How Illegal Immigration and City Planning Conspired to Turn a Quiet Suburb into Hell on Earth

The recent Glassell Park Shootout where L.A. S.W.A.T battled heavily armed gang members who had gone on a rampage killing a man playing with his two year old granddaughter and later participating in a Mad Max style gun battle with a rival gang on the lawless L.A. streets was the end result of decades of festering chaos that grew in the heart of a once quiet suburb.

It all began with one “undocumented worker” named Maria “Chata” Leon who found the perfect place to settle down, start a family and a business:

MORE THAN 100 YEARS AGO, Drew Street was a beautiful green spot named by pioneer Andrew Glassell after his son, Drew. For most of the 20th century, it was a tucked-away suburban enclave flanked by the Los Angeles River and Glendale’s Forest Lawn cemetery. Then, starting in the 1960s, the city built apartments on its dead-end streets and avenues — and a bad element moved in, seeing the isolated little neighborhood as the perfect lair.

Drew Street, with its long, straight rise, offered the perfect viewing base from which to espy approaching cop cars. It turned out to be just the thing for Maria “Chata” Leon, a young toughie from a rough, lawless Mexican village who settled there and gave birth to 13 children — a half-dozen of whom became criminals. With a new baby on her hip every year or two, Leon dealt drugs and staked her claim on Drew Street, in a Bleak House stocked with guns and explosives.

She regularly did stints in jail and prison, and her growing brood, the extended Leon crime family, which has close ties to the Avenues gang that controls the area, slowly turned Drew Street into a hellish microcommunity that L.A. cops, politicians and code enforcers could not turn around. But hope materialized last year, when the city announced it was shutting down the Leon home and banning most of the Leon brood from their longtime family compound.

Leon was already gone, moved to Victorville, and many of her violent and drug-dealing sons were in prison. Some Glassell Park neighbors, who tell stories of around-the-clock drug deals and rampant gang activity at the house — including a murder in Leon’s front yard — began to hope the nightmare might be over

It wasn’t however. The Leon family is just one part of a larger problem caused by liberal policies that facilitate illegal immigration, gang control of areas and generation upon generation dependent on the racist welfare state of California:

TELL-TALE TENNIS SHOES HANG from power lines above Drew Street, letting customers know that drug dealers are present and open for business. Tall, wrought-iron fences surround the mostly stucco single-family homes and dense apartment buildings, but they don’t keep the bad elements out — or in.

The area is isolated by the Glendale Freeway to the southeast, and by Forest Lawn cemetery to the north and west. A hillside runs perpendicular to Drew Street, upon which multistory apartments with signs desolately touting “luxury townhouses” provide local criminals with excellent high ground — lookouts from which they can easily spot incoming police cars. Two apartment buildings on Drew Street are known as “Twin Towers” — named after the two multistory buildings at the Los Angeles County Jail — because they harbor so many convicted felons and convicted and suspected drug dealers.

Drew Street is a testament to city planning gone bad, home to more than 8,000 residents who mostly live in more than 1,500 apartment units the city allowed developers to cram into the area during the 1970s, wiping out a quiet single-family enclave. The residents are a mix of illegal immigrants and second-generation Mexican immigrants, elderly Filipinos and a few white and black families. Housing is definitely “affordable”: a one-bedroom costs about $750 per month; a two bedroom, $950.

It’s a dumping ground for stolen vehicles, a well-known drug bazaar — and a tough place to try to be a good citizen. Graffiti covers the sidewalks, the curbs, the streets, the apartment buildings — even the neglected trees. “I had to paint the back of my building four times in the last year-and-a-half,” says apartment owner Eduardo Garcia — a rare resident willing to give his name. “I had to paint the front twice … I can’t have managers do it because [local thugs] will threaten him and tell him they will kill him.”

Twice, when the Los Angeles City Council tried to install surveillance cameras on Drew Street, they quickly were shot out and stolen — both times — so the city gave up. Yet normal, law-abiding families are trying to make a stand here. On nearby Weldon Street, you can see nice houses with Nissan Pathfinders or better parked in their driveways. These families create a thin layer of civil society in an area run by the Avenues gang, which takes its name from the numbered corridors that slice across Figueroa Street several miles away in Highland Park’s bustling yet economically poor shopping district.

The current illegal immigration crisis has compounded the problems of this community already under siege:

The Avenues operates in cliques, each of which claims a gang territory based on where the members live. Gang experts say that in recent years, longtime Avenues gangsters have begun to allow tough, illegal Mexican immigrants to join their ranks, with Drew Street drawing immigrants from a rough village in Mexico’s Guerrero State — an area that has a reputation for extreme lawlessness. This new mix spells disaster, says one law-enforcement official, because, “Here is one group of people who already had a tremendously lawless culture, on top of another, existing violent gang. And the synergy of the two produced what we saw the other day.”

But back to the Maria Leon, one illegal mother struggling to makes end meet in a country so bitter and spiteful that she lives in the shadows, in constant fear of deportation:

MARIA LEON MOVED FROM GUERRERO State to Drew Street around 1985. The once-petite 5-foot-2-inch toughie immediately got into a brush with cops, arrested in October of 1985 for assault with a deadly weapon. As her arrests piled up, so did her births — 13 kids by four or five men. Her sons — including Jose Leon, Danny Leon, Nicolas Real, Randy Martinez, Francisco Real and Jesus Martinez — all grew up on Drew Street, and most attended Fletcher Drive Elementary and Washington Irving Middle schools.

A law-enforcement official tells the Weekly that Leon’s arrests included theft in 1986; burglary in Riverside County in 1986; selling PCP and marijuana in 1992; and extortion and drug dealing in 1994.

She was finally convicted of drug felonies, in 1995 and again in 1997, and by 1998 she was one of the first Avenues gangsters supervised by the probation department under the CLEAR gang task force, which was inspired by the horrific September 1995 murder of 3-year-old Stephanie Kuhen after her parents made a wrong turn in their car and ended up in no-man’s land — an alley near Division Street in Glassell Park. That same year, Leon was convicted of petty theft.

Her longest stint in prison came after a Halloween bust in 2002, when the Glendale Police Department used a search warrant to enter the longtime Leon home on Drew Street. She was arrested for narcotics sales and child endangerment after officers found automatic weapons and explosives throughout the home — where she was also raising young children.

In 2003, while she was in prison, a local man was shot to death in her front yard — an apparent drug deal gone bad. Inside the house, the cops discovered a shrine to the patron saint of narco trafficking, Jesus Malverde, a folklore hero in crime-ridden Sinaloa. Danny Leon and his half-brother, Francisco Real, were convicted of accessory to murder in the killing.

Then Maria Leon was released from state prison in 2006. One resident says the Leons and the Avenues gang are constantly outsmarting the justice system. “It is so weird — they go to jail and after a day they’re out,” says a resident who grew up with the Leon boys. “How can it be so soon? How can they get out of jail so fast? People who work and have a good life — they get deported.”

Apartment owner Garcia echoes the sentiment, saying, “They can’t own the whole neighborhood like that. It shouldn’t be happening in this day and age.

There are two sides to the border issue and they myth of pitiful workers unjustly persecuted by nativists must be tempered by the reality of powerful Latin American crime groups importing their lawlessness to our streets.

“An Incredibly Unbelievable Coincidence”

Democratic lawmakers have convinced investigators that the letters sent to their office featuring a photo of a man standing in front of the recently bombed Times Square recruiting office with the caption “we did it!” is just a coincidence. The photo, which came accompanied by a radical manifesto featuring an anti-war screed was just a coincidence:

WASHINGTON — Authorities said Friday there was no link between a letter sent to several members of Congress that read “We did it” and the bombing of a military recruiting center in New York City’s Times Square.

The person who wrote the letter is an anti-war activist and has been questioned in the Los Angeles area, law enforcement officials told The Associated Press. He sent up to 100 letters to various people in Congress and even mailed a photo of a man standing in front of the recruiting center.

“It was just an incredibly unbelievable coincidence,” said one of the law enforcement officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation in New York is continuing.

I should say so. Incredibly unbelievable and very convenient for every Democrat who received the “innocuous” letters who would otherwise be tainted by their association with the violent fringe left.

But if the letter was so “innocuous” why isn’t the government letting it go:

But though there wasn’t a link to the Times Square blast, the investigation into the letters is ongoing, Capitol Hill sources told FOX News.

Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill were startled to receive the notes in their office mail Thursday afternoon, just hours after the early morning New York bombing, and turned them over to the Capitol Police.

In a phone interview with WNYW-TV in New York, the top Republican on the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Pete King (R-NY), said more letters could be discovered Friday morning because of the sheer number that was sent.

Time for a little righty conspiracy mongering? Maybe.

Michelle Malkin has a great post up tracing the ever escalating level of violence aimed at military recruiters. It sort of makes me thing that it’s not likely to be a coincidence if Democrats get letters from a an anti-war nut whose still under investigation for some unidentified reason.

Also via Malkin, do the posters of NY Indymedia know something?

33 Year Old Mexican National Caught With 15 Year Old Amish Girl Trying to Enter Mexico

I guess deflowering Amish children and convincing them to run off to Mexico to marry someone literally old enough to be their father is one of those jobs Americans just won’t do:

Lakeview – Michigan State Police say a 15-year-old Amish girl from Montcalm County was recovered at the Mexican border, and will be reunited with her family.

Investigators say Esther Herschberger left her family’s home near Coral on February 24th. They say the girl left a note in her room telling her parents they should not worry.

Police say Esther called family friends on February 28th, asking them to tell her parents she was okay and in New York State. The next day, the friends received another call from someone crying. They believed the caller was Esther, but they were disconnected before anyone spoke.

Michigan State Police say they determined Esther was actually in Chicago when the call was made. They found out Esther travelled south to Mexico, where Mexican authorities detained her as she attempted to enter the country.

Police say the girl was in the company of 33-year-old Osvaldo Jaimes, a man from the Cedar Springs area. When investigators questioned Esther, she told them she planned to go to Mexico to marry Jaimes.

I suppose I’d be called a bigot for saying some jail time and deportations are in order?

Brigitte Gabriel and Guy Rodgers Interview

Act for America is steadily building itself into a political organization capable of defending our nation of Islamic Imperialism and the politically correct nihilist who enable the Muslim colonization of America. Founders Brigitte Gabriel and Guy Rodgers sat down to update supporters on their progress and tell the world how important it is to support Act for America:


Join Act for America and preserve the future for our children and generations to come.

Day of the Bomb

I feel like it’s 1999 and I’m a Y2K nut. But it seems like today we’re all moving a bit closer to a civil war in America and a World War as tensions rise in Latin America.

The Bombing in Times Square overshadowed the story of a U.C. Davis Student caught with two pipe bombs in his dorm room. No word yet on what his plans were for the bombs.

F.A.R.C. has blown up a oil pipeline in Columbia in retaliation for a Columbian military operation which killed one of their senior members and led to the capture of a laptop containing sensitive F.A.R.C. intelligence.

N.J. Authorities are reporting that they’ve disrupted a “military style” attack on a local high school. One adult is under arrest and up to nine other people are being questioned about the attack. The father of a 17 year old suspect was required to turn over his guns.

Tired of the constant barrage of rockets from Hamas, an Israeli civilian built his own Katusha rocket. Authorities stopped him from launching the missile into Gaza.

Denver city hall was evacuated after a bomb threat.

Just another day? Maybe, but chaos in Latin America is bound to have repercussions here, and as more and more of the fringe American movements begin to see that the way to push their agenda forward is with arson and bombs anarchy will reign. No society can survive long in a world where bombs and threats of bombing become an everyday occurrence. In Israel the inability of the government to stop rocket attacks is causing civil breakdown.

If the American government cannot prevent bombings, beatings and home invasions by political groups we may well see civil breakdown here.