Heroic Teen Girl Saves Busload of Children, Punishment Ensues

15 year old Amanda Rouse felt ill on her way to school so she asked to stay on the bus as it made its elementary school route so the driver could drop her off back home. The kindly driver agreed, luckily it turns out as the driver was incapacitated in an accident. As the driverless bus lurched out of control, slamming into parked cars while the terrified children sat helpless, Amanda leapt into action and safely parked the bus saving all within.

As a reward she was handed a detention slip by her school:

15-year-old Marina High School student, Amanda Rouse, felt ill on her way to school last Wednesday morning, and decided to stay on her bus as it picked up elementary school students. The driver would take her home after the elementary route was finished.

However, by doing this, she didn’t follow proper procedure for leaving school grounds with her illness (checking out at the office, getting parent approval, etc.).

While the bus was driving the elementary route, the driver fell out of her seat at a sharp turn, and struck her head. The bus veered to the side and began hitting parked cars.

Rouse immediately jumped into action, hopped in the driver’s seat, applied the brakes and brought the bus to a safe stop.

So what does the school district do in response to this heroic act? Rouse was slapped with a weekend detention for ‘cutting class.’

There was of course an outcry which caused the school to come around and admit the girl’s a hero, but they still haven’t rescinded the detention.


Monday Night Mayhem!

It’s Mayhem!

Michelle Malkin Live Blogged Black Monday, which we’re still recovering from in the Hellfireblogs office.

China’s playing hardball with the Tibetan Monks and Europe’s getting antsy. Maybe an Olympic boycott is in the works? Where’s U.N. Peace ambassador Clooney when you need him? The MSM is curiously sedate in the coverage.

Islam has established a foothold in Korea.

Geert Wilders movie Fitna is apparently being released on the 23rd.

“professorfate” at Daily Kos longs for the day America is invaded and occupied. This one was too much for even most Kossacks.

Kosovo is spiraling out of control. NATO is warning of a “firm response” to Serbian rioters handing them their asses.

GSGF blogs about American muscle flexing.

Wolf Howling says Obama ain’t no JFK.

Dissident News talks about Democrats undoing American foreign policy victories.

Gates of Vienna has analysis on the Muslim attack on an English vicar.

Crimeshadows has the Crime Blogger blues.

Crime Interrupted has a story of when “sorry” just doesn’t cut it.

Trench Reynolds gives us another reason to blow up the world. Can someone explain to me why a man who rapes children gets a $50,000 bond?

Hillel representatives home firebombed … in Rhode Island.

Librarians Still Enabling Pedophiles

The following is a guest post by Jenn, a recovering librarian and occasional contributor to Red Alerts.

It’s a no-brainer. You see someone looking at child porn, you call the cops, right?

Not if you want to keep your job at the Lindsay branch of the Tulare County Library system in California.

When librarian Brenda Biesterfeld observed 39-year-old Donny Lynn Chrisler viewing naked images of boys on a Tulare County library computer station, she told her supervisor, Judi Hill. Hill’s solution was to have Biesterfeld hand Chrisler a note explaining that his behavior was not permissible and would result in banning him from the library if it happened again. Biesterfeld was told to refrain from reporting the incident to authorities.

Fortunately, Biesterfeld recognized the inappropriateness of administering the equivalent of a “time out” to a child porn-seeking pervert. She helped officers catch Chrisler in the act of viewing kiddie porn images, resulting in his arrest. He is now accused of possessing hundreds of pornographic images of children, some as young as 2 years of age.

When she told her supervisor what she had done, Biesterfeld was admonished for lack of loyalty to the County, and even threatened. Biesterfeld told Hill she was not just a county employee, but a mother and a citizen as well.

Two days later, Brenda Biesterfeld was fired, just before her employee probationary period expired.

I don’t have to explain to readers of this blog why this incident is so appalling. I’m sure all of you join me in applauding Brenda Biesterfeld as a hero, a model citizen who puts the safety of children before her career. But I do want to impress upon all of you that this type of situation is more common than you think, and is symptomatic of a larger problem with the “professional ethics” drilled into future librarians by graduate programs and the American Library Association.

I ought to know – I’ve been through it.

After college, I began working in an academic library and decided to pursue a graduate degree in Library Science. If nothing else, my indoctrination into librarianship drove home one point: never, ever give law enforcement officials information about a patron.

Those who obstruct law enforcement are deified as defenders of First Amendment rights, while those who adhere to legal mandates by cooperating with local or federal officials are pariahs in the library world. I was 22 and in love with libraries and books. Nerdy, I know, but championing First Amendment rights, actually helping to defend the American public from censorship, sounded so noble.

And I believed all this discussion of professional philosophy and information ethics was purely theoretical. Surely no pedophilic pervert would use the public access computers in the library to download kiddie porn.

And then it happened. A technically savvy coworker came to me, pale and visibly shaken, and told me he had found horrible, unspeakable images of children on a library computer. The hard drive, he said, was completely filled with movies and stills. He also said he knew who had downloaded the pornographic content.

I went with him to offer moral support as he informed our supervisor. She assured us she would handle things in consultation with the college administration.

I’m embarrassed to write this, but in all honesty, I moved on from that incident pretty quickly. Unlike my coworker, I didn’t have the images emblazoned on my very synapses, I didn’t know the identity of the person who had downloaded the vile stuff, and I had every faith that my boss, a person for whom I had great respect and admiration, would handle the situation appropriately.

I was naive.

Weeks later, I discovered that this extremely liberal east coast college had disappeared the incident. The network logs had been wiped clean, the hard drive had been destroyed, and my questions about whether the FBI had been notified were skillfully evaded.

I watched my coworker, the guy who initially found the child porn, literally make himself sick as he struggled with whether or not to circumvent the academic administration by reporting the issue directly to law enforcement. Unlike me, he wasn’t sure we should trust they had been notified. I decided he was probably right when subtly, and then not so subtly, he was pressured into resigning his position. On his last day, my coworker told me more about the guy who had downloaded the materials.

He was a student in the childhood education program.

That was the beginning of the end for my library career. Over time, I found that this was not the only point at which my personal sense of right and wrong diverged from the philosophical underpinnings of 21st century librarianship. But I’ll save those for another day.

Today my concern is that librarians continue to aid and abet pedophiles in the name of free speech and that highly dubious sweeping right to privacy that I have yet to find in the Constitution or Bill of Rights. Their mission to promote intellectual freedom by ensuring patron confidentiality nearly always seems to trump their responsibility to protect our children from pedophiles.

Librarians cite the protection of personal liberties as a reason for withholding records or failing to report crimes to law enforcement. They don’t want to provide The Man with information that might incriminate someone based on their literary proclivities – you know, like child pornography.

Isn’t it time we knocked members of the American Library Association off their high horses, or at least ripped those First Amendment cloaks from their shoulders? Here’s a thought: maybe a little critical thinking could help librarians distinguish between genuine criminal activity and odd or embarrassing taste in literature. Guided by something as simple as good judgment, librarians should be able to report those who download child pornography without inadvertently snaring law-abiding patrons in a net cast too wide.

Unfortunately, after attending library school, I can tell you unequivocally that critical thinking and good judgment are not part of the curriculum.

And that’s what makes supporting librarian heroes like Brenda Biesterfeld and decrying public library policies that enable criminality all the more important. Make it your business to find out what would happen if Donny Chrisler was downloading child porn at your library, and if necessary, stick your neck out like Brenda Biesterfeld.

“But Pot Doesn’t Hurt Anybody!” 36 Bodies Found in Pot Dealer Safe House

Libertarians are fond of telling you that smoking pot is a”victimless” crime, a dubious claim at best especially when one considers that the money used to purchase pot is then used to finance turf wars between rival gangs that end in multiple fatalities.

The money Americans spend on getting high also funded this house of horrors in Mexico:

MEXICO CITY — Mexican officials said Saturday that 36 bodies were found buried in the backyard of a house in a city across the border from El Paso, Texas, and they believe that number represents the final tally.

Mexican federal agents began digging behind a Ciudad Juarez house allegedly used by the Juarez drug cartal two weeks ago after receiving an anonymous tip, officials said.

In the raid, investigators found 3,740 pounds of marijuana in the house. They initially found six dismembered bodies, but as excavations proceeded the tally rose.


Ciudad Juarez has been plagued by violence as Mexico’s crackdown on powerful drug cartels stokes turf wars among traffickers that have been linked to hundreds of killings in the past two years.

Cartels frequently use “safe houses” in border cities to store drugs, house gunmen and dispose of dead rivals.

The standard Libertarian answer to this sort of story is that if we decriminalized drug use the gangs would be pushed out by legitimate business owners. Ones who are impervious to bullets.

We all know that once prohibition was repealed organized crime never again took over strip clubs, liquor distributers or nightclubs from the upstanding citizens who run those establishments. Just ask the folks in New Jersey.

No the Mafia and the Russian mob and the biker gangs are all to busy looking for some other illegal racket, like construction or running the unions.

I challenge any libertarian to explain to me what the mechanismis that would make drug gangs just walk away from drug dealing if it were legal, instead of extorting money from anyone who tried to sell legally. Bikers extort money from strippers and dancing is legal. Mobs of various types extort money from bars and bars are legal. In both case plenty of people who refuse to pay are killed.

Why are violent street gangs less likely to continue their brutal ways than the Hell’s Angels or the Gambinos?


R.I.P. Sophie Lancaster: Another Victim of Modern England


It was a story ignored by the American media, likely because it flies in the face of the leftist myth of England as a model of progressivism. Sophie Lancaster, 20 and her Boyfriend were walking home after visiting friends late one evening when they were set upon by a gang of up to 15 youths ages 15-17 who were drunk and out on the town at 11:30am or so. They decided to attack the boyfriend, Robert Maltby because he was a “mosher” which is apparently slang for a Goth. The attack was so vicious that Sophie was driven to try to save Roberts life by shielding his head with her body, at which point the mob turned on her:

A 14-year-old girl who was tagging along with the gang told police afterwards that one of them pointed at Maltby and said: “Shall we batter him?” before another youth ran across and smacked him in the face.

She added that Maltby had laughed, which triggered a full-scale assault, with Lancaster crying out “Leave him alone” and then cradling her unconscious boyfriend in her lap.

The gang then set about her, according to another witness, a 15-year-old boy, who told police: “They were running over and just kicking her in the head and jumping up and down on her head.” Another 14-year-old girl said in a statement to detectives: “I started crying because I’d never seen anything like that. They were all just booting them. They were making loads of noises, screaming noises.

“They were booting them in the head swinging the leg back properly booting them, like jumping on them.”

Shorrock said paramedics who found the victims side by side said the assault was one of the worst they had seen. He said: “Their facial injuries were such that it was not immediately possible to tell which sex either casualty was. Miss Lancaster had blood all over her face and appeared to be bleeding from her ears.”

Maltby’s wallet and its contents were found strewn around bushes later, the court was told, while the gang ran off to a nearby petrol station and boasted to friends about what they had done.

Shorrock told the jury that a witness would describe how they were “behaving in a giddy way, hyperactive and bouncing around doing silly things”.

One of the teenagers offered him Maltby’s mobile phone, telling him: “We’ve just beaten someone up – do you want a phone?” Another said: “You wanna see them – they’re a right mess.”

A 14 year old girl was wandering the streets with a pack of violent underage hooligans a little before midnight and of course there was not a parent in sight. Nor a police officer even though the community had complained about the gang prior to the murder:

Brian Varley, who is from Rawtenstall and a member of the park’s bowling club, said that the park has become a haven for drunken, violent yobs.

He said: “It is devastating that an attack like this could happen in our area and my heart goes out to her family.

“As a community we need to look at what can be done to prevent anything like this from happening again.

“If we had park rangers then maybe then this tragedy might not have happened.

“For the last few months there has been beer cans and empty bottles thrown all over the bowling green on a Sunday.

They vandalized the club house a few months ago and since then we have wanted Park Rangers to patrol the area like they have in Burnley.

“We have also asked for the park to be an alcohol control zone to help combat the problem but nothing has been done.”

Leader of the council Duncan Ruddick said: “It just would not be financially feasible to employ park rangers. It would cost us £150,000 to pay for rangers to patrol 24 hours a day for the year and that is just for one park, where would we get the money from?

I think the real issue is why these teenagers were allowed to be out in the early hours of the morning unsupervised and drinking alcohol.”

Ruddick makes a fair point, but the English Model of cradle to grave government services hardly fosters a sense of responsibility for ones own self, much less ones children. That being the case the government cannot simply palm off the responsibility of keeping the community safe from the hellspawn created by their policies. The schools, Police and Children’s Services all dropped the ball on these monsters in the making, and should be more contrite.

England has produced a drug and alcohol fueled violent youth culture that far surpasses the excesses of we “barbaric” Americans. Even the English are aware of it, all except the politicians who refuse to take the necessary steps to curb the anarchy that is slowly engulfing the ruins of the Empire. A commenter from Devatology sums up the feelings of many Brits I’ve spoken to:

# Dazza Says:
August 25th, 2007 at 9:36 am

I’m a lad in my Thirties, who lives in a similar sized town to Bacup in Yorkshire, and my heart goes out to Sophie’s family & also Rob’s. I find it hard to believe what has happened to this couple, and I am sick and tired of those who say “society is no more violent than it was ten or twenty years ago, it’s just that these things are being reported more” BULLSHIT!

This simply is not true. When I was growing up, gangs of lads were NOT going around beating young women up & stamping on their heads.

Incidentally, whenever anyone had a fight, it was more often than not one-on-one, and with fists at that, not weapons. I’m not aware that this group of thugs used any weapons, but when you attack someone and they hit the deck and you not only carry on beating them, but also jump on their head you may as well have shot them at point-blank range.

I did not grow up in utopia, just a typical Northern town, like Bacup.

I usually abhor vigilantism, but if the CPS does not charge these scumbags with murder then I just hope everyone is made aware of their identities.

The Fabian years of England have ended in disaster in more ways than one, but the most obvious consequence to more than a decade of Labor domination is the rise of often cartoonishly violent crime among a state created class of miscreants who need not fear any punishment for their misdeeds.

Sophie Lancaster should be alive today. But it is not just the gang of monsters that stomped on her head until she bleed out of her ears that are responsible, although they should be incarcerated forever for the crime. The parents of those boys who raised them to become soulless monsters are guilty of her death. The town officials who didn’t step in to control that gang when they were made aware of the danger are guilty of her death. The English Justice system that treats murderers with kid gloves is also guilty of her death.

I hope that Sophie’s family and loved ones sue all these people and deliver some small justice to the killers and the forces that created them. And I hope that the American media stops ignoring a story of such inhuman brutality because it’s chic to pretend England is less violent than America. Sophie Lancaster deserves better.

If you have the stomach here’s some news reports about the case:


Here’s a report with the heart wrenching, and gut churning, call to police by a young girl who witnessed the attack:


The Sun has some more coverage. Here’s a report detailing the horrendous injuries this innocent girl received.

There’s a MySpace tribute to Sophie that’s collecting funds for a memorial anti-violence program. Help out if you can.