That Doesn’t Sound Childish At All

Does this Democratic Underground post sound like it was written by a rational well rounded adult to you?

I was already in a bad mood. This was a new doctor’s office for me, and I didn’t know what to expect. I was the only one in the office as this was early morning. Right away, I saw that their big plasma screen in the state-of-the-art waiting room was tuned to Fox “News.” Low-brow propaganda was flooding the room.

Usually when I see Fox News somewhere, it isn’t only me in the room. But this time I was by myself, and there were no dimwits around to soak up the “dumb rays.” I was taking a full dose.

So I introduced myself as a new patient and asked the receptionist if she could please switch the TV to a “news channel.” She laughed a little nervously and handed me a couple of forms to read. I scanned her for telltale signs of in-breeding. Normal, I thought, although I hadn’t seen her fingernails.

I sat down to read the forms, but the Fox News “content” continued. When I returned the forms I said, “Seriously, can we change the channel? I find this channel deeply insulting to my intelligence.”

She seemed surprised, but to my disappointment, un-offended. She said (roughly), “OK, I understand. But if you could just have a seat, you’ll be in to see the doctor in about a minute anyway.”

I wavered and started to head back to my seat, but had to stop. “You know,” I said, “Let’s just cancel the appointment.” But as I said it, I noticed that she had already grabbed the remote and started to change the channel–which she did.

I thanked her and went in for the appointment. I was conscious the whole time, so I’m pretty sure they didn’t do anything to me. Fox News was still off when I left.

The comment thread contains a hearty round of back-slapping a couple of similar stories of tolerant, open minded lefties demanding that other people throw aside those bourgeois notions of private ownership and conform their places of business to the oh so delicate sensibilities of middle age adolescence who are literally afraid that Fox News will brainwash them in the few minutes they’re subjected to it while sitting in a waiting room.

Only one commenter so far seems to know that the above behavior was rude and rightly points out that the nurse in a doctor’s office has more to worry about than the pet peeves of a supposed adult. Of course her comment implies that irrational petulance is a right wing characteristic, ignoring the 30+ approving comments from her lefty ilk.

So what say you? Was this a brave stand by a CNN stalwart defending the world from tyranny or the act of an unstable man-child with no sense of decorum or boundaries?

We report, you decide.

h/t Moonbattery

Socialist Front Group Continues to Harass Jewish Owned Business

New York U.A.C. chapter leader Pamela Hall alerts us to this disgusting example of Marxist anti-semitism. Adalah-NY, a “middle east justice” organization that was created by the terror supporters of the International Solidarity Movement and other anti-American groups like the International Socialist Organization and Socialist Action, an organization who proudly publicizes their chilling vision for America where nuclear families are dissolved and the “ruling classes” (their own parents in most cases) are eliminated through violence.

It’s not shocking that groups as evil as these chose to express their solidarity with the terrorists of Palestine by reenacting Germany’s Nazi led boycotts of Jewish business. The anti-Semitic Socialists have been harassing a N.Y. business called Leviev Diamonds who they accuse of destroying communities in NYC (!?!) Palestine and Africa. They’ll be singing “carols” highlighting the many evils “Israeli Diamond and Settlement mogul” in front of his NYC shop.

These modern day brown shirts will be peddling their hatred at 700 Madison Ave (between 62nd and 63rd st) from 1:00-3:00pm tomorrow. Be there to meet them if you can.

Support the Crispus Attucks Brigade

A few months late but I found some video of members of the Crispus Attacks Brigade speaking at a border enforcement rally sponsored by Save Our State.


Ted Hayes makes a powerful presentation:


More fiery speeches, this is the one you must watch:


Small but growing, Ted Haye’s C.A.B. deserves the support of all Americans, but especially from we of African descent who are hard pressed to find a voice to represent us in the debate over illegal immigration.


This YouTube video from ‘tuber RoachAsylum makes some very interesting points, though I always thought much of the Fascism in the immigrant rights movement came from the White run Communist front groups who invariably are found to be the organizers of the “immigrant rights” rallies.

La Voz de Aztlan does provide us with a good example of the kind of neo-national socialist radical groups that make up the reconquista movement. The Southern Poverty Law Center calls them a “racist and anti-semitic” organization and it’s reported at Discover the Networks that La Voz was set up by former Brown Beret Hector Carreon and has ties with Mecha.

Mecha‘s slogan is Por La Raza,Todo Fuera La Raza Nada which translates to “For The Race Everything, Outside The Race Nothing” and their symbol is a black eagle that looks as if it were art commissioned by Hitler himself. It all seems to lend some credence to the videos claims of a looming Mexi-Fascist political cult coalescing on our border and within our country that is troubling to say the least.

The National Socialist party of Mexico is rumored to be strong supporters of both La Voz and Mecha, but I can’t verify that that’s true.

Watch the video and decide for yourself, is the producer over reacting, or is America under reacting?


h/t Immigration Watchdog

Who Watches the Watchers?

A Florida police officer with a history of abusing the public was arrested after handcuffing and molesting a 15 year old girl he found parked in a car with her 20 year old boyfriend. From News 12:

Fort Pierce police Officer Dwight Toombs has been arrested by his own department.

They say Toombs was responding to a report that a 15-year-old girl and a 20-year-old man were having intercourse in a vehicle earlier in December. A complaint affidavit says Toombs handcuff the man and the teen and fondled the girl.

Toombs says he molested her because he needed to take evidence.
Fort Pierce’s police chief says Toombs was in uniform at the time of the attack, and the evidence against him is very strong. The police chief also says it was necessary, but difficult to arrest one his own men.

Toombs has a track record of allegations against him. In 2004, the police department fired Toombs over allegations of child abuse. But he was later reinstated.

In 2006, he went on leave after the tasering death of a man. And in 2007, Toombs was reprimanded for spending time in an adult video store while on duty.

Toombs has been charged with three felony counts of sexual battery on a person 12 years of age or older by a government agent and three felony counts of lewd and lascivious battery. He was being held at St. Lucie County jail on $900,000 bond.

The Sun-Sentinel has more details, if you can stomach them, and Dreamin’ Demon breaks down his previous history. Why this known pervert was allowed a second chance to inflict himself on the public is a question City manager Dennis Beach, the man who rehired Toombs, should be made to answer in front of the voters. Or a jury.

Ft Pierce’s City Hall number is (772) 460-2200 and Dennis Beach’s extension is 300. I think I’ll call him up and ask him why Toombs was still on duty after tasering a man to death and being caught lurking in a porn shop after being given a second chance being a cop. If you can spare a few minutes why not do the same?