Did Joseph Smith Set Rachel Corrie Up to Die?

Joseph Smith, aka Joseph Carr, has in his capacity of International Solidarity Movement leader been with not one but two I.S.M. members just minutes before their deaths. The most famous death, that of 23 year old Rachel Corrie, has been a key ingredient in his personal success and the exposure and recruitment efforts for the I.S.M.

It has been reported that both Smith and the Palestinian doctor who worked on Corrie changed their stories several times regarding what happened to the girl, what the extent of her injuries were and when exactly she expired. In the videos below Lee Kaplan covers much of this troubling information on the talk show Club Cruz and includes a clip provided by Israeli security of Corrie just before her death.

Smith has stated several times Corrie was animatedly trying to get the attention of the drivers. In the clip I saw it looked like Corrie was barely moving. After she was struck by the bulldozer several I.S.M. activist run out of the shadows toward her, as if they were simply watching the events unfold.

Watch all three videos and decide for yourselves. It certainly looks to me like Corrie was set up at the very least, if she was alive when the bulldozer hit her in the first place.

Part II


Part III


The mysterious Mr. Smith/Carr is thought to draw a paycheck from a terror supporting organization from the U.A.E.:

A call to the Christian Peacemakers Teams and a conversation with an office manager named Zoe revealed he is no longer employed by them although not by their choice. Carr himself stated on the phone he is employed by “the ISM-USA and the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation.” ISM-USA is not an organization that is listed as a non-profit or for profit entity. In other words, if someone were to pay him and give him a pay stub or a 1099 form as an independent contractor, the ISM-USA would need to be a legitimate business that handles normal taxable payroll contributions – they aren’t. The ISM is a smokescreen for various PLO anti-Israel and pro-Ba’ath Party groups in Iraq that relies on a few non-profits in the US (like the Middle East Children’s Alliance in California and Brecht Forum in New York) to launder and disperse funds to its subgroups. Is Joseph Smith/Carr being paid in cash?

Again we have to ask how does he survive and travel around the US as a “performance artist and poet” in support not only of the PLO but the “Iraqi resistance” as well? While the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation does say on its website it is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, calls to the IRS failed to get any confirmation that it indeed is one. The Washington D.C. attorney general in charge of consumer and charitable fraud may be interested to know it isn’t. Calls to the office number listed also went unanswered during business hours. And the website is registered to a principal who resides in the United Arab Emirates named Nadir Ghaith. If the “US Campaign” is being run by a foreign entity or leadership then Smith/Carr, if paid by them, needs to register as a foreign agent by US law.

Smith cut his teeth in radical groups like Earth First! and seems to be carrying on in their radical tradition. The question remains though on just how radical Smith is. In his mind is his cause, and perhaps the money he receives for his activities, worth the lives of people who trust him?

Were Smith to have been in the United States with two people who both were killed in strange accidents which resulted from them participating in some sort dangerous activity, I dare say Mr.Smith would need a lawyer. Once he was caught changing his story and badly photoshopping pictures, he’d probably end up in jail, where in my opinion he belongs.

But Smith has gone abroad to kill in the name of his pet projects. And that is what he’s done, killed Rachel Corrie and Tom Hurndall whether by his own hand or by his direction.We’ll never know the whole truth about Corrie’s death, but we do know that Smith is lying about it, and that should raise questions for us all.

h/t Israpundit

Black and Latino Gang Feud Turning California Town into War Zone

Monrovia is a small city nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains. 26 miles from the mean streets of Los Angeles, the town with a population of less than 40,000 is, on paper, hardly the kind place to wracked by gang violence. Such quaint notions have been dispelled for many as a teen girl was murdered and another wounded in apparent retaliation for Latino hate crimes against Blacks. Detectives are now warning parents that their children, gang members and non-gang members alike, are in danger of being the victims of an escalating cycle of violence:

MONROVIA – Detectives warned parents of teens Monday to be on high alert after two 16-year-old girls were shot, one fatally, in the latest round of escalating black-versus-Latino gang violence.

“This concerns me a great deal,” said Lt. Dan Rosenberg of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Homicide Bureau. “Parents in the area should know there is an ongoing gang feud. If their teens are at a party, make sure they stay inside the house, or that they at least stay in the back yard.

“As we know with most of these gang shootings, the majority of the victims were usually shot while standing in the front of the home,” he said. “It is important for the readers to be on alert.”

Monrovia Mayor Rob Hammond also expressed concern. He met Monday with Duarte, Arcadia and county officials to formulate a plan to address the on-going violence. Monrovia already has beefed up police patrols, according to city officials.

The murdered girl was not a gang member, but 16 year old Sammantha Salas. She was an innocent victim caught up in a conflict orchestrated by decades of government complacency which allowed gangs imported from Latin America to run head on into our own violent gangs, with inevitable results. The Monrovia authorities are desperately spinning the killings as a “simple” matter of gang violence on the one hand while on the other claiming people pointing out the obvious racial component of this crime wave as “oversimplifying” the situation. The facts show them to be wrong on both counts:

Although they were not gang members, the girls were “specifically targeted,” Rosenberg said, adding that it is “quite unusual (for gang members) to target females.”

Rosenberg said detectives see connections between Salas’ shooting, the Jan. 12 shooting of a 16-year-old black teen who was wounded in the lower body, and the fatal shooting one day later of 64-year-old Sanders “Pete” Rollins, a black man who was hit by a shotgun blast while walking toward the front door of his Sherman Avenue home.

The suspects in both shootings were described as Latino.


Investigators believe the spate of shootings and other gang-linked violence in recent months stems from an on-going battle between a long-established black gang in the area and a relatively new Latino gang, he added.

“The reality is, there is a feud going on,” Rosenberg said. “It appears that this (newest shooting) is possibly racially motivated. Based on what we know now, it doesn’t involve any feuding involving drugs or turf or boundaries.”

I doubt that the 64 year old Mr Rollins was a known gang banger. It is more likely that he was targeted simply because he was Black, a situation that has been happening more and more. The feds have already begun indicting Latino gangs for hate crimes, and the shooter of the above mentioned 16 year old black teen was arrested amidst reports that police suspect the crime was racially motivated:

MONROVIA – Authorities today arrested a 19-year-old Latino man in connection with a Jan. 12 racially motivated shooting that left a black teen paralyzed, officials said.

Jimmy Santana of Duarte was booked on suspicion of attempted murder and is being held on $500,000 bail.

The victim, a 16-year-old Monrovia High School student, was in front of a church in the 2000 block of Peck Road in unincorporated Monrovia. The victim was hit in the abdomen and buttocks, said Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Detective Scott Schulze, who withheld the boy’s name to protect him from retaliation.

The victim of a shooting has to have his identity protected to avoid “retaliation” for his attacker going to jail. Madness! A madness that White liberals who promoted the false dream of a “rainbow coalition” amongst “brown people” (gently guided by those same White liberals of course) created while ignoring the warning signs that have been appearing for decades. White liberals see Blacks and Latinos as essentially the same, and thought nothing of encouraging not just illegal immigration which is only peripherally a factor in this chaos, but the importation of Latin American culture and custom which are often less enthusiastic about “celebrating diversity.”

These deaths are the result, in part, of a culture of divisiveness where the assimilation of American values (like not killing old Black men) is seen as a racist attack on another’s culture. These deaths and maiming are more blood on White liberals hands.

The wave of bias attacks by Latino gangs has caused retaliatory strikes by hard pressed but no less vile Black gangs. These gangs are the product of decades subtle encouragement by the American media and left wing political establishment to disenfranchise themselves and become a a lawless nation within a state who make the lives of our poorest and most vulnerable a living hell.

Sammantha Salas and her unidentified friend were victims of two of these home grown terrorists, who could care less if the girls were gang members or not, as long as they were Latino.

Monrovia’s Black population is under 9%, while it’s Hispanic population is a little over 35%. 13.5% were immigrants from Latin America. Those figures were as of 2002 and don’t include the undocumented. The race war Latino gangs wanted to start will obviously favor them as the ultimate winners, especially given the medias obvious bias toward the Latino victims (there’s little mention of Rollins in the news I’ve seen) the county officials refusal to admit the problem even exists.

Read this statement from Monrovia city manager Scott Ochoa and remember that this declaration of ignorance comes two years after the Southern Poverty Law Center’s report of the racist motives of Latino gang attacks on Blacks in … Los Angeles.

This Monrovian blog is mad at hell at the goings on and Crime Scene Blog really has the nuts and bolts of the cases for all you crime blog types spelled out, sans Red Alertism.

Palestinian Chaos Starving Out Egyptians

After breaching the retaining wall separating Gaza from Egypt, Palestinians flooded the adjacent Egyptian territories buying up as much food and supplies as possible. SandMonkey is reporting that the Egyptian government is refusing to resupply those areas as a way to force out the Gaza dwellers without having to resort to violence, leaving the Egyptian residents who hadn’t stocked up on food to literally starve to death.

Hamas, who orchestrated the breach, is angry that Egypt seems ready to make a deal with Fatah, whom Hamas drove out of Gaza in a vicious military action, which would have the “moderate” Fatah provide security for the crossing. Egyptian Bedouin have taken the law into their own hands and fired weapons over the heads of the Palestinian invaders in an effort to drive them out and return some normalcy to the area.

Palestinians backed by Hamas gunman laid siege to Egyptian security forces when they tried to enforce order. The Hamas barbarians shot and killed thee police dogs for sport as unarmed Egyptian troops were pinned down with machine gun fire.

Almost 40 Egyptian soldiers and police have been critically injured by the Palestinians. The economic impact of this chaos will prove to be dire in both the short and long term for the Egyptian people if this situation isn’t contained quickly.

The barbarity of Hamas and those they have infected through their rule is on full display for the world to see. I’m sure the world will find a way to blame them killing police dogs, stoning police half to death and spending almost $480,000 they supposedly didn’t have (being so poor and all) on those evil Jews. And no one will be brave enough to voice the truth about this situation, Palestinians and Hamas are not peaceful oppressed people but a rapidly degenerating makeshift army with no respect for life, law or property.

Gateway Pundit has all the details.

Motherland Meltdown!The Fascist Governor and Sympathy for a Psycho

As a refugee from New Jersey I think I now understand what Cubans refugees feel when they look to their former home and see what Marxism has done to it. In the most recent outrage some peaceful protesters gathered outside a public hearing to distribute flyers urging New Jersey governor Corzine not to raise tolls on the roads were arrested and detained illegally, on the Governor’s orders:

Apparently, no one told the police in Middle Township, NJ, that freedom of speech is a constitutional right.

On Saturday, Jan. 19, police arrested two men who had leaflets and signs protesting Gov. Jon Corzine’s plan to drastically increase tolls. The setting was the town’s high school where Corzine was scheduled to appear at a town meeting to make his case for raising tolls.

Before the governor arrived, some 10 toll increase opponents began distributing flyers and displaying signs that read “No toll hikes.” Among those were former Bogota, NJ, Mayor Steven Lonegan and Seth Grossman, an attorney.

Lonegan and Grossman told “Land Line Now” that when they got to the sidewalk near the school, they were confronted by a dozen or more police officers.

“I was surrounded by seven officers,” said Lonegan. “They told me the governor did not want me to hand out flyers.”

Lonegan said he was told it was a “private” meeting.

With more than a dozen years experience as a public official, Lonegan explained to the officers it was actually a “public” meeting, paid for by taxpayers. Lonegan told them it was his right to pass out flyers protesting the toll increases.

“They cuffed me and put me in the patrol car,” he said.

Grossman was also arrested. Both were detained for about an hour after being charged with trespassing.

A retired superior court judge who witnessed the arrests said it was “very scary.” Various media sources quoted him as saying it reminded him of movies he’d seen about Russia and Germany.

“My run-in with freedom of speech in New Jersey was a chilling, oppressive experience,” said Lonegan.

Star Ledger columnist Paul Mulshine, who wants a federal probe of the incident, has evidence that the governor ordered the removal:

Lonegan said that at a hearing at Morris County College last week a “cop named Harvey told us we had to move 200 feet away, behind a wall. He was a nice guy. I said, ‘Harvey who told you that?’ He said, ‘The governor’s staff.’ I told him to tell the governor’s staff that Steve Lonegan’s staff said we’re not moving.”

That, of course, was his perfect right as an American citizen. But Saturday when a Middle Township cop told Lonegan to leave the premises and he did not, he was arrested. The arrest came, said Porreca, after a school administrator appeared and told the dissenters that they could not hand out leaflets or even videotape the proceedings because they were on private property. Among those chased from the area was “a gray-haired lady about 75” who was handing out sheets that she apparently had printed up on her own, said Porreca.

I haven’t been able to get that lady’s name yet. And I don’t know the name of the guy who ordered her to stop handing out leaflets. But I do know that there should be a federal civil rights investigation into the incident.

I asked Corzine’s press representative, Lilo Stainton, whether the governor is going to have the attorney general look into the case. Stainton said that Corzine has not requested a probe but that the attorney general might want to initiate one on her own. A spokesman for the Attorney General’s Office declined comment.

If Porreca is to be believed — and he’s a very credible witness — the local officials discussed the situation with someone who appeared to be connected to the governor’s staff before the arrest. Stainton wouldn’t reveal who in the administration coordinated with local officials. She referred me to Middle Township police, who didn’t return my call.

Corzine has been denying knowledge of the incident, but hasn’t called for an investigation of despite the fact that the rights of the protesters were clearly violated. The Mayor of the township where this happened says Corzine’s people ordered the arrest, the chief of police says no. Here’s video tape of the incident:


Clearly Steve Lonegan, who is incidentally thought by many to be preparing to throw his hat in the ring against Corzine in 09, committed no crime. He was arrested for trespass but since he was on public school property this is clearly bogus. Voice of Reason says it best:

Word is that Lonegan and his co-dissident were arrested for “defiant trespass”. The New Jersey Statute for Defiant Trespass states, in relevant part, as follows:

2C:18-3. Unlicensed entry of structures; defiant trespasser; peering into dwelling places; defenses
b. Defiant trespasser. A person commits a petty disorderly persons offense if, knowing that he is not licensed or privileged to do so, he enters or remains in any place as to which notice against trespass is given by:
(1) Actual communication to the actor; or
(2) Posting in a manner prescribed by law or reasonably likely to come to the attention of intruders; or
(3) Fencing or other enclosure manifestly designed to exclude intruders.
d. Defenses. It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this section that:
(2) The structure was at the time open to members of the public and the actor complied with all lawful conditions imposed on access to or remaining in the structure; or

The Town Hall Meeting was obviously open to the public, so the question remains, did Lonegan comply with all lawful conditions imposed on access?

I would submit that holding a sign protesting a government action is protected constitutional speech. Therefore, prohibiting that sign is not a lawful condition imposed on access. Not only should all charges against Lonegan et al. be dismissed, but he should hire a civil rights lawyer to sue the pants off of the local police department and, if discovered there was a gubernatorial role in the arrest, the Governor himself.

Michelle Malkin is reporting that the charges against Lonegan have been dropped but only after there was a public outcry, making the story all the scarier.

But Corzine’s fascism isn’t the only outrageous story to come out of my once great home state. The State Supreme court has overturned the conviction of a man who shot, dismembered and then boiled the head of his girlfriend on grounds which only a liberal could understand:

NEWARK, N.J.—A man who admitted dismembering his girlfriend and cooking her head in a pot had his murder conviction overturned Monday by the New Jersey Supreme Court.

Trial errors cast doubt on the fairness of the jury’s verdict against George Jenewicz for the gruesome 1998 murder of Eunice Gillens, the state’s highest court ruled in a 5-2 decision.

Jenewicz had been living with Gillens in South River and testified at his 2002 trial that he shot her in self-defense following a fight and dismembered her in a panic. He said he put her head in a pot to boil away her features.

Prosecutors at the trial described Jenewicz as a remorseless killer who shot the 42-year-old woman in the heart at point-blank range, then dragged her body to his basement and used an ax and a hammer to sever her head and arms.

Jenewicz, now 54, asserted on appeal that the trial judge improperly barred testimony from two proposed defense witnesses, including Gillens’ mother, and that the prosecution disparaged and improperly cross-examined a defense expert.

He wanted Gillens’ mother to testify that her daughter had said she chased Jenewicz with a shotgun, and one occasion had kicked him down a staircase because he had tied her up.

An appellate court rejected his arguments, but the Supreme Court majority accepted them, ruling in an unsigned opinion that the cumulative effect “prejudiced the fairness of defendant’s trial and, therefore, casts doubt on the propriety of the jury verdict that was the product of that trial.”

The opinion noted, however, “that the state presented powerful evidence to undermine defendant’s self defense claim.”

So let me get this straight. The New Jersey supreme court is claiming that a man who dismembered his old lady, after prior cases of abuse, is having his rights violated by not being allowed to make the victim’s mother come and testify to the fact that she defended herself from him during previous instances of abuse.

The testimony wouldn’t have changed the verdict, because it would involve the mother of a dead woman saying “Well, one time he tried to tie her up for lord knows what and she kicked his ass for it” which only bolsters the prosecution’s point that this was a man who was abusive. The court’s ruling is that this poor old woman will be made to sit in court room while the smirking bastard that killed her daughter has a bottom feeder harangue her.

I know that there’s no real comparison between Cuba and Jersey. But sometimes when I see a Cuban blogger with a wistful post about old Havana I feel like I understand their sense of loss more and more with every passing year.

Please Consider Not Reading This Post if You’ve Eaten Recently

Pam Hall from the U.A.C. tipped me to this nauseating protest guaranteed to interfere with witnesses’ healthy sex lives for years to come. The hateful harpies of Code Pink are planning a “kiss-in” where they’re going to … make out (shudder).

Sexy? Watch the tale of the tape and tell me what you think a Code Pink grope fest will look like:


I assume this time the screaming will be coming from the poor suckers who catch an eyeful of these “ladies” swapping spit with the dregs they wrangle up from last call to help them.

If you want a clear mental image, Babalu Blog has pictures of the leading ladies. Stomach churning, full color pictures.