Riot in Miami High School

Fox News just reported that parts of I-95 were closed down as police in riot gear attempted to restore order to a Miami high school after some sort of disturbance that resulted in dozens of arrests. Video of police loading student after student into vehicles for arrest provide an embarrassing visual of this story of a school under siege.

Edison Senior High School is now in lock down and there are reports of injuries. The campus police were forced to call in re-enforcements form the Miami-Dade police department who swarmed the school. Parents are being told not to come to the school.


MIAMI (CBS) ― Miami police have called for police reinforcements at Miami Edison High School, after what preliminary reports are calling a “riot” broke out shortly after 11 am Friday.

Reports from the scene show dozens of police cars outside the school.

Chopper pictures from the scene show people who appear to be students being led away in handcuffs, and there were unconfirmed reports that shots had been fired at the school.

Officers in riot helmets could be seen outside the school, as police officers arrived in response to calls for police assistance.

Miami police spokesman Delrish Moss said his department received a call for emergency backup from the Miami-Dade school police.

Miami-Dade County schools have their own police force which patrols the schools, but can call in officers from other departments when serious problems occur.

Moss said ‘several’ arrests were made, and a small number of police officers received minor injuries in what was described as a large scale disturbance.

“Every contingency is being taken so nobody else gets hurt,” Moss said.

CBS station WFOR-TV’s chopper photographer Tony Jerez said he watched several stretchers taken into the school by City of Miami paramedics.

The area is known to be gang infested.

Update: Reports are that the injured include 1 student and 3 police officers.

Hard working “Undocumented Worker” Racks Up 80 Counts of Child Rape


Wait a minute, you mean everybody sneaking in and out of America isn’t doing so because evil Americans don’t want them to be enslaved to business and political interests? Some jump the border because they have more in mind then picking our lettuce? That sounds pretty racist:

TAMPA – An illegal immigrant wanted on more than 80 counts of rape on children in North Carolina was captured tonight in Haines City, the U.S. Marshals Service announced.

At about 7 p.m., agents with the U.S. Marshals’ Tampa Bay Area Fugitive Task Force and the Polk County Sheriff’s Office found and arrested Israel Trejo, 30, on Hinson Avenue East, according to a news release.

The most shocking part is that an illegal immigrant jumped bail. That and the above picture is supposedly of a 30 year old man. I guess raping children takes a toll on a body.

I’m getting pretty tired of political correctness demanding that we allow our children to suffer as we import perverts from abroad because to control our border and check out the people coming in would somehow be racist.

Ricin Found in Las Vegas Hotel

A store of the deadly toxin Ricin was found in a Las Vegas extended stay hotel and as many as seven people are feared to have been exposed to the substance which has no known antidote. From CNN:

(CNN) — Police in Las Vegas, Nevada, are investigating the discovery of the deadly poison ricin in a hotel room Thursday.

Authorities were called to an Extended Stay America hotel around 3 p.m. after a man brought a bag holding a small container to the manager’s office. The man said he found it while retrieving items from a hotel room.

It’s “100 percent ricin,” said Capt. Joe Lombardo of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. “We don’t know who (the ricin) belongs to or why it would be here at this time.”

Three hotel employees and a fourth person who came to the room to retrieve some items were taken to the hospital as a precaution, Officer Ramon Dendy told CNN. Three police officers who went into the room are also being watched at the hospital. None of the seven have shown symptoms of ricin poisoning, which can include anything from difficulty breathing, fever, cough, nausea and sweating to severe vomiting and dehydration.

Lombardo said the “area of concern” is under quarantine and is going through a decontamination process. All seven people have been decontaminated.

Police said they don’t know how many people have stayed in the room recently.

The discovery of ricin alarms law-enforcement agencies because authorities in several countries have investigated links between suspect extremists and ricin.

“This is not a terror incident at this point,” Lombardo said.

The identification is still tentative, but authorities have made presumptive tests which indicate the substance is 100% Ricin. CNN has video of the press conference.

The hotel has been identified as part of the Extended Stay America Hotel chain and is close to the Las Vegas Strip. The hotel is designed to provide temporary housing for people who plan on spending longer periods of time away from home than the gambling weekends common in Vegas.

Fox is reporting that authorities are claiming this was not a terror incident and they do believe the Ricin was meant for an attack, however aside from certain specialized cancer research tests Ricin has no legitimate use.

Update: At least one person is being reported to have been exposed and sickened by the substance.

Update: Police believe the Ricin was part of a murder plot. The man exposed to the Ricin may be comatose and police are unsure if the Ricin was his or if he was a victim of another. Adam (S.O.B.) Housely is blogging the case.

Update: Police continue to deny terror link, though firearms and what’s described as an “anarchist textbook” were discovered, along with a dead dog. The dog died of starvation. As yet it is unknown what the man was up to, though the “textbook” had a section on ricin which was marked. The odd part of the story is that a starving dog would surly have made noise as it died, but no one reported anything amiss until the occupants relative showed up.

Democratic Candidate Raul Martinez Exposed as Vicious Miscreant

The Democratic candidate hoping for a win in Florida’s 21st district is a rank bigot and convicted criminal who famously attacked a man literally one half his size, when the man wasn’t looking! Video courtesy of Babalu Blog:


When he isn’t persecuting the peaceful followers of Santeria in what was obviously a misuse of governmental power our boy Raul is committing voter fraud. Nice guy huh?

Need we mention he’s a Castro supporter? Fellow racists and totalitarian lovers have already come out to support him. I just wonder how close a man like this will be to the recent scandal in Miami?

Let’s hope this vicious miscreant doesn’t get elected.

h/t Gateway Pundit

Black Super Delegates Learning How Black Conservatives are Treated

The Politico ran this weepy piece about Black super delegates who are still with Clinton getting death threats from Obama supporters. The author doesn’t state the whole story as most of the nastiness no doubt comes from Whites:

African-American super delegates said Thursday that they’ll stand up against threats, intimidation and “Uncle Tom” smears rather than switch their support from Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton to Sen. Barack Obama.

“African-American super delegates are being targeted, harassed and threatened,” said Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D-Mo.), a super delegate who has supported Clinton since August. Cleaver said black super delegates are receiving “nasty letters, phone calls, threats they’ll get an opponent, being called an Uncle Tom.

“This is the politics of the 1950s,” he complained. “A lot of members are experiencing a lot of ugly stuff. They’re not going to talk about it, but it’s happening.”

After civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) switched his support from Clinton to Obama earlier this week, other black super delegates have come under renewed pressure to do a similar about-face. A handful have bowed to the entreaties in recent weeks, including Georgia Rep. David Scott, but many say they are steadfast in their support for Clinton and resent strong-arm tactics to make them change.

Rep. Diane E. Watson (D-Calif.), a black lawmaker and Clinton backer, said the intense lobbying for Obama would not alter her vote.

“I’ve gotten threatening mail,” Watson said. “They say, ‘Your district went 61-29 Obama and you need to change.’ But I don’t intimidate. I can hold the ground. … I would lose my seat over my principles.”


Cleaver questioned why white super delegates such as Massachusetts Sens. Edward M. Kennedy and John F. Kerry weren’t being targeted to support Clinton after she carried their state.

“If white people were being harassed and threatened because they were not supporting a white candidate, we’d see headlines,” he said.


“I refuse to believe that Sen. Obama gave orders for something like this to happen. This is a contradiction of the new politics that Sen. Obama is running on,” he said. “My fear is with all of the nastiness, we’re going to have a whole lot of kissing and making up to do as a party.”

Of course, Obama doesn’t have to, he has people like Jane Hamsher to do it for him.