I Question the Patriotism of the Left And You Should Too!

I define Patriotism for Americans as not just love of and pride in America, but a recognition of the moral superiority of a Republic that protects the rights of individuals through rule of law and a society that expressly advocates individual freedom as being of the highest import. As such I think a patriot, no matter what their political leanings, would embrace “American” values including peaceful protests and lively public debate, but also American traditions and culture.

Liberalism, Classical and otherwise, is a part of our rich American tradition but Marxism is not. Unfortunately Marxism, or Neo-Marxism really, has made deep inroads into the American left via academia and various activist movements. The result of this inflitration is the loss of a balanced debate in this country with patriotic liberals which would only make us better, to be replaced with a “culture war” that will soon turn to bloodshed.

David Mamet is the last in a line of former left leaning thinkers who were pushed from the Democratic party by the increasingly anti-American and nihilistic politics of The New Left, which is little more than warmed over communism sprinkled with identity politics and driven by wealthy special interests. Dennis Miller, Evan Sayet and Tammy Bruce are all high profile examples of the same phenomenon and I’m sure they won’t be the last.

Not when you take an inventory of modern leftism and the actions of it’s adherents:

Massachusetts Congressman Jim McGovern was busted dealing with Marxist Narco-terror insurgency F.A.R.C. who are attempting to overthrow the elected government of Columbia. F.A.R.C. has recently blown up an oil pipeline in Columbia and is taking cash from Venezuela and Iran. Oh, yeah they may be working on a dirty bomb they intend to detonate in the United States. Way to stand up for freedom McGovern.

Skye of Midnight Blue, a woman blogger who I have yet to link to though I’ve followed her blog for a few weeks now, was attacked by a MALE anti-war protester who took exception to her supporting the troops. Melanie Morgan has the dirt straight from Skye’s mouth:

Saturday around 12:10 PM, a member of the Chester County Peace Movement (CCPM) slapped a woman twice ( that would be me) who was videotaping an exchange between the two opposing groups. Police were called and an officer arrived at 12:15 PM and announced to the crowd that he was conducting an investigation.

The CCPM member was pointed out to police and the officer told the man to come forward and the man refused. The guy was totally uncooperative, belligerent and would not go with the officer. When he shoved the officer, the officer’s partner took him to the ground to be handcuffed. The guy continued to resist while on the ground and the peace movement folks surrounded the officers, some as close as a foot or so awa.

None of those people were upset in the least at the wanton assault of a woman by a man. They were more concerned about their fellow “peace protester” who just so happens to like hitting women. Oh, and resisting arrest:

The police were called and arrived within 5 minutes and announced to the crowd that they were conducting an investigation. Witnesses pointed out the man that had slapped the Citizen Journalist and when the police told him to come forward, the man became belligerent and uncooperative and refused.

The police approached him and the man, then, physically pushed the officer which resulted in the officer’s partner tackling him to the ground to be handcuffed, where the man continue to struggle. Members of CCPM surrounded the police officers while this was happening.

There are reports that another man was also arrested when he refused to back away from the police. Michelle Malkin has more on this disgusting story. So much for the peace movement!

Speaking of violent protesters, not only are anarchists planning riots for the DNC convention in Colorado but now another leftist group dedicated to protesting the upcoming Republican convention has circulated a press release claiming that it’s purchasing tasers for all their members. Say Anything explains why this is a bad idea and will lead to the wholesale slaughter of the protesters:

Someone should have done a little research and really, really should think this through before they decide to point a taser at a police officer. Why? Simple, really.

Because there is a little thing in law enforcement called the “force continuum”. It basically establishes a pyramid for the use of force by an officer. If someone verbally resists, you raise your voice. If he balls up his fists you can take him to the ground. If he hits you or tries to hit you, you can pepper spray or taser him. In other words the officer escalates to the next level of force ABOVE what the suspect is using. And here’s the part they obviously haven’t thought through:

Point a tazer at an officer and he or she has every legal right to shoot you on the spot.

No police officer is going to allow himself to be disabled – and possibly disarmed – by a taser wielding protester. Using a tazer on an officer rises to the level of justifying the use of deadly force on the officer’s part. Will they? Maybe, maybe not. Can they? Absolutely.

It’s almost as if the radicals in charge want their fellows to be shot…

Did you hear about the hilarious post about John McCain’s teeth that Soros paid hit troll Molly Priesmayer wrote at Minnasota Monitor? You know, the teeth the Viet Cong kicked in? It was lefty humor at its absolute best.

Huffpo as usual has kept it classy for Easter week. Why would anyone question their patriotism?

Blackfive: The left has no heroes. Lefty parents banded together to keep soldiers from speaking at their school even though the soldiers promised not to talk politics or recruit, only talk about their experiences serving their country.

None of the above are actions that bespeak an embrace of American values. The New Left isn’t interested in robust civic discourse, only violence and anarchy. They’re incapable of honoring those who sacrifice for our nation because they believe our nation is essentially evil.

The New Left isn’t interested in “progressive change” for our nation, but destroying America. That’s why their protests turn violent, that’s why their discourse is so vile. They hate America and more importantly Americans, and thus can never be patriots.

How far gone is the modern left, Mike Gravel just switched to the Libertarian Party. The former Democrat could have joined the Green Party but instead he went to a party to the right of him on many positions. Why?

Could it be that modern leftism is driving away even old fashioned lefties?

The difference between the New Left and Mike Gravel is that Gravel actually loves this country. We may disagree on many subjects but I suspect he wants what he thinks is best for America, while the modern leftist wants America to suffer and fall.

So I question the patriotism of these new revolutionaries, apparently so does Mike Gravel, and frankly you should too.

Sanctimonious Harridan Angered at Red Alerts’ Coverage of Church Desecrating Morons

It was the day of the harridan for Red Alerts, while I was being excoriated in the Dreamin’ Demon forum by one harridan I was receiving a missive on this post about the church-desecrating cretin in Chicago, ostensibly by a friend of one of the little bastard’s family. Both were irritating, and tinged with the sort of liberal racism that boils the blood, but the comment here was so over the top and outrageous that a reply by myself (and my wife) simply wouldn’t do.

Especially since I was planning on taking the day off. Here’s the comment:

Carrie said,

on March 25th, 2008 at 11:13 am

You have no right to blame the parents of any of these individuals, and if you knew the parents of Ryne Ziemba, you wouldn’t. I’m a school teacher who grew up with the Ziemba family, and I can tell you that the Ziembas raised their four children to think and speak for themselves, to be proud of who they are, and to stand up for what they believe in. You have to right to judge these individuals or what their future will be like. Remember the Civil Rights Movement? The Feminist Movement? Where would we be today without people who were willing to take risks and take a stand for a cause they believe in?

Really Carrie? That’s what you did today at 11:13 instead of teaching? I’ll just rebut a point or two that nagged at me ever since I read this boilerplate piece of finger wagging drivel.

1. ” You have no right to blame the parents of any of these individuals.” This is the sort of fascistic nonsense that led to the arrest of these miscreants in the first place. I, and anyone else, have an absolute right to judge any behavior, including the permissive, feel good Dr. Spockery that leads to the fundamental lack of respect for others these six displayed.

My dear Carrie, these people desecrated a church on the holiest day of the Christian year. Politics aside, does this not show a profound disregard for the religion of others? This is elitism at its worse, and where did they learn to be so hateful and disrespectful of Catholics? I’d put forward from their degenerate parents.

But even if I was wrong about that, are you saying I don’t have the right to put forward that opinion? First Amendment be damned I guess, let’s hope you aren’t the Civics teacher.

2. “I can tell you that the Ziembas raised their four children to think and speak for themselves, to be proud of who they are, and to stand up for what they believe in” That sounds great, but they didn’t teach them to respect others or not to bully people. If you can show me how squirting fake blood on a 80 year old usher and ruining the carpet of a church, costing those parishioners thousands of dollars, is standing up for anything beside their hyper inflated sense of self worth and entitlement I’ll withdraw all criticism.

But their actions were the actions of people who were taught they were above others, that other people and their feelings didn’t matter. This was an Easter celebration. I’m no Christian but I could never imagine interrupting another person’s holy celebration to make a political point. That’s because I believe that everyone has a right to have their religious beliefs respected.

Are you saying their parents should be proud of them desecrating a church?

3. “You have to right to (no?) judge these individuals or what their future will be like.” Again I think I have an absolute right to be judgmental. You seem to be saying “Judge not lest ye be judged” which is ironic considering how disrespectful toward Christianity this whole affair was.

Donte Smith has already been duped into going to the Federal pen by White “radicals” who encouraged him to break the law before. Now he’s been arrested again. As a man with a few Black family members who have records I’ll tell you it absolutely will absolutely affect his future in a way it won’t for his rich White friends.

I will also tell you it is at best unseemly for 25 year olds to even be hanging around 18 year olds, much less helping to get them arrested. When I was 25 most of my friends were around … 25. It says something about Maher and Ziemba that they are associating with people that are younger, mainly that they are bit immature. That they are involved in what is basically campus activism rather than writing a thesis or gainfully employed is a good indicator of what their future will be like. Living at home.

But of course you’re not saying my points were wrong, just that I have no right to make them. Again, let’s hope you aren’t a Civics teacher.

As to your point about the civil rights movement, I have to say that this is where you sink to your lowest depths. You dare to compare people affiliated with an organization that supported Milosevic’s genocide, supported the brutal murders of Burmese monks by the communist government and actively protect the Sudan and their genocidal campaign against Black Africans to civil rights protesters?

The struggle for my grandparents to enjoy their full rights as Americans is, to you, the same as a bunch of “peace” protesters who couldn’t be bothered to protest China’s crack down on Tibetans? Who care nothing for the Latino gangs targeting innocent Black Americans in L.A. in a modern day pogrom?

This is the most disgusting tripe I’ve ever heard and indicative of the attitude those horrible parents instilled in those six little bastards who thought desecrating a church was the same as marching for civil rights. If you can’t see the difference between the two you’re either being completely disingenuous or are quite literally an example of the “brain dead liberals” David Mamet wrote about.

Mysterious Substance Puts 13 DC Residents in Hospital

I can’t find much on the web about this because it’s developing, here’s the Fox News report:

WASHINGTON — Several people have been taken to a hospital in the nation’s capital after a man was found dead in an apparent suicide with a vial of a hazardous substance next to him.

D.C. fire department spokesman Alan Etter says authorities went to the home Monday afternoon and found the man and the vial.

Fire officials say police left the home and summoned a hazardous-materials crew. Eleven fire workers, one police officer and one neighbor were taken to hospitals as a precaution.

Etter says the fire department will not identify the substance because police are investigating.

USA Today is running the same AP report.

Rabbi Attacked By Islamists in NYC!

Muslim teens accosted and attacked a Rabbi on the subway in NYC, one of the most liberal cities in America. Surely there’s no connection. Surely NYC isn’t the type of place where hate crimes, particularly religiously based crimes committed by radicalized Muslims, are becoming commonplace.

From WCBS:

BROOKLYN (CBS) ― A Brooklyn rabbi is speaking out after a scary encounter with a man accused of snatching his yarmulke off his head.

Rabbi Uria Ohana’s crash course on street justice — and the justice — system continues.

“I got a call from the district attorney,” Ohana said. “I’m going to testify in front of the grand jury.”

The case is against 18-year old Ali Hussein, accused of snatching Ohana’s yarmulke last week inside a Park Slope subway station. It was an offense Ohana says he couldn’t let pass.

“I decided to chase him to get my yarmulke back,” Ohana said.


Rabbi Ohana says as he ran back down the station’s stairs two of Hussein’s friends got up from this bench and chased him out of the station.

“They were screaming ‘Allah Akhbar (God is great) and punching my face,” Ohana said.

Ali Hussein then got himself run over, a fact which seems to make reporter Jay Dow think the Rabbi is going overboard by pressing charges. Dow’s annoyance at the lack of sympathy for this poor oppressed soul clearly distracted him and his editor, explaining the piss poor writing.

Dow on the charges being brought against Hussein:

At the subway station, CBS 2 HD found little sympathy for Hussein.

“So you’re trying to say the guy who grabbed it got hit by a car? That’s justice, isn’t it?” Brooklyn resident Kevin Ryan said.

Not for Rabbi Ohana, who says despite the fact Hussein was injured, he still wants him prosecuted to fullest extent of the law.

I’ll translate from Dowese to English:

Look upon the perfidious Jew whose greed drives him to heap punishment on this poor, honorable Muslim.

Kidding aside, Dow’s tone implies that the Rabbi is doing something wrong by prosecuting the ring leader or a group of Muslims who insulted, humiliated and physically attacked a man just because he was Jewish.

With a city full of people just like Dow, is it any wonder hate crimes happen?