Something is Rotten in Dallas, Texas

Lost in Lima, Ohio is as shocked as I am about exposure of rampant child exploitation in the Texas sex industry by news coverage of the 13 year old “pimp” arrested recently. A tangential part of the story was the revelation that Police discovered a 12 year old working as an exotic dancer in a separate incident.

The girl was a run away who was pimped out by a 22 year old named David Bell and who worked in tandem with his 27 year old ex-stripper girlfriend Demonica Abron to lure underage girls into working in strip clubs. Assuredly they took a generous cut of the girls tips.

It’s been reported that the girl claimed she was 19 but couldn’t prove it:

The sixth-grader danced at Diamonds Cabaret over a two-week period late last year, police said. They also say they found a 17-year-old girl working in the club in January.

Operators of the Diamonds Cabaret at 2444 Walnut Ridge St. have not returned calls for comment. Their sexually oriented business license expires in November.

Demonica Abron, 27, who worked as a stripper in the club, and David Bell, 22, are facing charges in connection with the 12-year-old girl’s dancing in the club. Mr. Bell does not appear to have been employed by the club.

According to court documents, the 12-year-old told club employees that she was 19, but couldn’t give them identification and didn’t know what year she was born if she were that age. Still, she was allowed to dance in the club, records show.

The 23-page city ordinance allows the revocation of a club’s license if, for example, the club knowingly allows prostitution, the sale or use of drugs at the club, or if there are two convictions for sex-related crimes at the club within a 12-month period.

This is a seedy story to be sure, and one we would expect to end with the club being shut down and the owners arrested. However if that’s the ending you’re looking for you’re going to be sorely disappointed.

DALLAS — It doesn’t matter that underage teens are selling their bodies and dancing without clothes in some Dallas nightclubs; those businesses are protected by law.

Investigators say their hands are tied because the city’s ordinance is written in such a way that it’s virtually impossible to force them to close their doors.

News 8 has been looking into those rules, and has also been examining court documents that detail what a 12-year-old stripper says happened to her.


“I don’t know why it’s taking them so long to do something about it or shut it down being as they have minors working in their club,” said the girl’s mother.

But police say closing the club is difficult because the city’s ordinance on sexually oriented businesses doesn’t let them revoke a license for hiring someone under 18.

Police say they have to get two convictions for sex-related crimes within a year at the club before something can be done. “It can be difficult because you have to have convictions — we’re not just talking about arrests,” said Deputy Chief Julian Bernal.

Investigators hope they can get that conviction with Bell and a club employee who are charged with seven felonies.

“If they don’t do something about it. they’re going to continue to have underage girls working in their clubs,” said the 12-year-old’s mother.

What? I assume a little thing like contributing to the delinquency of a minor would be enough to close a bar. What about charging the patrons who groped the 12 year old? How can anyone really avoid prosecution for employing a 12 year old to perform in sex shows because the law governing strip club violations isn’t written to include child exploitation?

People have their places of business shut down during investigations all the time, but in Dallas more than one club employing underage girls is avoiding punishment and authorities are hiding behind legalistic mumbo-jumbo to explain why.

And why is Dallas a hot bed of overt child exploitation anyway? I’m not naive but the situation in Dallas seems to be one of normalized child sex abuse. What’s going on? Drugs? Rampant Liberalism?

Or is it unfettered immigration from countries where extreme misogyny is the norm?

In 2006 Dr Deborah Schurman-Kauflin, author of Vulture: Profiling Sadistic Serial Killers, published an article making the argument that sexualized violence was being imported from countries where rape and exploitation of children were considered the norm. Perhaps it can explain the rising demand for child sex workers in Texas.

From Importing Violence: The Danger of Immigration from Violent Cultures:

Over the past several years, the U.S. has seen a large influx of immigrants, both legal and illegal, from countries whose values are opposed to the rights guaranteed by the U.S. constitution. Specifically, there are large numbers of immigrants coming from countries that are misogynistic. These societies accord women little to no rights, and the idea of violence committed by men against women and children is not unusual.

First, take the concept of ‘rapto.’ This comes from Mexico where in some areas, it is socially acceptable for a man of any age to abduct a female of any age as long as long as he intends to marry her. That is right. Men can kidnap and rape females. This is acceptable in Oaxaca where the government continues to view rapto as a minor crime. One legislator even referred to this horrid violation as “romantic.” Lest anyone believe such garbage, note that 24 year old Mexican immigrant Eliseo Nunez snatched a 12 year old girl and took her to Mexico to fulfill his erotic desires. Isn’t that romantic?

The fact is that South American male attitudes toward females are often archaic and misogynistic. Thus it is not surprising that the U.S. is seeing more attacks against women and little girls committed by these immigrants. In August 2005, illegal immigrant Jose Ramirez from El Salvador was charged with the violent attack of a 15 year old girl who refused to respond when he whistled at her (Roh, 2005). Perhaps such primitive behavior stems from the homeland culture. El Salvador and Guatemala have had a string of unsolved brutal murders where young females have been abducted and cut apart. Authorities have found body parts, including heads scattered around. In one instance, two female heads were deposited right in front of a local police station, blood still oozing from the severed heads (Miles, 2003). Gangs are suspected in these crimes as it is often part of their initiation to kill.

A serial rapist from Honduras was recently convicted in New Jersey. Ricardo Cepates is an illegal immigrant who was convicted on 26 counts of kidnapping, rape, and robbery. Another illegal immigrant, who should have been deported in 2000, savagely stabbed Carly Snyder to death. Fredil Rodriquez hailed from Honduras and apparently brought his hatred of women with him (Hirsch, June 15, 2005).

Perhaps the most grotesque and gruesome crime is the rape and murder of a nun by yet another migrant worker from South America. It is amazing that this story received so little attention when imaginary crimes against illegal immigrants are portrayed on television shows in order to gain sympathy for these criminals (i.e. a T.V. show airing an episode where a Minutemen volunteer hurts an illegal immigrant). Thirty three year old Maximiliano Esparza raped and sodomized two nuns and used their rosary beads to control them during the attack. The Sisters were beaten, raped, sodomized, and finally, Esparza used her own rosary beads to strangle Sister Helen Lynn Chaska to death. Esparza had needed lodging and checked into the Klamath Falls Gospel Mission in Oregon. This Spanish speaking migrant had spent his evening getting drunk at a local strip club and encountered the nuns as they were walking and saying prayers. Of note, Esparza had a history of criminal behavior and had served a three year sentence in a California prison. He had been deported one time, and shockingly, U.S. Border Patrol let him go after detaining him a few months prior to the rape/murder. It doesn’t get more vile and disgusting than this.

The article is interesting and by no means targets Latin Americans exclusively, as immigrants from Islamic countries are examined as well. But it is clear that Dallas is an illegal immigration hub and many of those immigrants would otherwise be disqualified from entering the country if we actually controlled our borders and examined people who came in.

Child exploitation is common in Third World countries where women and little girls are seen as objects to be used for men’s sexual gratification and Latin America is no exception. With the modern left promoting an anti-assimilation message to illegals is it any wonder markets open up for things that Americans find barbaric?

I have known many South Americans over the years who have told me that there are things that are socially acceptable in their home countries that are despicable. Men exposing themselves to pre-teen girls, sex between adults and children and most important to us child exploitation in the form very young girls working as dancers and prostitutes.

Is this part of the problem in Dallas? And is the inaction of police part of a general ambivalence of Law Enforcement in confronting the immigration problem? I don’t know, but it’s clear that there is something rotten in Dallas.

Moronic Hackers Attempt Web’s First Cyber Murder

The basement dwelling scum that make up Anonymous have struck again, this time against those evil epileptics who have the temerity to look for support on Internet forums. The Internet’s new heroes, much lauded for their “war” with the Church of Scientology, inserted Javascript code and animated picture files into the forum in an attempt to trigger seizures in the epileptic viewers. It worked:

Internet griefers descended on an epilepsy support message board last weekend and used JavaScript code and flashing computer animation to trigger migraine headaches and seizures in some users.

The nonprofit Epilepsy Foundation, which runs the forum, briefly closed the site Sunday to purge the offending messages and to boost security.

“We are seeing people affected,” says Ken Lowenberg, senior director of web and print publishing at the Epilepsy Foundation. “It’s fortunately only a handful. It’s possible that people are just not reporting yet — people affected by it may not be coming back to the forum so fast.”

The incident, possibly the first computer attack to inflict physical harm on the victims, began Saturday, March 22, when attackers used a script to post hundreds of messages embedded with flashing animated gifs.

The attackers turned to a more effective tactic on Sunday, injecting JavaScript into some posts that redirected users’ browsers to a page with a more complex image designed to trigger seizures in both photosensitive and pattern-sensitive epileptics.

RyAnne Fultz, a 33-year-old woman who suffers from pattern-sensitive epilepsy, says she clicked on a forum post with a legitimate-sounding title on Sunday. Her browser window resized to fill her screen, which was then taken over by a pattern of squares rapidly flashing in different colors.

Fultz says she “locked up.”

“I don’t fall over and convulse, but it hurts,” says Fultz, an IT worker in Coeur d’Alene, Ohio. “I was on the phone when it happened, and I couldn’t move and couldn’t speak.”

After about 10 seconds, Fultz’s 11-year-old son came over and drew her gaze away from the computer, then killed the browser process, she says.

Lolz all around I’m sure. Hey, can seizures lead to death? You bet. Did the Anonymous cretin who participated in this attack know that? How could they not? 30 seconds on Google is all you need to learn that it is common for people to hurt themselves during a seizure

Luckily no one died, but that doesn’t minimize the damage of the attack:

Fultz says the attack spawned an uncommonly bad seizure. “It was a spike of pain in my head,” she says. “And the lockup, that only happens with really bad ones. I don’t think I’ve had a seizure like that in about a year.”

Good work, Anonymous. Maybe all those bloggers that were so enamored with your “war” on Scientology will post pictures of epileptics in full Grand Mal with “PWN3D!!!” across the top.

Canada Lousy with Violent Communists

Tibetan protesters rallying for freedom in their home country were harassed and assaulted at a Communist Chinese organized rally in the supposedly free country of Canada. From Epoch Times:

TORONTO—A rally that was billed as promoting “anti-violence” turned hostile on Saturday as flag-waving Chinese denounced Tibetans who they blamed for the recent turmoil in Tibet in which 100 are said to have died.

Close to 1000 Chinese were in Toronto’s Dundas Square for the afternoon event, many of them students.

“Dalai Lama die there!” some Chinese shouted at a group of Tibetans who had gathered across the street from the square to protest. “Leave Canada!” others urged.

Tibetans say the Chinese rally, which began orderly, was designed to incite hate against them.

The event was promoted in Chinese-language press as a rally to tell the “truth” about Tibet and “safeguard the reunification of the motherland.”

Several major Chinese-language media outlets in Canada have parroted the Chinese communist regime’s line on Tibet, blaming the turmoil on the Dalai Lama and his followers and fanning a nationalist animosity toward Tibetans.

The rally began with a parade of speeches repeating the Chinese regime’s line on Tibet: that it has long been part of China, that the Chinese government spent millions trying to help the Tibetan people, and that Tibetan monks and youths led violent protests in Lhasa recently that caused death and suffering of Han Chinese, the majority ethnic group in China.

The speeches were interspersed with patriotic Chinese songs. No mention was made of police violence used to quash the protests, nor of the Tibetan grievances that experts say sparked the initially peaceful protests in Lhasa.

“China and Chinese people have helped Tibetan people to improve human rights,” said one organizer who spoke in English. “How can somebody who cannot even read or write understand anything about human rights? If they cannot read or write, how can they understand what they have lost in the past in Tibet? People were just blind faith to believe in their religion. They were controlled.”

Another speaker added, “Tibetan culture not only has not been damaged, but has been greatly protected, spread and developed.”

The Pro-Chinese protest was clearly supporting the dreaded Imperialism that lefty college professors hate so much. Oh, how I just know those students get an ear full of self righteous moralizing on the horrors of the Chinese empire every semester.

What should worry the Canadians more however is the fact that the Chinese language press in Canada is shill for the Chinese Communist government (or an arm of it, really) and that they can turn out 1000 college students anytime they want to “protest” this or that. 1000 students who sang “patriotic Chinese songs” (Communist party songs they mean) and were ready to commit violence against their fellow Asian immigrants.

What else could the Red China get these 1000 people to do? Riot? Spy? Kill the Prime Minister?

Canada, the same country that hauled Ezra Lavant in front of thought crime court for criticizing Militant Islam, allows the Chinese government to broadcast Communist propaganda into millions of homes there (as do we, via Direct TV), including what Canada itself would define as hate speech.

The southern border gets a lot of attention from Americans but our northern neighbors are becoming just as dangerous as they allow themselves to be infiltrated by governments and movements that seek our destruction.

I’m ready for a fence.

Rikki Rockett Wanted Action: Arrested for Vicious Casino Rape

Poison drummer and committed dirty hippy Rikki Rockett was arrested for raping a woman in a Missouri Casino. From TMZ:

TMZ has learned that the arrest warrant issued for Poison drummer Rikki Rockett stems from an incident that occurred on September 23, 2007 at a casino in Mississippi. According to cops Rockett was staying — not playing, music that is — at the Silver Star Hotel & Casino when he allegedly raped another female guest in his hotel room.

We’re told the woman did not report the alleged assault until several days later, when she came in to the Neshoba County Sheriffs department and filed a report. After determining there was probable cause for Rockett, real name Richard Ream, to be arrested, a warrant was issued. That warrant, we’re told, is still active and he’s a wanted man. Police will not give out any additional details about the alleged sexual assault.

LAPD busted the rocker at LAX on Monday night on the warrant, but let him go after Mississippi law enforcement decided not to extradite him, pending official charges from the Neshoba County D.A.

A rep for Rockett could not be reached for comment

I bet. Aside from being carried by fellow Poison rhythm man Bobbi Dall in the early days of glam Rockett is best known for for his self righteous sermonizing about animal rights and the “need” to go vegan. In this interview with with a vegan activist Rockett claims that veganism is synonymous with enlightenment:

Q. Do you find that it’s difficult being vegan? What’s the hardest part?
A.Just really knowing what is in certain foods. Traveling can be tough especially in other countries. However, I don’t really look at it as an inconvenienced. Not to sound whacky, but I think going vegan is a gift of enlightenment.

Q. At what age did you go vegetarian/vegan and why?
A.Only 8 years ago. I was fighting against animal abuse and one day I simply realized that the mass slaughter of animals for food is one of the worst forms of abuse in our world today. We get upset when we here about the guy down the street with his dog chained up outside on a short leash in all kinds of weather but we overlook the abuse in the farming industry.

I would argue that true enlightenment was realizing that man was a part of the natural world and should not attempt to sit separate from, or above, nature as vegans tend to do. Vegan philosophy, such as it is, simply secularized Jainist and certain schools of Buddhist philosophy, watering it down for mass market consumption by people who think morality is defined by what you eat rather than what you do.

In Rockett’s case his idea that slaughtering animals is one of the worst atrocity being committed by man today shows a lack of compassion, intellectual seriousness and dare I say enlightenment in a man who equates killing cows with genocide, repression and most obviously rape.

Degenerate murderer “Yankee” James Leshkavich made a similar argument about supposedly Kosher killing practices in slaughterhouses, claiming it was an atrocity. This was maybe a year before he murdered his wife and killed himself in a cowardly attempt to avoid punishment. It was also part of a ploy to smear Jews by a deranged White Supremacist.

While I doubt Rockett is a White Nationalist, I point out the similarity because pretentious moralizing to others is often the sign of a weak moral character. When hippies lecture you about how you’re a barbarian for something as natural as eating meat, participating fully in nature, it is almost always a preemptive attack meant to distract you from their own excess, whether those excess are endangering their children, desecrating churches or in this case date raping some fan.

The vegan imperative to convert us all, unwillingly, to their unnatural lifestyle is a form of Fascism. A de-humanizing half-baked ideology that seeks to change society into a dystopian fantasy world where cows and chickens and lobsters are treated as equals humans. Are we really shocked to learn that such people, whose lives are wrapped up in stopping “cruelty” to animals and believe the non-vegan masses are morally and spiritually inferior to themselves, are capable of extraordinary cruelty to their fellow human?

Fitna: The Movie You Must Watch

Fitna is up and the Islamic community has already begun trying to censor it. The YouTube version is already flagged and sites hosting it have suffered attacks, specifically Geert Wilders sites have been having problems today.

Michelle Malkin, The U.A.C. and Gateway Pundit all have the film and coverage.

Here’s the movie, take the time to sit through it and see Wilders message. It’s one we need to hear in the West.

YouTube version Part 1


YouTube version Part 2


Here’s the Google version:


Live Leak is promising to not take the film down, you can find that version here.

The movie doesn’t cover new ground, but it does compress a lot of material into a neat 17 minutes. Time tends to dull the shock of Islamic atrocity on the West, but in the short film format it is easier to conceptualize the threat against Western Civilization.

Update:Message from LiveLeak:

Following threats to our staff of a very serious nature, and some ill informed reports from certain corners of the British media that could directly lead to the harm of some of our staff, has been left with no other choice but to remove Fitna from our servers.
This is a sad day for freedom of speech on the net but we have to place the safety and well being of our staff above all else. We would like to thank the thousands of people, from all backgrounds and religions, who gave us their support. They realized is a vehicle for many opinions and not just for the support of one.
Perhaps there is still hope that this situation may produce a discussion that could benefit and educate all of us as to how we can accept one anothers culture.
We stood for what we believe in, the ability to be heard, but in the end the price was too high.

In other words the filthy Fabian Marxists in control of the British media collaborated with Islamists who were threatening to murder LiveLeak workers. Isn’t it time we pulled out of England, scrapped our special “relationship” with them and let them fall to Islam?

Update: Truly the Europeans are a craven and filthy people. They have already surrendered to Islamic Imperialism.

Update: A message from Mosquewatch, take it to heart.