An Interview with Act for America Founder Brigitte Gabriel

It’s from an evangelical Christian t.v. show so some of the points may not speak to all of us. But it’s a great interview where she speaks plainly about the massacre of Christians in Lebanon, the so-called radicalism of Islam being the actual mainstream and how her once prosperous Republican country became a third world Muslim run hellhole within a few decades.

Click here to watch.

There’s some commercials for the ministry that produced this interview, and despite Brigitte Gabriel exposing the truth of Islamic fanaticism the host goes on to claim that Christ will change their hearts. I, and I’m sure Ms. Gabriel, have a less sanguine outlook.

Join Brigitte Gabriel’s fight against Islamic imperialism and the western attitudes that encourage it by supporting Act for America.

Her book Because They Hate is a must read for anyone who wishes to see what Islamic imperialists have in store for our country.

The Center for Vigilant Freedom has much more.

“Undocumented Worker” Gang Busted for 34 Home Invasions

They mainly targeted other illegals, but the open borders crowd won’t admit that their no enforcement policy breeds a victim class who will always be targeted by criminals. From The East Valley Tribune:

A felony conviction and subsequent deportation didn’t stop Manuel Enrique Morales from crossing the border to return to Mesa, where police allege he and others terrorized victims with an assault rifle in a series of home invasions.

This time, though, the 19-year-old illegal immigrant is going to stay awhile because police jailed him and five alleged accomplices in the spree of armed robberies that span from Nov. 16-29.

Home invasions were becoming so rampant in Mesa in recent months that police formed a special task force to address the problem, which they believed was the work of as many as four crews.

“This is the major one,” said Detective Chris Arvayo, Mesa police spokesman.

Court records show that even though police worked quickly in developing suspects, the crew pulled the heists off at a clip of nearly one every three days.

Mesa police had other suspects in custody and were on Morales’ trail. Police said he left his fingerprints on duct tape used to bind victims, and they picked him out of a lineup — sometimes as the one wielding an assault rifle.

Then he got deported to Mexico.

One of his partners sold the rifle to help Morales get back across the border, and Mesa police nabbed him at 1 a.m. on Dec. 21, a search warrant affidavit states.

Now, Morales and five others are indicted on 50 counts of armed robbery, aggravated assault, kidnapping, burglary and auto theft.

As of mid-December, officials said there had been 34 home invasions in the previous three months.

Police said that in some cases, illegal immigrants — or those perceived to be illegal immigrants — were targeted because they were more likely to keep cash in their homes because they often don’t use traditional banking.

Police said they got their first break on Morales’ group after a Nov. 16 home invasion of an apartment at 650 S. Country Club Drive. The two robbers tied up the four victims with zip ties and duct tape and took $1,500 in cash, cell phones, electronics and a Honda Accord.

Morales, who was placed on probation July 11 for three years for unlawfully discharging a handgun and possessing burglary tools, left his fingerprints on the duct tape.

Indeed, they come to do the jobs Americans just won’t do.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a guest worker program kind of guy. But I want the government to deport the criminals first and enact some sort of controls to ensure that we get the honest hard working folks who want to be Americans, not the criminals who want to victimize them.

Time Well Spent: Vermont Town to Vote on Whether to Arrest President Bush

Stay at home Dad Kurt Daims must spend a lot of time hitting DailyKos. How else do you explain a 54 year old “man” creating petition to have George Bush and Dick Cheney arrested which includes dubious and debunked facts that sound more like a leftarded rant by a bong smoking conspiracy theorist than something which would get on the ballot.

He’s not alone however, as the town of Brattleboro will in fact be voting on his measure. Apparently they’re all kooks:

BRATTLEBORO — Brattleboro residents will vote at town meeting on whether President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney should be indicted and arrested for war crimes, perjury or obstruction of justice if they ever step foot in Vermont.

The Brattleboro Select Board voted 3-2 Friday to put the controversial item on the Town Meeting Day warning.

According to Town Clerk Annette Cappy, organizers of the Bush-Cheney issue gathered enough signatures, and it was up to the Select Board whether Brattleboro voters would consider the issue in March.

Cappy said residents will get to vote on the matter by paper balloting March 4.

Kurt Daims, 54, of Brattleboro, the organizer of the petition drive, said Friday the debate to get the issue on the ballot was a good one. Opposition to the vote focused on whether the town had any power to endorse the matter.

“It is an advisory thing,” said Daims, a retired prototype machinist and stay-at-home dad of three daughters.

So far, Vermont is the only state Bush hasn’t visited since he became president in 2001.

Daims said the most grievous crime committed by Bush and Cheney was perjury — lying to Congress and U.S. citizens about the basis of a war in Iraq.

He said the latest count showed a total of 600,000 people have died in the war.

Daims also said he believed Bush and Cheney were also guilty of espionage for spying on American people and obstruction of justice, for the politically generated firings of U.S. attorneys.

Voting to put the matter on the town ballot were Chairwoman Audrey Garfield and board members Richard Garrant and Dora Boubalis.

Voting against the idea were board members Richard DeGray and Stephen Steidle.

Daims said the names submitted to the town clerk’s office were the second wave of signatures the petition drive had to collect, because he had to rewrite the wording of the petition.

He said he gathered nearly 500 signatures in about three weeks, and he said most people he encountered were eager to sign it. He started the petition drive about three months ago.

“Everybody I talked to wanted Bush to go,” he said, noting that even members of the local police department supported the drive.

“This is exactly what the charter envisioned as a citizen initiative,” Daims said. “People want to express themselves and they want to say how they feel.”

Yes, yes. How someone feels is all important. Typical boomer pablum, and of course time well spent for a father of three.

Update: JamieWearingFool has a post which includes a picture of Daims. It explains a lot. The Che like beard, red beret and black sweater all look like props from a play about beatniks. Looks like somebody’ s less a revolutionary and more a from Clan Avakian:


This is exactly what I thought he’d look like when I first heard this story. Exactly.

The Police Named Dirtiest Band in the World (Not in the Good Way)

The aging hippies who attend Police concerts have finally sniffed out the hypocrisy of the lamest “Rock” band in the world telling them to live greener lives while creating more pollution than all their fans combined. Unless you include the contents of all the adult diapers in the audience.

Fronted by pretentious new ager Sting, The Police are on the forefront of the celebrity eco movement, and pioneers of what I like to call Whole Foods rock, because their “music” sounds suspiciously like the music that plays in a the Whole Foods “mind and body” section with all the sage smudges and body lotions…at least that’s what I’m told. Now their status as the band most likely to be quoted by a 56 year old woman in yoga pants is jeopardized by this report:

Whether it is lecturing the world about rainforests or urging us to reduce our carbon footprints, Sting is one of the music industry’s most vocal supporters of green causes.

According to an expert report, he might be one of the most hypocritical.

In the round-up of green credentials of live acts, Sting and the newly reformed Police have been named “the dirtiest band in the world”.

Their biggest green crime, according to experts, isn’t their love of fast cars, country mansions or jets – but the massive environmental toll of their gigs.

Though not the only rock band to play huge stadiums, the Police were singled out because of the size and scale of their current world tour.

An estimated 1.5million fans will travel tens of millions of miles to see them perform at one of more than 100 venues.

The conclusion comes from John Buckly, an environmental adviser from

In an interview for New Musical Express magazine, he said: “At the Live Earth concert in New Jersey where The Police played, the biggest contribution to carbon emissions wasn’t from the concert itself, it was the fans.

“The Police played lots of big stadiums – they need to be careful over where they play, and make sure it’s near public transport.”

The killjoys at Carbon Footprint suggest The Police hold their concerts somewhere close to public transit, as opposed to stadiums or concert halls. I suppose it is extremely selfish of Sting not to play his sets outside the entrance to the Uptown One train, guitar case nobly laying out front while people throw him their spare change. On the other hand maybe the kooks from Carbon Footprint are killjoys, The Police are semi-literate celebrities who have no idea what they’re talking about and the anyone who listens to either should deeply ashamed.

As for who really is the dirtiest band in the world, my vote’s for Nashville Pussy:


But they’re the good kind of dirty.

h/t Babalu Blog

Sicko Fun Fact: 1 in 3 NHS Doctors Think the Elderly Should be Denied Treatment!

Some more news from the oh so civilized British Isles where a struggling socialized medical system has already begun rationing care. Doctors in the system wanted it rationed more, and are promoting Stalinesque policies which would deny care to those for whom care wouldn’t be guaranteed effective:

Doctors are calling for NHS treatment to be withheld from patients who are too old or who lead unhealthy lives.

Smokers, heavy drinkers, the obese and the elderly should be barred from receiving some operations, according to doctors, with most saying the health service cannot afford to provide free care to everyone.

Fertility treatment and “social” abortions are also on the list of procedures that many doctors say should not be funded by the state.

The findings of a survey conducted by Doctor magazine sparked a fierce row last night, with the British Medical Association and campaign groups describing the recommendations from family and hospital doctors as “out­rageous” and “disgraceful”.

About one in 10 hospitals already deny some surgery to obese patients and smokers, with restrictions most common in hospitals battling debt.

Managers defend the policies because of the higher risk of complications on the operating table for unfit patients. But critics believe that patients are being denied care simply to save money.

Meanwhile, £1.7 billion is spent treating diseases caused by smoking, such as lung cancer, bronchitis and emphysema, with a similar sum spent by the NHS on alcohol problems. Cases of cirrhosis have tripled over the past decade.Among the survey of 870 family and hospital doctors, almost 60 per cent said the NHS could not provide full health care to everyone and that some individuals should pay for services.

One in three said that elderly patients should not be given free treatment if it were unlikely to do them good for long. Half thought that smokers should be denied a heart bypass, while a quarter believed that the obese should be denied hip replacements.

“Free health care” is bankrupting the English system and the left wants to bring it here? I guess they’ll be O.K. with their grandparents sent home from the hospital because a doctor has said the cancer treatment they need is better used on a younger, perhaps better politically connected, patient.

Nothings free in life and sick Englishmen are learning that the hard way. I also noticed the article reports that incidents of interesting alcohol related illness, specifically cirrhosis, have tripled in the last ten years of the neo-socialist Labor government. I assume that means alcoholism is on the increase.

Every year England becomes more and more like the Soviet Union.