Legalize It!: Baby Mutilations be Damned

Many a Libertarian has looked you square in the eye and told you that taking drugs are a personal matter and largely a victimless crime. Tell that to the son of ecstasy abusing scumbag Thy Chan:

A Lowell toddler was leaning in for a kiss when his lip was bitten off by his drug-addled father in a sickening attack Saturday, according to a police report.

Police said yesterday that the 22-month-old boy’s condition was improving, and efforts to reattach the lip at Boston’s Children’s Hospital were initially successful, the Lowell Sun reported.

Prosecutors allege that Thy Chan, 26, was high on ecstasy when he bit down and severed his little son’s lip at their Middlesex Street apartment Saturday morning.

The tot’s horrified mother, Karolyn Ung, 25, wrestled her son from Chan’s jaws, took him and her daughter to another room, locked the door and called 911, the Lowell police report said.

Chan was arrested and hospitalized at Saints Medical Center in Lowell, where he was arraigned yesterday.

“Many of the most troubling cases that we deal with involve the abuse of young children,” Middlesex District Attorney Gerard Leone Jr. said. “This is a deeply disturbing case in which we allege that the young child was savagely injured by the defendant.”

Ung told cops that Chan returned home at 9:30 a.m. Saturday after being out all night. She said Chan was “tripping on ecstasy” and that he had been pacing back and forth all morning, grinding his teeth and drinking a lot of water, the police report said.

She told cops that Chan had a history of abusing the drug ecstasy.

At about 9:15 a.m., Ung told cops that Chan was playing on the couple’s bed with their son and daughter. Her son leaned forward as if to kiss his dad when she saw Chan bite down on the boy’s lip, the report said.

“She jumped up to try and separate them, but he refused to let go,” the report said. “He then bit the child’s lip off.”

Cops arrived to find the little victim wrapped in a blanket and bleeding profusely from his mouth.

Some will say, as they usually do, that ecstasy didn’t cause this crime. They’ll claim Thy Chan was a closet lip mauler all along and would have ripped of his child’s lip eventually anyway.

But do you buy that? And can America afford to normalize drug use more than it already has been?

h/t Crime Scene KC

Our Founding Fathers Understood

This movie was made by a Huckebee supporter. The Huckster’s really running a much better Internet campaign than some Presidential candidates intent on breaking my heart but who will remain nameless.


Something that clearly articulates the differences between Leftist Democrats and their populism (something they share with paleocons) and those who believe the protection of individual liberty to be highest goal of a society.

Christians and Jews Persecuted … In America!

Pulled out the exclamation point for this one because it’s so shocking. And by shocking I mean we all saw this coming right? Jews in England are being terrorized, “anti-Zionism” has become an official progressive cause and Christians are being lambasted as dangerous influences in society.

And don’t forget that White liberals have declared it open season on Blacks if you’re a Latino gang member.

It’s 1933 all over again. The FBI has released its hate crimes report showing that hate crimes against Blacks, Jews, Whites, Christians, Gay men and Lesbians are all significantly higher than crimes against Muslims. Hmmm. Maybe the Sikh community wants to dispute these findings.
Jihad Watch and Pat Dollard make hay of this. LGF and Gateway Pundit are also talking about it.

CAIR not so much.

Illegal Alien paralyzed 8 Month Old Girl in Vicious Rape

He claims his girlfriend was cheating on him which “caused” him to be so rough with the kid that she’s paralyzed from the waist down. The rape was so brutal that the girl is now sterile. From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:

A Forest Park man who told police he beat and molested the 8-month-old daughter of his girlfriend because the woman was cheating on him was convicted on all charges Wednesday and sentenced to life plus 40 years in prison.

After hearing testimony for two days, the jury took 20 minutes to convict Eligio Chia-Duron, 40, of aggravated battery, aggravated child molestation and child cruelty.

The victim, now 19 months old, was injured so severely she is paralyzed from the waist down and will be confined to a wheelchair the rest of her life. Because of the sexual abuse, she will never bear children. She also suffered brain damage when Chia-Duron shook her.

Clayton County Superior Court Chief Judge Matthew O. Simmons said the maximum sentence was called for in this case.

“In some ways, murder victims are dealt with better than this,” Simmons said. “This baby was completely helpless, completely defenseless. And the only reason you have given is that you were mad at her mother.”

The mother, Fabiola Delgada Mata, 21, also was charged but pleaded guilty to one count of child cruelty in June and agreed to testify against Chia-Duron. The two lived together but Chia-Duron said Mata, a former stripper, left the baby with him while she dated other men.

When the abuse was discovered, Mata lost custody of the baby, who will be legally adopted by her foster mother in a few weeks. Mata is serving five years on probation for her role in the abuse.

The foster mother, who did not want to be identified because the adoption will be sealed and she didn’t want the defendants ever to locate her, said the wheelchair-bound toddler is “doing fine.”

But when she took the stand to deliver a victim impact statement Wednesday, the mother described what she expects from the child’s future: taunts from other students, a lack of a social life, more surgeries and possible depression.

“Maybe one day she’ll get married, but she can never have her own children,” she said. “That’s if she makes it. There is a high rate of suicide in people who have to live in wheelchairs.”

She went on to suggest that if spinal cord transplant surgery is ever perfected, Chia-Duron should provide his to the child. She also asked for the maximum sentence, as did Deputy Chief Assistant District Attorney John Turner.

“He’s shown no remorse or sense of responsibility,” Turner told Simmons. “This is one of the worst, if not the worst, cases of abuse most of us have ever seen.”

Mata and Chia-Duron, who has a wife and children in Mexico, are in this country illegally, prosecutors said. His family hired attorney Steven Mackie to defend him during the trial but has no money for the appeals process, Mackie said. Chia-Duron has 30 days to appeal and will be appointed a public defender.

Just doing the jobs Americans won’t, I guess.
h/t Dreamin’ Demon

Islam and the Nation State

Caroline Glick’s FrontPage piece describing Islamic radicalism erosion of national sovereignty, abetted by multicultural social policies, is an insightful and provocative read:

Throughout the world, one of the most prevalent causes of war, terrorism, and political instability is the ongoing weakening of the nation-state system. There are several reasons that the nation-state as a political unit of sovereignty is under threat. One of the most basic causes of this continuous erosion of national power throughout the world is the transformation of minority-dominated enclaves within nation-states into ungovernable areas where state power is either not applied or applied in a haphazard and generally unconstructive manner.

While domestic strife between majority and minority populations has been an enduring feature of democratic and indeed all societies throughout history, the current turbulence constitutes a unique challenge to the nation-state system. This is because much of the internal strife between minority and majority populations within states today is financed and often directed from outside the country.

Traditionally, minorities used various local means to engage the majority population in a bid to influence the political direction or cultural norms of the nation state. The classic examples of this traditional minority-majority engagement are the black civil rights movement in the US in the 1960s and the labor movements in the West throughout the 20th century. By and large, these movements were domestic protests informed by national sensibilities even when they enjoyed the support of foreign governments.

Today while similar movements continue to flourish, they are now being superseded by a new type of minority challenge to national majorities.

This challenge is not primarily the result of domestic injustice but the consequence of foreign agitation. The roots of these minority challenges are found outside the borders of the targeted states. And their goals are not limited to a call for the reform of national institutions and politics. Rather they set their sights on weakening national institutions and eroding national sovereignty.

Muslim minorities throughout the world are being financed and ideologically trained in Saudi and UAE funded mosques and Islamic centers. These minorities act in strikingly similar manners in the countries where they are situated throughout the world. On the one hand, their local political leaders demand extraordinary communal rights, rights accorded neither to the national majority nor to other minority populations. On the other hand, Muslim neighborhoods, particularly in Europe, but also in Israel, the Philippines and Australia, are rendered increasingly ungovernable as arms of the state like the police and tax authorities come under attack when they attempt to assert state power in these Muslim communities.

Logic would have it that targeted states would respond to the threat to their authority through a dual strategy. On the one hand, they would firmly assert their authority by enforcing their laws against both individual lawbreakers and against subversive, foreign financed institutions that incite the overthrow of their governments and their replacement with Islamic governments. On the other hand, they would seek out and empower local Muslims who accept the authority and legitimacy of their states and their rule of law.

Unfortunately, with the notable exception of the Howard government in Australia, in country after country, governments respond to this challenge by attempting to appease Muslim irredentists and their state sponsors. The British responded to the July 7, 2005 bombings by giving representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood an official role in crafting and carrying out counter-terror policies.

In 2003, then French president Jacques Chirac sent then interior minister Nicholas Sarkozy to Egypt to seek the permission of Sheikh Mohammed Tantawi of the Islamist al-Azhar mosque for the French parliament’s plan to outlaw hijabs in French schools.

In the US, in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, the FBI asked the terror-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations to conduct sensitivity training for FBI agents.

In Holland last year, the Dutch government effectively expelled anti-Islamist politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali in the interest of currying favor with Holland’s restive Muslim minority.

The foreign policy aspect of the rush to appease is twofold. First, targeted states refuse to support one another when individual governments attempt to use the tools of law enforcement to handle their domestic jihad threat. For instance, European states have harshly criticized the US Patriot Act while the US criticized the French decision to prohibit the hijab in public schools.

More acutely, targeted states lead the charge in calling for the establishment of Muslim-only states. Today the US and the EU are leading the charge towards the establishment of a Palestinian state and the creation of an independent state of Kosovo.

Read the whole thing