The End Result of the Welfare State: The Death of Deante Reid

Generations of people who are taught that they bear little, if any, personal responsibility for themselves will devolve. In the 70s my family, though poor, was proud enough to go to the government only as a last resort. When I think of my proud Black family, who were shamed to collect welfare benefits and worked two or three jobs to make ends meet, to people like Nickella “Nikki” Reid and Joseph Miller I am thankful that I grew up in a time and in a place where pride and decency were the norm:

DETROIT — A couple was arraigned on charges in the death of a 2-year-old boy Deante after his charred remains were found hidden in the basement ceiling.

Police said the parents burned the child’s dead body on the home barbecue grill to cover up his death.

Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy charged Joseph Miller III, 28, and Nickello L. Reid, 23, both of Detroit.

During a child abuse investigation into the couple’s 1-year-old, police were called to a relatives home located in the 15000 block of Lapin in Detroit, on Nov. 22, where they discovered the burned remains of their 2-year-old in a plastic bag hidden in the basement ceiling.

The Wayne County Medical Examiner said the investigation into the cause of death was inconclusive. However, the child suffered from malnutrition, numerous broken bones, disease and abuse.

“It is very difficult to think of an innocent child suffering so profoundly during his two years on earth,” said Worthy.


Reid was charged with another count of welfare fraud over $500 and two counts of failure to inform, each of which carries a maximum penalty of up to four years in prison.

Worthy said Reid failed to inform authorities her child had died but continued to collect assistance money from the state of Michigan.

Reid’s mother, Doretha Lippett, 51, of Detroit, was expected to turn herself in to the police after she was charged with two counts of welfare fraud for her role in helping her daughter.

Generation after generation festering in taxpayer subsidized perdition where the innocent suffer endless torment at the hands of the shiftless and the depraved.

They abused the boy, murdered him, cooked him and then put the remains in another family members house. Behold the glory of the welfare state that uplifts the human spirit!

Dreamin’ Demon goes into some detail, and illustrates the barbarism of this modern Beane family who, for love of the meager benefits the state provides, denied this poor child a proper burial.

h/t News of Doom

Cry for England

Trench Reynolds recently joked about having to set up a News of Doom 2.0 just for the United Kingdom, but upon reflection I’m not sure it’s such a bad idea. Jolly old England doesn’t have the allure it once had for Americans as the British Isles becomes the South Bronx of Europe. Check out some recent news stories.

The vicar who was beaten by a gang of Muslims in his own churchyard was back to work, after 12 days in a hospital. His church has apparently been vandalized before by Muslim youths who fear no authority:

The 18th-century church, designed by Nicholas Hawksmoor, has regularly had its windows smashed by gangs of youths who often congregate in the church grounds.

On one occasion youths were heard to shout: “This should not be a church, this should be a mosque.”

In another attack on the church, a brick was thrown through a window during a service and families worshiping inside were showered with glass.

There have been no arrests.

Meanwhile the liberal think tank released a report claiming that Whites needed to “do more” to make Asian Muslims feel welcome. Maybe the Muslims should keep their kids from beating up priests if they want to feel more welcome.

A few months ago the police have arrested two men for pimping in a land mark case. Land mark because until the mothers of the underage girls lured into a life of drugs and prostitution made a stink about it the official policy of the police was ignore pimping if the men were “Asian” (Pakistani Muslims) and the girls were White. They didn’t want to be called racists:

Maureen’s daughter Jo was one of Hussain and Naveed’s victims, having been groomed by them and a number of other Asian men when she was 14. Jo went missing from her Blackburn home 90 times during the six-month period in 2005 that she was in Hussain and Naveed’s clutches.

“I was told by one police officer that he did not ‘want to start a race riot’ by arresting Pakistani men for sexual offenses,” Maureen said. During the six months that Jo was in the clutches of these men, they raped, beat and abused her to the point where, says her mother, she did not even know who she was any more. Eventually, after she was attacked by Hussain and Naveed with an iron bar, Jo somehow found the courage to report them to police, and they were arrested. The case took 16 months to come to court. In the meantime, other pimps, undeterred by the impending trial, continued to go about their business.

The Brits aren’t scared of being called racist by the Ghurkas, who have loyally served in the United Kingdom’s military for 200 years, and are getting shit on in return.

British law enforcement is being told not to arrest illegal immigrants.

A girl who filmed her friends kicking a man to death gets a measly two year sentence.

A Sun reporter following up on a child molester who recently moved close to a nursery school is threatened.

Gordon Brown says a Flu pandemic is a bigger threat to England than terrorism.

A drug dealer gets work release five days a week at a job that pays more than blogging!

A town’s Community Safety Manager won accolades from the police for her work, until they found out she was a violent fugitive drug dealer.

Western Resistance has a story of a controversial mosque attempting to shelter a rapist from justice.

I could go on but what’s the point? The above stories are shocking not because of the crimes involved, after all there are rapes and murders here, but because so much of the crime seems to be facilitated by government inaction, incompetence and in some cases betrayals of public trusts.

In a country where filming your friends killing a man, in essence producing a snuff film, only gets you a two year sentence there isn’t any real impetus to not make snuff films aside from personal morality. Decades of Fabian socialism have banished morality from the public sphere, so it is the threat of jail society mus fall back on to keep order.

But if jail is just a hotel where you stay while working at a job the government provides, a free hotel, than that two year sentence doesn’t seem daunting at all. Nor would a ten year sentence.

Criminals in England lack fear. They don’t fear the police and they certainly don’t fear a disarmed and cowed public. There are lots of calls for a change from Labor to a new government, but what good will that do? Can the Tory party roll back a generation of miseducation? Can they wave a magic wand and produce a public who aren’t easy pickings for criminals?

A generation of young men have grown up in England believing that English law does not apply to them. That’s not a problem that can be voted away, but one that will have to be dealt with one way or another.

Cop Husband of NBC Anchor Arrested for Raping Battered Teen



NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y. — A police sergeant who is married to a New York City anchorwoman was charged Wednesday with the forcible rape of a 17-year-old girl.

New Rochelle Sgt. David Rodriguez, 36, allegedly returned to the girl’s home and raped her Feb. 9, just hours after he and three officers had arrested her 35-year-old live-in boyfriend on a domestic violence charge.

The nine-year police veteran pleaded not guilty at his arraignment in City Court, agreed to an order of protection for the girl, then posted $25,000 bail. If convicted, he could be sentenced to up to 25 years in prison.

His wife, Darlene Rodriguez, anchorwoman of WNBC-TV’s “Today in New York,” was in tears outside the courtroom before the arraignment. But she left the courthouse dry-eyed with her husband and said, “I’m here to support my husband. I believe in him. I love him. He’s innocent 100 percent.

David Rodriguez did not speak, but his attorney, Stephen Worth, said the charge was false, the investigation was slipshod and the girl “has a number of motives to make up a false allegation.” He did not elaborate.

Yes, the girl has almost as many motives to cry rape as Rodriguez has for crying “not rape!” and having his high priced lawyer claim this poor, abused teenage girl was a liar. This is a teenage girl who was living not with a loving supportive family but a wife beating sadist who is almost 20 years her senior. What sort of circumstances would lead to that living arrangement? And who would take advantage of that?

His defense is shot down by this report in a local Westchester paper:

The girl did not immediately report that she was raped and did not bring it up when she tried to get the charges against her boyfriend dropped.

After the weekend, she went to the district attorney’s office at New Rochelle City Court, where she was referred to the Domestic Violence Bureau. There, she told an adviser that she relies on her boyfriend for support and he was the father of her child and she wanted him home.

She also mentioned that she did not want the officer to come back.

When questioned about what she meant, she said one of the arresting officers had returned and forced her to have sex, authorities said. She did not know his name and said she never met him before that night. Authorities determined she was talking about Rodriguez based on a general description.

Understand that the girl didn’t try to use a rape charge to save her boyfriend, her only interest was in trying to ensure that this animal who forced himself on her at her most vulnerable wasn’t coming back.

The report above implies the police basically had to drag it out of her. It also illustrates an important point about the victim. She’s used to being abused. She wants her abusive boyfriend back home. She’s a lost and lonely soul, a victim that predators like her boyfriend and Rodriguez could smell a mile away.

There is no doubt that Rodriguez had sex with her because the victim rightly testified that this swine shaves his pubic area, something many men who are under endowed do. Even if we were to believe that the sex was consensual, it is beyond despicable for a man to take advantage of a child who is being abused to sate his perverse desires.

Even if it were the case that the girl wanted to have sex with a stranger after having been threatened and assaulted by the father of her children, what kind of monster takes advantage of that rather than trying to help her out of a bad situation?

Rodriguez is the husband of Today in New York co-anchor Darlene Rodriguez who’s standing by her man. For now. But as the evidence piles up this poor woman and her children will be put through the wringer. I feel sorry for her, but not as sorry as I do for the 17 year old girl who was, in the course of one horrible day, battered by the man she loves and then violated by the man who she was supposed to be able to trust.

The worst part of the story is that from what slight glimpse into the life of the victim she has neither the options not inclination to pull herself out of a living hell. When this case is over she’ll be in the same spot, or worse, unless she can find some way to get out of New York and the pernicious environment of immorality that breeds men like Rodriguez and the boyfriend of the victim.

Sick Anti-Death Penalty Activist Raising Money by Disrespecting the Dead


The above is a picture of degenerate murder groupie Capital X, a man who claims to be a “Raptivist” against the death penalty. Lost in Lima, Ohio found the cretin’s page where he collects money for his scam campaign to protest the death penalty by walking around the country promoting his really bad rap music.

Lilo was understandably disgusted. Especially when she found that one of the people he was fighting for was murderous pedophile Anthony Stockelman, a man not even facing the death penalty. As Lilo points out in her post, Capital X has a list of days dedicated to each of the prisoners, supposedly sent in by their families.

In a stunning display of bad taste April 6th, the day Stockelman was arrested for raping and murdering 10 year old Katlyn Collman, is the day Capital X has dedicated to Anthony Stockelman.

I suppose that Capital X finds that ironic or amusing in some way.

Capital X presents himself as some sort of activist but in reality he’s a filthy grifter who has put together a “walking tour” which he uses as an fundraising scheme, a nice side business to go along with his $15 tee-shirts and crappy CDs.

This bottom feeder is using a popular lefty pretension to cover for his lack of talent and creativity. Worse than that is the fact this scavenger is pissing on the graves of the victims of the murderers he’s trying to save. It is one thing to be against the death penalty, it’s another to put the images of murderers on your album cover under the title “Injustice” as he does on his MySpace.

Capital X worries about the injustice of executing violent felons, but what of the injustice of raping and murdering a 10 year old girl? While concerned with the rights of the worst of criminals he ignores the plight of the petty crooks who he’d force to cohabitate with them.

Capital X has no sympathy for little Katlyn Collman, the thousands of other murdered children in this country or the society that does everything in its power to keep him from being the next victim.

I can’t say for certain whether Capital X is actually a pacifist or a Jesus freak as his blog suggests, but what I am certain of is that Capital X believes in using a popular lefty canard as a cash cow.

And he doesn’t mind pissing on the graves of dead children to do it.

Update: Lilo shamed this degenerate into taking Stockelman’s name off. Too little too late if you ask me, but at least he feels some sense of shame. Maybe that means he knows he’s going to Hell.

Victory in Iraq!

America’s march to victory in Iraq continues despite the attempts of leftists and Islamists here and abroad to derail the liberation of those lands from the stranglehold of tyranny. Five years removed from the invasion American forces fight a battle on many fronts, from the blood soaked sands of the middle east to the anarchist run streets of Olympia, Washington, and American forces deal constantly with a terrible enemy without and insidious enemies within.

But thanks to the courageous leadership of the Bush administration and the tireless efforts of our patriotic troops the American people remain free, the American homeland remains safe and hundreds of thousands of men, women and children have a chance to join the West and live lives of freedom and prosperity.

From President Bush’s touching speech today:

On this day in 2003, the United States began Operation Iraqi Freedom. As the campaign unfolded, tens and thousands of our troops poured across the Iraqi border to liberate the Iraqi people and remove a regime that threatened free nations.

Five years into this battle, there is an understandable debate over whether the war was worth fighting, whether the fight is worth winning, and whether we can win it. The answers are clear to me: Removing Saddam Hussein from power was the right decision — and this is a fight America can and must win.

The men and women who crossed into Iraq five years ago removed a tyrant, liberated a country, and rescued millions from unspeakable horrors. Some of those troops are with us today, and you need to know that the American people are proud of your accomplishment — and so is the Commander in Chief.

Read the rest of this stirring speech here.

John Boehner’s Blog has a round up of the Republican accolades for our troops.

Gateway Pundit is covering the milestones we achieved and GSGF reminds us the cost of freedom is always hard to bear, but the blood of Americans is the seed from which liberty grows. Celebrate America for you have brought the greatest gift of all to the people of Iraq, their freedom.
