Moronic Hackers Harass Innocent Couple “By Mistake”

Anonymous affiliated hackers posted the personal information of a middle aged couple on their site prompting their friends and fellows to barrage the victims with death threats. When it was later found out that they mistakenly thought these poor people were rival hackers, the G00Ns refused to accept responsibility in an unseemly display typical of the effeminate friendless deviants who make up the “hacker” community. From Wired’s Threat Level:

Anti-Scientology agitators have repeatedly harassed and threatened violence against a 59-year-old PG&E worker and his wife, who were mistakenly flagged as pro-Scientology hackers.

John Lawson, who lives in Stockton, California with his wife Julia, began receiving threatening phone calls around 2 a.m. Saturday morning. He didn’t know why until THREAT LEVEL explained that a hacking group calling itself the g00ns (goons spelled with zeros, not goons with the letter o) posted his home address, phone number and cell numbers, as well as Julia’s Social Security number, online. The obscene and threatening calls have continued through Tuesday, according to Lawson.

The calls are just one small offshoot of an ongoing, larger attack on the Church of Scientology by a ragtag group of Internet troublemakers who call themselves Anonymous. The group says it is targeting Scientology in part for its use of litigation to suppress unflattering documents on the Internet.

Over the weekend, the g00ns thought they had caught a hacker who had busted into a server being used to help coordinate the on line attacks and real world protests against Scientology. But Lawson says the callers have the wrong guy.

“I don’t even really know how to use a computer,” Lawson said.

His phone just keeps ringing, Lawson said, and when he answers, callers spout vulgarities and threats and then hang up. On Monday, he got a call that seemed to originate from the Virgin Islands. The caller threatened to kill him.

“They have got the wife really scared because they have my address,” Lawson said. “I think I am going to buy me a gun today just in case.”

He should buy a gun, but he won’t need one. Like most “hackers” and their hangers ons these callers are emasculated teens and 20-somethings who make threats like this because they have no ability to take physical action. Fear, self-loathing and stunted emotional development drive them to retreat from the world and lash out at it anonymously from behind the computers that, in most case, their parents bought them.

They’re already backpedaling, although as I’ve stated before, without accepting responsibility for their actions. Needless to say they’re not decent enough human beings to try to make amends:

UPDATE: 10:50 PST Members of g00n tell THREAT LEVEL that they immediately took down the Lawsons’ contact info after seeing this story, but emphasize that they had nothing to do with the harassing phone calls and that they have not been involved at all in the Anonymous attacks on Scientology.

They say their motivation for posting the info was to send a warning to the Regime hacker in order to help their friend at, whose website was repeatedly hacked by the Regime.

Well I guess their motivation was good so that makes it all better. I’d take issue with the idea that they had nothing to do with the harassing phone calls. That’s like saying a pimp has nothing to do with prostitution, or that the guy who sells an addict his crack has”nothing to do” with the crack addict’s overdose.

They are completely responsible for this couple’s plight but they lack the morals and character to take responsibility and try to rectify the situation. And if one of the callers makes good on their threat and hurts these people, I’m sure they won’t feel responsible for that either.

As for this hacker war against the “Church” of Scientology, with the web teeming with child molesters it’s time well spent I’m sure. There are better targets for the ire of a hacker on the net. Much better targets.

Russia Warns World of Stolen Uranium

The article is from WND which can be a tad alarmist, but it’s quoting Douglas Farah so I give it the benefit of the doubt:

LONDON – British intelligence agents at stations across Europe are spearheading a hunt for enriched uranium that may be missing from Russia’s poorly guarded stockpiles.

The hunt began when a joint Slovak-Hungarian police hunt arrested three smugglers carrying what has been described as “an amount capable of making a dirty nuclear bomb,” confirmed Martin Korch, a Slovak police spokesman. He placed the value of the seized uranium at $1 million.

The recovered material has been identified as that missing from a nuclear storage site at Chelyanbisk-70, deep in the Ural Mountains.


Experts believe there have been about 1,000 cases of nuclear theft since the 9/11 attacks, and an MI6 report says Osama bin Laden long has wanted to use a nuclear weapon.

Canada is also having a problem keeping track of radioactive materials. We’re not having a better time of it as there has been some high profile thefts of radioactive materials here. I’ve blogged before about the possibility of terrorists stockpiling WMDs for a large scale attack, and this theory looks more and more viable every day.

Stop the Madrassa Coalition Holding Press Conference at 11:00am

Join the Stop the Madrassa at their conference this morning at city hall where they will discuss the chaotic conditions the Board of Education allows the Khalil Gibran to wallow in. From yesterday’s press release:

January 30, 2008, New York, NY — The Stop the Madrassa Community Coalition will hold a press conference at 11am tomorrow on the steps of City Hall to call for an immediate and thorough investigation into reportedly “chaotic” conditions at the Khalil Gibran International Academy (KGIA) and demand that the school be closed at once and the students be offered a real education at a functioning school as mandated by law.

This week, new and shocking allegations of disorder, confusion and neglect were leveled at the Brooklyn-based Arabic school, which has been under fire since its inception. Stop the Madrassa is calling for a complete investigation into what is being called a “chaotic” learning environment at the school, which now has its third principal in six months.

Stop the Madrassa filed an Article 78 Proceeding in the Supreme Court of the State of New York against Mayor Bloomberg’s Department of Education following an insufficient response to requests under the Freedom of Information Law for complete information concerning textbooks, lesson plans and design documents being used at the Khalil Gibran International Academy.

Stop the Madrassa, since the school opened in September, has expressed concern about the possible intrusion of radical Islamist ideology and influences into the school, as well as separation of religion and state issues. The Department of Education failed to adequately respond to Stop the Madrassa’s FOIL request in a timely fashion before the school opened.

If the Department of Education had responded promptly, the public might have known just how disorganized, unstable and chaotic this public school was going to become.

Check them out if you’re in the area, and tell Pam Hall I said Hi. 11:00am sharp on the steps of City Hall.

Also visit the Stop the Madrassa Coalition website to get some more details on the travesty that is the Khalil Gibran School.

Aging Hippies Spreading H.I.V. All Over Europe

Free love baby, with a side of slow lingering death:

Middle-aged lovers are ignoring the risks of sexual disease, according to a survey released.

Ten per cent of sexually-active people over the age of 50 say they use no contraception.

The same proportion told researchers that they knew next to nothing about their partner’s sexual history.

The survey suggests that they see diseases such as HIV-Aids and chlamydia as problems for younger generations only.

It also found that two-thirds of those over 50 claim to enjoy active sex lives.


Two years ago, Health Protection Scotland warned that the popularity of swapping partners and of women going on foreign holidays to pick up men had led to a rise in sexual diseases among the over-50s.

The agency said that infection clinics had even treated a number of patients in their 80s.

Wife Swapping! By the gods! These are people in their 50s and 60s who are acting out immature porn fantasies and 1 out of ten of them will never wear a condom. People in their 80s are getting STD’s!

Forget for a second the degenerate sex tourism aspect where these cretin are probably going to the poorest areas and buying off people who would not normally want to “press flesh” with wrinkled, tie dye wearing Viagra poppers. What ever happened to a little dignity?

I’m not saying 50 year olds should be celibate, but if you’re swapping wives at 50 wouldn’t it seem more classy to just get a divorce and go your separate ways. Instead these people start “swinging” like they’re on the set of some granny porn shoot.

Baby boomers never grew up, they never had to. And even now they leave all the responsibility to the next generation while they enter their twilight years still acting like teenagers. The world will be much better of when they all have succumbed to the diseases they spread around in their leathery, granola fueled orgies.

Reporter Surprised to Learn Illegal Immigration Played Factor in Subprime “Meltdown”

It must be a shock indeed to liberals like Adriana Garcia that America’s housing woes are in part the result of having a large unassimilated population that are willing to falsify documents to get what they want and at the same time lack the ability to communicate effectively in the language of the nation. These two factors make them both more likely to commit fraud and more likely to be defrauded. Add to that the irresponsible sense of entitlement that the left encourages among immigrants (illegal or not) and you have a recipe for financial disaster:

Both legal and illegal immigrants joined Americans in buying homes they could barely afford when the market spiraled upward and many have been caught with mortgages higher than the value of their homes as prices have slumped in the past year.

Just as subprime mortgage payments rose and house prices fell, the economy’s slowdown has hurt the construction sector, which employs large numbers of Hispanics and other immigrants.

Unemployment among Hispanics in the United States jumped to 6.3 percent in December, up from 5.7 percent the previous month and well above the national average of 5 percent, U.S. Department of Labor statistics show.

And almost half of the mortgage loans in the hands of Hispanics are subprime, making them especially vulnerable to the housing downturn.

That sense of entitlement, combined with a lack of financial literacy that is appallingly common in our nation, play a big part in the story of one legal immigrant that makes me shake my head ruefully:

Nelson, a 29-year-old legal immigrant and construction worker from El Salvador, had a miserable run of luck in November, when he lost his job and his subprime mortgage bills jumped $650 to about $2,650.

He says he now has to sell the home he bought in Maryland in 2005. If he is unable to sell in the next four months, he will have to foreclose, meaning an even bigger financial loss and a damaging black mark on his credit record.

“I have to practically give it away,” he said.

Like many caught up in the crisis, the father of three said he had no idea his monthly payments would soar two years into the mortgage when he closed the adjustable-rate subprime deal.

“You have to sign a lot of things when you buy a house, so I didn’t read, I just signed. I think it was the anxiety, the happiness of buying my house,” he said. “I feel a bit betrayed.”

Betrayal is something that happens between close friends, Nelson was suckered. He’s a sucker for signing a contract he didn’t read and sucker for not planning for his adjustable rate mortgage to go up. He did this to himself and his money would have been better spent taking a few classes in economics before signing a mortgage he knew nothing about. Of course it’s the rest of us that are holding the bag.

Nelson didn’t do anything illegal however, others have contributed to the crisis by engaging in criminality:

Illegal immigrants were able to buy U.S. homes during the boom years, either by showing evidence that they pay taxes or by simply presenting false documents.

Those false documents would include bank statements and proof of employment, all the things that would have been checked by lenders to ensure that they would get their money back. The illegal immigrants doing so knew that they were probably unable to afford the mortgage, but jumped in anyway because they don’t have a stake in the economy. If they default on a loan they simply change identities and move on. Again, it’s the rest of us left holding the bag.