DailyKos Hates Women! (Blacks and Jews Enjoy Short Reprieve!)

Specifically, the White bigots at the racist hack run DailyKos hate this woman:


Yes, Rachel Marsden has run afoul of the brown shirts at DailyKampf who started a campaign to get her fired from her job at The Toronto Sun for the outrageous crime of offending a bi-polar anti-American drama queen she never met before.

He, along with some others, disagreed with an opinion piece she wrote defending water boarding which concluded with the some thought provoking humor which I found quite witty:

When asked about it during a recent CNN appearance, I suggested that “one man’s torture is another’s CIA-sponsored swim lesson.” In case anyone thought I was being facetious — I wasn’t.

I suppose that those who object to terror suspects getting water up the nose would say that, as a young competitive swimmer, I was also tortured. It was called “hypoxic training” — swimming underwater and holding our breath until we passed out. Our coaches didn’t call it torture, just an exercise in “mental toughness.” So think of it this way — terror suspects are getting some free mental toughness training courtesy of the U.S. government.

Here’s another idea to make the concept more palatable to objectors: Call the place where waterboarding is performed “The CIA Centre For Aquatic Excellence,” give all participants an “I survived training camp” T-shirt with the centre’s logo on it, and treat them to a couple of carbo-loading pancake breakfasts. It worked for us.

She’s right. When I was a kid getting forced under water in a pool until you almost drowned by the school bully was considered horseplay. Yet the basement dwelling ne’er-do-wells of DailyKos think it’s atrocious torture to have water poured on your face through a washcloth, an activity which sounds suspiciously like the skin treatments at some upscale spas.

Rather than argue the point with her like rational people, they reacted like the coven of miscreants they are, and stopped worshiping at the altar of Nazism and calling Black men monkeys just long enough to hatch a plot wherein the mostly American Kossacks would call the Sun’s editor and complain, making it look like Marsden caused an outrage among the readership.

And to the Sun’s shame it worked. Now Marsden it out of a job and the “reality based” community, full of “tolerant” people, are celebrating. The mostly White men at DailyKos are laughing about getting a strong willed, smart and opinionated woman fired from her job.

Where’s Amanda Marcotte?

She doesn’t dare speak out on this because she knows the same, or worse, would happen to her. That’s why people like her are always happy to play toady to a man who runs a site so anti-Semitic that Jewish members leave in anger. That’s why Marcotte and other lefty “feminists” will never speak out about the underhanded, misogynist treatment of this woman by men whose animosity was born as soon as they saw a picture like the one above (Marsden was at one time an aspiring model) and realized that not only was she “out of their league,” but that as her writing proves, she was beyond them intellectually.

This was the most craven and overt kind of misogyny. This was the hatred of a woman for being attractive, thoughtful, conservative and competent. All things Kossacks despise in women. They like their women eagerly nodding their heads in agreement to whatever political slogan they’ve copied down from a bumper sticker, only speaking when shrilly lecturing Republicans on how evil they are. Or advocating for the release of violent Marxists who belong in prison. Or cheering on the suicide of one of their supposed friends.

So maybe Blacks and Jews will get a bit of a reprieve from the bombardment of racism that is DailyKos while they dwell in in their misogyny for a few days. And the real life consequences of this sinister plot by these men, one admittedly unstable, who decided to “get that bitch” as they so crudely put it, will never be discussed. These men gang raped Rachel Mardsen’s career for the fun of it, and are celebrating what they suppose is that career’s untimely death.

But I suspect Mardsen won’t die so easily. Show your support by swinging by her site and be sure to visit her blog Rachel Marsden’s Daily Drive-By. If you feel like supporting her and sticking it to the Kossacks, check this out.

h/t Moonbattery

European Union Declares Intent to Take Over World!

With our military I suppose. From Critical Faculty Dojo:

During a speech at the College of Europe, in Brugge, Belgium, Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, has suggested the European Union should work towards including Russia, Middle Eastern and North African countries,

I have often suspected that the EU secretly wanted to regain all the ground the Roman Empire once held.

He then told (with acknowledgment to Burger King) a double whopper: “The truth is that the EU has enlarged, remodeled and opened up.”

And here it comes…

“It is not and is not going to become a superstate. But neither is it destined to become a superpower.”

He went on more frankly, that a successful EU must be prepared to “deploy soft and hard power to promote democracy and tackle conflict beyond its borders” and its goal “must be a multilateral free-trade zone around our periphery”.

So one could be forgiven for interpreting what he is suggesting as; if you are a neighbor of the EU, then one way or another, you will be persuaded to fit in with what the EU wants and in the longer term will probably be swallowed up and if the ‘softly softly’ approach doesn’t work then there is always the hard way.

Their hard power would be a gutted military and a population softer and less tolerant to war than Americans (quite a feat) and their soft power would be economies that are less dynamic than that of Communist China. I’m not placing bets on the E.U. in their world domination game.

That won’t stop them from starting a a few wars though. I’m thinking Putin won’t take kindly to an E.U. ultimatum.

Nigerian Muslim Leaders Urge Jihad Against Christians

From Compass Direct News:

KADUNA, Nigeria, October 22 (Compass Direct News) – One man has been killed with a sword and another bludgeoned to death in this city in central northern Nigeria following Muslim leaders’ appeal to wage violent jihad against youthful Christians.

Muslim extremists on October 12 murdered Henry Emmanuel Ogbaje, a 24-year-old Christian, at an area known as Gamji Gate. The following day, church leaders said, a young Christian identified only as Basil was killed by sword in the same area.

Ogbaje was a Sunday school teacher with the Military Protestant Church at Kotoko Barracks in Kaduna, while Basil, church leaders said, was a member of the Our Lady of Apostles Catholic Church. He was from Kagarko Local Government Area.

Elder Saidu Dogo, secretary of the northern Nigeria chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), told Compass that Islamic leader Sheik Gumi had urged Muslims to wage jihad against Christians during Tafsir, the reading and interpretation of the Quran, in televised broadcasts during the Islamic month-long observance of Ramadan.

“I saw Sheik Gumi on the television, NTA [Nigeria Television Authority], during that period preaching this inciting sermon – in fact, the same sermon was again broadcast by NTA Kaduna, on September 21 and 22,” Dogo told Compass. “He specifically called for a jihad, and that when they go killing they should not kill the elderly people, because the elderly have spent their years already, but that Muslims should kill young Christians.”

Dogo said that Sheik Gumi justified his call for jihad by saying in the same way Muhammad captured the Arabian peninsula, and Usman dan Fodio influenced northern Nigeria. Sheik Gumi concluded that because the British took northern Nigeria from the Islamic reformer (1754-1817) by force, Muslims “should fight to take over Nigeria by going to war against Christians.”

“With these kinds of statements coming from Muslim leaders, why would the followers of Islam not attack Christians?” Dogo asked. “We believe that the killing of Henry Ogbaje and Basil are the result of such sermons of these Muslim leaders.”

Dogo expressed dismay that the NTA, an agency of the Nigerian government, could be used to air such inflammatory messages. Nor is the Nigerian government making any efforts, he said, to curb such manipulation of the media.

Left for Dead

Henry Ogbaje’s father, Sgt. Emmanuel Ogbaje, told Compass that his daughter phoned him in Abuja on October 12 with news that Muslims had beaten his son to death with wooden clubs.

“She said they attacked him around the hours of five and six in the evening in the Gamji gate area, where they left him unconscious believing they had killed him,” Ogbaje said. “Henry was left in that state for about three hours with no one helping him.”

The young man regained consciousness, and a passer-by helped bring him home, where family members immediately took him to the 44 Military Reference Hospital, Ogbaje explained.

Stationed in Abuja with the National Defense College, the elder Ogbaje rushed to Kaduna and found his son at the hospital. A doctor treated him on October 12, a Friday, and requested that he be brought back to the hospital the following Monday for further examination.

“I went back to Abuja on Sunday, October 14, to enable me get a pass before returning to Kaduna the day Henry was to see the doctor again,” Ogbaje said. “But by Sunday night, my family phoned me that Henry’s situation had become worse and that he had been rushed back to the hospital. By 8 p.m. that Sunday, Henry died in the hospital and his corpse is now at the Nigerian Air Force Hospital mortuary, because the mortuary at the military hospital is being renovated.”

Ogbaje said the attack was doubly shocking for the family as they knew the young man had no known conflicts with anyone.

“Henry was a peace-loving person. He was straightforward,” Ogbaje said. “He was not a trouble-maker.”

A brilliant soccer player, Henry Ogbaje was a high school graduate seeking admission to university at the time he was killed, his parents said.

I guess all those Ron Paul supporters will claim he wouldn’t have been murdered had he not been in the middle east. Oh wait, he wasn’t not in the middle east, he was in his home minding his business and was murdered by Jihadists simply for practicing his religion freely. Hmmm. That seems to call into question the whole “they won’t bother us if we mind our business” foreign policy promoted by Paulbots.

h/t Scarlett Crusader

Saudi Court Sentences Gang Rape Victim to 200 Lashes: Pandagon Silent

Covering the outrageous treatment of women in Muslim countries wouldn’t fit in with their belief that they’re the heroic front line in an epic battle of rich White women from America’s suburbs fighting the ultimate evil of Emperor Bush and his Christianist abortion doctor murder corps. If Pandagon’s readers knew about the real oppression of women in Muslim countries, Amanda Marcotte accusing other Whites of being racists while shilling for a party that has never tossed out seditious Klan recruiter Robert Byrd would look extra silly.

Like all White liberals, the gals at Pandagon are loath to give up their pseudo-victimhood, which is the core of their identity, so like the Muslim apologists in the MSM they bury stories like this which would draw attention away from the plight of the rich White harpy and make Americans realize how backward and barbaric the rest of the world really is:

JEDDAH, 15 November 2007 — The General Court in Qatif yesterday doubled the number of lashes for a rape victim as well as jail terms for her assaulters. In its verdict, the court also suspended the victim’s lawyer from defending her.

The case was referred back to the General Court by the Appeals Court judges last summer after Abdul Rahman Al-Lahem, the victim’s lawyer, successfully contested against the initial verdict saying it too lenient for the rapists and unjust for the victim.

A year-and-a-half ago in the Eastern Province town of Qatif, a seven men gang-raped a 19-year-old girl 14 times. Three judges from the Qatif General Court sentenced the rape victim to 90 lashes for being in the car of an unrelated male at the time of the rape. The sentences for the seven rapists ranged from 10 months to five years in prison.

The Appeals Court sentenced the victim to 200 lashes and six months in prison. The seven rapists had their sentences increased to between two and nine years. The verdict came in as a shock to everybody.

A source at the Qatif General Court said that the judges had informed the rape victim that the reason behind doubling her punishment was “her attempt to aggravate and influence the judiciary through the media.”

Judge Soliman Al-Muhanna from the Qatif court told the lawyer (Al-Lahem) that the judicial committee had decided to suspend him from the case. They also confiscated his license which is granted to Saudi lawyers by the Ministry of Justice.

“I explained to them that it was my job to do everything legal in order to serve my client. But they did not listen,” he said.

To Al-Lahem’s surprise he received a call from the Judicial Investigation Department of the Ministry of Justice to inform him of a disciplinary session he should attend on 25th of the Hijra month.

“Actually this is the second time they have contacted me. They claim that I advertise my services and that that is against Saudi law,” he said.

Did you get all that, Amanda? A woman was out on a date, got gang raped and was then sentenced to being beaten with a whip until her blood flows like a river and the flesh hangs from her back in strips. It’s possible that a person may not even be able to survive 200 lashes. Are you outraged?

Does the fact that she was originally sentenced to 90 lashes then got more for speaking out to the media make you rethink the “we live in a police state” nonsense that drives so much of the left? We all believe that a fundamental right all people are endowed with is free speech, right? Now hers, along with all women in Saudi Arabia are being taken from them by this punishment.

Will you remember this the next time you’re cheering on Keith Olberman’s (very) special comment on how we live in a dictatorship?

Of course not. Amanda Marcotte and those of her ilk don’t care about this poor woman, that’s why it’s up to noted feminists like Allahpundit to publicize this case. Marcotte (and I only use her as an example, feel free to insert the name of your favorite White liberal “feminist” with a chip on her shoulder) isn’t interested in some Arab woman’s plight, mainly because it would mean she would be agreeing with people who think differently than her, but also because she doesn’t believe Arab women have the same rights as you and I.

The reason for this is twofold. The first is pure racism, or in the case of the modern left “orientalism” which those of you who like me studied Comparative Religion in college know is racist view of Eastern (in this case Islamic) “otherness” as a sort of noble savagery superior to our decadent western ways.

Through the orientalist lens, the oppression of women is either ignored or excused with a tired, “but it’s their culture!” To the Marcottes of the world, the idea of this woman being whipped half to death by a real misogynist government that oppresses women is no more shocking or important than the fact that English strippers don’t shave their pits.

The second reason is the liberals’ fundamental misunderstanding of the freedoms the Founding Fathers thought were so important that they created a Republic where the rule of law would protect individuals from the tyranny of the masses. Liberals believe that these rights were simply made up by these men and the Constitution grants them to us. I, along with many on the right and the Founding Fathers themselves, believe that the rights are the birth right of every single person on this planet and the Constitution protects Americans from having their natural rights taken away from them.

Marcotte doesn’t think this victim has the same rights as her, and worse, that we Americans wanting to help her retain her rights and dignity are wrong. To them it is imperialism for me to say that we should demand the commutation of this barbaric sentence and work for the liberation of women in Islamic countries. Just like it was “imperialism” for Republicans to crush the slave states in the civil war.

Ironically, it’s their belief that Americans should enjoy rights and freedoms the rest of the world is denied which is imperialism. It is America funding the oppression of women in Saudi Arabia by buying their oil, when there’s plenty off the coast of Florida, that is imperialism.

And it is the supposed feminist movement turning a blind eye to real oppression that is the hight of imperial hubris.