The bomb blew up just before 2 a.m. at the building on 47th Avenue near Federal Boulevard and broke the glass front door and set off the alarm, San Diego police said.

The fire department found a second bomb in the parking lot and detonated it, police said.
An employee at the business was unhurt. He told investigators he thought some boxes had fallen over.

Domestic terrorism or disgruntled employee? Who knows, but Fed Ex is the kind of large corporation that would draw fire from anti-Capitalists so I wouldn’t be surprised to find this was some sort of “direct action” by anarchists.

Moronic Nazi Bill White Solicits Murder of Susan Smith and Charles Johnson … Online

“Former” Communist and current Nazi Bill White has been on his Nazi Yahoo Group soliciting the murder of a Wonkette staffer named Sarah K. Smith and the sanctimonious Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs.

I have spies literally everywhere and one of sent me this missive from White to all his lowlife friends:

From: nationalsocialistworkers
Date: Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 2:24 PM
Subject: [nsmamerica] Action Against Sara K Smith / Wonkette
To: nsmamerica@yahoogroups.com


If anyone wants to hunt down this Sarah K Smith of Wonkette and conduct an action against her and her Zirkle comments, I think that would definitely be a good time.

I believe she is in the Washington, DC area, but may be on the road with some of their bloggers and the Clinton campaign. I have not yet taken the time to pinpoint her exact location, but thought it a good idea to float.

Also, the publishers of LittleGreenFootballs seem to need some attention. I have not yet started that project, but also suppose they are in the DC area.

Anyone who wants to take on this campaign, email me and let’s discuss what we can do.

Bill White, Commander
American National Socialist Workers Party

Said spy sent the letter to both LGF and Wonkette so a good time is being had by all. The threat against Johnson seems to come from some larger dust up over there, he has a post about it so you can learn more.

As to why he hates some broad Wonkette I don’t buy the Zirkle comment stuff, more like some sort of personal relationship that went south. After all Wonkette and Bill White are on the same page in regards to Asian women.

You’ll notice that White’s desire to enlist others to partake in violence, as well as his liberal use of the term “comrade” in many of his missives, seems less Skinheady and more peaceniky. That’s because he can’t escape his sissy hippy roots.

That’s right kids, Bill White of Overthrow! is a graduate of Refuse and Resist, The Revolutionary Communist Party and The Communist Party USA. Read his Wikipedia entry to see how many other unseemly associations this guy had.

Great plan Billy. Next time why don’t you take out a personal ad for a hit man in the Pennysaver. If anyone was unsure of how retarded Nazism is, just mull over Bill White’s Internet murder plot for awhile. He’ll be doing the same … from prison.