Benazir Bhutto Murdered!

The first female prime minister of a Muslim country was murdered in a suicide bombing today. From the AP:

RAWALPINDI, Pakistan – Pakistan opposition leader Benazir Bhutto was assassinated Thursday in a suicide attack at a campaign rally that also killed at least 20 others, aides said.

Bhutto’s supporters erupted in anger and grief after her death, attacking police and burning tires and election campaign posters in several cities. At the hospital where she died, some smashed glass and wailed, chanting slogans against President Pervez Musharraf.

The death of the charismatic 54-year-old former prime minister threw the campaign for the Jan. 8 parliamentary elections into chaos and created fears of mass protests and violence across the nuclear-armed nation, an important U.S. ally in the war on terrorism.

Musharraf convened an emergency meeting with his senior staff where they were expected to discuss whether to postpone the election, an official at the Interior Ministry said, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the talks.

No one claimed responsibility for the killing. But suspicion was likely to fall on resurgent Islamic militants linked to al Qaida and the Taliban who hated Bhutto for her close ties to the Americans and support for the war on terrorism. A local Taliban leader reportedly threatened to greet Bhutto’s return to the country from exile in October with suicide bombings.

The attacker struck just minutes after Bhutto addressed thousands of supporters in the garrison city of Rawalpindi, 8 miles south of Islamabad. She was shot in the neck and chest by the attacker, who then blew himself up, said Rehman Malik, Bhutto’s security adviser.

Gateway Pundit is reporting that Al-Qaeda has taken responsibility for the assassination:

Karachi, 27 Dec. (AKI) – (by Syed Saleem Shahzad) – A spokesperson for the al-Qaeda terrorist network has claimed responsibility for the death on Thursday of former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto.

“We terminated the most precious American asset which vowed to defeat [the] mujahadeen,” Al-Qaeda’s commander and main spokesperson Mustafa Abu Al-Yazid told Adnkronos International (AKI) in a phone call from an unknown location, speaking in faltering English. Al-Yazid is the main al-Qaeda commander in Afghanistan.

It is believed that the decision to kill Bhutto, who is the leader of the opposition Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), was made by al-Qaeda No. 2, the Egyptian doctor, Ayman al-Zawahiri in October.

Death squads were allegedly constituted for the mission and ultimately one cell comprising a defunct Lashkar-i-Jhangvi’s Punjabi volunteer succeeded in killing Bhutto.

Bhutto had just addressed a pre-election rally on Thursday in the garrison town of Rawalpindi when the bomb went off.

She had come to Rawalpindi after finishing a rapid election campaign, ahead of the January polls, in Pakistan’s volatile North West Frontier Province (NWFP) where she had talked about a war against terrorism and al-Qaeda.

Reports say at least 15 other people were killed in the attack and several others injured.

As news of Bhutto’s death spread throughout the country, there are reports that people have taken to the streets to protest the death of the leader of the PPP, which has the largest support of any party in Pakistan.

Counterterrorism Blog is reporting that the assassination has triggered wide spread violence. This was likely Al-Qaeda’s intention.

Hot Air reminds us that Bhutto herself blamed Jihadists for the many attempts on her life, even though many in the MSM are reluctant to point fingers.

Oil prices are spiking in the wake of the attacks.

Fox News has the goods.

Support Fred Thompson!


Fred Thompson isn’t a front runner, but he’s the best candidate for the G.O.P. in ’08. When I joined the Republican Party in 2000, to vote for George W. Bush, I did so because the G.O.P. had become a big tent party where Conservatives, Libertarians and Evangelicals were welcomed to stand along side Republicans proudly under one flag. Though our differences may have been immense in some respects, the issues that divided us were not as important as what united us.

The Republican party stands for freedom, the freedom of every individual man and woman to live their lives as they please. That freedom can only be realized by limited government, by a Republic in which individual rights are enshrined and protected by a law higher than elected officials or the tyranny of the masses. These values are at odds with the populist message of the Democrats and unfortunately some supposed Conservatives.

Fred Thompson is the one candidate that represents Republicanism, true Republicanism, and all that it entails. Fred Thompson believes that every American has the ability to live their lives free of government interference, he believes in securing our borders, projecting American strength where needed and keeping our families safe.

How many other politicians of either party really believe the same?

If you believe that you should be allowed to make your own decisions without the “help” of government, Fred Thompson is your candidate. If you believe that a strong presence on the world stage has deterred attacks here since 9/11 and want to continue to vigorously fight the war on terror, Fred Thompson is your candidate. If you believe that America must finally take its border security seriously, Fred Thompson is your candidate.

If you believe in the Republican party and our message of individual liberty, free markets and a strong military please consider donating to Fred Thompson’s campaign and supporting him for our party’s nomination.

Here’s the video that started his campaign:


I’m With Fred!

NYT Defends Child Porn?

It sure seems like it with this quote NYT Deputy Editor Jim Schachter gave to Clark Hoyt while discussing the controversial photos of underage model Ali Michael which appeared on in The Times fashion magazine:

I told Schachter I was disturbed that The Times would place a teenager in a “sexualized context,” a term he did not disagree with. “We’re well past the point in our culture when there is a bright line that separates sexually charged images of men and women just short of 18 from art,” he said.

Read the whole piece, Schachter isn’t the only person at the The Times with some

Are we? Are we well past the point in our culture where adults can draw a line between acceptable and unacceptable? Where we can say “This is the age where women model nude!” or admit that even if the 17 year old girl, who looks much younger, were legal that men Schachters age should still be a little uncomfortable ogling girls who are young enough to be his grand daughter?

It’s no wonder The Times is losing readership.

h/t Newsbusters

U.N. Human Rights Council Abolishes Darfur Monitoring Agency

It was the Europeans and Africans, many allied with Sudan’s racist, genocidalist government, who have once again betrayed the Black Christians and Animists being exterminated by Arabized Muslims. From U.N. Watch:

The UN Human Rights Council concluded its final session of 2007 by abolishing a group of experts who had reported on Sudan’s massive human rights abuses in the province of Darfur. By turning its back on the victims of Darfur, the council — which is controlled by powerful regional blocs that include many repressive regimes allied to Sudan — is failing to respect its basic mandate. The dream of Kofi Annan’s reform plan has been turned into a nightmare.

Resolution Sacked Darfur Experts

The council did extend the mandate of Sima Sumar, special rapporteur on Sudan, but the far stronger and more influential expert group was eliminated. The resolution on the Darfur expert group (A/HRC/6/L.51) was adopted by consensus, co-sponsored by Egypt on behalf of the African Group, and Portugal on behalf of the European Union. While the resolution “welcome[d] the report submitted by the Group of Experts” and called on the government of Sudan to take action against “serious violations of human rights,” the resolution quietly omitted any reference to their future work, effectively canceling their mandate.

Read the rest and see how the corrupt world body throws innocents to the wolves in their quest for power and wealth.