U.N. Watch Urges Action on Swiss Nominee to Human Rights Council

U.N. Watch is asking for the public’s help to try to block the appointment of a racist, anti-Semitic radical Marxist to the human rights council. Jean Ziegler is a Cuban shill and supporter of Roger Garaudy, a Stalinist who converted to radical Islam and subsequently wrote a tract denying the holocaust.

U.N. Watch has a great video laying out the argument against Ziegler:


Support U.N. Watch and their struggle to keep this dangerous individual from achieving even more power with which to help the corrupt United Nations destroy western civilization.

Serbs in Kosovo Disillusioned with NATO Forces

This news report shows the Serbian resistance to Kosovo independence, a decision forced on them by NATO and the U.N. It’s a shameful chapter in American history as we increasingly demand a state for the violent Palestinians who we know will use it for a launching ground for an all out assault on Israel, yet are allowing the Serbs in Kosovo to be treated worse than the Palestinians ever were:


I like Winds of Jihad’s title for this video: NATO Murders Serbs for America’s Islamic Heroin Caliphate of Kosovo. Over the top? Maybe, but it’s true isn’t it?

A.N.S.W.E.R. Affiliated Miscreants Disrupt Easter Mass

A group of self-righteous cretin calling themselves “Catholic Schoolgirls Against the War” disrupted a Chicago Easter service in by screaming nonsense and squirting themselves and innocent bystanders with fake blood:

Chicago, IL. — Six anti-war protesters have been charged Sunday afternoon following an Easter service disruption at Holy Name Cathedral in the Loop Sunday morning.

Three men and three women were arrested at the Holy Name Cathedral at 735 N. State St. about 11:40 a.m., according to police News Affairs Officer Marcel Bright.

The men arrested were 21-year-old Donte D. Smith, 22-year-old Ephran Ramirez, Jr., and 25-year-old Ryane J. Ziemba, according to police News Affairs.

The women arrested were 18-year-old Mercedes Phinaih, 25-year-old Regan Maher and 20-year-old Angela Haban.

All six protesters have been charged with two counts of felony criminal damage to property and two counts of simple battery.

They were arrested during Easter services presided over by Cardinal Francis George, which began at 11 a.m. Due to repairs being made in the cathedral, services were held in the cathedral auditorium.

The anti-war group “Catholic Schoolgirls Against The War” has claimed responsibility for the protest.

The group sat through the 11 a.m. mass until Cardinal George reached the homily. A few seconds into the main holiday message, the protesters rose from their seats, turned to address the thousands of parishioners in the auditorium and talked about the continuing death of both Iraqis and Americans in Iraq, according to a release from HammerHard, a non-profit activist group.

The protesters then lied down in the aisles and discharged packets of fake blood that covered them in red. Ushers, along with some Chicago police officers who were stationed in the lobby to help with traffic control, rushed in to remove the protesters, the release said.

The protesters also denounced the January 7 meeting in Chicago between Cardinal George, Mayor Richard Daley, and President George W. Bush.

Yes, how dare elected officials and notable clergyman meet with the President? Why, it’s almost as if people don’t know that we should be following the dictates of armchair revolutionaries and parent supported radicals.

The Chicago Tribune has a more detailed description of the mayhem:

Six protesters disrupted the beginning of Cardinal Francis George’s homily to shout their opposition to the Iraq war. The demonstrators—who called themselves Catholic Schoolgirls Against the War, despite their male and female membership—squirted fake blood on themselves and nearby worshipers as security guards tried to usher them from the parish’s auditorium, where mass is being said during repairs on the downtown Chicago cathedral.

The syrupy red substance—which one protester later described as “stage blood”—initially drew horrified gasps and a few shrieks from the 600 worshipers at the mass. The shock, however, quickly gave way to anger as people booed the demonstrators while they were being removed from the hall.

Several churchgoers then rushed to the bathroom to wash off the sticky liquid. Others cried openly. A few livid parents followed the protesters into the lobby and berated them for scaring children at mass.

“Are you happy with yourselves?” Mike Wainscott of Chicago shouted at the demonstrators as they were being handcuffed by police. “There were kids in there. You scared little kids with your selfish act. Are you happy now?

The protesters were all charged with felony criminal defacement of property and two counts of simple battery for defacing church property and the worshipers’ clothes with the fake blood.

The Trib also has unedited video on their site, including the perpetrators smirking at the cameras as they’re led off to jail.

In my youth, church desecrations were, shall we say, philosophically motivated and frankly a bit passé even then. However, one could at least grudgingly respect the devil worshipers who burned so many churches in Europe; they were pious if misguided, as faithful to evil as you and I might be to good.

The boorish progeny of an effete and nihilistic “peace” movement, the co-ed members of Catholic School Girls Against the War have no real ax to grind with Catholics or any other Christians however, but chose to desecrate a church on a whim, and mainly because they knew that the Christians wouldn’t kill them.

These are the spoiled children of the Nouveau Riche who, with too much time on their hands and too little respect for those religious Americans their parents and college professors hate so much, thought desecrating the holy sanctum of Chicago Catholics on the most important day of the year was simply good, clean fun.

Unsurprisingly, C.S.A.W. was an endorser (and participant) of this March 19 A.N.S.W.E.R. chaos. No doubt this group is yet another World Worker’s Party front group, which explains the real motive for their outlandishly hateful behavior.

Even Democratic Underground is speaking out against this depravity. Well, about 60% is, the other 40% of the comments on their post support desecrating mass. I know, it’s a shock.

The group are members The Illinois Coalition for Peace and Justice and are described on the site this way:

Catholic Schoolgirls Against the War is a humorous, political street threatre group composed of college students and young adults. The group was formed in October of 2006 and meets twice per month.

I’d take issue with the “adults” part. But I guess you just don’t get better “humorous, political street theatre” than desecrating a church and ruining the Easter celebrations of unsuspecting Christians. Since they have a contact email why not tell them how funny you think the whole affair was?

Surprise! They look exactly like you’d expect:


Above is Angela Haban (who is clearly high) Mercedes Phinaih and Regan Maher. Maher is 25 years old. Yes, 25 and she’s getting arrested with a teenager and a stoner. The future’s looking bright Regan!

Here are the “men”:


You’re looking at Ryne Ziemba, Donte Smith, and Ephran Ramirez Jr. Ryne is, like Regan, 25 and too old to be carrying on like this. I blame their parents.

The funny thing about this story is that were I to do something similar to a Mosque (many of whom have leaders who have met with the President or various officials) the above prigs would shake their head ruefully and decry my bad taste and lack of tolerance. But if anyone calls them on their anti-Catholic bigotry they’ll answer with a derisive laugh and one of those dreadful quotes from Marx that every loser supported by their rich parents throws around these days.

Update: Via Gateway Pundit, Donte Smith served time in a federal prison for another ill conceived protest. The bonds were set high enough to give these kids a couple of days to think about their lives (a good thing) but since three months in the federal pen didn’t put a dent in Donte’s hard head I’m not hopeful.

The allies of the group, which included the vile and most likely murderous International Solidarity Movement, are referring to the group as the “Holy Name 6” and are trying to raise money for their bail.

Easter Bunny Arrested in Vicious Mall Assault!

Lock your doors Easter celebrants, the Bunny has turned on you and has set his cult of minions upon your children:

A man dressed up as the Easter Bunny is out of jail following what police are calling a disturbance at Lakeline Mall.

Authorities said a photographer taking pictures of children with
the costumed man tried to make an adjustment on a pose.

Police said the dressed-up Easter Bunny got angry and stood up, but he was holding an eight-month-old old baby boy at the time.

The infant fell, but suffered only minor injuries.

Police took the man into custody on an outstanding warrant.

It’s typical of the MSM to minimize the incident, making it seem as if the infant “fell” even when it seems more likely that this criminal rabbit cultist spiked the helpless babe like a football. No doubt in retaliation for this assault on one of his fellow costumed compatriots.

When will you Christians wake up to the rabbit shaped, candy coated danger that even now hippity hops in you midst?

Remember my Christian friends, The Easter Bunny Hates You!


Also wishing my Jewish friends a happy (belated) Purim and if anyone’s wondering we enjoyed the Equinox in our usual fashion.

Another Milestone For British Socialism: Crime Rate Rose 108% Since Labour Party Came to Power!

I’m thinking getting tough on crime wasn’t one of their platforms. The worst part of the increase in crime in England is that it is abetted by backward Labour Party policies like closing down rural police stations which has helped the once idyllic English countryside become a haven for criminality, with crime rates out pacing the dangerous inner cities:

Crime is rising faster in the countryside than in towns and cities, official figures show.

Since Labour came to power, the 13 counties classified as “rural” have seen the sharpest increases in violent offending and criminal damage.

Violent crime rose by 119 per cent in country areas between 1998/99 and 2006/07 – compared with a national increase of 108 per cent.

Rural criminal damage surged 60 per cent compared with 35 per cent for the country as a whole.

The overall number of offences has also gone up more in shire areas and reached 772,409 in 2006/07 – more than one a minute.

Some of the offenses are penny ante to be sure, but in a country with a high tax burden on property owners, vandalism is more of a drain on people’s income than here in the States. Plus high rates of vandalism do not speak well for the communities’ futures; if these are kids committing crimes that go unpunished what’s to stop them from graduating to more violent crimes?

Since the crime rate in England has gone up 108% in the last decade I guess not much. Here are some statisitcs that’ll put to rest the “America’s more violent” nonsense once and for all:

Offences of violence in Gloucestershire and North Wales have more than trebled – increasing by 235 per cent and 207 per cent respectively.

In Cambridgeshire, the number of drug offences has risen by 80 per cent – almost double the national increase.

The total number of recorded crimes in Dyfed-Powys has shot up by 22.5 per cent, almost four times the national increase of 6.2 per cent.

The article implies that drug offenses are at about a 40% increase from last year, and the majority of the country has had little over 6% increase in crimes of violence, except in the rural areas where violence is up over 200%!

The violent crime rate in America has declined by roughly a third since the 90s. That includes everything from murder, rape and assault to fist fights. The rate of property theft has continued to decline from the mid 90s until now. Hmmm.

In general, what’s the difference between the government of England in that time period and America?

I’ll leave that for discussion, but what should be inescapable is that England’s “Democratic Socialist” style Labour Party has created a crime ridden soon to be third world country out of what was once considered the most civilized nation in the world. Viewing the wishy washy statement on justice from the Labour website one can see where the problem lies.

Democrats are increasingly looking to Europe for policy models they hope will appeal to the hipster electorate they believe will help them consolidate their power. We also have our own Labor movement, even right here in my newly adopted homeland of South Carolina, that calls for a European approach to public policies.

One wonders if any of them actually look at Europe before advocating the disasterous policies that have torn it asunder.