Commies Get Beat Down in The Big Easy

Via Hot Air, video of self styled “public housing advocates” who were in reality leftarded college kids try to “fight the power” in New Orleans. They try overpower some officers from the NOPD.

Some would say America’s most corrupt and brutal police department.

The results are predictable. Even though there’s no blood, I give this a 0.4 on the Muta Scale, because this was gruesome.

This time they were in the right but you’ll notice that the The Big Easy’s finest never hesitate to do damage. It’s almost like they enjoy laying a heavy hand on somebody else’s child, if you’ll excuse the Rhodism. Enjoy:


Hot Air has the background you need to really enjoy this. Did you notice that around 3:40 or so the dirty hippy being interviewed plays it coy as to what he and his violent Stalinist buddies were going to do once inside the council meeting? Almost like he didn’t have a good answer. Or should I say A.N.S.W.E.R. as in this violent protest was in part organized by A.N.S.W.E.R.steering committee member The Party for Socialism and Liberation.

Looks like the White run communist groups are up to their old tricks, encouraging unstable youth to commit acts of “revolutionary” violence against innocent Americans. If they really cared about their “comrades” they’d have told them not to screw with the NOPD.

All White Liberals are Racists: More Proof from Think Progress

Think Progress ran this piece about Justice Clarence Thomas taking some quote or another out of context. The reactions to a man honestly stating that his job is not particularly exciting or profitable took the inevitable racist turn when White Bourgeois liberals weighed in with their real thoughts about us colored folk who don’t toe their line.

Here’s a selection of liberal tolerance:

” I am dumb an incurious ”

” I am really a black homer Simpson ”

” I like to vote with corporations and against the common man ”

” I am sad my big judge job no gives big house “

Comment by overlap — December 20, 2007 @ 2:55 pm

I guess Thomas doesn’t speak proper English, you know because he’s dumb and incurious (read Black.)

He would rather be dominating people, raping women, and stealing.

Comment by Namtillaku — December 20, 2007 @ 3:02 pm

Even if you didn’t believe that the Anita Hill accusations were a political attack by Robert Byrd loving Democrats, and even if you believe that sexual harassment and rape are the same thing, when was Thomas accused of stealing? Or is it a given because he’s Black?

the ONLY reason he got the job was Bush the first was scared shitless to not nominate a non-white judge to replace marshall. So he picked this dumb ass, who sits bitterly and never asks one damn question.

He’s just bitter because he knows he got the job as a quota, plain and simple; he took advantage of all the chances he could get from being black when he was in college, but he made sure he closed the doors behind him once he was through.

Hey Thomas, white people and black people hate you, how does that feel?

Comment by Colony of Birchmen — December 20, 2007 @ 3:10 pm

Yes, there are lots of advantages to being Black in America. Why, it’s a virtual paradise!

I’m sick ‘n tired of public officials B*TCHING about their “jobs”.

You’re an guilded cage elitist pig and should be HAPPY about the choice you made in life.

Otherwise, smoke some crack and get on with your REAL life!

Comment by DieNowForPeace — December 20, 2007 @ 2:48 pm

All Black people smoke crack in “real life” according to White liberals. And that’s not racist at all.

Maybe you can find a nice quiet cabin in the woods to park your motorhome, Uncle Thomas…

Comment by Nevar — December 20, 2007 @ 3:13 pm

I’m betting Nevar isn’t Black. In fact it’s mostly Whites who call people “Uncle Tom” nowadays, mainly because the anonymity of the Internet allows them to avoid the ass whippin’ they’d get for doing it in person.

Of course he hates his job. If you were incompetent and unsuited for your job, you would hate it, too. He, like all Uncle Toms, is quite pitiful. I can only imagine how Bush One and his cohorts laughed when the great Thurgood Marshall passed away. I can hear them now: “They want a minority on the Supreme Court, we’ll give them one. Ha Ha.” What a shame this wretched soul has helped his conservative brethren (who accurately view him only as an ignorant pawn) wreak havoc on our country, our civilization and our planet.

Comment by TomPaulk — December 20, 2007 @ 3:33 pm

Tom Paulk is also White. And apparently a farmer from Alabama. But why would I think he’s racist?

This is all unsurprising given the real history of Democrats who savaged Blacks for decades. Yesterday was the anniversary of Republican Carl Shurz’s report to the 1865 Congress detailing the abuse of newly freed Blacks in the post-war Democrat controlled South:

In the summer of 1865, Schurz traveled throughout the postwar South. His report on conditions during the administration of Democrat President Andrew Johnson outraged Republicans across the nation:

“The former masters exhibited a most cruel, remorseless and vindictive spirit toward the colored people. In parts where there are no Union soldiers I saw colored women treated in the most outrageous manner. They have no rights that are respected. They are killed, and their bodies thrown into ponds or mud holes. They are mutilated by having their ears and noses cut off. Dead bodies of murdered Negroes were found on and near the highway. Gruesome reports came from the hospitals — reports of colored men and women whose ears had been cut off, whose skulls have been broken by blows, whose bodies had been slashed by knives and lacerated by scourges.”

Just yesterday was the birthday of Black Republican George White who served two terms in the House of Representatives starting in 1896. He was a delegate to two Republican National conventions and a political pioneer. Democrats in his native North Carolina responded to his and other Black politicians’ success by enacting a law in 1901 that “barred nearly all African Americans from voting in North Carolina”.

Democratic animosity toward Black Americans has a long and sordid history that the racists at Think Progress would like America to forget, but can’t help but remind us of with every hate filled rant aimed at a Black man or woman who doesn’t fall into line and serve their liberal masters.

Grand Old Partisan is a great source of information for the truth about which party is more racist. The blog author also wrote a book called Back to Basics for the Republican Party which should be required reading for every Republican politician.

What Does Ron Paul and Iran Have in Common?

Stormfront, of course. More to the point both Ron Paul and the Mullacracy of Iran enjoy the support of the neo-Nazi movement. Ron Paul’s much documented support from the White Supremacist movement is ongoing and the links to Paul’s campaign can still be found bandied about the Stormfront forum.

Also from Stormfront I found a link to a video called Iran-Land of the Aryans in a comment on an old anti-War thread:


It’s posted by a ‘tuber that goes by the name AwakenAryans who is helping to cement the alliance between White Nationalists and Islamists that I’ve blogged about before. His other videos are all propaganda aimed at creating a sense of brotherhood between the Iranian dissidents and the White Power movement.

Stormfront’s David Duke’s girlish love for Iranian leader Ahmadinejad is no secret. What might be is the American Persian communities acceptance of Stormfront. Duke is also willing to stand up for Paul even if it means doing so would put him shoulder to shoulder with the same Jews, Blacks and Latinos he so despises.

Stormfront spends as much time defending Iran as many lefties, which seems unusual. Until you get a gander at where many Stromfronters get their news:


That’s right baby, Think Progress is a major Stormfront source. Hmm. Ron Paul supporters who make the right look bad, Pro-Iranian propaganda and borderline anti-Semitism all connected to Think Progress. Now it all makes sense…

Ahmadinejad Declares Intent to Take Over World

Gateway Pundit has several quotes from the Iranian terror supporter which leave no room to doubt that he believes Islam is in a World War with dominance of the globe as the prize for victory. Quotes from Fars News included direct threats to to Israel:

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Thursday said the unyielding resistance of the Palestinian nation promises a strong victory against the Zionist regime.

“We are waiting for the day to witness the flag of arrogance being pulled down,” Ahmadinejad told Sheikh Muhammad Yazbek, a member of Hezbollah’s High Council, in Mena in Saudi Arabia, where he is performing his hajj rituals as a Muslim.

“God willing the flag of monotheism and Muslim glory will be hoisted and the ground will be paved for the expulsion of the enemies from the occupied lands,” he added.

The president further termed Palestine as an “inseparable organ of Islam’s body” and expressed regret over the present conditions in Palestine, which he said is experiencing the worst type of situation it has ever faced.

He also reminded that the present conditions in the Palestinian territories necessitate increased Muslim support for the Palestinians.

Ahmadinejad also called Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrollah a brother and a beloved hero to Muslim nations, and requested Yazbek to convey his warmest regards to Nasrollah and all Hezbollah members.

More chilling to Americans was Ahmadinejad’s quote to IRNA:

IRI President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Wednesday on Al-Adha Eid Day in Saudi Arabia philosophy of Haj can be defined merely through considering Islam’s aim at establishment of a global government.

President Ahmadinejad who had attended the gathering of Iranian Haj pilgrims at the Supreme Leader’s Mecca Headquarter focused in his address over the significance of major Haj rituals, the philosophy behind them, and their ultimate objectives.

He said, “If we would delete the ultimate objective of establishing a global system from the Haj rituals, the remainder would be deeds devoid of a soul.”
Upon President Ahmadinejad’s arrival in Mena, he was received by the Emir al-Haaj of the Iranian Haj pilgrims Hojjatoleslam Mohammad Mohammadi Reyshahri and members of the Supreme Leader’s Mecca Headquarters.

No comment from the MSM as usual. This comes on the heels of a Gateway Pundit report on Hezbollah becoming more active in Latin America. Jungle Hut reported on “Shiite” Indians being prepped by Iranian missionaries in Latin America to act as a retaliatory force against U.S. sanctions on Iran. Hezbollah in Venezuela posted high praise of a “Mujaheddin” the man who left a pipe bomb in front of the U.S. Embassy in Caracas.

Islamic terror organizations have many leftist allies both in Latin America as well as the United States. Western Hemisphere Policy Watch has been tracking American websites that promote/support Latin American terrorism, most recently this blog which raises money for the Zapatista Liberation Army. The same people have an Internet radio site dedicated to supporting the violent terror group.

Bolivarianism is on the move in Latin America, led by communist dictator Hugo Chavez who openly supports both Iran and Islamic terror in general.

The “Reconquista” movement is gaining strength here, and some of it’s staunches proponents are pro-islamist, “anti-Zionist” and rabid defenders of Iran.

Ahmadinejad’s threats aren’t idle, and with so many of his allies right at our doorstep we can’t afford to be idle either.

Florida UAC Needs Your Help to Stop Islamist Gathering

The Florida chapter of the United American Committee is rallying patriots to stop a CAIR and Islamic Circle of North America sponsored “campout” where non-Muslims are discouraged from attending. Discouraging non-Muslims from attending their event doesn’t seem like a something groups trying to help their fellow Muslims assimilate into American society should be doing.

Here’s part of the U.A.C. communique:

Terrorist supporters CAIR and the ICNA are sponsoring an Islamist camping event in Florida which no one is allowed to attend unless they are Muslim. The Orlando chapter of the United American Committee will be holding a protest during the event on December 29th from 12:00 noon to 3:00 PM at the entrance area in front of of Wekiwa Springs State Park, 1800 Wekiwa Circle Apopka, Florida. For more information on the protest see the press release below or please contact the Florida UAC at

Here’s why you should be supporting them if you’re in the area:

Yaya Abous of ICNA said, “Non- Muslim children are put on an indefinite waiting list and discouraged from attending”. Florida United American Committee will protest against what they deem is a discriminatory camping event on December 29th from 12:00 noon to 3:00 PM at the entrance area in front of of Wekiwa Springs State Park, 1800 Wekiwa Circle Apopka, Florida.

(Orlando, FL) The Central Florida Branch of the United American Committee (UAC) has uncovered information the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) have irrefutable ties to terrorist and terrorist supporting organizations. ICNA and CAIR will be sponsoring a Muslim Youth Camp at Wekiwa State Park on December 29-31, 2007 funded partially by your tax dollars via Doc Stamp revenue.

ICNA currently has deep ties with the Terrorist Group called The Muslim Brotherhood of Pakistan, Jamaat-e-Islami (JI). ICNA was the top donor to a JI charity that, just one year ago, provided $99,000 to the head of Hamas, Khaled Mashaal.

CAIR national spokesperson Ibrahim Hooper said, “I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future. But I’m not going to do anything violent to promote that. I’m going to do it through education.” (Statement by Ibrahim Hooper, Minneapolis Star Tribune, April 4, 1993)

Randall Todd “Ismail” Royer, a former communications & civil rights specialist for CAIR, according to AP “Royer…admitted helping members of the conspiracy join the militant Pakistani group Lashkar-e-Taiba in the days after the Sept. 11 attacks. He pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting use of a firearm in a crime of violence and aiding and abetting the carrying of an explosive during commission of a felony. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison.” When ICNA, CAIR, and Young Muslims congregate at Wekiwa Springs State Park, Apopka, FL, they will be doing so under the guise of moderate, mainstream Muslim organizations, when in fact they are nothing more than support networks for terrorists domestically and overseas.

The FLUAC plan on making their voice heard at this event. Please join the United American Committee in protesting ICNA, CAIR, and their ties to international terrorism.

WHEN: Saturday, December 29, 2007 12 Noon to 3:00 PM
WHERE: Entrance area in front of of Wekiwa Springs State Park,
1800 Wekiwa Circle Apopka, Florida 32712 Phone: (407) 884 2008
INTERVIEWS: Contact Alan Kornman (