Lazy Friday: Babes of the Right Edition


I spent a good deal of the day being lazy, though I did do some light reading. I present a little Friday round up of what the hard working ladies of the rightosphere have been up to while I laid around the house:

Cassy Fasso at Wizbang has some strong words for Michelle Obama and women who bash their husbands.

GSGF breaks down the retirement of Admiral Fallon and what it means to CentCom, Iran and the world.

Velvet Hammer exposes the real Alexandra Dupre, a child of privilege and challenges the notion that she was the product of an abused childhood ala Tammy Bruce. The truth is likely in the middle, because extreme permissiveness, absentee parenting and not providing moral guidance to your child is as much a form of abuse as beatings, and clearly lead to the same results.

Woman Honor Thyself takes Montclair State University to task over propagandizing for Islam.

Alyssa A. Lappen double dog dares the web Soros funded political groups to support the Declaration Against Genocide.

Wake Up America has the goods on Baathist Iraq and their dealings with terrorists groups.

Lost in Lima, Ohio has the strange case of a Polygamist and Child molester who claims to be the Arch Angel Gabriel. Also the best mom ever!

Malkin is all over Winter Soldier II.

Atlas is rightfully worried about the Organization of Islamic Countries disgusting demand we put Israel on trial for warcrimes. When they don’t get their way, how much blood will the shed?

Happy Friday!

The Cost of Open Borders: Sex Offender Edition

Not controlling the border has consequences, as I always say. One of the most severe is that we allow other countries criminals to taint our nation with their degeneracy and hurt our children.

First up, a 61 year old man faces his third deportation after molesting a child. It was not his first time raping children:

A Mexican citizen who has been deported twice, including once after he was convicted of sexually assaulting a child, could be heading for this third deportation following a recent arrest in Montrose.

Saloman Renteria-Valdez, 61, was taken into federal custody in January after federal agents confirmed he had been arrested in connection with human trafficking and an assortment of other crimes since 1977.

According to a complaint filed in a Colorado federal court, Renteria-Valdez was arrested in late January in Montrose.

The FBI flagged Renteria-Valdez as illegally re-entering the country in mid-February when his fingerprints linked him to his previous convictions and deportations.

Renteria-Valdez was booked into Mesa County Jail on Monday.

According to federal court records, Renteria-Valdez was deported Feb. 12, 1979, following his conviction on human smuggling charges.

The affidavit also shows he was deported Aug. 30, 1996, after he was convicted of molesting a child.

Renteria-Valdez’s criminal complaint shows he has been convicted of a plethora of crimes over the past three decades, including robbery, human smuggling and possession of illegal drugs.

Federal court records also show Renteria-Valdez was arrested in July 2001 in Montrose on suspicion of being an intoxicated pedestrian in a roadway.

Just doing the jobs Americans won’t.

A five year old was raped by an “undocumented construction worker” in Florida:

Citrus County, Florida – Officers arrested a 21-year-old man accused of sexually battering a 5-year-old girl in her home in the town of Hernando on Sunday.

Citrus County deputies got a tip and arrested Jose Pasqual Acosta Martin, at a store in the town of Hernando.

The sheriff’s office says Martin was in the country illegally and had been working as a laborer or in construction.

This on the heels of the story we reported yesterday of a Mother/Son slaver team who had smuggled a teen over the border and forced her to work as a prostitute. The mother seems to have helped the son rape the girl.

What all these cases have in common is the fact that if we controlled our borders none of these children would have been raped, including the girl from Mexico. This is the cost of open borders that no one talks about, the blood and innocence of children.

h/t Immigration Watchdog.

Good News and Bad News About the Economy

Legendary economist Anna Schwartz, who co-authored the revolutionary Monetary History of the United States with Free Market Icon Milton Friedman, was recently interviewed by The Telegraph about the state of the U.S. economy. In the interview she gave the world a little good news and some bad news about the current subprime meltdown which, with able assistance from a doom and gloom media, is driving the U.S. into a hellacious recession.

The good news. It’s unlikely that there will be a Depression:

Schwartz warns against facile comparisons between today’s world and the Gold Standard era. “This is nothing like the Depression. I don’t really believe the economy as a whole is going to fall apart. Northern Rock has been the only episode of a bank failure so far,” she says.

Over 4,000 US banks – a fifth – collapsed in the 1930s. There was no deposit insurance. Real economic output fell by a third, prices by a quarter, and unemployment reached a third. Real income fell by 11 per cent, 9 per cent, 18 per cent, and 3 per cent in the years to 1933.

In other words, we thankfully live in a different time than the heady days of the gold standard Ron Paul and his cult of quasi-libertarians pine away for. It’s interesting that despite their protests to the contrary the mighty gold standard didn’t save America from the Great Depression, something none of them feel behooved to explain.

The bad news is really bad though. The Fed not only caused the Great Depression but is causing this recession to be worse than it has to be. Apparently the Fed has been consistently run by morons:

According to Schwartz the original sin of the Bernanke-Greenspan Fed was to hold rates at 1 per cent from 2003 to June 2004, long after the dotcom bubble was over. “It is clear that monetary policy was too accommodative. Rates of 1 per cent were bound to encourage all kinds of risky behavior,” says Schwartz.

She is scornful of Greenspan’s campaign to clear his name by blaming the bubble on an Asian saving glut, which purportedly created stimulus beyond the control of the Fed by driving down global bond rates. “This attempt to exculpate himself is not convincing. The Fed failed to confront something that was evident. It can’t be blamed on global events,” she says.

That mistake is behind us now. The lesson of the 1930s is that swift action is needed once the credit system starts to implode: when banks hoard money, refusing to pass on funds. The Fed must tear up the rule-book. Yet it has been hesitant for three months, relying on lubricants – not shock therapy.

“Liquidity doesn’t do anything in this situation. It cannot deal with the underlying fear that lots of firms are going bankrupt,” she says. Her view is fast spreading. Goldman Sachs issued a full-recession alert on Wednesday, predicting rates of 2.5 per cent by the third quarter. “Ben Bernanke should be making stronger statements and then backing them up with decisive easing,” says Jan Hatzius, the bank’s US economist.

Bernanke did indeed switch tack on Thursday. “We stand ready to take substantive additional action as needed,” he says, warning of a “fragile situation”. It follows a surge in December unemployment from 4.7 per cent to 5 per cent, the sharpest spike in a quarter century. Inflation fears are subsiding fast.

Bernanke insists that the Fed has leant the lesson from the catastrophic errors of the 1930s. At the late Milton Friedman’s 90th birthday party, he apologized for the sins of his institutional forefathers. “Yes, we did it, we’re very sorry, we won’t do it again.”

The only reason the Fed won’t “do it again” is because the economy is too vast, robust and diverse for them to collapse it completely. But they can certainly cause a bunch of mini-depressions in the sectors they meddle in.

Meanwhile Gold has hit a record high against a weak Dollar which fell in value to under 100 Yen for the first time in over a decade. Gold is looking pretty good to some people but as I’ve stated on the ever neglected American Survival Blog gold is also in a bubble with its value driven by fear and the hard work of hundreds of affiliate marketers.

For you crazed survivalists out there gold is still a sucker’s bet for any TEOTAWAKI scenario you’re busily planning for, and the Yen and Euro performance against the dollar provided savvy investors with even better returns than gold. Had you started buying Yen a year ago, instead of hording gold, you’d have made the same killing or likely more because Yen were still cheap enough for you to really stockpile them.

With gas a t over $110 a barrel and grocery prices already skyrocketing, the next few weeks would be a good time to sell some of your gold to speculators and use the profit to stock up on non-perishables and long lasting staples while they’re still cheap. Yeah, I’m saying pawn your gold necklaces and stock up on shotgun shell and canned goods. I just wanted it to sound saner.

But the rough ride we’re in for will probably be short lived, though Democrats are doing their best to prolong the suffering, and if we keep our heads about us and don’t fall for the populist demagoguery of the left we’ll pull though this just fine.

No thanks to the Fed.

Mother and Son Charged in Sexual Slavery Case

Awful. If the liberals and “immigrant rights” activists really cared about these people they would want a secure border so that stories like this wouldn’t happen:

HOUSTON — A mother and son face multiple charges after Jacinto City police discover that they hid a young girl used as a sex slave.

Gregoria Salgada Vazquez and David Salazar have been charged with aggravated kidnapping and aggravated sexual assault of a child. The two made arrangements for a minor younger than 17 years old to be transported from Mexico to Houston, according to police.

The mother-son pair own a night club in east Houston. Salazar was scheduled to appear in court Wednesday while Vazquez is scheduled to make her first court appearance March 31.

According to Jacinto City police, Vazquez and Salazar held the young girl in a room locked with a pad lock since Jan. 1. The two would only allow the girl to leave the room if they were present.

The girl was allegedly forced to have sex with Salazar and then taken to his night club where she was forced to have sex with clients. Police say Salazar and Vazquez would take the money received by the girl.

Many people want you to picture hard working farm workers just trying to make a living when you think of an illegal alien, that’s why they like terms like “undocumented migrant.” But don’t forget that what we’re also talking about is crying teenagers smuggled into this country by degenerates who use them as sex slaves. Secure the border and make it harder for monsters like David Salazar and his mother to rape and sell children to other perverts.

Keep the borders open and even more children will be subjected to this horrendous abuse.