Surprise! Jamiel Shaw’s Murderer a Latino Gangbanger

I get the occasional email or comment insinuating that my coverage of Latino hate crimes against my fellow Americans of African descent somehow skews the data and makes it look like there’s a problem with racism in Latino communities when there is none. I guess it is my insistence that our government protect Black citizens from third world aggression coloring my perceptions of yet another murder of a young Black person by a Latino gang banger with a long history of criminality, because I think this is most certainly a hate crime.

From the L.A. Times:

A young convict and alleged gang member had been released from jail a little more than a day before he shot and killed Los Angeles High School football star Jamiel Shaw Jr., LAPD Chief William J. Bratton said Tuesday.

On the same day mourners attended the 17-year-old’s funeral in the Crenshaw district, authorities announced that the alleged gunman, Pedro Espinoza, 19, had been formally charged with Shaw’s death. Espinoza, according to officials, is a member of the 18th Street gang and had spent nearly four months in a Los Angeles County jail for exhibiting a firearm and resisting arrest before he was released March 1, 28 hours before Shaw’s death.

“It was spontaneous,” Bratton said of the killing. “He was a gang member. He saw someone else he thought was from an opposing gang and he immediately, almost intuitively, popped out of that car and shot that young boy twice.

“He assassinated him just on the belief the other individual may have been a gang member. That is what we are up against in this city, sociopaths like that who just got out of jail and within a day had a gun and in an instant took that young boy’s life.”

The charge of murder with special circumstance enhancements could carry the death penalty.

Shaw, who was not a gang member, was only three doors from his home in Arlington Heights on March 2 when he was fatally shot. Two men in a car had pulled up next to him, asked if he belonged to a gang, and then shot him when he apparently didn’t answer, authorities say.

Notice how little respect for the law Pedro Espinoza displayed in his short life, and the vile arrogance of a man who, only out of jail for a few hours, just randomly decides to hop out of a car and shoot somebody he suspected of being in a gang. And by suspected we of course mean Jamiel was Black and Espinoza just assumed he was a gang member.

At least that’s the media narrative, the real truth is that the Mexican Mafia has green lighted any Black person at any place at any time for murder. Rumor is most other Latino gangs have followed suit. It’s less likely that Espinoza really thought Shaw was a gang member and more likely this was a hate crime.

Not that the MSM will report that. Instead they prefer a narrative where Blacks are responsible, at least in part, for being targeted by Latino gangs. It helps them sleep at night when their support for liberal immigration policies facilitate the mass murder of African-Americans.

Pittsburgh Anarchists Plan Violent Take Over of Military Recruiting Station on March 19th!

Pamela Hall of the United American Committee tipped me off to this one. Pittsburgh anarchists are planning a violent action at a recruiting station on March 19th as their contribution to that day’s chaos being proposed by a collection of violent anti-American groups. On their website they announce plans to “occupy” the station and assault and kidnap the soldiers there.


March 19 War Anniversary Protest
Evict the military recruitment station, cage the recruiters!

When: Wednesday, March 19
Rally: 6:00pm
March: Departs at 6:30pm for the Military Recruiting Station
Where: Meet at the dinosaur sculpture in front of Carnegie Library (4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213)

This March 19 hundreds of cities across the U.S. will hold events to mark the anniversary of the war in Iraq and remember the tragic toll the world has and continues to pay; nearly 4,000 U.S. soldiers killed, 30,000 wounded, at least 100,000 Iraqis killed, four million displaced, and nearly a trillion dollars squandered.

While there will be events in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere, members of Pittsburgh Organizing Group (POG) feel it is important that there be a local event connected to our community’s long-standing, successful efforts to use education and action to oppose the war and undermine the militarism that leads to perpetual war(s).

On Wednesday, March 19, POG will be holding a torch-lit march to a modern day castle of abominations—our local military recruiting station. If the station remains open, we intend to evict it and everything inside of it, occupy the location, and transform it into something useful for the community. We’ll also be bringing a movable cage in which to confine military recruiters until they no longer pose a danger to our friends and neighbors. Of course, the station may be closed and recruiters may flee or hide behind the police apparatus that enables the war to continue. That is often the case, and we’ve seen in the past the overwhelming resources the state directs against these anniversary events because of their importance as a symbol of dissent. We believe in acting effectively, in confronting the war, at times and places of our choosing. When the state brings the resources necessary to suppress direct action against the war, it makes sense to hold a symbolic protest, and we still consider that a success, as it exposes the reality that it is ultimately on the local level that our countries war policy will be decided.

The truth is, the anniversary of the war—much like symbolic casualty milestones—is not significant in and of itself. Just as each death is equally lamentable, so too is each day that we continue to engage in a brutal occupation, that we marginalize and repress progressive non-sectarian organizations, that we crack down on independent Iraqi trade unions, that we arm multiple “sides” of a conflict, that we work to maintain the economic advantage of U.S. corporations, that innocent Iraqis die, that the powerful operate with impunity. In short, each day we sacrifice more lives and resources in an endless, self-serving war, a cycle of violence and retribution.

But the anniversary has meaning for those who have suffered, for those who remember. And while the President will use the day to claim a new victory with new benchmarks on the horizon, we have an opportunity to present the people’s story, a counter-narrative. When the body count of American deaths decreases, regardless of how many Iraqis die in our place, the media attention lessens and the politicians move on. But our responsibility to work for peace and justice remains.

It is our sincere hope that you will join us on March 19 if only to stand with others of similar good faith to show that there is dissent at home, and there is a common humanity that binds the people of the United States and Iraq—the desire to create and sustain a new world based on mutual understanding and solidarity.

For peace with justice,
In solidarity,

Pittsburgh Organizing Group
5125 Penn Ave.
Pittsburgh PA 15224

These “peace” protesters are planning to kidnap soldiers. The left has become more and more violent as it fills up with the spoiled, rich, White spawn of a generation of people who refused to teach them personal responsibility. These people are announcing their intention to commit a felony on the Internet as if they’re planning a tea party. They see no difference between the violence they plan and a peaceful protest.

The Pittsburgh Organizing Group has been sending American radicals to Oaxaca to participate in the chaos there, and hold “tactical trainings” to teach their members, among other things, how to “defend” themselves from the police. They are in essence a far left version of the Militias the media warned us about so often in the 90s.

The difference is that the Militia threat was largely mythical while this group has participated in an ever escalating campaign of violent “direct actions” all over Pittsburgh. They are actually dangerous, and are openly planning violence against unsuspecting soldiers at home. Where are the breathless media reports on the dangers of Pittsburgh Anarchists?

Hopefully the U.A.C., Gathering of Eagles and other patriot groups can arrange a counter protest there to show those soldiers that not all Americans think these miscreants should be allowed to attempt their assault. And hopefully no one will be hurt by these people, although their track record on that account doesn’t inspire confidence.

Pigs’ Blood and Witchcraft: A Modest Proposal for Dealing with Islam

Shelley Rubin put forward a modest proposal in response to this story concerning the efforts of Israeli officials to return the body of the soulless miscreant who gunned down several children in an Israeli school. Apparently the officials were shocked to see a large crowd of Palestinian revelers and the news media who shill for them preparing an unseemly celebration and scrapped plans to return the body.

My question is why return the body at all? From Shelley’s post:

Are you as amazed and as sickened as I am that Israel routinely returns the bodies of terrorist pig murderers of Jews to their families and communities, who then glorify the death and destruction that those murderers have committed against Israel and the Jewish people? . . .

Right now the Arabs are planning to hold a large and lavish funeral for Abu Dhaim to go along with the candy and other sweets they passed out when they found out that this filthy, disgusting murdering miscreant gunned down Jews at the Mercaz Harav yeshiva. They’re just waiting for his body for the rest of the party.

Did you note in the item above that his family “claimed to disavow his attack,” but that Hamas and Hezbollah banners flew outside their house? And that hundreds of Jew-haters and their media friends waited at the house for the planned return of the body?

That Israel would even consider returning the body of the cold-blooded terrorist murderer of eight young yeshiva students and the maimer of several other young men is crazy and unimaginable. Does that piece of garbage — now that he’s dead — deserve any respect? Does he deserve a funeral after forcing eight Jewish families to bury their sons? Hell, no!

But, Israel, if you want to return the body of Abu Dhaim and all the other murderers of Jews, then at least do it right: return the body covered in pork.

Tongue in cheek to be sure, but isn’t it time we stopped treating Islamic extremists with the respect they refuse to give Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and anyone else they feel like targeting?

Islamic Expansionism is driven in part by fear. The cartoon riots, the murders of Islamic critics, the recent spate of deaths among anti-FGM activist and the infamous “rape Jihad” in Europe are all aimed terrorizing non-Muslims. These acts of depravity are aimed at silencing Westerners and cowing them.

This fear is designed to make it easier for the Muslims to rule the infidels, who they envision would be compliant and easily enslaved by our fear and desire to appease Islamic sensibilities.

What would Cervantes say, if he could see us now, to those people who fret about offending Muslims with cartoons? This man who fought bravely at the Battle of Lepanto, who was himself enslaved by Muslims and ransomed, who used his first hand knowledge of Islamic barbarity to write the most compelling section of Don Quixote – The Captive Captain’s Tale – what would a man like that say to our deference to Imperialist Islam?

He would say to hell with Muslim sensibilities! Cervantes would defend the West just as he did in 1571 and he’d tell us to stop treating the Muslim world as if they are our children. Cervantes would no more deliver the body a man who massacred children back to his family for proper burial than the extremists who run the Palestinian authorities would respectfully handle a dead Jew. Cervantes would be less concerned with how he looked to the already anti-semitic press and academic establishment in the West and worry more about projecting strength to our enemies.

And they are our enemies now, to treat them otherwise is not just a roundabout exercise in Arab emasculation but a foolish invitation to an ever escalating cycle of violence as fanatics realize their every atrocity goes unchallenged. No, I believe Spain’s great poet would tell us to take off the kids gloves and give the barbarians of Hamas and Hezbollah a taste of their own medicine.

Fundamentalist Muslims live in a sword and sorcery universe, much like the world early American pilgrims lived in. Like the Pilgrim of old the Muslim, specifically the fanatical imperialist influenced by the Saudi school, fears metaphysical pollution of his soul above all else. Death is not feared by the suicide bomber, but desecration holds a real threat for him or her. While Shelley’s pigs’ blood idea seems childish to outsiders unversed in the Muslim perception of the universe, it is actually one sure way to discourage “martyrdom” and violence.

Pigs’ blood and Witchcraft are more fearful to the whabbist death cult than bullets and bombs and just as the Muslim street plays on the fear of violence common to the degenerate Europeans it is through the threat spiritual pollution we can constrain radicalized Muslims from their violent excesses. If they fear the Black Arts then we should use Witch’s Ladders and Poppets to force them into compliance when they threaten our cities with riots. If they start riots like they often do in France or Sweden we should send in Police cars painted with Pig’s blood to break their spirits.

The Islamic imperialists should fear us as much as the blue blooded European (and American) elites fear them. Islam only respects strength and to capitulate to the Muslim extremist is to invite not dialog but scorn, derision and violence. The family of a man who shoots unarmed students shouldn’t be passing out candy and inviting the news media to celebrate his life, but should be fearful of how the man’s body will come back, if at all.

It is time to stop treating Muslims like children and show the Islamic world that allowing the “small minority of extremists” to run amok has consequences, that we will no longer accept the criminality and evil of militants. The time of the Chamberlains is quickly coming to an end, now it is a time for Cervantes, for Ferdinand and Isabella and perhaps for Tepes as well.

Europeans Much More Degenerate Than Originally Thought

This disgusting article from Spiegel Online not only suggests that incest is no big deal, but that a 23 year old man having sex with his 16 year old mentally defective sister is perfectly natural! It starts out with some sanctimonious moralizing about incest that one would think was satire:

Must consensual sex between close relatives be punished? Germany’s highest court is about to rule whether incest will continue to result in a jail term. It is referring to the case of a brother and sister who have already had four children together.

At first sight they look like an ordinary couple, strolling through the park with their child and their dog. But when the two adults hug each other their physical similarities are unmistakable. They have the same pronounced nose, the same blue-green eyes, and the same thin lips. Patrick S. and Susan K. are brother and sister. They are an incestuous couple.

Since Susan became pregnant with Patrick’s child and their relationship became known to the authorities, they have been prosecuted repeatedly. Their case touches an age-old taboo, it’s exotic and tragic at the same time


The key issue is whether the protection of a powerful moral taboo is sufficient justification for punishment. And whether there are reasons beyond that taboo for locking someone up, for depriving children of their father, a woman of her partner.

I guess nothing is more “exotic” than having sex with a close relative. Ugh. And notice how they paint a picture of a normal loving couple who just happen to be brother and sister. They’re just like you an me! Except for the mental illness and the years of abuse the young girl suffers from that is:

The father was a violent alcoholic. When Patrick was three years old his father grabbed him and held a knife to his throat. Neighbors called the police and Patrick was taken into care before being handed to foster parents near Potsdam. They adopted him but eventually told them they weren’t his real parents.

Patrick is a shy man. When he speaks, he frequently looks down at the floor, tells his story with few words and a soft voice. When he was 23 he went to the youth welfare office to find his real mother. A few days later she contacted him.

On May 20, 2000 he traveled to Leipzig to see his mother again for the first time in 20 years. His parents had separated long before and the mother had a new partner. The three other siblings have since died, and the 16-year-old girl staring at him wide-eyed across the living room table was his sister.

Susan K. is a bit slow mentally. She looks up to her brother because he seems so capable and experienced compared to her. He was only meant to stay for a week but Patrick’s mother asked him to stay longer. He said yes. “I felt drawn there,” he recalls. He gave up everything. A job in Berlin, a relationship with his girlfriend at the time, and moved into a four-room flat in an apartment block near Leipzig.

There was a stepbrother who had his own room, and Patrick and his sister shared a room. No one thought anything of it and the relationship at that time was still platonic(Right. That’s why he dumped his old lady to move in with his sister), says Patrick. Suddenly, on December 12, 2000, the mother died. She had heart problems but the exact cause of death was never found.

She just up and died huh? Weird. Maybe she had a heart attack when she figured out what kind of brother Patrick was to his mentally handicapped abuse victim sister.

But hey guys, incest isn’t that bad at all. In fact being against incest is just you’re hangup, man:

The phenomenon of incestuous desire is ages old, as is the taboo surrounding it. Napoleonic France stopped punishing incest in 1810 in the wake of the declaration of civil and human rights during French Revolution that the law only has the right to prohibit such actions that are damaging to society. It’s impossible, or at least very hard to prove that consensual incest does such damage.

German law since 1973 has stated that punishing incest serves to protect families from destructive influences. But social research shows that incest is more likely to be the result of family problems than the cause. Eugenic aspects, which the German statue book cites regarding sibling incest, are a poor justification for punishment. The risk of hereditary disease for offspring also exists with other people with genetic defects. Yet the German constitution would scarcely forbid such people from having children.

But wait here’s the punchline to that last sentence:

The first two children are slightly physically disabled and are a little slow mentally as well. They were both taken into foster care. They then had a third child which had a heart problem, but which is now completely healthy after a heart operation.

Doesn’t that above information invalidate the argument that inbreeding is no more likely to be detrimental to the off spring than any other group. By the gods this guy is having sex with his retarded sister and doesn’t have the decency to not get her pregnant four times!

At least three of the four children of this foul union will burden the German state for life, no doubt reproducing with each other creating more “physically disabled, mentally slow” Germans. And author Dietmar Hipp thinks this is O.K.?

From now on expect a link to this post whenever I mention “degenerate Europeans” because this is emblematic of European thinking and culture. The world might be better of when Europe collapses under the weight of Islamization. It couldn’t be worse.

Video of the U.A.C. Rally Against Kosovo Independence

Not all Americans are so blind as to support granting Islamists a new state in the heart of Serbia. Aside from consigning the Christians and Jews there to ignoble death it creates a precedent anywhere Muslims can be claimed a majority. England, the Paris Suburbs, Dearborn, Michigan, all these places could follow the logic of Kosovo independence and demand they’re own state carved from the body of another nation.

The weakness of Western leaders has consequences and capitulating to the Islamists in Kosovo will have repercussions here. The case is ably made at the Los Angeles rally held by The United American Committee featuring a fiery speech by Red Alerts favorite Ted Hayes. Listen well to these patriots warnings about what is set to befall our country:


Support the U.A.C. in their fight against Islamism.