Pot Smoking Degenerates “Discipline” 15 Year Old Girl with Rough Sex

Here’s a little story for my friends “Kirk Sandall” and “Josh” who think this post is unduly harsh on pot smokers. Seems a degenerate named Stephanie Lynn Leblanc-Porter was, among other things, a BDSM scener whose very supportive husband allowed her to keep two adult men as “pets” in the house.

This big happy family gained a new member when Lablanc-Porter’s 15 year old daughter from another relationship was sent by her father to live with the group, apparently unaware that whatever problems the girl was having with him was child’s play compared to the hell she’d go through at the hands of this modern day Manson family:

Stephanie Lynn Leblanc-Porter, 38, and David Raymond Guy Davies, 44, are charged with rape, sodomy, sexual abuse, unlawful sexual penetration and using a child in a display of sexually explicit conduct.

Richard Lee Clements, 47, and Norman Edward Porter, 43, are charged with sexual abuse, unlawful sexual penetration and using a child in a display of sexually explicit conduct.


Shipley said the victim wasn’t getting along with her father and was sent to live with Leblanc-Porter, who removed the girl from school in February 2007.

According to a search warrant affidavit, Leblanc-Porter was angry because the girl “was not obeying the rules of the house,” so she and Davies told her she “was going to be given training so she could better understand herself.

I’ll stop here to warn you this story gets worse, and yes Kirk and Josh, pot smoking features prominently in the story:

At the woman’s urging, Davies sexually abused the girl every day, often in front of the others, Shipley said. The girl told investigators she was strapped to a board and spanked with a leather paddle, bound by leather shackles and forced to kneel naked on the couch for hours at a time. The defendants also watched television and smoked marijuana while having the girl use sex toys on the floor, according to the search warrant affidavit.

Hmmm. I wonder how much pot it takes to numb you to the House of a 1000 Corpses-esque abuse of a crying helpless 15 year old. Kirk? Josh? Any insight?

Dreamin’ Demon has pictures of the two main creeps, if you have the stomach to view the portraits of two soulless miscreants who deserve to die but will likely get off fairly light.

They also have this story of more awesome parents who liked the ganja. You know, it’s almost like chronic drug use, even of something “harmless” like weed, can alter the thought process of a person enough to make them unable to function in society.

BBC Fakes Story of Foreclosure Shanty Towns

I’ve long known that the frequenters of Boing Boing were suckers, a mob of bleating “sheeple,” if I may borrow a term from the tax protest nuts, who lack not only critical thinking skills but the most basic human element of curiosity. This explains why if someone tells them something which fits their preconceived notions they accept it without fact checking it no matter how outlandish the story is on face value.

A story like this for example, which I found being promoted on Boing Boing:


The BBC has an accompanying article by the intrepid Rajesh Mirchandani who goes on to “prove” that America’s sub prime crisis is creating tent cities by interviewing one unnamed source whose story Mirchandani didn’t fact check:

But one man, who did not give his name, said he and his family were living in Tent City because they were victims of America’s foreclosure crisis. It came down to “feeding my family or keeping the house”, he said, “so I got rid of the house”.

The property he lost is nearby in Ontario, which, in places, offers a middle-class suburban dream – green lawns, wide pavements, garages big enough for two cars.

Yet it is in an area known as the Inland Empire, where the rate of foreclosure is the third highest in the entire US.

No longer able to afford his mortgage payments, this man saw his lender repossess the property, and now someone else lives there.

“It’s hard for me to see it, when someone else owns it and I am homeless with nothing,” he said.

That’s good reporting, if you’re not interested in uncovering the truth that is. One could ask why the man is homeless since he should, if he had a mortgage, still have a job. That being the case why doesn’t he rent? Barring that why not the old standby and stay at a long term motel? Or with friends?

That was answered in the story before Mirchandani introduced our nameless mystery man:

Others told tales of family disputes or houses burning down. Some were addicts, some fresh out of prison.

Ah. Now we see some real truth gleaming through. Drug use would explain why a grandmother and her husband, featured in the above video, were forced to stay in a trailer on a campground rather than being invited to live closer to family. In fact a sex offender status would explain why the couple were staying outside the city limits in general, but so would a warrant.

That’s speculation however, but reasonable speculation given the dearth of information in this story. Not being able to afford a mortgage shouldn’t make you an unemployed homeless drifter anymore than having your college loans go into default. It may be the case that losing your job first could precipitate all these things, but the breathless BBC reporting doesn’t bother to find any of this information out.

Instead they ignore the larger context, the Ontario homeless camp has been in the news prior to this. And in these other articles the BBC implication that these people are all former homeowners from an area which was hard hit by the sub prime mortgage crisis is proved false. In this one we find that the camp is full of people with a much different story:

ONTARIO – Explaining how she came to live at a homeless encampment in Ontario, Barbara Wirth, a 27-year-old originally from the East Coast, said “love makes you do stupid things.”

She left her estranged family in Connecticut for California and a boyfriend who abandoned her, Wirth said. Her friends at the city-sanctioned camp near LA/Ontario International Airport, helped her recover and became closer than her family, she said.

Next week, she will have to leave them.

City officials Monday began screening camp residents with an eye toward cutting the population in half and improving safety and sanitation.

The camp opened in July 2007 with about 20 residents, but grew to around 400, said Brent Schultz, director of housing and neighborhood revitalization for Ontario.

Ontario’s effort to help the local homeless attracted people from all over Southern California and as far away as Florida, he said.

“We can’t possibly help everyone. We have 200 to 250 people from other cities here,” Schultz said.

Well that’s odd. I guess Mirchandani is quite the reporter because from reading that story I didn’t know how integral the sub prime crisis was in this situation. It also took Mirchandani’s critical eye to see exactly how deprived these people were. From the BBC article:

Amenities are basic – no mains electricity, no plumbing, no drainage. Portable showers offer a chance to wash, but there is nowhere to prepare food, apart from makeshift tables in the open air.

Dogs and children scratch around in the dusty earth.

Quite the scene setting, like a modern Grapes of Wrath. But look at this quote from a L.A. Times piece on the encampment:

Land that includes tents, toilets and water had been set aside near Ontario International Airport for the homeless. Officials intended to limit the camp and its amenities to local homeless people, but did little to enforce that as the site rapidly expanded, attracting people from as far away as Florida.

The Times report seems to imply that the conditions have deteriorated because of over crowding but that they would otherwise be perfectly acceptable. Mirchandani seems to think the camp is little different from a Sudanese refugee camp. This was a temporary campground set up to get homeless people off the streets and let them stay somewhere safer that’s literally attracting homeless people from all over the country because of its amenities. It is not a makeshift village of former homeowners.

This isn’t a shanty town but a government program to try to help keep the homeless from wandering the streets. The evidence of a failing U.S. economy the BBC is using is a perhaps wrongheaded attempt by local officials to help homeless people who were already living on the streets. But watching the BBC video you’d never know that.

Some suffered metal illness and drug addiction, some are criminals. All have problems and we deserve to have their stories, their real stories, told by the journalists who cover them.

Cigars Seized in Michigan Drug Bust Sent to Troops

Usually the cigars would have been incinerated, but patriotic sheriff Michael Bouchard has decided to send the cigars to our brave troops serving in the middle east:

OAKLAND COUNTY, Mich. — Normally, 1,500 cigars seized in a drug bust would be incinerated.

The Oakland County sheriff is planning to send them to Michigan troops serving in Iraq.

The county’s Narcotics Enforcement Team seized the stogies, valued at $15,000, during a traffic stop of a convicted drug felon in January.

Sheriff Michael Bouchard said Thursday the cigars were thought to be illegal Cuban cigars, but they turned out to be high-quality Dominicans.

He said he couldn’t give them away if they were Cuban cigars.

Bouchard said he’s not sending the cigars to encourage smoking, but he hopes the smokes will provide a respite from their stressful routines. He also added many of his own deputies are serving in Iraq.

Bouchard said he could still use help with the cost of shipping the cigars to the troops.

Anyone who can help can call 248-858-1947.

Lend a hand if you can.

h/t Trench

James Sturtz: Your Tax Dollars at Work


James Sturtz (above) began his long history of incarceration in 1980 when he raped a 4 year old girl. During his first stay in prison he earned his G.E.D. and trained to be a janitor but when he was released his rehabilitation didn’t take. In 1989 as he was convicted of pulling a knife on a woman in an attempted rape.

In 1994 he was convicted of a brutal knife point rape that sent him to prison of a 12 year stretch that ended in 2006. Clearly too dangerous to be released he was civilly committed until such a time as he was deemed safe. Unfortunately, a loophole in the law makes Sturtz, and hundreds of high risk sex offenders who have been committed to treatment centers, eligible for government financial aid for college courses as they are no longer technically prisoners:

MADISON, Wis. – James Sturtz is not your ordinary college student struggling to pay tuition.

The 48-year-old rapist is one of Iowa’s most dangerous sex offenders, locked up in a state-run treatment center for fear he will attack again if released. Yet he has received thousands of dollars in federal aid to take college courses through the mail.

Across the nation, dozens of sexual predators have been taking higher education classes at taxpayer expense while confined by the courts to treatment centers. Critics say they are exploiting a loophole to receive Pell Grants, the nation’s premier financial aid program for low-income students.

Prison inmates are ineligible for Pell Grants under a 1994 law. Students convicted of certain drug offenses are also ineligible. But sexual predators qualify once they are transferred from prison to treatment centers.

“This is the most insane waste of taxpayer money that I have seen in my eight years in Congress,” said Rep. Ric Keller, R-Fla., who is pushing to stop the practice. “It is a national embarrassment that we are wasting taxpayer dollars for pedophiles and rapists to take college courses while hardworking young people from lower-class families are flipping hamburgers to pay for college.”

Moreover, some institutions report that sex offenders are putting the financial aid to questionable uses by buying such things as clothes, a DVD player and music CDs — sometimes, after they have dropped out of school. Pell Grants can legally be put toward expenses that are education-related. But the unused portion of a grant is supposed to be repaid when someone withdraws from school.

Why would anyone support such asinine hairbrainery? What’s the theory behind allowing sex offenders to use limited resources that are being diverted from the truly deserving?

Some say taking away the financial aid for correspondence courses would be a mistake. They say education could help sex offenders build stable lives and reduce their chances of committing another crime if they are ever released.

Education didn’t stop Sturtz from committing two more rapes after achieving a G.E.D. and job training. Education is not a panacea for criminality and rapists don’t attack people because they can’t find jobs. That’s a lesson lost on many proponents of rehabilitation programs.

Most are scamming the system and using the Pell Grants as an ATM machine:

In Iowa, 14 offenders in the Cherokee Mental Health Institute have received Pell Grants in recent years, said administrator Jason Smith. He said nine of them dropped courses after receiving money.

Some patients used their money to buy a DVD player, a television, a radio, music CDs and movies, Smith said. Because of vague guidelines, staff members could not determine whether those were inappropriate expenditures, he said.

In California, a number of predators living at the Coalinga State Hospital receive Pell Grants, said Department of Mental Health spokeswoman Nancy Kincaid. But she said the hospital has no way of tracking who gets them or how much money they receive.

Representatives of other states, including Kansas and Minnesota, said they could not recall sex offenders signing up for Pell Grants. Other states said they had no idea whether that was the case.

“They don’t really tell us what they are doing. They have a lot of liberties they want to exercise without our oversight,” said Dr. Henry Richards, superintendent of the Special Commitment Center in Washington state, where some patients take correspondence courses.

Keller introduced his bill to ban the practice after a newspaper reported in 2003 that 54 offenders at one Florida center got $200,000 in Pell Grants in one year.

In other words, hundreds of thousands of dollars are being flushed down the toilet by people who’d rape you as soon as look at you. And there is no upside, these people are not being rehabilitated by mail order college courses. But that’s a view some Democrats in Congress and liberal activists think is too “mean spirited”

Some Democratic members of Congress and others say it would be counterproductive to put up a barrier to education for sex offenders who are trying to rehabilitate themselves.

“These are people who we want to prepare to go into the communities. They need to have access to educational programs,” Richards said. “I think the numbers of committed persons aren’t so large they would significantly preclude other citizens from taking advantage of educational support. To preclude them seems mean-spirited to me.”

Meanwhile Sturtz above has dropped the majority of his courses and used his leftover grant money to buy clothes. His victims pay for their own.

British Schools Refuse to Take Part in Anti-Forced Marriage Campaign

From the Times Online:

Schools in areas feared to have high rates of forced marriage are refusing to display posters on the issue because they are too hard-hitting, according to a government report.

Headteachers are unwilling to put up the posters for fear that they might offend some parents. The disclosure came in findings from the Department for Children, Schools and Families showing that 2,089 pupils were absent from school without explanation in 14 areas of England believed to have a high incidence of forced marriage.

A paper from the department released by the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee found that in Luton cards had been issued rather than posters while in Derby most schools were unaware of the poster produced by the forced marriage unit.

“In Birmingham, the poster had not been displayed as schools felt that the graphics are ‘too hard-hitting’.

“Some schools in Leeds are displaying the posters but others are concerned that they may offend some of their parents,” the paper said.

The areas highlighted by the forced marriage unit as having a “high incidence” of forced marriage are Derby, Leicester, Luton, Tower Hamlets, Newham, Waltham Forest, Middlesbrough, Manchester, Blackburn with Darwen, Bristol, Birmingham, Leeds, Bradford and Lancashire. The report found that 2,089 children were “not in receipt of suitable education” including 250 in Birmingham, 155 in Bristol, 121 in Derby, 520 in Leeds, 294 in Leicester, 385 in Manchester and 66 in Luton.

But it is not clear how many of these children might have been taken out of school and forced into marriage. Some are being educated at home, some families have moved without leaving a forwarding address and other children are truants. MPs on the committee are now to seek extra information.

Margaret Moran described schools’ resistance to displaying the posters as shocking. She said: “People just don’t want to talk about it.

“This can involve violence, rape, kidnap — what more important issue can there be? The cultural thing is just a big smokescreen.”

Martin Salter, another Labour member of the committee, said that the problem was “much bigger than people realize. There has been a culture of silence for far too long. There are far too many local authorities being lily-livered about addressing this issue.”

Hear hear Mr. Salter. Not that his fellow politicians care about being perceived as “lily-livered” but it’s nice to see the Brits confronting this barbaric practice.