Boehner: The Democrats are Goddamn Communists!

I’m paraphrasing but you know that’s what he’s getting at:

At a time when Americans face increasing costs of living, Democratic leaders are poised to give middle class families exactly what they don’t need: higher taxes and almost assuredly, even more expensive gasoline. The Democrats’ “no-energy bill” set to be debated on the House floor today would raise taxes on producers of American energy here at home, send good-paying jobs overseas, and further increase our dependence on foreign sources of energy because it doesn’t produce a single watt, barrel, or gallon of new domestic energy.

To make matters even worse, the bill does a favor for Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez by exempting his state-owned oil giant CITGO from the impact of the measure.

That’s right, Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez gets special treatment from House Democratic leaders. While Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) propose higher taxes for middle-class Americans and their families, they are giving one of the world’s most outrageous dictators tax breaks he doesn’t need or deserve.

This is the same dictator who is threatening to cut off Venezuelan energy supplies to the United States… The same dictator who is tight with the Castro regime in Cuba… And the same dictator who has said, “The Soviet Union collapsed. The United States empire is on the way down and it will be finished in the near future, for the good of all mankind.”

Why would Citgo get tax breaks? Is it possibly because the Democrats, who have sided with Communist Venezuela over U.S. ally Columbia before, are again helping to prop up Chavez even though it is not in the best interests of America. And why would they take the side of a brutal Marxist who has given $300 million to F.A.R.C. and allowed the narco terror group to buy Uranium? Why would they help a government that allows Hezbollah to operate in freely and openly yet shuts down TV stations critical of Chavez? Why would they prop up a dictator who is threatening to plunge the region into war?

Because they’re goddamn communists that’s why. The Democrats new plan punishes business, raises taxes on almost all Americans and redistributes that wealth to their Marxist golden boy. It will literally help destroy the prosperity and comfortable way of life America offers all its citizens. From Boehner’s Townhall op-ed:

Yet this week on the House floor, Democratic leaders are giving the American people exactly that: higher taxes and almost assuredly, even higher gasoline prices. The bill up for a House vote would raise taxes on producers of American energy here at home, send good-paying jobs overseas by removing incentives for American manufacturers to invest and grow their businesses, and further increase our dependence on foreign sources of energy. Even worse, the bill does a favor for Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez by exempting his state-owned oil giant CITGO – just as he is threatening to cut off Venezuelan energy supplies to the United States.

In the bill you’ll find new taxes, regulations, and mandates – you’ll even see a giant slush fund for green pork projects to help subsidize hybrid snowmobiles in Aspen, replace police cars in Beverly Hills with Lexus hybrids, or give copies of Al Gore’s movie to give to schoolchildren. Unfortunately, what’s missing from this tax-and-spend monstrosity is a single watt of new domestic energy…a single gallon of new domestic fuel…or a single reform that will lower prices for American consumers.

Access to plentiful energy fueled the industrial revolution and every medical, technological, and societal innovation since. In fact, none of the activities, necessities, and luxuries we enjoy today would be possible without affordable energy. Whether it’s heating or cooling a house, commuting to work, manufacturing and shipping goods, or running schools and hospitals, America depends on energy. That’s precisely why high energy prices act like hidden taxes on American families – when the cost of energy rises, so too does the cost of living.

Democrats are sacrificing our quality of life to do a favor to a militaristic communist regime. They are siding with Marxists over American self-interest. In other words they’re goddamn communists.

Redstate has more.

Lionheart Exposes Ethnic Cleansing in Luton

Hardly the work of a Nazi as I have pointed out before. Apparently Muslims are targeting elderly Blacks and Whites for violence in an effort to drive them out of “their” new home:

Luton police are finally taking the ethnic cleansing of elderly and vulnerable white and black residents living within the Bury Park area of Luton seriously, so serious now that they are treating the investigation like a murder enquiry.

This is nothing but pure religious hatred and racism aimed at non-Moslem residents who are currently living within a Moslem dominated area – Ethnic cleansing so Moslem’s can buy up their properties.

Video’s of the elderly residents can be viewed here: Ethnic cleansing

The DI investigating this crime has “STATED” their is no evidence to say these attacks are racially motivated.

Come on Mr McCarthy you insult our intelligence.

When it is found out that these attacks were carried out by young Moslem thugs then can we publicly say that these were racially motivated attacks or do we have to continue promoting these politically correct lie’s?

If this was young white thugs hurling bricks through Asian windows everyone would be shouting “RACISM” as loud as they could from the roof tops, but because this is the protected Moslem species carrying out these attacks, no one wants to upset them because they know what upsetting the sensibilities of the Islamic community means.

Notice how the much maligned Lionheart is outraged on behalf of both White and Black Luton residents. But of course his charges will be ignored while “anti-racists” decry his post as attack Muslims, all the while allowing Blacks to be victimized. Read the rest, it’s shocking.

But isn’t it very similar to Islamist activity in Africa?

Hate Crimes Skyrocket in NYC

Hate crimes against Blacks and Jews increased in NYC, bastion of liberalism. Odd I thought New Yorkers were so much more tolerant then we “red staters” but here in my new home in the deep dark south we’ve barely had any crime at all. From

Hate crimes rose by 52 percent against blacks and 35 percent against Jews in New York City last year, according to statistics provided by police at a Bronx forum Tuesday.

In the lone bit of positive news, anti-gay crimes dropped, though only by 2 percent.

Experts attributed the increase in part to the economic downturn and to racial unrest following last summer’s Jena Six incident, as well as recent events such as the Howard Beach assaults and the Sean Bell shooting.


Indeed, the city saw 144 anti-Semitic crimes in 2007, up from 107 in 2006. Racially motivated attacks against blacks rose from 23 in 2006 to 35 in 2007. Hate crimes against whites increased from six incidents in 2006 to eight last year, while attacks motivated by sexual or gender identity dropped from 51 to 50.

I’m not sure how one makes the case that outrage over the Jena Six case caused Blacks to be targeted, and economic downturn hardly explains why Jews and Blacks are getting beaten unless we assume angry racist day traders went berserk when the Dow dropped.

Illegal immigration and Islamic radicalism, however, explain both those things. It’s interesting to note that while we learn much about the victims, we learn little about the perpetrators.

Hate crime stats also dismiss crimes where robberies or rapes occur even if a racial element was present in the crime. Thus Whites are disproportionately under represented even though it is quite common for White teens, for example, to be targeted for crimes in certain areas.

Just one more reason to leave New York if you’re there. For all the liberal sanctimony about being more tolerant the fact is Blacks and Jews are more likely to be a victim of a hate attack in New York than the back woods of of the deep south.

F.A.R.C. Has 50 Kilos of Uranium!?!

I missed this part of the Columbia story yesterday. From CNN:

And evidence found in the raid suggests that Chavez recently gave the FARC $300 million, Colombia’s national police chief said Monday.

Speaking at a news conference, Gen. Oscar Naranjo said evidence in three seized computers also suggests FARC had given Chavez 100 million pesos when he was a jailed rebel leader.

Naranjo said other evidence in the computers suggests FARC purchased 50 kilograms of uranium this month.

Open borders seems like an even better idea now, doesn’t it? Ynet is reporting that F.A.R.C. wanted to make dirty bombs, perhaps for an offensive in Columbia. Or maybe to smuggle into Americaalong one of their drug routes.

Fausta, Gateway Pundit and The Real Cuba have great coverage. Babalu Blog is wondering if Cuban “advisers” will be heading for the Columbian border. The Devil’s Excrement has a great rundown and Caracas Chronicles has a great story of Venezuelan cab drivers blocking the routes need for Venezuelan military mobilization in protest over rising crime.