Times Square Recruiting Station Bombed!

The anti-war movement exposed itself as anything but a peace movement early this morning as one of their apparent sympathizers bombed the historic recruiting station in Manhattan’s Times Square:

NEW YORK — Authorities in New York City are looking for the culprit who set off a rudimentary explosive device in Times Square early Thursday, with one witness describing a hooded man on a bicycle wearing a backpack and acting suspiciously just before the blast at a military recruiting center.

New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said an ammunition box was found at the scene.

“This was not a particularly sophisticated device,” he said during a news conference in Times Square Thursday.

Kelly said police were talking to a witness who was in the area shortly before the 3:45 a.m. explosion. The witness described a male bicyclist wearing a hood, dark clothing and a backpack and acting strangely — but didn’t see the man’s face.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said no one has come forward to report seeing a suspect plant a bomb, and no one so far has spoken of witnessing the device going off. He said authorities were in the process of reviewing all the security camera footage.

The blast occurred when an explosive device detonated, causing minor damage to the recruiting station in Times Square — an area that is heavily populated with New York City tourists. Hotel guests were shaken by the force in their rooms high above the scene. No one was injured, but the station’s glass entryway was shattered.

The Homeland Security department said there was no sign of an “imminent threat” to the United States in the blast that tore through an empty military recruiting station in Times Square, according to Reuters.

DHS knows there’s no “imminent threat” because they know, in general, who was responsible. The armchair revolutionaries of New York’s leisure class have learned the lesson that radical environmentalist have learned from tepid western reactions to Islamic imperialism and are acting accordingly.

Terrorism works. The radical left knows it is through fear and intimidation that they can achieve the “change” they want for America, the radical reshaping our country into a communist state.

The Times Square recruitment center has been the scene of not just protests by the anti-War left but counter protests by the United American Committee and Gathering of Eagles. As such anti-war groups like Code Pink and the Grannies Peace Brigade have begun to see that particular recruitment station as symbolic. With their protests having negligible effects on recruitment and American attitudes, much less American sympathies for the Marxist groups that pull the strings of the anti-war movement, these anti-American revolutionaries have nothing to lose by wallowing in the violence against us their ideology encourages.

This is the reality of what groups like World Can’t Wait have recruited our children for, this is the unholy purpose.These groups used opposition to the war as a smokescreen while recruiting an army of young thugs willing to bomb, maim or kill. Yesterday I posted video that shows an “anti-war” activists commanding dozens of young people to physically attack two young men and that crowd did. Today they have planted a bomb.

What will they do tomorrow?

Hot Air has more, including the inevitable DailyKos conspiracy theory blaming the right.

Gateway Pundit has a good overview including a report that two or three people were reported as running from the scene, which conflicts with current reports about a lone bomber.

The N.Y. Chapter of Gathering of Eagles weighs in:

From the photographs and video it is obvious that this was not the work of kids playing with firecrackers. The safety glass windows are shattered. The steel door is sprung from its hinges. The large video screen above the entrance is damaged. Witnesses on the 21st floor report feeling the building shake at the Marriott Hotel two blocks away.

The left has been increasing the violence in the past year and almost none of it gets reported in the mainstream press. Our GOE members have been threatened and assaulted for daring to stand up for our troops and nation in opposition to their demonstrations. They have assaulted our servicemen by barricading recruiting stations and preventing access in violation of federal law.

Last July 4th a serviceman was shot in the heart outside his off-base house near McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey.

The local police shrug off the incidents of their violence unless we press them to do something, and the media ignore or minimize their outrageous behavior.

Now it comes to this. If you ignore the small outrages the outrages will grow. In the 1970s the anarchists were responsible for several deaths in New York. Justice was finally served when their bomb making factory in Greenwich Village exploded.

Eagles Up! It’s time we rallied for America.

Update: Hot Air has the released surveillance video. Looks like there was just one bike riding terrorist.

Update: As many as eight Democrats received a bizarre communique from a group claiming responsibility.  As expected it was an anti-war group.

Latino Gangbangers Shoot 6 Year Old Boy in Head for Being Black

I got a ridiculous comment on this post yesterday from some racist named Jose Cuenca that implied that Latino gang violence aimed at terrorizing Black Americans was nothing to be alarmed about and further more the only solution was to sit back and let the situation play out. A final solution so to speak.

Cuenca’s main point was that the “undocumented” had it worse than the Black Americans who are being murdered, and that my simply reporting the situation was making things worse.

Not worse for innocent Black folk getting murdered by Latino gangbangers mind you, but the people who really deserve our sympathy, you know, the ones whose first act on American soil was to break our immigration laws. I’ll let his vile words speak for themselves:

As for your “medias biases,” that’s absurd. Many Latino’s in America are either undocumented, or just a few generations removed from undocumentation. As a result, they live in a state of paranoia and do all they can trying to avoid law enforcement for fear of deportation. You think being Black in America is difficult, try to imaging living with the constant fear of deportation. As a result, many crimes towards Latinos are not even reported do to this same paranoia. When that poor 14 year old Black girl was killed by 204 Street Gang Members, it received a lot of attention (as it should have, horrible incident!), but they failed to mention that it was done in retaliation for a young Latino boy who killed just a week earlier by Black Gang Members.

His minimizing of the murder of a 14 year old girl by linking it to gang violence she wasn’t involved in is absolutely disgusting, but par for the course for people like Cuecna. After all one Black kid is the same as the next in his estimation, so an innocent little girl is no more unlikely a target than a violent felon. To Cuecna a Latino gang members yarn about killing a child as “retaliation” for something or another is an acceptable explanation for the most degenerate of acts.

Is there nothing someone like Jose Cuecna can accept? Is there no act of depravity from his precious “undocumented” and their descendants that he finds unpalatable? How about this:

A 6-year-old black boy was critically wounded Tuesday when he was shot in the head by suspected Latino gang members as the victim’s family drove through the Harbor Gateway neighborhood on their way to an auto auction, Los Angeles Police Chief William J. Bratton said.

Two Latino males flashed gang signs before opening fire on the red GMC Yukon with six people inside, including a woman who is eight months pregnant, Bratton said. The rear window of the SUV was shattered by the gunfire, and one of the rounds hit the boy in the head, he said.


The shooting caps several weeks of violent incidents believed to involve gangs around Los Angeles County that have sparked both fear and anger in some neighborhoods. Earlier this week, a Los Angeles High School football player was gunned down in what authorities described as an unprovoked attack by gang members. Last week, a gang member opened fire at a bus stop in South Los Angeles, wounding eight people, including five children. Before that, a gun battle between LAPD officers and gang members outside a Glassell Park school caused much of the community to be locked down for hours.


Police said the family of the victim in Tuesday’s shooting was not from the Harbor Gateway neighborhood, which is known for racial tensions between Latino gangs and black residents. Other passengers inside the vehicle were a man and a woman and two other children, ages 3 and 1 1/2 .

There were no other reported injuries, police said.

Police cordoned off two blocks Tuesday afternoon as they launched a massive search for the two suspects, one described as between the ages of 28 and 30, heavyset, wearing a white T-shirt and black pants; the other, between ages 16 and 20, with a shaved head and possibly a mustache, wearing blue jeans and riding a racing bicycle.

Bratton did not say whether the suspects had ties to a specific gang, but he noted that the neighborhood is home to the East Side Torrance gang. “This is an area that is under the influence of a Latino gang,” Bratton said. “You may recall that about a year or so ago, the mayor and I were engaged in a major initiative up the street at 204th Street, where there had been the shooting death of a young black woman.”

Bratton was referring to the killing of 14-year-old Cheryl Green in December 2006. Two members of the 204th Street gang allegedly shot Green as she stood talking with friends.

The suspects were later caught and charged with murder, along with a special hate crime allegation. They are still awaiting trial.

A carload of mostly women and children was fired on by two men, one of whom is at least 30 years old and so we assume not naive enough to think an SUV with a pregnant woman and a bunch of kids is a legitimate gang affiliated target.

There were no other injuries. Almost as if the two men aimed for the kid. And this follows several unprovoked attacks in an area controled by a gang that has members already being charged with hate crimes.

But according to Jose Cuecna it takes two to tango and Blacks are responsible for their being targeted:

Hmmmm. So you feel this problem is attributed just to the influx of Latin American Culture being forced into historically African-American Communities? Interesting and naive. I agree it’s a clash of cultures but to suggest it’s one sided is moronic! It takes two opposing sides to create a clash.

Hopefully this problem will fade out with a limited amount of death and violence. I won’t pretend that I know how to fix it, I though I wish I could. If you have any desire to fix it, please stop covering it! This type of journalism is just fuel to the fire.

In other words Jose wants to claim Blacks are equally responsible for these attacks despite the lack of evidence to the contrary, and there’s nothing else to see here so I should just move along. Move along and wait until it’s some member of my family that’s being murdered, or I’m sure Jose is hoping that it’s me laying dead somewhere.


Update: Police have made an arrest. L.A. Times has exclusive video of the savage arrested for shooting a 6 year old boy.

The Joys of Socialized Medicine

I’m sure I’ve probably posted about this story before, but since there’s a lot of support among liberals for “free” health care I thought it’s a good idea that they see what they’re looking at imposing on the rest of us:


The video is part of a promotion by Free Market Cure which is trying to stop the insanity of a single payer system. They also made this video illustrating the dangers of a politicized health care system:


Hey, but let’s get a system like that here.

Brazilian Arms Secretly Being Flown into Venezuela!

It looks like the leftist government of Brazil has chosen sides in the impending conflict in Latin America. Swimming Against the Red Tide is reporting that Brazil has secretly flown over 31 tons of firearms into Venezuela. His post links to a report by World Check which is questioning why a country with a very well equipped army and police would need another 50-70,000 firearms. Their answer is ominous:

In a country where the armed forces and the police are already well-equipped, these weapons can only have one intended use; to arm civilian supporters of the current regime, who will use it upon the opposition in an expected violent confrontation that could degenerate into a civil war.

Scary stuff.
h/t Babalu Blog

Venezuela: “War Has Already Begun”

Though many consider Chavez’s saber rattling as little more than hot air the rhetoric coming out of Caracas has become increasingly alarming:

CUCUTA, Colombia (AP) – Venezuela and Ecuador reinforced their borders with Colombia on Tuesday as the three nations traded increasingly bitter accusations over Colombia’s cross-border strike on a leftist guerrilla base in Ecuador.

Rejecting a Colombian apology as insufficient, Ecuador sought international condemnation of the attack during an emergency meeting of the Organization of American States, convened in Washington to help defuse one of South America’s most volatile crises in years. Venezuela’s justice minister declared that war “has already begun.”

Columbia’s military is larger and better equipped than Venezuela’s and Ecuador’s combined so the Columbian government has the luxury of allowing cooler heads to prevail, but they are increasingly frustrated with their neighbors allowing F.A.R.C. to re-arm and re-supply in their territory.

There ground force advantage could be nullified by Chavez’s air superiority.

President Bush has expressed support for Columbia, a move which hints at the Commander-in-Chief’s resolve to ensure our allies aren’t rolled up by the reds. There’s only going to be one way to do that when push comes to shove.

Via Gateway Pundit we find that one of the wounded F.A.R.C. troopers was a female philosophy student from Mexico. Ready for that fence yet? How about when you put this information together with the knowledge that F.A.R.C. has 50 Kilos of uranium?

Chances are good F.A.R.C. is planning on sending more than cocaine across the border at some point.

The Counterterrorism Blog has analysis of the revelations of Chavez supporting terrorism.

And also via Gateway, the more shocking revelation that F.A.R.C. was preparing to be on more favorable terms with the United States based on their belief that Obama would win. F.A.R.C. believes Obama is ideologically in tune with their revolutionary Marxism!

The information comes from the website of Martha Colmenares which is in Spanish but some Freepers translated the important passage. The last letter of Raul Reyes concerned the Presidential elections:

The gringos will ask for an appointment with the minister to solicit him to communicate to us his interest in discussing these topics. They say that the new president of their country will be Obama and that they are interested in your compatriots. Obama will not support “Plan Colombia” nor will he sign the TLC (Colombian Free Trade agreement). Here we responded that we are interested in relations with all governments in equality of conditions and that in the case of the US it is required a public pronouncement expressing their interest in talking with the FARC given their eternal war against us.

The F.A.R.C. endorsement. Not what Obama will want to get out. Frontpage has the likely source of the Obam/F.A.R.C connection. Read the whole thing it shows how Latin American communist interest can easily infiltrate American politics.

The Real Cuba points us to a Miami Herald piece that summerizes what was found on the captured F.A.R.C. laptops.

Venezuela is right. War has already begun.