Victimless Crime Files: Trina Rae Carroll Gives 2-Year-Old Meth


Trina Rae Carroll is a drug using scumbag who likes to do some Katreice Trujillo style parenting. The 34 year Yuma county resident took her child to the hospital when the baby began crying and complaining of stomach pains. Turns out she poisoned her baby with meth.

From The Yuma Sun:

A Foothills woman was jailed Wednesday on suspicion of child abuse and other felonies after methamphetamine was found in the system of her 2-year-old son, the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office said.

Trina Rae Carroll, 34, faces charges of felony endangerment, child abuse and involving a minor in a drug abuse, the sheriff’s office said in a news release.

The toddler was treated at Yuma Regional Medical Center and is in the temporary custody of his maternal grandmother, Sheriff’s Capt. Eben Bratcher said.

Carroll had brought the toddler to the hospital after he began crying uncontrollably and complaining of stomach pain, the release said.

After finding methamphetamine in the child’s system, the hospital contacted Yuma police, who referred the case to the sheriff’s office on Tuesday, since the incident is believed to have occurred in Carroll’s home in the 12600 block of East 46th Drive.

I guess the report implies that the baby could have been dosed “accidentally” but if you leave your meth where your two-year-old can get it is it really an accident?

Meanwhile there’s a pro-drug group in Australia that has taken exception to doctors there characterizing meth users as potentially violent. Doctors want steps taken to ensure their safety when treating the users, which has caused the Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League to issue a statement displaying the lack of self-awareness you expect from people who run an organization which claims to be run by “recreational” users of hard drugs:

The Australian Medical Association (AMA) says methamphetamine users are violent and threatening towards hospital staff and are putting a huge strain on emergency departments.

The Association says it will lobby the Federal and state governments for new funding to overhaul the way the health system deals with methamphetamine users.

Annie Madden from the Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League welcomes the AMA’s call for funding, but says there is a danger in saying that most users are violent.

“If we do that we not only wrongly categories people but we increase the chances that people won’t come to health services for health because they won’t want to be categorized in that way,” she said.

Ms Madden says most methamphetamine users do not become psychotic.

“There are some people who do, a minority who do, and that’s usually related to extended periods of binge using, with people not sleeping, not eating – that sort of thing,” she said.

The vast majority of people use methamphetamine very occasionally recreationally, perhaps on the weekend or something, and they’re not going to get to that point.”

In other words, if a meth user just gets enough sleep and a hot meal they’re just like you and me. Meth’s a victimless crime.

Just ask Trina Carroll’s baby.

h/t Dreamin’ Demon forums.

Kierra Bell is a Patriot

John Conyers’ wife Monica is on the Detroit City Council. She acts exactly the way you’d expect the wife of a man that supports World Can’t Wait to act. Few people hold the feet of people like Monica Conyers to the fire, but one brave little girl stood up to a woman who was used to getting her way through bullying, threats and outrageous behavior.

Kierra Bell lectured Conyers on manners, something Conyers needed a long time ago, and in so doing showed Mrs. Conyers that we live in a country of equals. For too long politicians and their wives and the hangers on who infest government have held themselves to be beyond reproach and the tenor of political discourse in this country has suffered for it.

Kierra Bell speaks for all Americans, left and right, Black and White, when she demands of Conyers a commitment to comport herself as a professional and for that she is a patriot worthy of all our admiration.

Here’s the video. Kierra grilling Conyers starts around 2:43:


The worst part is that Conyers seems to be arguing the point that she shouldn’t be expected to act differently than a child. Par for the course with the Conyers.

I think Kierra bell might become the official prosecutor for Red Alerts. What do you think? When ever someone argues something spurious and nonsensical I’ll just pull out this graphic as a warning:


As one Hot Air commenter put it, Kierra took Conyers to school.

Edinboro Pennsylvania’s Outrageous Attack On Iraq War Vet and His Family

A few days ago I blogged the story of the vicious gang assault by “peace” protesters on an Iraq war veteran, his wife and their 14-year-old son. The Gathering of Eagles N.Y. chapter has been following this story and have some disturbing updates along with video of the attack on the family.

They still haven’t released the names of the villains, but the G.O.E. has now identified the two men involved in the beating as being from the Sociology department of Edinboro University. Here’s their description of the contents of the video, which I encourage you to watch for yourselves:

A man in a wheelchair comes forward and begins taunting the veteran. The veteran steps away from the wheelchair and places his sign on the ground leaning against his leg as he holds his flag.

The veterans sign is actually placed where it is not visible from the street. There is another American flag being held by one of the professors, so the presence of his flag does not interfere with their protest either.

Now the woman in white, who has been continuously badgering the Veteran’s son, uses the guise of moving a blue tupperware bin in front of his sign to mask her intent to grab it.
Grab it she does and throws it into the street. When the veteran goes to retrieve it she stands on top of the sign and taunts him to strike her.

She has now stolen his property and incited riot.

The veteran pulls his sign from beneath the woman’s boots while his wife comes over to interject her body between him and the woman.

The veteran walks back toward the sidewalk while a second woman, in a green shirt, comes charging up to the veterans wife and strikes her with the red sign she is carrying. The veteran’s wife moves her arm in a protective motion to fend off the sign and fend off this new woman.

The sign then strikes the woman in white.

At this point both women pile on the veteran’s wife punching and kicking. The wife, wearing an inflatable cast due to a leg injury, is caught off balance and falls to the ground. The veteran seeing what is happening spins around and grabs the woman in green to restrain her. In the meantime the woman in white continues to punch and kick the wife on the ground.

Several male protesters grab the veteran and push him to the ground. Punches are reported to have been thrown by these protesters although they are not recorded on this video. The video stops for a minute while the son pulls the woman in white off his mother. The video resumes in time to catch a last kick the woman in white makes to the head of the veteran’s wife. This is one of the blows that caused the concussion the wife suffered.

The camera pans around and the veteran can be seen on the ground, still restraining the woman in green, while the male protester in yellow is gripping both sides of the collar of his shirt from behind in the manner of a garrot around his neck. His hat and glasses are gone. The glasses were smashed in the street.

The woman in white then approaches the veteran as he releases the woman in green and appears to launch an attack against him while he is restrained. She then wheels around and assaults the son, who is still videotaping, in a graphic exhibition of the violence endemic to ‘peace’ thugs. This recorded assault on a juvenile should have produced an immediate arrest by the police officers reviewing the video, yet they did nothing.

The video ends with the parting remark of the woman in white “You got what you wanted you f_cks!”

Shocking, unless you’ve met peace protesters. The cops arrive on the scene and do worse than nothing, they take the “peace” protesters’ side and allow the assault to continue:

The two policemen arrived on the scene after the open hostilities had ended. One of the officers arrived with an attitude and that attitude did not improve throughout the time he was there or later at the police station. He allowed the protesters to taunt the veteran in his presence unhindered and then threatened to arrest the veteran when he responded verbally to the taunts. When the woman in white was called across the street by the police, and she took the opportunity to spit on the veteran, he did not threaten to arrest her. When he reviewed the video from the veteran’s son’s camera he decided that no one was going to be arrested even when it was pointed out to him that the lady in white had blatantly attacked a juvenile. Later in the police station this officer again displayed outright hostility to the veteran and threatened to handcuff him for inquiring why the woman wasn’t arrested for the assault on his son.

The favorable treatment given to this woman begs the question. Who is she and what is her relationship to the police officers or any public person in the Borough of Edinboro?

Updated: 4/26/2008. The woman in white has been identified as a student at Edinboro University

The G.O.E. and those covering this story, including Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly who did a segment on the story last night, seem perplexed as to the preferential treatment rich White liberals get from police in a college town. Let me explain.

Edinboro is reliant on the spoiled, priggish children of what even shallow liberals call The Worst Generation for its livelihood. Edinboro authorities, in collusion with the local University, pamper these overgrown toddlers because it’s good for business. I lived in such towns while an undergrad and later while receiving my Master’s and they’re all the same.

The protest was irrelevant to the cops’ shameful treatment of the veteran.  I’ve seen rich kids get away with buying drugs in front of cops, male college students get away with hitting women, colleges and police covering up rape and assaults and even have personal knowledge of a case of a famous east coast liberal arts college covering up child pornography.

The young, peaceful liberal is a myth dreamed up by people who romanticize the self-absorbed, drug-addicted nihilists that were spawned by parents who didn’t love their kids enough to care if they grew up to be decent people. The world is full of people who make comfortable livings off the excesses of people with easy access to cash and no sense of boundaries. Edinboro is an example of both those truths.

In short, the town of Edinboro is in the tank for the University and more importantly for the damaged, selfish cretin who attend the school and flood that town with money. The cops, the mayor and even the D.A. will go to bat for these criminals, even if it means breaking the law to do so. The D.A. has already shown the family what kind of justice Edinboro metes out:

Harassment charges are being filed against the Iraq Veteran and his wife and no charges are being filed against the thugs who assaulted them. How can the District Attorney justify this travesty of justice?

He’ll justify it by counting the money in his paycheck that comes from these students drinking, drugging and fighting in his town.

I contacted the Edinboro University public relations office for a statement when this story first broke and they have no comment. The D.A. also has not commented and was accused on last night’s O’Reilly Factor of ducking the press.

This story stinks. I expect that once more light is shed on this town’s disgusting treatment of this family the charges will be dropped and the town will bend over backwards to get out of the public eye as quickly as possible.

They wouldn’t want us to find out what other crimes they’ve been covering up.

America’s Dumbest Criminal Discovered in Florida


Meet Florida’s own Stephanie Ragusa, 29. The middle school teacher was caught having sex with one of her students. She bailed out and was caught having sex with teens again. After bailing out a second time she decided third time’s a charm:

Stephanie Ragusa flashes the same smile in all three mugshots, but there’s nothing charming about the middle-school teacher’s third arrest in six weeks for alleged sexual encounters with Florida teens.

Ragusa, 29, was arrested Monday in Hillsborough County when investigators saw her leaving a 16-year-old high school student’s house just before 1 p.m. Authorities say Ragusa had continued having sex with the teen victim since her initial March 13 arrest for one relationship and her April 15 arrest for another.

Ragusa was in court today to face two felony counts of unlawful sexual activity with a minor. A judge ruled that she will be held without bond as the court begins to wade through more than 10 charges related to alleged sexual activity with minors.


Ragusa was originally arrested in mid-March and charged with five counts of lewd and lascivious battery for what sheriff’s deputies described to ABC News at the time as a consensual relationship with a 14-year-old student.

That affair, according to the sheriff’s office, lasted from January through May 2007, and included intercourse and oral sex. Some of the alleged encounters took place in her apartment, others in her Lexus.

The boy in that case identified Ragusa as having a distinctive pair of tattoos on “either side of the groin area.” A school resource officer first asked the boy about the rumors and then detectives investigated. They had the boy call Ragusa under police direction and she “admitted to the interaction,” the sheriff’s office said at the time.

After the first arrest, a judge set Ragusa’s bond at $12,500, which she posted after she spent a weekend in jail. She made no public comment upon her release.

The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office said at the time of the arrest that they were investigating other possible victims. “As the result of her first arrest, we seized her phone and through the phone records, found a second victim,” Carter said.

Authorities interviewed the second victim, who admitted to detectives that he had an ongoing relationship with Ragusa that began in February 2007 when he was a student of hers at Davidsen Middle School. “She provided him with alcohol, she provided contraceptives,” Carter said, adding that he admitted to having sex with Ragusa more than 20 times during their yearlong affair that overlapped with the first victim’s relationship.

Good decisions all round. You’d think after the second time they might have remanded her, but I guess a 29 year old woman having sex with children isn’t a flight risk.

And where the hell were these kids parents when 29 year old was buying them booze, condoms and who knows what else while having sex with them at least twice a month?

And why the hell is Ragusa smiling in all those pictures? It’s like she doesn’t know she’s a degenerate child rapist. Or maybe her inappropriate demeanor is part of a larger pattern of moronic behavior:

After the March arrest, school administrators in Hillsborough County put Ragusa on paid leave and letters were sent home to parents assuring the safety of their children and the quality of their educators.

It was revealed that Ragusa lied in her job application, failing to acknowledge a previous driving under the influence charge. She was also reprimanded by the school district for using profanity in front of students and sent to anger management classes and then transferred from one school to another for “physically restraining” a female student who threatened to walk out of her classroom.

“I can’t imagine any scenario where we would invite her back,” Linda Cobbe, Hillsborough County district spokesman, told ABC News. “The principal at her current school was already planning on not offering her a job again.”

Sounds like she had some problems with controlling herself. Almost as if she was under the influence of a mind altering substance. Maybe she’s one of those immature potheads I’m always bashing. But where’s my evidence?


Oh right. The mugshots speak for themselves.

There’s more information on this case than you probably want to know in this article.

h/t Crime Scene KC

The Smiley Face Killers: Detectives Unveil a Horrific Theory in the Mysterious Deaths of Dozens of Young men


(Photo Credit:

There is a nationwide gang of murderers operating in small cells targeting young, male, predominantly White college students. The killers have covertly murdered dozens of young men in the last decade, perhaps as many as forty, disposing of the bodies in rivers and lakes where the deaths could be explained as accidents. At each scene they leave a spray painted Smiley Face as mute witness to the unrelenting horror that they perpetrate on their fellow man for no other reason than the celebration of their own evil.

On its face it seems absurd, a theory that sounds like the plot of a bad movie or one of those delusional stories told by paranoid conspiracy theorists. It is a scenario so beyond the pale that upon first hearing it you don’t want it to be true.

But two retired police detectives have come forward with the results of their investigation into these deaths, dozens of deaths that span several states, and have provided convincing evidence that a cult of killers has been hunting young men for over ten years, and taunting the police with a bizarre and easily overlooked signature:

A spray-painted smiley face with a taunting grin could be the disturbing signature of a nationwide network of killers who target promising college students.

The chilling symbol has been found at at least 12 sites where young men fitting a distinct profile have been drowned in incidents that were ruled accidents.

Found by two retired NYPD cops, the link could be evidence that at least 40 men in 11 states were victims of a syndicate of serial killers. Four area students were among the victims – all found floating in New York City waters more than a decade ago.

“I believe we’re looking at an organized group that has a hierarchy and is involved in murder and other criminal activity,” retired NYPD Sgt. Kevin Gannon said Monday, noting that some of the deaths in different cities occurred on the same day.

Gannon, a 20-year veteran who worked homicide and missing persons cases, said trademark graffiti left at the sites where the victims have been dumped in the water reveal a pattern of intent – along with the near-identical profiles of the drowned men.

In every case, the victim has been a 19-to-23-year-old white male with high academic achievement and active in competitive sports, said Gannon.

“If this was a random thing, we’d have a wider range of victims,” he said.

Gannon, who has partnered with retired Bronx homicide Detective Anthony Duarte, said the 12 smiley faces have been found at drowning scenes in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Wisconsin and Iowa. The crude drawings vary in size, shape and color and at least one had a chilling message written next to it: “The evil, happy, smiley man.”

“They’re laughing at the police,” said Gannon. “They’re happy they’re getting away with this and they’re getting a little more brazen.”

The killings happen in regional clusters – not unlike the time four young men in the city went missing and then surfaced dead in waters surrounding the five boroughs in 1997 and 1998.

Pat Brown has gone on record before as saying signature killers are exceedingly rare. And while there have been serial rapists and murderers who have worked together in teams there has not been, to my knowledge, a network of killers this large (unless you believe the theories of Maury Terry concerning the Son of Sam “cult”) who kill seemingly for sport or pleasure. Gangs that kill do so for materialistic reason or in some cases status, and there is more variety in the victims. These killers have a definite victim profile they work from.

Almost all the victims were White, from 19-23 and were last seen in a bar. All also have some general similarities, each having a “jock” look and being the clean cut, straight laced type. All have very similar hight, weight and even grade point average.

The detectives involved say they have names of suspected gang members, so maybe they will eventually be able to shine some light onto what the motives of these murderers are.

The case has gone national but it was Kristi Piehl who worked with the families and the detectives for a year who broke this story and her reports are as in-depth as you’d expect. has the story written up and accompanied by a video report as well as a collection of evidence and reports to go through. It includes an interactive victim map and an interview with Kristi Piehl on a morning talk program where the ineptitude of the local cops is exposed as playing a part in the killings going undetected.

Fox News is reporting, and there’s a clip of Shep Smith getting details from Eric Shawn available on YouTube.

The Upstate New York town of Canton has reacted to the news with disbelief. The police there have announced they will not reopen the case and are sure Victor Falcon, believed to be one of the Smiley Face Killers victims, drowned accidentally.

Coast to Coast A.M. also has an interview with Kristi Piehl that is interesting. It’s posted on YouTube in seven parts: I, II, III, IV, V, VI and VII.

If this turns out to be true it’ll be one of the most important discoveries in criminology. A nation wide serial killing cult would be considered an urban legend until now, and their exposure would change how we view gangs, serial killers and everything we think we know about crime.

Update: MSNBC has coverage and video from The Today Show.

Also Huffpo put up a story using a link to the very same Pat Brown Crime Library essay I used. To make the same point. About twelve hours later. Just saying.