A&E’s Crime 360 Premieres March 6th!

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A&E is premiering an exciting new crime series sure to enthrall viewers with its blend of real time detective work and depictions of cutting edge forensic science. Here’s a press release I just received that has generated endless excitement at the ol’ Hellfireblogs homestead:


New York, NY – February 27, 2008 – A&E pairs real-life criminal investigations with cutting-edge forensic technology for the first time on television in the groundbreaking original real-life series CRIME 360, premiering Thursday, March 6 at 10 PM ET/PT.

CRIME 360 takes viewers inside actual investigations as they unfold, using state-of-the-art 360-degree digital photography and incredible CGI (computer-generated imagery) visualizations to bring the evidence, and the evolving theories about what happened, to life. Each one-hour episode begins the moment detectives are called to the scene and follows the case until it is solved. From the start, viewers are part of the investigation – experiencing the crime scene from every angle, and the evidence at the microscopic level. As the case develops, and the theories change, the graphics evolve, culminating in a full-blown visualization of what really happened.

“CRIME 360 is the perfect blend of technology and the real-time edge-of-your seat suspense our audience has enjoyed with THE FIRST 48,” said Robert Sharenow, Senior Vice President of Non-Fiction and Alternative Programming, A&E Network. “Through the use of CGI, viewers will see forensics and evidence in a way they’ve never before been able to experience on television.”

Shot in Richmond, VA and Cleveland, OH, the forensic specialists in the police departments filmed for CRIME 360 have a new tool in their forensic arsenal: state-of-the-art 3D laser scanners, which enable investigators to remotely measure, model and diagram crime scenes with significant detail, preserving the precise original crime scene forever. Long after the crime scene is gone, investigators can virtually return to the scene of the crime to test out theories and compare evidence results.

Piqued your interest? Check out the plot summaries for the first four episodes:

(March 6, 2008) Crime 360. Welcome to Homicide. On a hot summer day in Richmond, VA, Detective Shane Wait is called to a local apartment complex where a murder victim has been bound and stuffed in the trunk of the car. With no witnesses and no original crime scene, the detective has to heavily rely on the forensic evidence gathered from the victim’s body and the car. Waite has forensic tech Detective Faith Flippo test the vehicle for blood, DNA, and anything else that might help identify the killer. A break in the case occurs when Waite gets a 911 tip from a witness who said he that heard two gunshots the night of the murder at his apartment complex and saw two men entering the building. CC HD [TV14]

(March 13, 2008) Crime 360. Fatal Feud. Two men who live next to each other in a housing project get into a deadly argument. One is shot and killed. Detectives Crewell and Williams take the two men’s girlfriends back to headquarters to find out what happened. One story tells of murder, the other self-defense. Detectives try to unravel the different accounts given by the girlfriends. The key may lie with a gun that was recovered from a trash can behind the house. A Federal lab tests a bullet found at the scene and the gun to determine if it is the murder weapon. Meanwhile, Crewell and Williams try to find holes in the girlfriend’s stories. As the girlfriend’s stories start to fall apart, the suspect on the run is feeling the heat. CC HD [TV14]

(March 20, 2008) Crime 360. Deadly Secrets. In Cleveland, Ohio, lead Homicide Detective Wally Everett and his partner Detective Mike Smith, are called out to a crime scene where a body lays hidden between some hedges and the porch of the victim’s grandmother’s house. The victim, a male, is face down. Strewn around the front lawn are seven bullet casings, evidence suggesting that the victim was shot multiple times. As detectives investigate the immediate area, they discover clues of the victim’s alternate lifestyle–and they wonder if there may be a connection between that and his murder. Each piece of evidence takes them closer to their suspect and his motive. CC HD [TV14]

(March 27, 2008) Crime 360. Blood on the Tracks. In Cleveland, Detectives Tim Entenok and Joselito Sandoval are called to a crime scene where a missing person is found dead in a 4-foot-diameter sewage drain, in a remote section of a park. The body is found 300 feet deep in the pipe, which has been draining a constant flow of rainwater. When Entenok takes a closer look at the body, he notices that it is maggot-infested: an indication that the body has been in the pipe for over a week. The victim’s head seems to have bullet holes, but the detectives can’t be certain. Only an autopsy will determine the cause of death. Meanwhile Sandoval scours the nearby train tracks for additional evidence. A few rocks, stained with a blood-like substance, are collected. The investigation seems to go cold with no leads until a female witness gives them a much-needed break in the case. CC HD [TV14]

This sounds like the crime scene show true crime aficionados have been waiting for, it premieres Thursday March 6th at 10:00pm, on A&E. Mark your calendars!

Update: Here’s a some sneak peaks for you:



Looks awesome.

Just Doing the Jobs Americans Won’t: House of Horrors Edition

An immigration hold has been put on a couple accused of horrendous abuse of a young boy which led to his death by hypothermia. Abelina Zalazar abused her son for years it is supposed, culminating in a horrifying torture session where the boy, Uriel, was alternately forced to exercise and made to stand under an ice cold shower until he died alone in the stall of heart failure. The woman didn’t call 911 until two hours after discovering his body. Her boyfriend, Jorge Vilchez, is accused of allowing the child to be abused:

Kenosha — A woman and her boyfriend were charged Tuesday in connection with the death of the woman’s 8-year-old son over the weekend.

Abelina Zalazar, 25, is accused of forcing her son, Uriel Zalazar, to run around their apartment and then stand in a cold shower Saturday morning as punishment for hitting his younger brother, according to a criminal complaint filed Tuesday by Kenosha County Deputy District Attorney Michael D. Graveley.

Taking a cold shower immediately after vigorous exercise induced heart failure in Uriel, who was found unconscious in the bathtub by his mother and died of hypothermia, according to the complaint.

Police officers who examined Uriel’s body observed signs of abuse, including bruises to the forehead, chest and upper arms and marks from a cord or similar strap, according to the complaint.

Abelina Zalazar first called her boyfriend, Jorge L. Vilchiz, to tell him that Uriel was unresponsive at 11:25 a.m. Saturday, but no one called 911 until nearly two hours later, according to the complaint.

Abelina Zalazar was charged with first-degree reckless homicide and physical abuse of a child. Vilchiz, 33, who lived with Zalazar and told police that he had seen Zalazar abuse Uriel in the past, was charged with failure to act to prevent bodily harm to a child. Both were being held on $100,000 cash bail.

Nice couple. WTMJ is reporting that authorities think they’re illegal. Dreamin’ Demon is reporting that a hold was placed on the couple and has a picture of the evil cow who murdered this innocent boy.

The sad part of this is that nothing would have saved this boy, unless Jorge had cowboyed up and went to authorities to get the kid placed in foster care. He would have faced deportation but it would have been the right thing to do, instead he watched this child suffer while dating a murdering psychopath. He should be less worried about being deported to South America and more worried that after death he gets deported to Hell.

Some More Example of the Great Quality of Life in England

Who wouldn’t want to live in England, beside the educated people of course, when the quality of life is so high? It’s funny that the left in America point to England a some sort of example of “civilization” when the society is apparently crumbling in to chaos and anarchy.

As disgusted as I was with the story I posted recently where a 12 year old girl was brutally assaulted in an anti-Semitic attack on a public bus while the “adults” around her did nothing, it doesn’t compare to this travesty where cars drove by a woman being raped by the side of the road and not one person stopped to help her:

Not one motorist stopped as they passed within inches of the terrified 20-year-old victim as the brute repeatedly punched her.

The monster then ripped off her clothes and sexually assaulted her.

Police said: “It was a lengthy attack. Anybody who saw it could not be in any doubt about what was happening.”

The attacker, on a BMX bike, pounced on the woman and tried to pull her into a car park as she walked through Stockton-on-Tees around 1am on Monday.

He kept punching her and they tumbled into the well-lit road. DS Mick Todd said: “At least five cars passed as she was lying in the road as the attack took place.”

She broke free from the man, who fled on the bike. The woman was treated for face cuts at a local hospital.

Cops are trawling through CCTV footage. The fiend is believed to be in his 20s and of medium build.

Ingrid Salomonsen, of local Women’s Aid, said: “People may fear getting hurt. But they can sound the horn, flash headlights and call the police.”

Or they could man up and risk being hurt to help a fellow citizen in distress. I’m no hero but I’ve intervened on a woman’s behalf in a dangerous situation, as has my wife. What’s the difference between us and the pitifully cowed creatures who let this woman be raped?

One is that they live in a society where criminals run the streets, where a psychopath who once kicked a man to death can be charged with manslaughter instead of murder and released early, with predictable results.

They live in a country where self-defense has been criminalized which has inevitably resulted in a society where criminals rightfully feel that there are few consequences to their behavior besides outrageously short jail terms. These empowered criminals prey upon a populace that has been conditioned to believe that their personal safety is the responsibility of the government. Most won’t defend themselves from attack, much less anyone else.

How else do you explain the brazen criminality displayed by the dregs of England?

Teen age boys rape a mother for hours in front of her two children, then post a video of the attack on YouTube

An 11 year boy suspected of raping a younger girl while he was drunk goes on to admit he had raped other children.

A 13 year old Somali boy stabs his classmate, in their classroom.

Gangs with members as young as 10 have turned area referred to by the press as “Badlands” into no-go zones.

And of course the Islamization of England continues apace as the Bishop of Rochester, a Christian who fled his native Pakistan to escape the threats of Islamist violence, has been receiving death threats from Muslims.

Muslim doctors and nurses are refusing to follow government recommended hygiene practices. And the police are being sued by the producers of the Undercover Mosque expose because the cops apparently libeled them in an attempt to appease Muslims.

I’ll repeat that. The police libeled TV producers to appease Muslim.

Who wouldn’t want to live in a country that progressive? Besides people who didn’t want to be raped, stabbed and beaten I mean.

Speaking of progressive, much of what ails England can be found in this article. I don’t want to spoil it so just take a look.

Virtual Transgression: The Brandy Priestess Interview

I once harbored a dream of being a poet and was told in no uncertain terms that though I was quite talented that I was a “19th Century Man,” and unlikely to ever be published unless I eschewed the Romanticism I so enjoy and moved from fixed forms and decadent themes to the more “transgressive” and modern. The end of my career as a poet coincided with my entrance into Wesleyan and a class I took where we studied “sudden fiction” with a professor who told me frankly that no poem that rhymed was any good, the masters be damned.

Her opinions was formed in the crucible of post modernism, and are the product of the deconstructionist tendencies of academia though the “artistic” community, and the left in general, embrace the counter enlightenment ideals of the deconstructionists. To this Wesleyan professor, and unfortunately much of the artistic and cultural establishment, Transgressivism is the hight of expression artistic or otherwise.

Brandy Priestess, who caused quite a stir last week when she emailed one of the most hateful screeds I’d ever seen to Michelle Malkin, is another product of the post modern relativism that permeates our society.

A self described film maker who is deeply obsessed with race relations in America, Priestess insists that her email was an experiment designed to show that our media is obsessed with negative portrayals of race. She further supposes that Malkin publishing the email without first checking in with her to see if it was “really how she feels” is proof that Malkin is a racist.

The logic is tortured to be sure, but common enough. That it smacks of the Bernie Ward defense only proves how insidious post modernism is in our culture and how the celebration of Transgression creates a poisonous climate of excused degeneracy, a meaningless world where racism, anger and hatred can be used to “expose” hypocrisy and where generation after generation of children are raised without boundaries, morals or an appreciation of traditional artistic concepts like Beauty.

Brandy Priestess is the new Nick Zedd, although Zedd fans will likely be disappointed by Priestess’ documentary given his usual excess. I’ll reserve my criticism of her film until I see it, but I need not see it to observe that like Zedd and a host of lazy and over hyped “artists” Priestess seems more interested in the promotion of her art than the art itself. As an artist her antics will overshadow both her message and her art.

This is perhaps how she wants it to be. Our culture celebrates the self important, the pseudo intellectual and above all the unmerited contravention of personal boundaries. People my age who are shallow enough to still care whether or not we’re “cool” pretentiously celebrate the Nick Zedds of the world, the “artists” who offer us only their hatred of society and themselves. Continue reading

Algeria Claims Islamophobia is The New Anti-Semitism

Because it’s completely irrational to fear Muslims. From UN Watch:

In what may be a portent of things to come, Islamic accusations against the West dominated a UN session today dedicated to follow-up of the 2001 World Conference Against Racism, held in Durban, South Africa.

This week in Geneva saw the first meeting of the “Ad Hoc Committee of the Human Rights Council on the Elaboration of Complementary Standards,” which was created by a UN Human Rights Council resolution on follow-up to the 2001 Durban conference. Initiated by Algeria on behalf of Africa, it was adopted in December 2006 over the opposition of the EU, Canada and other democratic states on the Council. The resolution sought to “heed the decision and instruction of the 2001 World Conference against Racism.”

The Ad Hoc committee is not formally part of the planning for the controversial 2009 Durban Review Conference, but is an overlapping entity that treats the same theme and involves the same diplomats. Its mandate is to elaborate “complementary standards” to the Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, and to provide “new normative standards aimed at combating all forms of contemporary racism including incitement to racial and religious hatred.”

The EU this week reiterated its unease with the committee but pledged to cooperate. Egypt on behalf of the African Group justified the need for the committee.

Today’s session quickly turned to familiar UN subjects of “foreign occupation,” the Danish cartoon controversy, Islamophobia, and colonialism:

* Algerian Deputy Permanent Representative Mohammed Bessedik drew thinly veiled comparisons of today’s treatment of Muslims to the Nazi atrocities against Jews. “The policy of targeting Muslims would actually aim at dehumanizing them by assaulting their identity to legitimize an attitude of racial discrimination similar to the one that targeted another Semitic people in the 20th century.” He described the threat of “reawakening the hydra of the anti-Semitic campaigns of the 20th century, which we now call Islamophobia.” Click for full speech (in French)

* Egypt’s representative cited the Danish cartoon controversy as an example of where legislation exists but was not implemented, or has not been updated. He also criticized recent fires and riots in Paris and other European cities. These, he claimed, can constitute threats to international peace and security. “Let this mechanism prevent these phenomena from escalating, so that the Security Council does not have to deal with them,” he urged.

* The representative of Belgium asked that specific country cases not be named, but Egypt denied having made references to any particular country, adding “If political exploitation of migrants or religions for political reasons comes from a particular region, if fires and riots come from a particular region, if resistance to combat these phenomena come from a particular region, this is not my responsibility.”


Egypt accused the Europeans of lacking political will to combat racism.


Egypt and Pakistan criticized “racial profiling” against individuals of a different religion. Egypt said that this should constitute a complementary standard.

As backward as ever, Egypt and Pakistan think profiling Islam is “racial profiling” although I notice there was no mention of Arab anti-Black racism.

And do we really believe the same country that will arrest Lionheart for inciting racial hatred due to his mild blogging and refuse to stop gangs of men from molesting girls because they don’t want a racial incident isn’t doing enough to combat bigotry. England is doing too much to combat “bigotry” and not enough to combat Islamic Imperialism.

Is it time to dump the U.N. yet?