Adalah Protest Met With Patriotic Resistance

The Socialist/Islamist front group Adalah have been frustrated by patriotic counter protesters from the United American Committee and allied groups who defended the Jewish owned businesses targeted by the anti-Semites who hope to destroy Leviev Diamonds for the “crime” of being owned by an Israel supporting Jew.

Pictures (courtesy U.A.C. Chapter leader Pamela Hall) are worth a thousand words and the images of these degenerate leftists promoting Islamist causes should shame all Americans:




These are American citizens carrying the flags of Palestine and trying to shut down a Jewish business. The protest are I.S.M led hate fests designed to drum up support for Hamas, a terrorist organization responsible for persecuting Christians and desecrating churches in Gaza.

The U.A.C. counter protest was much needed but there were some disturbing reports of the police issuing citations to passerbys who engaged the pro-terror camp. New Yorkers, given the history of violent terror aimed at them, were understandably outraged by the demonstration and those New Yorkers who see such filth on their streets should be at least allowed to excercise their 1st amendment rights to challenge Adalah.

Speaking of not respecting the First Amendment, it was also reported that Adalah members tried to have one of the U.A.C. protesters removed by trumping up phony charges that the person was a undercover detective(!?!). The police saw through such paranoid ramblings and left the good Chaplin Desiree, the intended vicitm of the frame up, was left unmolested.

The police have been extra accommodating to the protesters according to Pamela Hall, raising speculation here that they’ve been given orders to not incite what are clearly dangerous and probably litigious individuals.

Adalah has video of their obnoxious and childish protest available. They are surprising proud of displays such as this:


Or this little ditty which is a lament at the loss of glory of a “Palestinian” Ramallah:


Singing songs about the glory of a people lost to the Jews while attempting to destroy a Jewish business while ignoring the evils of Palestinians who fire rockets daily into Israel killing scores of Jews.

Why isn’t this considered Nazi-esque?

Atlas Shrugs has more on the heroic counter protest. Support the U.A.C.

That’s Not Childish At All II: Jay R Grodner, Esquire

Scumbag Windy City Lawyer Jay R. Grodner was caught red handed vandalizing the parked car of a Marine about to be deployed to Iraq. Blackfive has a transcript of the police report:

Victim related to P/O that as he walked back to his vehicle, he observed the offender leaning up against his vehicle and rubbed/dragged his left arm and hand across the passenger side. As offender walked away from victim’s vehicle, victim observed a scratch along the rear trunk and passenger’s door area where offender dragged his arm and hand over. Victim and witness stopped offender and confronted him. Victim has military plates and decals on his vehicle and offender made anti war and military comments to victim. Upon P/O’s arrival to scene, offender denied scratch victim’s vehicle, but did admit to rubbing past it. Victim at this time did not sign complaint, because he is leaving tour for military duty. Offender said they accused him of scratching the car because he is Jewish. Offender’s statements/responses to P/O’s questions unreasonable.

Remember as you read up on Godner that fact, that when caught keying a car his first response is to claim that the Marine predisposed to thinking Jews keyed cars and that the police found his behavior “unreasonable” meaning of course he was seconds from getting tasered due to either screaming, flailing about or otherwise acting ridiculous.

The story gets worse however, the damage to the car was assessed at $2400 making Grodner’s little display of nutrootery a felony. Being a lawyer, Grodner is gaming the system to avoid taking responsibility:

After sending the car to the body shop, it was determined there is $2400 in damage, making this a felony. Mike went to court Friday morning to collect the damages against Mr. Grodner and file felony charges. Though the damages are over $300 (the amount which determines felony or misdemeanor) Grodner offered Mike to pay his deductible, $100, and have Mike’s insurance pay for it.

The Illinois States Attorneys tried to coerce Mike into accepting the offer. Appalled, Mike said he wanted this to be a felony. The state told Mike that it was not worth pursuing felony damage against Grodner because they don’t have the time. In addition, the state prosecutors told him that he would never it ‘would be difficult to recover the damages’ from Grodner because he is a lawyer.

Instead, the State asked Mike if he would accept probation for Grodner. Mike accepted, probation was offered to Grodner, and Grodner declined the offer, saying within ear shot of Mike, “I’m not going to make it easy on this kid”. Mike’s next court date is tomorrow, Monday, December 31st, to pursue misdemeanor charges against Grodner.

Grodner is filing continuances so that the case will be dropped once the Marine is redeployed. Gods forbid he should pony up the actual cost of the damage he caused in a fit of childish anger along with an apology.

Speaking of childish, rumor has it that Grodner’s one of those on-line dating sad sacks and this is his profile. Commenter Willie Cobbins at Urban Grounds has more supposed photos of Grodner, but as I said these are unconfirmed rumors. Though given his behavior I wouldn’t doubt it.

His website is down, and I hear that his office phones are disconnected. I haven’t checked my self but if you want to you can do so:

Jay R. Grodner
Law Offices of Jay R. Grodner
Principal Office-Deerfield
625 Deerfield Road –Suite 406
Deerfield, IL 60015
Phone: (847) 444-1500
Fax: (847) 444-0663
Downtown Chicago
30 N. LaSalle St. – Suite 1210
Chicago, IL 60602
Phone: (312) 236-1142
Fax: (312) 236-6036
I have 30 years experience in handling paternity cases in Illinois in Public & Private Practice starting as a prosecutor prior to the admissibility of parental blood testing.

A paternity suit lawyer. Classy.

Blackfive, Urban Grounds, and Atlas Shrugs are all blogging this. Join the fun!

Update from Jenn, via Absolute Moral Authority: Not at all shocking, but it turns out Jay Grodner is a scumbag in his professional life as well. From Citizens for Legal Responsibility, a watchdog organization for attorney misconduct:

In addition to being disciplined for being involved in a scheme to forging documents, it has been reported to CLR that attorney Jay Grodner has engaged in a conflict of interest with his clients, has abandoned his clients, has engaged in false billing, has engaged in a fraud upon his clients, provided ineffective assistance of counsel, and has engaged in a “fraud upon the court”.

Also check out this first person account of today’s hearing from a FReeper who was in the courtroom. The upshot: the judge granted Grodner a continuance.

Update #2: Bill Hennessy left a comment to let us know that he posted the decision of the Supreme Court of Illinois in a 1984 voter fraud case involving Jay R. Grodner. Unfortunately, Grodner merely received a censure, so he was not prevented from continuing his law practice. Let’s hope justice prevails and the sanctions are more fitting this time.

Degenerate Sadist Rapes Man for Supposedly Winking at Him

An awful story from The Chicago Sun-Times:

A Cicero man angry about an alleged homosexual advance raped the man he claimed propositioned him, and then sodomized him with a broomstick, officials said.

Felipe Rivera, 43, is charged with a hate crime as well as aggravated criminal sexual assault and other offenses, said a spokesman for the Cook County state’s attorney’s office. If convicted, he could face more than 30 years in prison, a source said.

According to a spokesman for Cicero police, Rivera and the victim encountered each other at a party Friday night in the 1200 block of South 50th Avenue.

“Mr. Rivera got upset apparently because he believed the victim, No. 1, didn’t respond to a female and then, No. 2, somehow winked at him — made what he perceived as a sexual advance,” said Cicero police spokesman Dan Proft.

Rivera then punched the victim in the face, Proft said, and was asked to leave the party. He allegedly waited outside for the victim. According to Rivera, the victim, 37, then propositioned Rivera for a sex act — a claim the victim denies, Proft said.

Rivera followed the victim to the outer staircase of a basement apartment, where he removed the victim’s pants and raped him, authorities said. Afterward, Rivera punched the victim in the head, leaving him semi-conscious, then inserted a metal broom handle in the victim’s rectum, sources said.

Rivera gave police these details in a videotaped statement, according to Proft. When asked why he did it, Rivera allegedly said it was “because he hates f – – – – – s, and this is what they get,” according to Proft.

A spokesman for the state’s attorney said Rivera also shouted “sexually oriented derogatory comments” during the rape.

After the alleged attack, Rivera went to his mother’s residence nearby. Because she has an order of protection against him, she called the police, Proft said.

The Tribune is reporting that the victim claims Rivera was angry because he had refused to have sex with Rivera. This is being reported as erroneous nonsense even by anti-Gay sites, to their credit.

And while some of these same sites make a fair point about the hypocrisy of “hate crimes” I blogged this story because it always bothers me when degenerates like Rivera are let of the hook for their outrages against decency by being given the “repressed homosexual” excuse.

Felipe Rivera is being described as a closeted homosexual, as if not being out causes people to participate in violent assaults. It’s a popular lefty theory and like all popular lefty theories it’s bunk based on a profound misunderstanding of how the world works.

Rivera is a sadist in the old fashioned sense of the word. He derives pleasure, both sexual and emotional, from the violent and degrading assaults on others he perpetrates. Rivera isn’t necessarily Gay and that bit of pop-culture psychobabble, namely that hatred of something is really hatred of a part of ones self, does much to empower and embolden sexual predators.

Rivera is a person with no morals who wants to humiliate and degrade other men in an effort to feel powerful. That doesn’t make him Gay, in fact it may make the case that he’s not. He isn’t interested in having a Gay relationship, only hurting someone sexually while screaming abuse at them. That sounds less Gay and more BDSM to me.

I know, you’re thinking this is counter intuitive. But let me put it this way, most men like oral sex but that doesn’t mean we’re “mouthosexuals” or secretly Gay. Sexuality isn’t a black and white, mathematical equation where you can deduce what a person “is” with absolute clarity. Felipe Rivera proves this, he clearly doesn’t like Gays but he does like sodomizing, and then attempting to murder them. That sounds less like a closet homosexual (ala Larry Craig) and more like a degenerate sadist who targets men.

There are too many people in this country that minimize the depravity and evil of various criminals by medicalizing evil. Rapists, pedophiles and the assorted rogue’s gallery of fiends who turn up in the truly horrible crime stories of America are explained away time and again with a combination of Marxist theology and self-help book level psychoanalysis that in essence excuses them from their crimes and deceives us into thinking they can be treated.

They cannot be treated; they are monsters. Felipe Rivera did not commit this atrocity because his ego and id were in conflict about his gender identity in a homophobic culture. Rivera raped his victim because he’s evil, he enjoys being evil and he thought he wouldn’t get caught. He has less in common with a mental patient and more in common with the Marquis de Sade, who was known to sodomize his unwilling male servants.

Not that my rant will change anything, but don’t expect me to describe people like Rivera as the “Gay rapist” which I’m sure many are tempted to do, or as a closeted victim of a sexually repressed country. I’ll save my sympathy for the victim and I’ll call Rivera what he is: a degenerate sadist.

h/t Dreamin’ Demon

Schism! Pope Re-Launches Inquisition!

I say it’s a schism because the the world needs to stand united against Islamofascism, not turn on each other in the face of the greatest threat to western civilization we have ever faced. From The Daily Mail:

The Pope has ordered his bishops to set up exorcism squads to tackle the rise of Satanism.

Vatican chiefs are concerned at what they see as an increased interest in the occult.

They have introduced courses for priests to combat what they call the most extreme form of “Godlessness.”

Each bishop is to be told to have in his diocese a number of priests trained to fight demonic possession.

The initiative was revealed by 82-year-old Father Gabriele Amorth, the Vatican “exorcistinchief,” to the online Catholic news service Petrus.

“Thanks be to God, we have a Pope who has decided to fight the Devil head-on,” he said.

“Too many bishops are not taking this seriously and are not delegating their priests in the fight against the Devil. You have to hunt high and low for a properly trained exorcist.

“Thankfully, Benedict XVI believes in the existence and danger of evil – going back to the time he was in charge of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.” The CDF is the oldest Vatican department and was headed by Benedict from 1982, when he was Cardinal Ratzinger, until he became Pope in 2005.

Notice that the Pope is setting up a crusade not against Satan, but Satanism, a distinction no doubt lost on many but important to all of us who may be, shall we say, unorthodox in our religious practice and philosophical pursuits.

Pope Benedict’s formulation of what constitutes Satanism is unlikely to come from some anthropological observations or a study of comparative religion, but will be based (as it should) on Catholic doctrine. It would be the same sort of doctrine a Montague Summers used in writing books like The History of Witchcraft and Demonology or his more readable Witchcraft and Black Magic where all religions aside from Catholicism and a few select non-Catholic Christian faiths are considered at least inspired by the devil if not out right Satanism.

The occult and Satanism to the Pope’s new Inquisition would include everything from Taoism to Hinduism. Wiccans, Asatru and other modern “New Age” religions are all considered Satanic in orthodox Christian, and especially Catholic, theology as are the Afro-Caribbean traditions that are so much a part of urban life in America these days.

In short the Pope has declared philosophical war on a good sized portion of America. These people, who it should be said share the same burdens and danger as Catholics in a world under siege by Islamofascism, are now allies of the Church in the defense of the West and it’s values against the onslaught of Islamism that threatens us all. But the Church, true to form, lashes out at those who are most likely to stand with Catholics in defense of freedom while fallaciously honoring the one real threat to its existence, Islamic Imperialists, with “interfaith” dialogs.

The time for dialog with the Wahabbist driven empires of the middle east is over. The counter jihad movement, already fractured by petty infighting, is dying on the vine and the one organization on earth that fought off the last round of Islamic expansionism is now turning its attentions to helping the Islamofascists (and the leftists who support them) stifle our Constitutionally protected divine right of religious freedom.

I’m not a Satanist myself, nor frankly do I think that most Satanists are anything more than flashy, attention starved atheists. There are a few, however, that I respect, including Peter Gilmore who recently saved the life of an elderly couple, and Satanists do make a good point about the hypocrisy of Wicca, a subject too lengthy to indulge in here. I’m not a Satanist, but according to Church doctrine I might as well be and will be treated as such.

I am not a Catholic basher and I support the right of Catholics to hold as many exorcisms as they want, but no one, not the Pope or the Caliph of the Islamists’ fantasy empire or anyone else, gets to “combat” Americans freedom to chose their own religion. If the Church wants to fight Satan, fine. If they want to deny Americans the right to be Satanists if they so choose, then they’ve joined with the enemy.

Update: Tammy Bruce has similar views (I’m in good company) except on a few points I’m sure. She points out that the Vatican has already denied the story.