David Duke Rides to Ron Paul’s Rescue

Surprise! From the seditious, Irish haters own website:

Well, the Anti-Defamation League has exhibited another acute attack of foot-in-mouth disease by attacking the extremely popular presidential candidate Ron Paul. Ron Paul’s supporters come from all walks of life. They are white, black, Asian, heterosexual, homosexual, Catholic, Protestant, Wiccan and Jewish. Probably no other candidate has shown such a broad appeal, or excited such intense commitment in his supporters. There’s a reason for this other than his good looks, of course, which we’ll explore in a minute. (What the..!?!?) But the Anti-Defamation League, the self-selected determiners of which thoughts people are allowed to think, has selected ONE group of Ron Paul supporters as particularly troublesome: so-called “White Supremacists.” Specifically, the ADL’s assistant director of civil rights, Steven Freeman, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency his organization planned to communicate with Dr. Paul privately and urge him to distance himself from those groups. “If he doesn’t do that, then we will decide what we’re going to say publicly about it,” Freeman said. Because the ADL is so tangled in its own ridiculous rhetoric and lies, they don’t understand why so many pro-European-American activists have endorsed and supported Ron Paul’s candidacy. However, it’s vital to note that not everyone agrees 110% with each and every one of Dr. Paul’s election planks. That would be an impossible feat. The issue here is that, in the minds of a growing number of people, Ron Paul represents the best hope for America.

So suddenly Ron Paul has “broad appeal” (I’ve never seen a Paul Supporter who wasn’t White myself) and a man who claims Jews secretly run America (and are evil) and that Blacks will collapse America because all Blacks are sponges on welfare (and they’re evil) thinks that’s a good thing?

I don’t buy it. Read the whole thing and tell me if you do.

Of course Duke himself didn’t write the article, two Nazis with raging man crushes of “Dr. Paul” did. But Duke ultimately made the decision to post it, along with these two fallacious defenses of America’s last hope. Duke supports Paul and expects us to think that he’s willing to do so standing shoulder to shoulder with Blacks, Asians, Jews and Homosexuals.

Again, I don’t buy it. If Paul had a large minority or gay following Duke and company would be avoiding him like the plague. And does anyone really think a candidate who Jews, any Jews, were supporting would actually be acceptable to neo-Nazis?

Again, I don’t buy it. One need only read Duke’s own writings to know exactly what kind of man he’d support for President.

Speaking of Nazi support for Paul, I see that the Paulites newest fund raising gimmick, a new Boston Tea Party is being heavily promoted by the usual suspects, including a V.N.N. forum member with the delightful sobriquet “burnjewburn” from the Louisville KY area.

I know that’s not technically a sobriquet but it flows so nicely there. Anyway burnjewburn is responsible for sending White Nationalists to these two Ron Paul forums to recruit because the Paul supporters were “ready” for the truth.

If your official sites forums are seen as a good recruiting ground for White Nationalists, don’t you think you’re doing something wrong?

Kind Words for Islam … By Hitler!

From Mark Alexander of the Infidel Bloggers Alliance:

“Hitler had been much impressed by a scrap of history he had learned from a delegation of distinguished Arabs. When the Mohammedans attempted to penetrate beyons France into Central Europe during the eighth century, his visitors had told him, they had been driven back at the Battle of Tour. Had the Arabs won the battle, the world would be Mohammedan today. For theirs was a religion that believed in spreading the faith by the sword and subjugating all nations to that faith. The Germanic peoples would have become heirs to that religion. Such a creed was perfectly suited to the Germanic temperament. Hitler said that the conquering Arabs, because of their racial inferiority, would in the long run have been unable to contend with the harsher climate and conditions of the country. They could not have kept down the more vigorous natives, so that ultimately not Arabs but Islamized Germans could have stood at the head of this Mohammedan empire.

Hitler usually concluded this historical speculation by remarking: ‘You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?’ It is remarkable that even before the war he sometimes went on: “Today the Siberians, the White Russians, and the people of the steppes live extremely healthy lives. For this reason they are better equipped for development and in the long run biologically superior to the Germans.’ This was an idea he was destined to repeat in far more drastic tones during the last months of the war.” [source: Albert Speer:Inside the Third Reich]

Nazism is alive and well in Muslim hearts too. DailyKos banned “pro-Palestinian” blogger Sabbah earned a well deserved reputation for Nazi-esque sensibilities by posting a neo-Nazi propaganda video on DailyKos lifted directly from the Vanguard News Network forums.

Why what lefties term a “brown” person was hanging around a White Supremacist forum is a question worth noting, it’s almost as if Arab Muslims consider themselves Aryans. Or at least Nazis.

Without understanding modern Jihadists affection for Nazism (and vice versa) as well as their shared history the threat of Islamic Imperialism cannot be fully comprehended.

F.B.I. Issues Terror Threat Warning for Arizona Military Base

Scary stuff from the National Terror Alert Response Center:

KOLD News 13 Tucson is currently running a special report focused on a urgent FBI report outlining a possible terrorist threat in southern Arizona. It speaks specifically to Fort Huachuca in Sierra Vista.

The document gives no timetable or explanation of how the threat will be carried out.

But it does say, “a group of Iraqis may have entered the United States through tunnels from Mexico into Arizona,” and those same “Iraqis are believed to be the ones who will perpetrate the attack on Fort Huachuca.

They go on to explain that the report was apparently leaked and point out some very interesting links Al-Qaeda has to Tucson Arizona:

1) American Al-Qaeda Adam Gadhan once worked in Tucson as a reporter for an outfit called “EcoNews” where he covered a story about the University of Arizona though he never attended the college.

2) The F.B.I claims Arizona has been teaming with Muslim radicals since the 80’s when Al-Qadea operatives were raising money there to fund the then U.S. supported Afghanistan Mujahedeen.

3) As far back as 2004 Middle Easterners with ties to terror organizations were caught crossing the Arizona-Mexico border.

The news report claims that the F.B.I. has warned of an attack on an Army base located near Tucson by 6 Iraqis who crossed the U.S. Mexico border and may now be hiding out on an Indian reservation.

The American Indian Movement is no stranger to terrorism, and the reservation link is interesting considering the recent Muslim propaganda campaign aimed at convincing Native Americans that they’re ancestors were Muslims.

This new propaganda push by Muslims has been explained admirably by Challenging Islam and David Yeagley as the twisted offspring of Islamic imperialism and multicultural gullibility birthed in the dark womb of leftist political advocacy.

The news report can be found here and contains a links to the original broadcast report and a written summery.

LGF observes that the “urgency” of the report is questionable since the F.B.I. memo is at least six months old. The men are likely laying low and perhaps waiting for reinforcements, or doing some recruiting in the highly radicalized area. Adam Gadhan’s familiarity with the area and a pool of manpower sympathetic to Jihadism may make this a perfect base for Al-Qaeda to regroup, resupply and create a new front.

There was already a possible terror attack on the Union Pacific railway station in Tucson, where arson is the suspected cause of a bridge fire. Suspicious fires, including the California wildfires, are springing up with alarming regularity and often follow possible terror related activity activity in the area.

Are there plans in the works for a counter surge by Al-Qaeda in the South West?

Dog-Raping Illegal Alien Set to be Released From Immigration Hold?

Apparently an ICE hold is only good for 10 days, and if ICE hasn’t picked up the criminal alien by then, the jail releases the person and assumes he will simply return to his country of origin on his own.

What could go wrong with a system like that?

Take the case of 34 year old Gustavo Castanon who’s currently on a ten day hold. If ICE doesn’t pick him up I’m sure he’ll just head on home himself, after all he’s only been accused of raping dogs in a animal shelter. Why can’t we trust him to do the right thing?

From ABC Denver:

DENVER — A former Denver animal shelter volunteer worker has been sentenced to two years supervised probation and ordered to stay away from animals after pleading guilty to having sex with a dog.

Gustavo Castanon, 34, was sentenced Tuesday in Denver District Court following his September arrest at Denver’s Municipal Animal Shelter, according to Lynn Kimbrough, Denver District Attorney’s Office spokeswoman.

Castanon will remain in jail for 10 days on an Immigrations and Customs Enforcement immigration hold. If he is not picked up by ICE within that period, he will be released on probation.

Castanon was accused of coaxing a basset hound at the shelter to perform oral sex on him.

Kimbrough said he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor animal-cruelty charge and that an indecent-exposure charge was dropped as part of a plea bargain.

A probation officer will make surprise visits to his home during his probation to make sure no animals are present.

Probation. Of course, bestiality can in no way be an indicator of future perversion. After all, just because he lacks boundaries with animals doesn’t mean he isn’t an otherwise decent human being, right?

If you see this man, keep your dogs close. Real close:


Oddly enough, he looks just like what I imagine a dog molester would.

h/t Dreamin’ Demon

Young White Liberals Learn the Lesson Their Parents Never Taught Them

There’s always something so offensive about the children of the Nouveau riche dressed up as “revolutionaries” and shouting racist abuse at the often Black and Hispanic peace officers who are constrained by professionalism and decorum from turning these brats over their knee and giving them the spanking they should of got the first time they looked an adult authority figure in the face and screamed “Fuck You, Pig!”

There was a time when these kids knew their was a line they couldn’t cross. Those times are no more and the White trash of the No Borders Camp crossed that line by making physical contact with agents of the U.S. Border Patrol, who went on to “lay a heavy hand on ’em” as the saying goes.

The kids are still crying over it, but I say suck it up, brats. You want to play the game you’ve got to live by the rules. Here’s a vid of the incident courtesy of Gateway Pundit who has got back story galore:


Awesome. Do we shelter our children so much now that they think you can push a cop, or hell push anybody, without running the risk of a good old fashioned ass kicking? Seems like I knew as a kid to keep your hands (and shoulder, hips etc) off other people unless you were willing to throw down, why don’t these kids know that?

Moonbattery reported an incident where leftist protesters threw a caustic substance in two cops eyes, hospitalizing them. As protesters become more violent, why shouldn’t cops deal with them harshly?