Politico Hit Piece on Fred Exposed!

Roger Simon of the Politico wrote a scathing account of one of Fred’s campaign stops that painted the future President as a lazy, bitter scumbag unable to relate to the common man. At issue specifically was Fred opting not to don a fire helmet and mark out at a volunteer fire house:

Inside, Thompson shook a few hands — there were only about 15 people there — and then Chief Dan McKenzie handed Thompson the chief’s fire hat so Thompson could put it on.

Thompson looked at it with a sour expression on his face.

“I’ve got a silly hat rule,” Thompson said.

In point of fact, the “silly” hat was the one Chief McKenzie wore to fires and I am guessing none of the firefighters in attendance considered it particularly silly, but Thompson was not going to put it on. He just stood there holding it and staring at it.

To save the moment, Jeri Thompson took the hat from her husband’s hands and put it on her head.

“You look cute,” Thompson said to her. She did.

Jeri took off the hat and McKenzie led the Thompsons over to a fire truck.

The chief invited Thompson to climb up behind the wheel, but Thompson said, “Naw, this is fine.” And he stood there looking at the fire truck.

Jeri once again saved the moment by engaging the chief in some actual conversation.

Damning stuff, if it happened the way Simon described it at all. Which it didn’t.

Watch the video and see for yourself.

The more they attack him, the more I’m With Fred!

Psychologist for Sex Offender Program Busted for Child Porn

Shocking if you’ve never met a psych major. Most of them I’ve met tended to specialize in fields that are “meaningful” to them. From KXMC.com:

State Hospital Superintendent Alex Schweitzer says officials are trying to quickly find a replacement for a psychologist who resigned after admitting to subscribing to child pornography Web sites.

Schweitzer says it’s not an easy task, because the position is so specialized. He says the search began immediately after Joseph Belanger’s resignation was accepted November 8.

Belanger had examined sex offenders over the past decade to determine their potential danger to the public.

Perverted Primates nutshells this story nicely:

Joseph Belanger used to work at the state hospital’s sex offender unit, employed merely to give society a false sense of hope that the pedophiles the state releases aren’t really that big of a threat anymore. He used to work there. Currently, he’s not working there. And the state is desperate to find someone else to fill this waste of tax payer dollars position.

And while I roll my eyes at this insanity, I have to point on the irony that Belanger only resigned his job cause he…

” admitted to subscribing to child pornography Web sites.”

If this short eyed quack didn’t have some sort of case against him he’d still be deciding which violent pedophiles should be released into society. No doubt a decision he made by taking into account how much child porn the offender could hook him up with.

Quackery aside, if th government can’t even screen out perverts from working in these sensitive positions, how can we trust the treatment programs to be effective?

A Disarmed Public is a Target for Criminals

From M.D. Harmon’s Portland Press Herald column:

Has anyone ever wondered why people with guns who have kissed sanity good-bye never take out their uncontrollable rage on the nearest police station?

Nor do they drive off to the nearest Army base, shooting range or hunting club to vent their murderous frustration.

It should only take a moment’s thought to understand why: Those places have people who have relatively easy access to weapons themselves.

It’s one thing to be homicidal and suicidal, but it’s quite another to consider that one’s murderous intent could be brought to an untimely halt through the immediate application of superior firepower.

However, there are places that draw these people like magnets, and they, too, are easy to locate: They are the places where the possession of firearms is forbidden, and that fact is widely advertised.

Some of these places even go so far as to publicly display their vulnerability to mass murder through the posting of signs that say “No Guns Permitted” or “Gun-Free Zone.”

Virginia Tech was proud of its “gun-free” status, and boasted about how safe a place it was once it posted signs forbidding firearms on campus.

Thirty-two people died there last April as the cost of that exercise in hubris and futility.

Other places where firearms are typically banned are stores, including shopping malls, government buildings, including schools, and places of worship.

We saw in the Columbine shootings how effective gun bans are for schools.

And in Omaha last week, eight people died in a shopping mall before the shooter, cornered by police, killed himself.

In Ogden, Utah, last February, a man killed five people in a mall before an armed off-duty police officer pinned him down until help could arrive.

And just this past weekend, a disturbed youth who had posted violent diatribes against Christians on an Internet site killed two students at a Colorado missionary center.

He later showed up at a church that had an association with the missionary group carrying multiple weapons and 1,000 rounds of ammunition.

But because of the earlier shootings, the church had activated its voluntary security force, composed of members who had licenses to carry concealed weapons and the training to use them.

The gunman killed two teenage girls in the church parking lot and wounded their father before he entered the church.

But once he got inside, he was confronted by one of the church’s volunteer guards, Jeanne Assam, a former police officer armed with a pistol.

As witnesses described it, she advanced on the shooter yelling “Surrender,” and when he raised his weapon, fired several shots, bringing him to the ground. Police reported that the badly wounded gunman then shot himself to death.

Assam, dubbed “Dirty Harriet” by one writer, was credited by the church’s pastor with having saved 50 to 100 lives.

It’s almost enough to make a fair-minded, thoughtful person conclude that armed, law-abiding citizens might have saved countless more lives at places like those listed above.

Read the whole thing, it’s food for thought.

h/t FreeSpeech.com

Radioactive Material Stolen in Colorado

From the Sheridan Police Blotter:

75 pounds of steel frames for a skylight were stolen from the 1500 block of West Hampden Avenue on Dec. 6. The reporting party told the officer that the steel frames were radioactive and he has no idea who took them. The case is under investigation. This item was picked up by GlobalIncidentMap.com, a Web site that gathers reports of terrorism and security incidents around the world. Click here to go to that site.

GlobalIncidentMap.com is a great resource. Go there now!

Wal-Mart to the Rescue!

I keep telling you hippies Wal-mart is good for America, now will you believe me? From The Oregonian:

In cases of extreme weather and natural disasters, some of the nation’s largest retailers now behave like municipalities — sometimes better.

Spurred by the Sept. 11 terror attacks and rough hurricane seasons in 2004 and 2005, more retailers have created specialized divisions — or hired outside firms — to gird for emergencies. The goal: to speed recovery for customers, employees and ultimately sales.

It’s a measure of the times.

Mega-retailers going global with huge distribution networks face more frequent and varied disasters. Yet as leaders in the business of moving goods and information — Wal-Mart’s famous for daily crack-of-dawn conference calls detailing real-time sales — some have found they can react more quickly than local governments. For them, disasters have become just another cost of doing business.

Stakes are even higher around the holidays, when retailers can take in more than half of annual sales.

Last week’s storm did not damage either chain’s stores on the Oregon coast. Wal-Mart’s store in Aberdeen, Wash., lost power only temporarily and closed until generators arrived Tuesday.

But both Wal-Mart and Home Depot dispatched cleanup teams to Chehalis, Wash., on Monday, hours after the Chehalis river flooded the stores and overtook I-5.

Yeah, you read that right. Big evil Wal-Mart dispatched clean up teams to disaster areas while the Wal-Mart hating hippies laughed at the damage and smoked a joint. Who’s evil now?

If you’re still a Wal-Mart hater after that you’re either misinformed or a Communist. If you’re the former I’ve got some videos for you to watch:


Part II




Wal-Mart also has Playboy quality clerks (NSFW)

h/t Dissecting Leftism