Are Terrorist Stockpiling Dangerous Materials for WMD Attacks?

That’s what the signs point to if you read through these reports hidden by the MSM. Radiological materials and dangerous chemicals are “disappearing” at a rate that should cause worry Americans.

A Japanese tanker full of Benzine was high jacked off the coast of a Yemeni territory, forcing the U.S. Navy to get involved. Benzine is an ingredient in many explosives as well as napalm.

One ton radioactive material was stolen from a Bosnian hospital. As I’ve reported before Canada has an “alarming” rate of hospital radiological material theft and a few weeks ago hospital officials in Minnesota were in a tizzy when some radioactive material went missing. As early as 2003 government officials were looking for 1300 radioactive devices that can be used in the manufacture of dirty bombs that went missing.

In 2002 10 tons of Sodium Cyanide was stolen in Mexico.

Dangerous chemicals are being stolen in the United Kingdom seemingly every few weeks.

All these materials can be used to cause extensive mayhem by themselves, but if terrorists are stockpiling them for one day of massive attacks the results will be unimaginable. Picture one day when a couple of dirty bombs go off in New York and Los Angeles. As our nation responds truck bombs hit our airports, a cyanide gas cloud is released over some schools and smaller devices are detonated at random.

It would not just be chaos, it will be total collapse. I hope DHS can handle a situation like this. I hope, but I don’t really believe it.

California Wildfire Update: Pre-Fire Reports of Target Surveillance

Old News from N.I.N:

“The two men appeared to be in their 40s, spoke broken English, and were possibly of Middle Eastern descent… The captain got the license plate, but the car turned out to be rented.”–Dennis Townsend, chief of fire prevention and law enforcement for two Cal Fire stations in the Tuolumne-Calaveras Unit.

26 October 2007: Within the last 90 days, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the FBI issued warnings to fire stations across California about incidents of “covert photography and surveillance of fire response stations” observed at various stations in rural areas of the state. Several incidents were reportedly being conducted by men who appeared to be Middle Eastern in appearance, taking photographs of fire stations located primarily north of the greater Los Angeles area.

According to fire officials and information contained in the DHS/FBI bulletins, the actions of those taking the photographs were suspicious and did not appear to have any legitimate purpose. The Northeast Intelligence Network has provided numerous cases of such surveillance across the U.S. With the onset of the current California wildfires, however, at least two of which were intentionally set “by individuals who knew exactly what they were doing.” Such surveillance presents itself as more ominous and sinister in the context of the events, from the acts of attempted covert surveillance to the fires themselves. Although at least two suspects of two of the several fires have been identified and in at least one case, shot and killed by authorities while in the act of arson, others have yet to be identified.

Surveillance of fire stations, response locations

In addition to the information provided to the Northeast Intelligence Network, an article of specific relevance appeared in the Union Democrat on September 28, 2007. In that edition, “Homeland Security issued a bulletin to fire personnel a few months ago, warning fire stations to be aware of such incidents, said Dennis Townsend, chief of fire prevention and law enforcement for the unit.”

The article continued: “[…] Monday, a firefighter at the Green Springs station looked out the window and saw two men taking photos of the station.

When the station captain confronted them, they said they were students from Flagstaff, Ariz., on their way to Yosemite. The subjects left in a white sedan.
The two men appeared to be in their 40s, spoke broken English, and were possibly of Middle Eastern descent, Townsend said. The captain got the license plate, but the car turned out to be rented.”

The author goes on to detail the unconfirmed reports that at least on “device” was found by investigators which is of a similar design circulated widely through out Arabic language forums.

The Union Democrat piece mentioned above is from September, scant weeks before the hellish inferno was unleashed on California:

Fire officials at two Cal Fire stations in the Tuolumne-Calaveras Unit reported suspicious men taking photos of their stations earlier this week.

This follows four similar incidents elsewhere in Northern California over the past few months.

Homeland Security issued a bulletin to fire personnel a few months ago, warning fire stations to be aware of such incidents, said Dennis Townsend, chief of fire prevention and law enforcement for the unit.

At the time, Townsend and others from the unit weren’t too concerned due to the rural nature of the Mother Lode.

“We didn’t think anyone would come up and engage in that type of activity in our county,” he said.

But Monday, a firefighter at the Green Springs station looked out the window and saw two men taking photos of the station.

When the station captain confronted them, they said they were students from Flagstaff, Ariz., on their way to Yosemite. The subjects left in a white sedan.

The two men appeared to be in their 40s, spoke broken English, and were possibly of Middle Eastern descent, Townsend said. The captain got the license plate, but the car turned out to be rented.

Later, firefighters at the unit’s West Point station spotted subjects photographing an open engine bay.

When the captain walked outside, the subjects fled in a white SUV. They too appeared to be of Middle Eastern descent, Townsend said.

“I don’t want it to sound like it reflects on any nationality,” he said. “What we deal with is the nature of the incident.”

Stations reported similar incidents in Campbell, Yuba City, Fresno and Sacramento between late July and early September.

It’s not unusual to have people photographing stations, but they usually request permission to do so, Townsend said. That the men in question did so covertly caused department officials some concern.

“Having two incidents in one day, it causes me to think that there’s a potential for our security in our department and our stations to be compromised,” he said.

Townsend passed on the information to Cal Fire law enforcement officials in Sacramento.

The department has also alerted unit stations to be on the lookout for suspicious activity, and to attempt to get license plates and vehicle descriptions should they see anyone taking photos.

But so far, there isn’t any reason for fear or alarm, he said.

Hindsight is 20/20 but it is clear that political correctness and the “it won’t happen here” mentality of many Americans seriously compromised security and may have aided the commission of a crime that cost citizens billions of dollars and more importantly the lives of their fellow Americans.

On Oct 30th a device similar to what is rumored to be found in California was found off I-80 in Pennsylvania.

A suspected truck bomb full of flammables was recently intercepted in Ohio:

Rossford police are continuing this morning to investigate a suspicious vehicle found yesterday containing several containers of flammable liquid and other dangerous devices, authorities said.

Police responded to a report of a suspicious vehicle in the parking lot of the Meijer store on U.S. 20 about 4:40 p.m. and found at least five containers of flammable liquid, unknown materials in plastic containers, and several incendiary devices, authorities said.

And there was an arson related fire in Tuscon Arizona targeting the Union Pacific railroad.

All these fires are having serious detrimental impacts on our national economy not to mention the lives that are lost in them. In that respect this sort of attack, seemingly random and unpredictable, becomes the perfect terror weapon for Al-Qaeda and their Islamist and leftist sympathizers to chip away at America month by month, year after year until we bleed ourselves dry putting out these fires.

We can no longer afford to be inoffensive when spotting suspicious activities. If you see something, report it immediately to the proper authorities.

Kansas Set to Return to Dark Age

The consequences of the global warming hoax becomes apparent when Kansas Department of Health blocked the building of a coal fired power plant based on the idea that it would expel too much CO2, the gas which makes plant life (and thus our lives) possible. From the New Media Journal:

On October 19, a Washington Post article was headlined “Power Plant Rejected Over Carbon Dioxide for First Time.” Let’s hope it is the last time or those of us around the nation who depend on coal to produce over 50% of the electricity we use are in big trouble.

Roderick L. Bremby, Secretary of the Kansas DHE, said, “it would be irresponsible to ignore emerging information about the contribution of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to climate change and the potential harm to our environment and health if we do nothing.” So the KDHE killed a proposal by Sunflower Electric Power, a rural electrical cooperative, to build a pair of big, 700-megawatt, coal-fired plants in Halcomb.

Someone needs to tell Secretary Bremby that greenhouse gases consist of 95% water vapor in the earth’s atmosphere. Or that not a single blade of wheat or corn would grow in Kansas were it not for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Someone needs to tell Secretary Bremby and his fellow global warming simpletons that, between 1970 and 2004, the population of the United States grew by 40%, its Gross Domestic Product by 18%, and electricity consumption by 115%. During that same time period, the aggregate air pollution of the U.S. was cut in half due to advances in pollution control technologies.

The United States Department of Energy predicts that overall electricity demand will grow by 45% between now and 2030.

The plants in question would have provided power to parts of Kansas and to eastern Colorado. Presumably, electricity is needed by residents, industries and the farmers of Kansas, so where will it come from? To produce anywhere near what the two plants would produce, Kansas would need border-to-border wind turbines or be entirely covered over by solar collectors.

It happens that the U.S. has tons and tons of coal. When used to produce electricity, it costs half as much as using natural gas. While the people in Kansas are using electricity, an estimated 1.6 billion people worldwide lack any access to it. An estimated 2.4 billion still rely on biomass—wood, crop waste and dung—for cooking and heating.

Meanwhile, despite fears that Kansas will tip the planet into an inferno of global warming, China is building a new coal-burning plant every week. India is making similar plans to provide for its growing energy needs.

This is what happens when people responsible for making decisions like where the electricity comes from believe in fairy tales that global warming is “a moral issue” and not one to be based on science. Kansas Governor Sebelius, in her state address said, “The question of where we get our energy is…no longer just an economic issue, not solely an issue of national security. Quite simply, we have a moral obligation to be good stewards of this state.”

It is hard to believe that the leader of a state where agriculture is a major part of its economy would think that its farmers and ranchers are disinterested in being good stewards of the land. It is even harder to believe that Gov. Sebelius thinks that a lot of businesses and industry in Kansas isn’t going to go somewhere else if they cannot secure energy at a reasonable cost.

On the other hand, in his book, “The Late Great U.S.A.” Jerome Corsi noted that, “the Council of Kansas City voted on May 18, 2006, to name the Mexican customs facility the ‘Kansas City Customs Port’, despite the fact that it is actually a Mexican possession, staffed by Mexican government customers officials. The $3 million facility will be paid for by Kansas City taxpayers, not by the Mexican government.”

You cannot invent stuff like this, just like you cannot believe that Kansas is more concerned about global warming than it is about providing the electricity its people will need in the years ahead.

Oh, I can believe it. Anyone whose ever been lectured by some drugged up hippy on how global warming causes war/famine/pestilence/death will know that for the most part these people are little more ill-informed enviro-cultists gearing up to plunge America into a “Utopian” new age where we burn garbage for heat as the third world industrializes.

Clinton’s Serbian Legacy Revealed

From De Spiegel:

The Dayton Peace Accords called for the removal of foreign combatants from Bosnia after the Balkans war. But hundreds of mujahedeen fighters stayed, and today they are successfully spreading their fundamentalist Islamist views.

Thick iron bars block the entrance to Abu Hamza’s store in Sarajevo’s Islamic shopping center. Affixed to the bars is a handwritten note: “My Bosnian citizenship has been revoked. I have to defend myself, and for this reason my store is only open sporadically.”

Abu Hamza, a bearded 42-year-old man originally from Syria, sits in his store among colorful veils and gold-embroidered tunics and speaks in a gentle voice about Bosnia’s fate. He believes that there will be either an evolution of true Islam or a revolution.

Abu Hamza is one of the stars among the missionaries who want to spread a strict interpretation of Islam in Bosnia. He came here in the early 1990s, one of thousands who aided their Muslim brothers in the war against the Serbs. In return, they were given Bosnian citizenship.

This meant that they were “nationalized” and thereby did not fall under the provisions of the Dayton Peace Accords, which stipulated that all foreign combatants had to leave the country. The United States in particular was annoyed by the trick and, under pressure from Washington, a Bosnia government commission revoked the Bosnian citizenship of nearly 400 “suspected mujahedeen of foreign heritage,” including Abu Hamza. The suspects are believed to have ties to Islamic terrorists.

American diplomat Raffi Gregorian, deputy high representative for Bosnia, speaks of a growing number of al-Qaida sympathizers in the country. Gregorian works for the Office of the High Representative, the civilian peace implementation agency in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Terrorism experts fear Bosnia could become a base for extremists, since many Bosnian Muslims have become radicalized through the influence of foreign combatants as well as the charitable Islamic organizations that spread their beliefs with money.

Before the war, women in full-body coverings and men with long beards were a rare sight. Today, though, they hardly turn a head.

Wahhabism is quickly gaining ground in the country, with polls showing that 13 percent of Bosnian Muslims support the conservative Sunni Islam reform movement. The movement is financed primarily by Saudi Arabian backers, who have invested well over a half-billion euros in Bosnia’s development — especially in the construction of over 150 mosques. The 8,187 square meter (88,124 square foot) King Fahd Mosque in Sarajevo alone cost €20 million ($29 million), and it’s also where radicals go to pray.

In trying to transform the country into a theocracy, the new preachers of fundamental Islam aren’t just fighting with the Koran. In Kalesija, militant Wahhabis drove out the local imam after a fight between local Muslims and the Wahhabis. In the village of Dedici, residents took up their shotguns to defend their mosque against the attacking fanatics. Recently, the Careva Mosque (Emperor’s Mosque) in Sarajevo locked its doors during prayer for the first time in its 441-year history when a group of Wahhabis tried to enter and perform their own prayer rites.

A notorious mujahedeen commune in the remote village of Bocinje, 50 kilometers (31 miles) west of Tuzla in northeastern Bosnia, is considered the birthplace of the religious movement. Shortly before the end of the war in 1995, the mujahedeen unit moved into Bocinje. The combatants occupied the homes of Serbs who had been driven out, and they established a fundamentalist enclave there. Among the high profile visitors who have come to Bocinje is Aymen al-Zawahiri, al-Qaida’s second in command.

In 2002, after shooting, fighting and legal injunctions, the missionaries were forced to leave the village. But it is believed that camps still exist in the surrounding woods, where Bosnians are trained as terrorists.

H/T Mosquewatch

England Refuses to Protect its Children from Islamic Sexual Slavery

From the Times Online:

A t the crown court in Preston on August 10, a trial involving two Asian men caused unusual interest across a number of cities in the north of England. The defendants, Zulfqar Hussain and Qaiser Naveed, were each sentenced to five years and eight months for abduction, sexual activity with a child, and the supply of a controlled drug.

They had both pleaded guilty, and they were placed on the sex offenders’ register for life.

It seemed a shabby, seedy episode, probably typical of many cases down the years that have involved exploitative men and naive women. Yet, until these convictions, the police in over a dozen towns and cities, including Leeds, Sheffield, Blackburn and Huddersfield, had appeared reluctant to address what many local people had perceived as a growing problem – the groups of men who had been preying on young, vulnerable girls and ensnaring them into prostitution.

It was a very uncomfortable scenario, not least because many of these crimes had an identifiable racial element: the gangs were Asian and the girls were white. The authorities, in the shape of politicians and the police, seemed reluctant to acknowledge this aspect of the crimes; it has been left to the mothers of the victims to speak out.

Maureen’s daughter Jo was one of Hussain and Naveed’s victims, having been groomed by them and a number of other Asian men when she was 14. Jo went missing from her Blackburn home 90 times during the six-month period in 2005 that she was in Hussain and Naveed’s clutches.

“I was told by one police officer that he did not ‘want to start a race riot’ by arresting Pakistani men for sexual offenses,” Maureen said. During the six months that Jo was in the clutches of these men, they raped, beat and abused her to the point where, says her mother, she did not even know who she was any more. Eventually, after she was attacked by Hussain and Naveed with an iron bar, Jo somehow found the courage to report them to police, and they were arrested. The case took 16 months to come to court. In the meantime, other pimps, undeterred by the impending trial, continued to go about their business.

So what are the police doing? Lancashire police say that in the past few months they have sent letters to 70 men who were believed to be spending an unusual amount of time with young girls. The letters warn the men that the girls are underage; the men are required to sign the letter, confirming they have received and read it.

The details are left on file – but there is no guarantee that the police will take any further action if the grooming continues.

And we think our child predator problem is out of control. The story only gets worse when the reporter describes one of the pimp gang’s favorite hunting grounds: The Blackburn Mall:

Not everyone is there to shop. Well-dressed Asian teenage boys can be found on the lookout for young white girls, following them around those stores that sell cheap jewellery and perfume. Meanwhile, older men sit on the benches, watching their workers and potential recruits in action. The older men are “employing” the boys to chat up the girls and eventually hand them over.

The Mall is widely known locally as the Lap because of the way young men and girls circle around the arcade, seeking each other out. The girls, keen to hook up with a boyfriend, call it “doing the Lap”. Young men stop to chat to the giggling girls, teasing and flirting. To many, they look like any other group of teenagers. One security guard, asked if the men are pimps, said he neither knew nor cared. “It’s the girls,” he says, “they love the Pakis. We can’t get a look in.” Nearby, a young man takes two of the girls into a shop, where he buys them make-up and perfume. Later on, the groups of men move on to the Vue cinema complex near Blackburn station. The younger men are on bicycles, the older ones in expensive-looking cars, sound systems blaring out bhangra and gangster rap. Girls begin to approach them, and are soon driven away in cars by the older men. It is possible that they are taken to “slag houses”, where they will be sold for sex.

Hold on, it gets worse. There’s the story of 13 year old Gemma:

Gemma cannot remember ever being happy, although her mother, Anni, says she was a contented child until she reached the age of 13. That was the day she fell out of puppy love. It was the day that Amir, her 24-year-old boyfriend, chose to brutally rape her.

Gemma had been introduced to Amir by a 15-year-old boy at her Blackburn school. A shy girl with little confidence, she was extremely flattered when she was charmed and actively pursued by the boy, who was thought of by many of the girls at her school as a “dish”. When Gemma became enamoured of her new boyfriend, he introduced her to his 24-year-old “cousin”, who began plying her with cannabis and alcohol. She initially enjoyed feeling “grown-up” and rebelling against her parents. Soon, Anni noticed dramatic changes in Gemma’s behavior and appearance.

The date Gemma was raped was important – Amir, a seasoned pimp, was well aware of the law. If anyone has sex with a girl under 13, there is a strong risk of being arrested for having sex with a minor. Once they reach 13, however, unless the victim makes a complaint to the police, nothing will happen. Recommendations following the Soham murders clearly state that police should arrest in cases where older males have sex with a child under the age of 16. However, police rarely take action unless the victim complains, thereby allowing the pimps and their customers to act with impunity.

From Gemma, and other girls in her situation, there will be no complaint to the authorities. They are afraid to give evidence, or refuse to.

By the gods! These girls are raped and sold and then the authorities allow them to be intimidated into silence? I’d say it’s time for an Elliot Ness style clean up of the gangs in Blackburn. Not that the Brits have the stomach for it, check out this vileness in the story’s comment section from “Ruth,” a Londoner who thinks boys will be boys and little girls are whores:

Pardon me, but the article and much of the comment is hysterical and delusionary. I think the police have their feet on the ground. How exactly does a parent lose control of a teenage daughter to such an extent? They are not ‘victims’, they are cooperating. None of the parents seems to have instilled any prior values or self-respect into their daughters which might have protected them. Yes, the men should be prosecuted where they are breaking the law but where a girl can even consider agreeing to sleep with many men to pay for her drugs and her boyfriend’s, something has gone wrong long before. And she is willfully breaking the law too. There is nobody over the age of four in the UK who doesn’t know that drugs are illegal. They are risk-takers, thrill-seeker, irresponsible and foolish. They will learn or not.

Blaming the victim is easier than fighting for justice, which is what these gangs rely on. There are a few people fighting the good fight, but not enough. It’s no wonder the BNP is becoming so popular.

Lionheart blogs on this all the time, he was way ahead of the Times on this one.

Crop is an organization formed to fight against this type of child sexual slavery. Help them out if you can.